Project Team Bazaar

Hey y'all, recently saw a Rabia video where he was complaining and yelling about a Hisuian Typhlosion running Extrasensory and expert-belt and thought it was fun enough to build a team around since I haven't loved using scarf Typhlosion in the past.

Typhlosion-Hisui @ Expert Belt
Ability: Frisk
Shiny: Yes
Tera Type: Fairy
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Infernal Parade
- Extrasensory
- Eruption
- Tera Blast
To be honest I just love expert belt as an item. Running Tera-Fairy Terablast to catch dark switch-ins on a switch
Muk-Alola @ Leftovers
Ability: Poison Touch
Tera Type: Water
EVs: 252 HP / 4 Atk / 252 SpD
Careful Nature
- Knock Off
- Poison Jab
- Rest
- Sleep Talk
Nothing special here, just here to absorb special attacks
Vikavolt @ Heavy-Duty Boots
Ability: Levitate
Tera Type: Fire
EVs: 252 HP / 252 SpA / 4 SpD
Modest Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Sticky Web
- Bug Buzz
- Thunderbolt
- Tera Blast
Web setter, ground immunity, hard hitter. I would love to keep this mon on the team if at all possible (yes I know Galvantula is far superior in most situations for webs)
Tera-fire because I thought it was cool (that's honestly the main reason + steel type switch in?)
Mienshao @ Life Orb
Ability: Regenerator
Tera Type: Poison
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Close Combat
- Knock Off
- Poison Jab
- Swords Dance
Not scarfed since Krook is the scarf mon of the team. Never been super comfortable running double scarf
Tsareena (F) @ Heavy-Duty Boots
Ability: Queenly Majesty
Tera Type: Dragon
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Power Whip
- Knock Off
- Rapid Spin
- Triple Axel
Offensive pivot and spinner, no innovation done by me
Krookodile @ Choice Scarf
Ability: Moxie
Tera Type: Poison
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Earthquake
- Knock Off
- Close Combat
- Gunk Shot
Scarf Cleaner, one of my all-time favorite mons tbh
I know the team lacks a flying type and water type as well as any hazards aside from webs, but I don't know what to change to fulfill those needs. Any and all feedback would be super appreciated but if possible I want to keep the Typhlosion set as is :^)
After returning to NU and playing a bit, I’ve made an at least semi-decent team that’s gotten a ton of wins recently.

:lycanroc-dusk::dragalge::mienshao::slowbro::brute bonnet::talonflame:
(Click on sprites for link)

This started out with me wanting to make a team featuring Lycanroc-Dusk after failing multiple times to do a good Specs Dragalge team. So, that’s where I started. SD Lyc-D + Specs Galge create a strong wallbreaking core in which Galge deals with physical walls like Slowbro, and Lyc-D takes advantage of Galge’s Flip Turn to surprise special walls like Alolan Muk. Next, I added Mienshao who helps clear Steel-types but mostly is there for revenge-killing and speed control. I chose Ice Spinner over Stone Edge because I can deal with Talonflame in other ways and Dragon-types like Flygon could be an issue otherwise. Rocky Helmey Slowbro + AV Brute Bonnet create a bulky core that still maintain offensive pressure while also dealing with Ground-types. Finally, I added Talonflame for hazard control and to have a Ground immunity.

Overall, this team has served me well the last few days. The only issue with it is that you have no way to set up hazards, but, if you’re really concerned, you can run Stealth Rock over Swords Dance. I wouldn’t recommend it however as I found, with the switches Lycanroc-D causes—which more than it should be, set-up is easier to accomplish, and it can wrap games up. Another issue that could arise is dealing with special breakers, but, if Brute Bonnet can’t handle it, half of the team, Scarf Mienshao + Talonflame + Accelerock Lyc-D, don’t have an issue at all at picking them off.
Inspired by Diamonds_realm's Chandelure set from Next Best Thing, I set out to create a hazard stack offense that utilized defensive Chandelure as the team's spinblocker. The team has been very fun to use and nabbed me a win in my first BLT game, give it a shot!


:chandelure: Chandelure: Max physdef with painsplit and wisphex. Still deals a lot of damage uninvested thanks to base 145 SpA.

:klefki: Klefki: Obligatory hazard setter for hazards-based team. Magnet rise seems neat.

:thundurus: Thundurus: Offensive pivot with knock off to remove pesky boots

:krookodile: Krookodile: Scarfer, Knocker, and Rocker. Sometimes can clean in endgame via Moxie.

:tsareena: Tsareena: Hazard spinner with yet another knock off. I went with an offensive spread because I wanted to deal damage.

:dragalge: Dragalge: Defensive pivot with strong STAB combo, provides a handy grounded poison, tons of resists, and now actually has Dragon Tail to help with calm mind Dudunsparce.
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Partial Rain HO

:basculegion: :tornadus: :kingdra: :iron thorns: :lucario: :brambleghast:

I realized I hadn't contributed anything here and I've been sitting on some decent teams! I think the rain sweepers (especially Kingdra) can be really scary but the problem with rain is that you have to manually set it, so not many people are using rain right now. Understandably Sun is a bit easier to manage since drought ninetails is in the tier. I wanted to try and blend rain and traditional HO into one team. Brambleghast is the lead, iron thorns and lucario are both running lure sets to help break down the opposing team for late game rain to blast through. Legion is scarf adaptability here over swift swim so it can benefit from the rain but not solely function in the rain. It operates as a revenge killer/normal scarfer in the early game before rain has gone up as well. There is a more detailed explanation below, mons ordered in the order they typically come out.

Replay vs Shen
VS Sun 1
VS Sun 2

More Detailed Explanation
:brambleghast: Brambleghast - Lead
Bramble is our suicide lead here. Its job is to get up a spike, spin away hazards from opposing leads, and then poltergeist or curse for chip/a set up opportunity for one of the sweepers.

:iron thorns: Iron Thorns - Breaker
Iron thorns is a powerful and somewhat underrated sweeper right now. This team's goal is to overwhelm the opponent and thorns here typically functions more like a breaker than a late game cleaner. It loves to be able to DD after bramble clicks curse early game and proceed to knock holes in the opponent's team. Terablast grass gives thorns the ability to get through the ground types more effectively (especially the ground/water types like gastro that are a problem for rain), supercell is there for massive damage and ice punch rounds out its coverage hitting things like flygon and grass types that otherwise wall iron thorns here.

:lucario: Lucario - Mixed breaker
Lucario here is sporting a bit of an unusual set, at least compared to the typical SD E-Speed "E-Killer" sets. This lucario is a mixed wallbreaker with 4 attacks. Close combat is of course the stab of choice, extreme speed for picking things off and priority, shadow ball 2 hits slowbro (very valuable for the team), and psychic 2 hits Vileplume (also very valuable for the team.) Potentially luring and weakening these mons makes it much easier for legion to power through with rain support late game. Originally I had vacuum wave over psychic for cloyster/lycanroc-dusk but I think hitting plume is more valuable.

:tornadus: Tornadus - Rain Setter
Tornadus' main role here is to set up rain. As such torn should be played carefully. At most it will be able to set rain twice, but typically just once. The idea is to have that 1 time be enough after lucario/thorns have broken holes/weakened checks on the opposing team. Hurricanes from torn are powerful in their own right and a lot of teams have trouble switching into the combination of hurricane and weather ball under rain. Still tornadus typically has to take a hit to set rain so prioritize getting the rain up over clicking offensive moves with tornadus most of the time. U-Turn over focus blast is also an option here.

:basculegion: Basculegion - Rain Sweeper / Scarfer
Choice Scarf Basculegion is the quintessential partial rain mon. The idea of this set is largely what gave way to the creation of this team. With a choice scarf and adaptability legion is already a decent scarfer in the tier and has good damage output on its water moves, that are of course boosted further under rain. A scarf adaptability set is chosen here over swift swim because it allow legion to function both in and out of rain. Outside of rain its a good scarfer; in rain its a major threat. Terablast ghost is here because legion honestly doesn't have good coverage moves here and being able to kill slowbro in a pinch is valuable. 9/10 games you shouldn't tera legion since you lose the adaptability boost to its water moves, but it is there in a pinch.

:kingdra: Kingdra - Rain Sweeper / Star of the show
Swift swim kingdra really needs no introduction. This mon is very scary under rain, outspending the entire tier under rain, ohkoing most offensive mons with weather ball, dropping Dracos, hurricaning grass types, and taking names. Most games you will use Kingdra late game to finish off what the rest of the team has started. Weather balls is used over hydro pump or surf for a balance of power and accuracy, but both of those are fine options as well. Draco is your secondary stab. Hurricane (not really sure why this mon gets this but it's a cool option!) is there to hit grass types harder. Ice beam is an option as well but hurricane has a higher base power and you already have draco for dragon types. Flip turn does decent chip with life orb and the rain boost, but most of the time you will be clicking one of your other moves. Most of the time you want to save tera water for kingdra for the silly damage tera water life orb weather ball does in the rain! 252 SpA Life Orb Tera Water Kingdra Weather Ball (100 BP Water) vs. 252 HP / 4 SpD Slowbro in Rain: 205-243 (52 - 61.6%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
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Mixed Legion Volt-Turn

:basculegion: :mienshao: :magnezone: :talonflame: :slowbro: :flygon:

I'm back again with another team! This time I'm posting the team I made using the mixed legion set me and Diamonds_realm worked on! This a momentum based team that uses pivoting to gain positioning and chip down the opposing team. Legion is sporting a mixed set with shadow ball where wave crash into shadow ball kills slowbro (if they are lefties and there are no hazards its like an 80% roll in your favor, otherwise it is 100%). Luring slowbro opens up for mienshao to clean late game. More detail description below!

Legion kills muk bro and ohkoes cloyster
Replay vs Balance
Long Replay Where Bro + Legion Win in the End

Detailed Description
:Basculegion: Basculegion
I won't go into too much detail on the set here, check out the breakdown Diamonds did on the underrated sets thread! This legion is a great mixed wallbreaker noticeably luring slowbro, but also hitting a lot of physical walls hard with shadow ball while maintaining the same power as scarf legion on its water moves. Wave crash is your main stab, shadow ball hits slowbro (after a wave crash) and 2 hits a lot of other physical walls, jet is nice priority and flip turn gets you chip and momentum.

:mienshao: Mienshao
After we lure slowbro we need to have something that appreciates it being gone! Mienshao is the premier scarfer in the tier for good reason, and has incredible longevity thanks to regenerator. I think most of us agree that shao is the second best mon in the tier after slowbro.

:slowbro: Slowbro
Speaking of the best mon in the tier, here he is! Slowbro provides a defensive backbone to the team helping it to not lose to a lot of the physical threats in the tier. Slowbro is very hard to kill after a cm, scald spam is great into basically all of the tier, and psychic noise prevents recovery which is another nice trick for it to have up its sleeve. Psyshock is also a perfectly workable option here.

:Magnezone: Magnezone
AV Magnezone is a special tank for the team. While it doesn't have lasting recovery, it does check a lot of the special attackers in the tier and it also gains momentum into talonflame, another notable thorn in Mienshao's side. Modest and Analytic allow zone to still hit hard on the switch while maintaining solid bulk. Tera Dragon and mirror coat are on here mainly for the Sun matchup, allowing zone to check venusuar.

:Talonflame: Talonflame
Talonflame is in my opinion, the best hazard removal in the tier. Having cleared hazards is very important for keeping this team healthy as it wants to switch around a lot by nature. It leverages its speed, typing, and burns to check many physical attackers and burn the opponents as they try to u turn. It is also the team's answer to krookodile (unless they have stone edge but that isn't common) and does a great job supporting the team.

:flygon: Flygon
The team needed a ground type (for a powerful EQ and a stop to volt switch) and a hazard in the last slot. While krook could also function here, flygon has access to a pivoting move in u turn, and priority in first impression.
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Tailwind Offense


Hello everyone. I've been grinding this team on ladder and finally used it in Week 2 of BLT. Now I will turn it loose to you, the people. Whimsicott has surprised me as a support option for offense teams, particularly with Eject Button. It serves as a pivot against scary setup mons which either hit you (free pivot) or try to set up (free Encore*). It sets priority Tailwind for our star of the show, Brambleghast, and his supporting crew. Memento is also handy for giving you an opportunity to set up a sweeper. In this case, we often try to close out the game using Iron Thorns.

*Encore may not work against other priority mons. Shengineer holds no liability for getting swept by enemy Cetitan. If you have any concerns, consider asking Incineroar to crit a Flare Blitz.
Expert Belt Cloyster Rain HO
This was inspired by LessThanThreeMan’s rain team in the NBT thread. This isn’t an entirely new team, but there is some fun tech here that you’ll enjoy: Expert Belt Cloyster. (An old version of the team had Spell Tag Tera Ghost Blast Cloyster, but that was too cringe since Expert Belt gives the same damage boost but on more moves.) Expert Belt Cloyster obviously seems goofy, but, specifically, it’s meant to target the king of NU himseld, Slowbro. With Stealth Rock—or in this case one layer of Spikes, Slowbro dies to Tera Blast Ghost from Cloyster after a Shell Smash 93.8% of the time. That isn’t an issue, though, with all the chip the team can amass with Life Orb Kingdra + Choice Scarf Basculegion. Espeon acts as a entry hazard deterrent and pivot with Eject Button. Klefki sets up Rain while providing the team with chip in Spikes and emergency speed control with Prankster Thunder Wave. Tornadus is the second Rain setter that also acts a great cleaner in endgames and pivot early on.

SD Decidueye
The unmon here, Decidueye, I believe has quite a few redeeming qualities. First, it hits Slowbro super effectively with both STABS, and it ignores common defensive staples’ way of punishing physical attackers with Long Reach bypassing Effect Spore, Flame Body, and Rocky Helmet. Also, Shadow Sneak is great at picking off weakened threats and, most notably, OHKOes Mienshao from full with Tera Ghost. Its only counter is Alolan Muk (and Wo-Chien I guess) which is quite a pain. Mienshao is nice speed control and pivot for Decidueye that can check Dark-types. Noivern is hazard control and a pivot that can bring Krookodile in on Alolan Muk, forcing it in a bad position and possibly paving the way for a Decidueye sweep. Stone Edge can be run on Krookodile over Gunk Shot to hit Talonflame, which this team may struggle with at times, but hitting Tsareena and Wo-Chien with Gunk Shot is really nice, in my opinion. Slowbro is here because it’s not optimal balance without it. Magnezone helps to chip away at the aforementioned Alolan Muk too and pressures defensive Water-types for Mienshao. (Tera Dragon can help versus Sun on Magnezone but just forfeit at that point.)
Note: I made this quite a bit ago and it may not be up-to-date, but I will make another team around Decidueye!

Hariyama Webs
This is a bit more of a fun team, but it’s still decent. Galvantula is here because skillful HO lead is skillful. Hariyama is nice to break fatter Pokemon, especially Slowbro or Vileplume for Cloyster or Krookodile. And, Bullet Punch lets it be an endgame option. Guts is there, so Slowbro doesn’t scare you out. Krookodile gets Psychic- and Ghost-types for Hariyama to make its life easier. Cloyster is here for auto-wins after beating Slowbro. (Rock Blast is probably better as Drill Run.) Choice Scarf Chandelure acts as speed control and handles walls with Trick. Venusaur, as a self-setter, beats Quagsire, Slowbro, and Sylveon, which the rest of the team can struggle against.

Defensive Venu (Plume is Trash) [Not Really]
Okay, okay, okay. I know Vileplume is better in every other way BUUUUUT. I’d like to state Venusaur has a niche defensively in beating and surprising Alolan Muk with Earthquake. Yes, that’s all, folks. Choice Scarf Chandelure takes advantage of dead Alolan Muk quite well. Noivern provides hazard control while Swampert provides entry hazards and a way to win versus Sun. Choice Specs Magnezone beats fat Water-types and beats Flying-types for Chandelure and Venusaur, respectively. Gallade is here as another specially defensive Pokemon + wallbreaker in one to help versus Incineroar and friends.

Cringe HO
This is a cringe HO team that is meant for purely fun. And, it’s semi-okay on ladder. Again, just for fun—don’t use this thinking you’ll win. Lucario is here to delete Slowbro or chip it down for Cloyster and Agility helps speed control-wise. Mew provides entry hazards and a dangerous lead Pokemon. Cloyster is here because dumb Pokemon is dumb. Brambleghast is a Rapid Spin blocker and Spikes setter in one that can use Curse to break fatter walls (but mostly to meme). Ditto works as speed control too and helps check offensive set-up sweepers on Sticky Web HO teams. Thundurus beats Slowbro, Talonflame, and Vileplume for Cloyster and Lucario.
Weird Sun
:ninetales: :venusaur: :typhlosion hisui: :talonflame: :exeggutor: :furret:
So with sun being, uhhh, dominant, in NU, I decided to limit test how much bs I could make with a sun team while still being viable. And this is the result. I did have regular typhlosion over h-typhlosion to deal with other fire types, primarily scovillian, but while it did work out, h-typhlosion was better. Anyways, onto the team.

:ninetales: :venusaur: Of course, what sun team isn't without the sun staples? Standard sets to set up sun and abuse sun, not much else to be said. I don't really need to explain this.

:typhlosion hisui: Idk if h-typhlosion is used a lot on sun teams, but here it is. As stated above, you can switch it to normal typhlosion if wanted, but this is more standard. It's a simple set with eruption being the main click to deal massive damage in sun while still being fast. The rest of the moves are coverage.

:talonflame: Now onto the weirdness. Talonflame is a good mon in NU, but more as a defensive mon. However, on this team while it does have some utility, it also is a dangerous sweeper. Gale wings is almost never used on talon (pun not intended) but here it can do a few things. Firstly, and the main reason why it is used, is to revenge kill chlorophyll sweepers such as venusaur and scovillian. Dual wingbeat means that this can be done multiple times if you position talon carefully, which isn't necessarily the hardest thing to do. With just 25% chip, which isn't the hardest thing to do, talonflame can ko venu with dual wingbeat and scovillian can always be ko'd from full (unless you are extremely unlucky). Secondly, talon can use this to have powerful priority moves to try to sweep a team. That's of course something you expect from talon, so not much more to be said. Finally, talon can emergency remove hazards with priority defog if needed. With limited hazard control, this team very much appreciates it as it otherwise can struggle. With sun boosting flare blitz, talon can sd up and do impressive damage and clean a weakened team. Overall, talon fills a lot of defensive and offensive roles on this team and can act as an anti-sun tech, which is really nice.

:exeggutor: The second chlorrophyl sweeper, exeggutor may seem like a joke mon that is just here for show, but it can put in a lot of work. Exeggutor even in sun isn't going to be outspeeding any choice scarfers, even slower ones such as gardevoir outpace it. However, what it does have in return are some of the strongest solar beam's on the planet. With base 125 special attack, even resists like jirachi take big damage if they aren't invested (offensive magnezone takes takes 40% min from solar beam). Lefties means that exeggutor can actually have a lot more bulk than it seems. Growth of course massively increases exeggutors damage output, solar beam deals big damage to opponents and psyshock means stuff like AV gallade can't try to take a hit and respond. The last little weird bit is ancient power and tera rock. Ancient power helps deal with talon and other flying types more effectively, and can even be a wincon if you get a boost. Tera rock boosts the power of ancient power but also resists opposing fire moves so exeggutor can continue firing off attacks. Overall, exeggutor is a really cool mon on this team that can destroy unprepared teams, especially slower ones.

:furret: At this point, you might be thinking, "wtf is this" and to that I will say the final piece of the puzzle. Furret is our second hazard control option but I found that it works best as a strong opener in order to break open holes in the opposing team. Lum berry allows furret to take stray status such as thundy and galvantula t-wave and incin will-o-wisp's. From here, furret can click tidy up in order to remove any hazards, which is big, and also boost itself. +1 furret can hit suprisingly hard. Body slam of course is good stab and the para chance can give the team some free turns. Knock off hits ghost types and removes items. Finally, fire punch deals with pesky steel types and with the sun boost, can be pretty powerful. Combine this with tera fire, which also ignores burns, and furret can do big damage, such as doing 79% to defensive copperajah. Overall, furret may seem like the meme-iest of meme mons, but it can genunielly do good on this team.
3-2-1 Sun!
:Ninetales: :Sandslash: :Venusaur: :Shiftry: :Victreebel: :Charizard:
Click the sprites to access the team I used for my suspect run!
More sun in NU! Drought continues to be a scary yet effective playstyle in the tier. Ninetales was excellent as a sun setter; depending on the matchup, Healing Wish was great against balance teams to heal up a weakened sweeper. Sandslash was my lead, compressing many roles at once - Stealth Rock setter, hazard control, and Knock off all in one slot. I chose to use the Kantonian counterpart because in niche situation, it was also a fine Volt Switch blocker and the Ground-typing was more synergistic as a lead. Venusaur and Victreebel fulfilled similar roles as Growth sweepers, though Venusaur was more consistent, owing to its higher Speed. Shiftry might not be a common sight, but it was my second Knock Off sweeper and Sucker Punch could come in handy against threats like Munkidori, Gallade, and Typhlosion-Hisui when Sun is no longer up. As my sole physical attacker in sun, Shiftry provided much needed damage output against potential Teras from specially bulky Pokemon like Registeel and Dragalge. Charizard helped rounded the team by providing excellent damage with Solar Power-boosted attacks.
:Talonflame: :Toxtricity: :Swampert: :Brute Bonnet: :Mienshao: :Reuniclus:

I built this for NUPL W3 because Toxtricity does stupid amounts of damage to would be counters such as Magnezone and Rhyperior. This VoltTurn offense naturally does pretty well into Sun but can struggle with some of the tiers top boosting sweepers such as Mew, Torterra, Drednaw, Lucario, etc. if you're not careful. Gallade is annoying if they're running scope lens > life orb since the recoil is pretty key for whittling them into Mienshao revenge kill range. You're gonna lose to Scope Lens/ Life Orb Gallade like 75% of the time, the turns are just so much more in the opponen'ts favor. Luckily, I've seen a lot more AV Gallade on ladder and normally they don't run enough speed for Toxt so you can potentially still KO that after a volt or some other prior chip.

252+ SpA Choice Specs Punk Rock Tera Normal Toxtricity Boomburst vs. 212 HP / 0 SpD Assault Vest Magnezone: 162-191 (48.5 - 57.1%) -- 91.8% chance to 2HKO
252+ SpA Choice Specs Punk Rock Tera Normal Toxtricity Boomburst vs. 252 HP / 240 SpD Rhyperior: 255-300 (58.7 - 69.1%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after Leftovers recovery
Well, I lost with this cursed abomination in NUPL, so y'all can have it now.

Scarf Klefki Offense

I might come back later with a more detailed analysis, but it's basically an offense team with a dirty trick up its sleeve. If you manage to get a foe locked into a Ground, Fighting, or Normal type move, you can use Fairy Lock with Klefki as it faints. By using Jaw Lock (and Tera Ghost if necessary), you trap your foe into using the move repeatedly and you can set up a free Substitute and as many Shell Smashes as your twisted little heart desires. This idea is from Week 9 of the Next Best Thing project (check it out)!

Other win conditions include blasting your opponent to smithereens with Florges, and Tera Fire makes you a nice sponge for the Sun matchup. Scarfed Krookodile can sweep through weakened teams, and physical Thundurus can bait in and eliminate troublesome Grass types like Brute Bonnet or Vileplume that would hinder a sweep with Drednaw.
Fun team I brought for NUPL this week, most of everything was pretty much shown in that match or safe to assume so I'll let everyone else have fun with it to tweak to their own liking.

:noivern: :magnezone: :dragalge: :talonflame: :slowbro: :copperajah:

So this team revolves around the old classic of DragMag, where the strategy revolves around having magnezone trap the steel types that resist your strong dragon attacks, so that your dragons can run freely, of course in a post gen 5 world fairy types also exist now tossing another wrench into the plans of dragon spam, but that's ok, we have the technology

:Noivern: Noivern may seem weak with that base 97 special attack stat but backed up by a base 130 power draco meteor and a choice specs it still hits just hard enough to threaten most of the fast offensive mons that noiverns excellent speed stat outruns barring choice scarfers, with tera normal boomburst as a strong secondary option and flamethrower hitting lucario and anything that wants to terastalize into a steel type, and switcheroo being an option to cripple opposing walls. :dragalge: Dragalge being our other dragon will also be clicking specs draco meteors, though it shares noiverns special attack stat adaptability helps this greatly in making dragalge a strong wall breaker, with sludge bomb to threaten the fairies immune to draco, and also sludge bomb over sludge wave cause AV reuniclus is a bit hard to break without poisoning it, along with focus blast for a backup option vs steels and flip turn for momentum, great for catching incoming steels so that our next team member :magnezone: magnezone can trap and eliminate them. Magnezone runs enough speed to out speed uninvested base 65 mons and tossed the rest into hp and defense, iron defense + body press gives zone the ability to 1v1 the steel types in the tier fairly comfortably, but in the event of things like opposing ironpress steels or fear of eq copperajah teras of ghost and flying both work well, I went with ghost however as I did not wanna be crit by +6 body press. Flash cannon and T-bolt of course for stabs as you always want your zone to hit both fairies and slowbro. :talonflame: On to how I supported this build, talon felt like a no brainer, defog for hazard control, another fast mon as back-up speed control, u-turn pivoting and the ever punishing flame body. :slowbro: Slowbro made for another pivot with bulk and regenerator, utility with scald burns and psynoise to stop wishes as well as some other forms of healing, calm mind lets it threaten to win the game, and I threw on a colbur berry cause Krookodile is a scary mon. :Copperajah: Lastly is copperajah, it might seem a little odd to stack another steel when I am already stacking 2 flying and dragons, but copper fit the role of a spdef rocker with knock off, also having whirlwind for some more utility. Of course this build has some preperations that were in mind for use vs my opponent, so I would highly recommend exploring other options and modifying the build as you see fit, take this as just a template that you can use however you'd like.
Anakin's Revenge | NU Sand

:Hippopotas::Magnezone: :houndstone: :lycanroc: :espeon: :klefki:


(Click the title!) In chat the other day we were talking about how effective weather is in the current metagame, and of coarse there was one left out! It would be a real beach if we continued to let the other weathers have the high ground! Wave goodbye to the competition as the double dog core slams their team into the... sand. /end cringe. In all seriousness though I made this team mostly as a joke and for fun, and while I wouldn't consider it a great team I figured someone else here might enjoy it! The team is prone to missing moves (notice terablast ghost on houndstone), the baby hippo get 2 shot (or worse) by just about any move, but hey it gets up the sand and sometimes gets up rocks! There is a natural hazard stack here between rocks, spikes, sand chip, and a good spin blocker in houndstone. All of this chip does a good job of weakening the opponents team for you to click the funny buttons on the dogs. I tried every option available for a sand force mon in the magnezone slot, but they all let me down. Even the mustache himself, probopass was pretty awful when I tried it (Probo version here! Probo replay).

Replays: 1 2 3 4 5

:hippopotas: Hippopotas
I'm not going to pretend baby hippo is good, it isn't but it gets up sand! Sometimes it can get up rocks, and it isn't setup fodder because you can phase with roar.
:Magnezone: Magnezone
Mag is a bit of an odd choice here, but it is here to glue some things together. We needed a special attacker, a slow pivot, and something to tank some hits here and there. This is Zone's role on the team. I tried using several sand force mons here (gastrodon, probopass, dugtrio-alola) and none of them fit what the team needed and none of them really ever did anything. Dragalge would also be a good option here but went with zone for the synergy of not getting chipped by your own sand.
:houndstone: Houndstone
Houndstone is the first dog of the double dog core. Houndstone hits hard with a choice band and not many teams are packing a good physical ghost resist now. Houndstone also spinblocks for the team which adds some extra utility. Terablast ghost here is used for more reliable cleaning since it is 100% accurate and can't be blocked by a stray no-item mon. The biggest downside to houndstone is when they have a normal type on the opposing team, but those aren't too common and since they are usually offensive can't live the hits from the rest of the team.
:Lycanroc: Lycanroc
Lycanroc is your second banded dog and the counterpart to houndstone. This mon hits hard with a choice band and does a great job cleaning teams when you hit stone edge. Close combat is also a powerful move and great for cleaning teams that are sufficiently weakened. Accelroc is valuable priority. I considered using terablast rock on here over crunch (for the accuracy) but wanted to keep crunch for potential slowbros (houndstone usually takes care of these anyways, and your rock stab still does good damage)
:Espeon: Espeon
Espeon is here is doing your standard designated sack eject pack magic bounce shenanigans. One thing that is nice about sand v webs is you can lead with the hippo and switch to espeon. This either bounces back webs, or if they hit you (whether it kills or not) it gives you the switch momentum to bring out houndstone or lycanroc. The sand breaks galv's sash so you don't have to get a hit off on galv first it can simply be killed on the following turn.
:Klefki: Klefki
Klefki is our secondary sand setter and primary hazard setter. This set functions essentially the same as rain dance keys on rain. Hippo can typically get sand twice during a game (turn one when you switch it out and on a sack later on). Keys gives you a sand option with more utility and is typically setting sand for you later in the game. The hazard stack from keys and hippo (when it can) and sandstorm work together to really chip things down for the dogs to push through. T wave is for emergency cases and foul play keeps some mons from setting up on you.
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A couple of weeks of no teams being posted so I'll do one here since, like with RU Teambuilding Comp, I missed the submission period for here as well lol; not to mention I might as well post this team while I can while Bro, Krook (and possibly Thundy) are here.

:sv/mienshao: :sv/krookodile: :sv/thundurus: :sv/slowbro: :sv/klefki: :sv/brambleghast:

CM Slowbro + NP Thundurus Spikes Offense

:krookodile: The team needed to be around some kind of KrookShao core and I went with a standard rocks set here for Krook with Gunk for Fairies and Grasses obviously. Also went with standard Tera Poison for helping Gunk while resisting Fighting, Grass, and Fairy.

:mienshao: Scarfer. Nothing special here other than the 4th move. I could go Stone Edge for Talonflame and the like, but Axel comes in clutch usually.

:thundurus: Set up mon and I chose Psychic for stuff like Vileplime, Dragalge, and Venusaur (i guess?). Flash Cannon is an option for Tera Fairy shenanigans since the team lacks a good Fairy answer.

:slowbro: Your typical Calm Mind mon while preventing recovery on their side aside from other Slowbro ofc. Nothing spectactular here.

:klefki: Spikes spikes spikes. When I have a couple of Knock Off users on the team, Spikes seemed natural to me plus I needed a Steel and Klefki worked nicely. I lack Magnet Rise here so Grounds are an issue in that dept.

:brambleghast: Offensive spinner with recovery in Strength Sap. Again, pretty standard here and sometimes that's what's best. Don't fix what isn't broken right?
The team in action. I should've won here but I brainfarted when I switched Shao out on their Bramble at the end. But the team does perform nicely.
went up against some typical ladder stuff but Shao with Triple Axel just does things​
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So now that my participation on this NUPL is finished it's time to share with the community the teams.

Thanks Ren-chon for drafting me and putting me to play. And thanks for the NU community for organizing and playing on the Tour! Was an amazing experience , and I'm waiting for the next one!

Let's start from the end.

I used this team on week 7. Because I was playing a friend and we both had our fates decided on the tour i tried to have some fun wile doing a competitive team. The first idea was to find a budget Mew, that failed the best suitors are Uxie and Mesprit but both lacked in different aspects, but the core of the team was performing well whatsoever . So in the day of the game PowerOfMemes came with the final piece of the puzzle Mirror Herb Swagger Thundurus.


This team is really straight forward get the hazards you can get, keep them up and in the openings position Hera/Thundy so they can setup and break the opposition and let a easy job for the rest to clean.

:SS/Vaporeon: Maybe the star of the team. It provides great defensive utility, can clean up games with CM and pass huge wishes to its bulky teammates like Dragalge and Rhyp. You lack that amazing slow flip turn, but the wish pass is safe enough and has the game winning possibility that normal Vapo doesn't have.

:ss/Heracross: Heracross is here to break holes in the teams, it has a easy time cashing on Trailblazes after a slow flip turn from Dragalge. After a Speed Boost and Burned it's a huge threat. It could run Facade over Rock Slide but having Talonflame as it biggest enemy its good to have something that you can OHKO in the switch without wasting tera, plus the 30% flinch can save some games. But it's really preference would be great anyway going Facade.

:ss/Dragalge: It compress roles of a Slow Pivot, Toxic Spikes setter, Toxic absorber, SpD wall and Special Attacker. Does everything well above average. Great mon.

:ss/Rhyperior: Rocks setter and phaser. Can take some big hits wile shuffling the enemy team with Dragon Tail (when it hits use Roar if you like) it's our electric immunity to support Vapo and rock ground hits well enough even without investment. Obligatory Tera Ghost to prevent spin and maybe be used to avoid some Focus Blast/CC.

:sv/Brambleghast: Spike setter, Rapid Spin and Spin blocker. It has the moves to do some heavy damage and with spin can get fast enough to be a threat. But mostly is on support duty.

:ss/Thundurus: This guy is here is abuses mirror herb swagger to get plus 2 wile setting confusion and buffing acrobatics to disgusting levels. You can OHKO basically anything that isn't a resist. Tera Electric is there not only to buff Supercell Slam but because you are a flying type too you will never be targeted with a ground atk so it adds defensive value for a turn too.

Tour Game : Should have won this game, there was no good reason to click Supercell Slam there. But anyway great showing of the team against a great opponent.

Oath Game: Funny thing I'm the one that beats Oathkeeper with this team in the post just above and I could have won without his throw if I'm not greedy and just stall Bramble out of Poltergeists Vapo cleans house.

This second team is the one that got my win on the tour and was able to find a innovation AV Munkidori. I'm very proud of it. Its good for laddering too before using i put a acc in the 1500s with some ease just playing with the team.


This is a balance team that spreads toxic. Its really nice because even if you are being reactive because of the status every single turn you are making progress and put the opponent on a clock and if time expires you win stalling with Lugg/Umbreon or if they get too low Thundy/Krook sweeps.


:ss/Umbreon: It's the support mon of the team and special wall. It pass wishes and spread toxic. Its unkillable by the special side and foul play hits hard on many mons. This mon is a win condition by it self. Its a mon that you will be using many turns sponge hits and take the tempo of the game back.

:ss/Avalugg: It's the spinner and physical wall of the team. The counter part of Umbreon it's unkillable by neutral hits on the physical side and have many opportunities to spin. Aways important to keep it at 100% it hits surprisingly hard and because of sturdy some times can be used to revenge kill stuff too.

:ss/Ditto: Ditto is an anti Setup measure and a great tool to have in a HO focused meta. With one slot improving a lot the matchups.

:ss/Thundurus: Look who I'm using again. But this one is a Specs variant. Spec Thundy hits obscenely hard and again coming from a amazing speed. The lack of a flying move is fixed with Tera Blast Flying that is a really spammable move , and although volt switch can be blocked it hits super hard and that's Thundurus job so no Uturn here.

:ss/Krookodile: Standard Scarf set + rocks. Its a late game cleaner with moxie, it set rocks and has fast Koff with tera ghost to beat Shao.

:sv/Munkidori: Munkidori was the starting point of this team. Spreading toxic wile pivoting or stalling is really strong! You are doing something that already progress the game in you favor + is putting time pressure on the other side. Its biggest problem is that with normal builds it can't take physical moves and sometimes not even strong special ones. AV fix it by making one side an entry point so you can Fake out and U-turn out to get tempo in your favor and with wish support it can be very disruptive and durable. And on top of that having great speed and a good base SpA you are still a threat the only problem is that you need Focus Miss because Steels are the biggest road block of the team and every help against it is important.

Tour Game: Solid game Munki did great!

Ladder This is one of the first times using the final version of the team it could be much cleaner but is a good showing against a good opponent.
Cool Cool Mountain
:abomasnow: :cetitan: :sandslash-alola: :thundurus: :chandelure: :flygon:


(For full effect click on the image!) Snow had really dropped off a cliff when drought was in the tier, but it's very cool now! Icy what you did there, but chill out with the puns! Snow more kidding around!! I think snow has been good in nu since Cetitan was released back in march, but up until recently its always had the problem of almost always losing to sun at team preview. With the drought ban (and manual sun basically not being present on ladder in favor of manual rain) snow has a lot of potential! This is a snow team centered around giving cetitan and/or alolaslash greater opportunities to setup. Aurora Veil support from abomasnow and memento support from chandy can give the slush rush sleepers the setup turn(s) they need to break through the opposing team, and eject pack flygon gets up rocks and hopefully surprises and takes a chunk out of a physical wall. Make sure to read through the description for some other options because there are actually a decent number of them!

Replays: 1 2 3 4 5
:abomasnow::icy rock: Abomasnow
The president himself here abomasnow is our snow and veil setter, but even outside of this physdef abomasnow is a good check to a lot of physical attackers, especially feraligatr and it does well into cloyster and torterra. Leech seed is an option but in practice ive been enjoying the grass coverage. You would be suprised how many mons lose the 1v1 after this thing gets up a veil. Max speed is an option to get more veils vs mid speed breakers as well. Water works well as a tera here as well.

:cetitan::sitrus berry:Cetitan
Cetitan is the center of any snow team and is very scary under snow and after a belly drum. Notably slowbro gets ohkoed by +6 tera ground eq. The hard part about cetitan is getting the coverage right. Ice ground coverage hits almost all of the tier except for rotom-heat (which can be a problem for snow teams) and tera steel flygon. I've been enjoying liquidation + eq coverage, but liquidation could be another ice stab or knock as well.

:sandslash-alola::heavy duty boots:Sandslash-Alola
This sandslash is a mix between an offensive sweeper and also our spinner on the team. Here we have knock as the coverage option and can be useful to remove items, hit bro harder, hit chandelure/typh-h, but eq works well as well. The problem again is getting walled by rotom-h. I think one of the two should always have a move to hit rotom-h, but you can play with the coverage on both for sure. Life orb is also an option for more damage since this mon isn't that powerful on its own. Ghost is also a potential tera for scarf shao.

:thundurus::heavy duty boots:Thundurus
You know what mon is scary with bolt beam coverage? Thundurus. You know what walls bolt beam? Magnezone. Hence the focus blast last here. The team values a fast special attacker outside of snow, and this gives it near perfect coverage with weather ball. Grass knot can be used over focus miss to hit quagsire.

:chandelure::air balloon:Chandelure
Chandelure provides a fire and fighting immunity, powerful special moves to hit a lot of the checks to our slush rush mons, and momento to give them more potential to set up.

:Flygon::Eject Pack:Flygon
Special Flygon is here to get rocks, surprise physical walls that would normally stop our slush rush sweepers, and gain momentum with eject pack draco meteor early game.

Dusk will always be a threat to snow teams since it is arguably broken the best priority user in the tier and acceleroc hits so much of the team. Typically you are gonna burn a tera to 1v1 this and you can't let it sd for free. Fire switch ins are few and far between on snow teams, but rotom-heat is also the hardest one to hit because it also has levitate. Careful positioning of cetitan can take this out, or just throwing some moves at it from flygon/thundurus/chandelure and you can typically overwhelm it. Quagsire walls our slush rush mons with unaware, but you can break through it on the special side, and a lot of times get a draco off with flygon on it.
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Rock You Like A Hurricane
:braviary-hisui: :talonflame: :basculegion: :espeon: :klefki: :tornadus:

Look at legion go!

(Click image for theme music!) By popular demand I am back with another team! I was blown away by Rabia and Shengineer's video featuring Braviary-Hisui (go drop a sub imo!) and since then I've had my eye on braviary-hisui. I was thinking about how strong this mon is 70% of the time... So I brewed up the idea of hurricane spam rain! (Like a storm brews up... ok no, maybe that one was a stretch...) The star of the show here is actually specs talonflame, who with full health and rain up has priority 100% accurate hurricanes. It hits hard with the high base power move, modest choice specs, and tera flying. Modest talonflame still outspeeds base 110s which is really nice when gail wings is broken. Braviary-Hisui typically functions like a breaker here, opening up for talonflame to finish late game. Removing rocks here is essential for the team to function so sack use your espeon liberally. Because of this reliance on keeping rocks off of the field (other hazards don't really matter much) this team may be a little inconsistent sometimes. Will it win some ladder games? Yes. Would I bring it to a serious tournament game? Probably not. Basculegion is still an insane breaker and kills the things that don't die to hurricane.

Shoutout to Shengineer and PKQ for the replays! Most of these were from Shen in a tournaments room tour. 1 2 3 4

:braviary-hisui::life orb: Braviary-Hisui
Sheer force life orb hurricanes hit hard and rain makes them accurate! Braviary job here is primarily to break down the enemy team, but can also clean late game with agility. Psychic is your secondary stab, and terablast fighting hits steel and rock types and also helps you trade vs lycanrock-dusk who is a major threat to the team (resist sucker, accelerock, and crunch and they aren't going to click cc vs a 4x resist typically). Heat wave was originally used over terablast fighting but it has negative synergy with rain and beating dusk is very important.

:talonflame::choice specs:Talonflame
Talonflame is the mon we are breaking for! Braviary gets them low and talonflame cleans late game. Typically you are reserving your tera for talonflame for increased damage output. I won't elaborate too much more here since it is covered in the general description, but priority accurate hurricanes are strong and modest talonflame still outspeeds base 110s which is pretty insane. Because of that when gail wings is active our hurricanes hit faster than dusk's priority moves which is pretty funny. It doesn't kill but does good damage. Prioritize keeping this mon at full as much as you can to maintain your priority.

:basculegion::choice band:Basculegion
Basculegion is our more traditional rain abuser and this mon hits very hard with banded boosted wave crashes. Normally I use terabalst ghost here over crunch, but I wanted a tera type that didn't leave legion weak to sucker punches. Usually this mon ohkoes the mons that resist the hurricane spam.

:espeon::eject button:Espeon
Standard weather support espeon here. I like noise to keep things low (most notably vape after brav has hit it a few times), and we are sporting rain dance as a tertiary setter. Keeping rocks off is essential for this team to function. It breaks Talonflame's priority and we have 3 rocks weak mons here with no boots. Other hazards don't matter too much honestly, just rocks.

:klefki::damp rock:Klefki
Standard rain keys here. Tera fly is in case flygon gets out of hand, but with this spread you always live a non-boosted flygon eq which can be nice, and typically you are killing it with other things though.

:tornadus::damp rock:Tornadus
Heard you like hurricanes? How about some more hurricanes!! Torn is our other primary rain setter, and an additional hurricane spammer.

Dusk is one of the best offensive mons in the tier, and most of the team here is weak to accelerock and/or sucker punch. Talonflame is faster and can hit it with priority hurricane first, and legion can do the same with jet in rain. Braviary hisui and tornadus have teras you can spend to trade for dusk as well and often you will here. Vaporeon has water absorb to stop legion and a ton of spdef. Typically you are gonna have to throw some hurricanes into this with braviary to get it low for the rest of the team. Terablast ghost on legion can be used over crunch to hit this much harder if desired. Magnezone and Diancie are placeholders for the strong hurricane resists. Braviary can hit them hard with coverage, or legion can bonk these. You do have to position carefully vs these mons though of course.
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was about to put it in rhyperior’s teambuilding comp but don’t want to write an essay so here
:porygon-z: :rhyperior: :registeel: :munkidori: :quagsire: :talonflame:

the idea was to get rhyp to lure in bro and plume for idpress regi but i decided that plume is the most annoying threat so focused on that

beware of :gallade: as always with these teams
(can probably force trades if gallade picks one with porygon-z) and :chandelure: (if this mon even exists)

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With the new drops, I thought I'd drop some new teams that've been fun (and good) recently. I am not liable for any of your losses. The act of using my team pastes legally binds you to this agreement in which you cannot legally sue the party henceforth known as PowerOfMemes.

CB Loom
This was a team that was edited by me but the original idea was from Magcargo on Discord. This team uses Fight Spam to break through cores while still having a strong defensive backbone to handle big threats.
: Choice Band Breloom wallbreaks for Mienshao, as it can wear down Dragalge, Talonflame [each hit of Bullet Seed does 10%, making you take 20-50% of Talonflame's health each time you use it], and Sylveon. Aerial Ace is used instead of Rock Tomb because Vileplume is a bit of an issue for this team, and Mienshao already carries Stone Edge for Talonflame. Adamant is used for more wallbreaking potential; however, if Jolly Incineroar concerns you, you can run Jolly Breloom. Tera Fire helps Breloom absorb Will-O-Wisp and Flame Body from Talonflame, and it lets Breloom eat a Fire-type attack from Chandelure, Infernape, and Incineroar if needed.

: This is just your basic physically defensive Stealth Rock Swampert. I chose Roar over Knock Off, however, to thwart set up sweepers in the early- to mid-game. *cough* Cresselia *cough* Tera Fairy helps to actually resist Fighting-type attacks, letting it check Mienshao and Breloom better.

: Entry hazard control Talonflame acts as nice secondary physical tank. Its U-turn also draws in Water- and Rock-types for Breloom to prey on. The EV spread helps outpace Inteleon while being as bulky as possible. Tera Ghost is used to avoid being picked off by Close Combat from Fighting-types like Mienshao and Infernape, and it can blank Extreme Speed from Lucario.

: Deoxys-D is a sturdier Fighting-type check that also acts as Cresselia counterplay. Psychic Noise + Night Shade ensures Cresselia has no breathing room while Cosmic Power can help in games versus weaker or not as offensive teams. While Psych Up can be used as a way to easily match Cresselia's boosts, this is not as reliable of a move overall. There's no need to worry, though, I'll make a Psych Up Deoxys-D team soon! Rocky Helmet helps to punish Fighting-types and contact in general. The EV spread is to outrun max Speed Cresselia, just in case you run in to "that guy", while the rest is dumped in Special Defense to increase its ability to check it. Tera Steel is also to help check Cresselia, as you now resist Moonblast, Tera Fairy is probably fine, though.

: Alolan Muk acts as a good Ghost- and non-Cresselia Psychic-type switch-in. (Believe me, Cresselia beats it 1v1. I've done it multiple times and have seen it happen multiple times as well; it's sad.) This is just normal RestTalk with Tera Water to help in case of Fire Blast or Hydro Pump from Chandelure or Inteleon, respectively.

: Choice Scarf Mienshao acts as a strong Speed control option. Stone Edge hits Talonflame, and Tera Dark is chosen because Cresselia kind of mandates one random Tera Dark on your team just in case. It also helps defensively in general.

edit: Apparently, Rabia got a hold of this team and edited it, so here are some replays courtesy of one of your NU tier leaders. (Also, in the second game, Rabia showcases their inexperience in the ~very fun~ Deo-D vs. Cress matchup [aka didn't click Psychic Noise].)

Awkward Intel + CB Loom
This team uses the wallbreaking core of Inteleon + Breloom to overwhelm Grass-types and uses the combination of Copperajah + Flygon + Indeedee to confuse opponents on who the Stealth Rock and Choice Scarf users are.
: Before I get flamed, let me just say one thing. All I did was filter for Haze learners in the teambuilder and chose the fastest one as a check to Cresselia. Thankfully, it's a good Pokemon in its own right too! As I'm running Haze, I chose to go with the Scope Lens + Snipe Shot set with Sniper to really ruin Cresselia. The last two moves were then forced to be Dark Pulse and U-turn for actually good coverage and pivoting, respectively. Tera Dark is chosen to blank Stored Power from Cresselia, so you can proceed to use STAB Dark Pulse against an unboosted Cresselia after using Haze freely.

: Choice Band Breloom is a strong wallbreaker that takes advantage of Inteleon's U-turn bringing it in on fat Water-types like Vaporeon, Milotic, and Gastrodon. Rock Tomb helps snipe Talonflame, and, in conjunction with Tera Fire, lets it take care of Fire-types reliably while not having to worry about burns.

: Entry hazard control Talonflame is also a good Fighting-type check. The Speed investment is for opposing Inteleon. Tera Ghost helps blank Lucario's Extreme Speed.

: Before I'm told that I ripped off of quziel, I would like to state that I've used Assault Vest Copperajah before, in the last meta—and it wasn't that bad then. #SSNU, Best NU. Even though Copperajah acts as a wallbreaker, it also doubles as a Cresselia check, which is always amazing. Knock Off helps hit the Psychic-types running amok, Supercell Slam nukes Water-types, and Rock Slide nails Talonflame along with Fire-types in general. If you have trouble versus Grass-types, Heat Crash can be used over Rock Slide, but I haven't had too much of an issue yet. Tera Dragon is a great defensive typing for a specially defensive wall, as it lets it act as a blanket check for everything.

: It might just be because of the other two Psychic-type drops somewhat checking each other, but I feel Indeedee isn't given enough love nor respect. Psychic Terrain boosted-Expanding Force hits like a freight train even if you resist it. Dazzling Gleam helps hit Dark-types. As the last two moves, I chose Trick + Calm Mind, as Indeedee can then take advantage of the Pokemon it just used Trick on by setting up for a win. (It beats its checks this way quite easily.) Healing Wish could be cool for helping out Copperajah, if you're interested in that. Tera Fairy gives a nice Dark-type resistance and boosts Dazzling Gleam.

: I like Eject Pack + Stealth Rock Flygon on non-hyper offense teams, as it provides a nice surprise that can catch physical walls off guard, it can pivot all at once. This is a pretty basic set, though. Tera Steel helps by giving you a myriad of resistances.

Incineroar + Toxicroak
I like the core of Incineroar + Toxicroak, as they check each other's switch-ins quite well. Toxicroak likes taking advantage of the Fighting- and Water-types Incineroar calls in while Incineroar feasts on the Psychic- and Ghost-types that threaten Toxicroak.
: Incineroar's best set, in my opnion, is its specially defensive Swords Dance set, as you get the best of both worlds: a special wall that can pivot and a wallbreaker. The Speed investment helps outpace Vaporeon and Umbreon, and Tera Fairy gives a useful resistance to Fighting-type attacks for Incineroar.

: I chose to pair Incineroar up with a Wish passer to give it longevity, which it definitely needs with Cresselia around. Moonblast + Cute Charm can be used for PP, but you're fine. The Speed EVs help to outrun Umbreon and Vaporeon, so you can get off a Hyper Voice before beig hit by Toxic or Haze, respectively.

: Normal entry hazard setter Copperajah is a good Cresselia check as well. (However, Cresselia does beat Copperajah 1v1; it's very depressing.) Whirlwind is nice to ensure it doesn't get too comfortable. The Speed investment just reaches a benchmark; it's nothing special. Tera Fairy is nice to eat an incoming Close Combat.

: Choice Scarf Indeedee, again, is strong as heck. Dazzling Gleam hits Dark-types. Trick + Calm Mind is very powerful to take advantage of what typically checks it. Tera Fairy gives a nice Dark-type resistance and boosts Dazzling Gleam.

: Toxicroak likes the Water-types Incineroar pivots on, as they give it free setup. Sucker Punch is nice priority and gives it away to hit Psychic- and Ghost-types. If the Ground-type weakness of this team is too much, Air Balloon can be run. The Speed EVs help outrun Jolly Breloom. Tera Dark helps boost Sucker Punch and lets it be immune to Psychic-type attacks if needed.

: Tsareena is a good entry hazard control option for this team as it gives it a Ground-type resist, which is greatly appreciated. Knock Off is always good, and a defensive set + Power Whip lets you be strong defensively and still be threatening. The Speed investment hits a benchmark of 200. Tera Steel is chosen as a nice catch-all Tera type.

I hope you enjoy the teams! Especially the second one; that's my favorite for obvious reasons.
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Your favorite unset creator is back at it with more teams that have brought multiple alts to 1400s without issue for you guys to enjoy before likely quickbans next weekend.

Cosmic Deo-D + IntelLoom
This team is a revamp of the CB Loom team I made earlier. After seeing Rabia try to win with Deoxys-D and failing a bit, I decided to make a team that prefers to use that as its end goal.
:leftovers:: This time I decided to go all-in for the Deoxys-D endgame, so I used Stored Power over Psychic Noise. Night Shade is there to chip away at Dark-types. And, Tera Steel is preferred to have the advantage versus Cresselia if needed. Tera Fairy could definitely be used, though.

:leftovers:: Alolan Muk now has Clear Smog over Poison Jab to ensure it can't be taken advantage of by setup sweepers as easily. Tera Fairy is preferred for a clutch Fighting-type resistance.

:heavy-duty boots:: Talonflame is still its Defog pivot set. I did change it to max Speed, however, to outpace Kilowattrel and to tie with opposing Talonflame. Tera Ghost ensures Extreme Speed from Lucario doesn't just wipe you out, and you can actually get a hit in.

:choice band:: Choice Band Breloom is a great wallbreaker that can break through Dark-types for Deoxys-D, take advantage of both Talonflame and Inteleon pivoting it in on bulky Water-types, chip Grass-types for both Inteleon and Flygon, and it can clean games with Mach Punch. Tera Rock Rock Tomb is nice to take a Brave Bird from Talonflame if needed, so it can proceed to OHKO it.

:scope lens:: Same Inteleon set from Awkward Intel + CB Loom. So, this is technically a revamp for both teams. Haze helps versus bulkier or slower setup sweepers like Cresselia and Deoxys-D. Tera Dark is nice to absorb a Stored Power and have a STAB Dark Pulse to throw off afterwards. Scope Lens is preferred, as it can crit theough boosts if needed while letting Inteleon switch up its moves.

:choice scarf:: Flygon is a great role compressor at the moment. It's an Electric-type immunity, a Stealth Rock setter, and a revenge killer on this team. Tera Steel lets it take anything from Ice Beam to Pixilate Hyper Voice to Psychic once if needed, so it can revenge kill afterwards.

Power Herb Dig Cincc Steel Overwhelm HO
The team utilizes Lycanroc-D, Cresselia, and Cinccino to break away at Steel-types, leaving an opening for one of them, if not a partner.
:power herb:: Encore allows Cinccino to not be boosted alongside without punishment, and it helps take advantage of Stealth Rock setters looking to capitalize on a switch. As the last move, I chose Dig with Power Herb to snipe and do huge damage to Steel-types for Cresselia to more easily break through them later. I ran into quite a few Mismagius and Oricorio-G while laddering, so a more normal set of Knock Off + Protective Pads could be used to hit Ghost-types while still damaging Steel-types. Tera Ghost here lets Cinccino also use Fighting-types looking to revenge kill, such as Lucario, Infernape, Breloom, and Mienshao, as setup fodder.

:kee berry:: Everyone's favorite balanced bird is here as the star of the show to clean up games after its teammates deal with what threatens its sweep. Kee Berry lets it gain a Defense boost, amping up its bulk, boosting Stored Power damage, and weakening Knock Off against it simultaneously. The Speed lets you outpace Adamant Incineroar, and Tera Poison blocks Toxic while not letting Fighting-types take advantage of you.

:loaded dice:: Flygon can chip Bronzong with Fire Punch for Cinccino and Cresselia, as they'd have issues with it otherwise. Tera Fire boosts Fire Punch, lets Flygon absorb Will-O-Wisp, and gives Flygon a resistance to moves like Ice Beam and Pixilate Hyper Voice.

:life orb:: Lycanroc-D is great at breaking through walls with Tough Claws, Swords Dance, and Life Orb. I chose dual priority here to not have to be limited when revenge killing threata, as it can then hit Flygon neutrally with Sucker Punch. Tera Dark + Crunch is chosen to better handle the fat Psychic-types like Deoxys-D, Galarian Slowbro, Bronzong, and Cresselia.

:leftovers:: As Flygon, Cinccino, and Lycanroc-D can have trouble with breaking through bulky Water-types, I enlisted Toxicroak to help versus them. It also chips away at Poison-types for Lycanroc-D, can switch in to Close Combat when Cresselia isn't ready for a sweep yet, takes advantage of Grass-types, which Flygon and Lycanroc-D can struggle with, and it can revenge kill with Sucker Punch. The Speed investment outpaces Jolly Breloom and Cloyster. Tera Dark allows it to boost Sucker Punch while letting it absorb any Psychic-type attack.

:focus sash:: This is our lead for this hyper offense, as it can keep off entry hazards, set up Spikes, and chip Incineroar with Poltergeist and Curse for a Cresselia sweep later. Tera Fairy is used to take a random Dark-type hit if needed as to throw off another Curse. This should be used sparingly if at all, however.

Mystic Water Bascu + Croak
This team uses Basculegion's ability to draw in Water- and Grass-types to create on opening for Toxicroak to set up and win.
:mystic water:: Basculegion acts as a great wallbreaker that can break through Ground-types for Toxicroak while also being able to revenge kill and pivot with Aqua Jet and Flip Turn, respectively. As the last move, I chose Psychic Fangs, as it hits both Vileplume and Toxicroak super effectively. Tera Water also boosts Basculegion's attacks to ridiculous levels and allows it to pick off higher health setup sweepers.

:leftovers:: Toxicroak enjoys the Grass- and Water-types that Basculegion calls in like Tsareena, Vileplume, Milotic, and Vaporeon. It also takes advantage of Alolan Muk which typically uses Tsareena as a free switch-in. The Speed EVs let it outspeed Jolly Cloyster and Breloom. Tera Dark with Sucker Punch lets it absorb Psychic-type attacks and boosts its revenge killing capabilities.

:heavy-duty boots:: Incineroar acts a Psychic- and Ghost-type switch-in for Basculegion and Toxicroak, a second setup sweeper that can take advantage of Grass-types, and a pivot that calls in Fighting- and Water-types for Toxicroak and Ground- and Rock-types for Basculegion. Swords Dance alongside a bulky EV spread allows Incineroar to both be threatening and be strong defensively, letting it check Cresselia. The Speed investment outpaces Vaporeon, Brute Bonnet, and Umbreon, and Tera Fairy gives it an emergency Fighting-type resistance.

:heavy-duty boots:: Tsareena helps to clear entry hazards while still checking Ground-types like Swampert, Flygon, and Quagsire, which Toxicroak and Incineroar can struggle with. The Speed investment outspeeds Adamant Incineroar, just in case, and Tera Water lets it eat Fire-type attacks no problem.

:choice scarf:: Choice Scarf Flygon is great Speed control, a Ground-type, a pivot, and it provides Stealth Rock for the team. Tera Steel lets it absorb a super effective hit once or twice before dropping.

:leftovers:: This is a set I've been wanting to use for a bit but couldn't find a team for. But, now I did! Deoxys-D provides a reliable Fighting-type switch-in. Psych Up allows Deoxys-D to immediately catch up to setup sweepers like Cresselia, Oricorio-E, and opposing Deoxys-D, not forcing it on the back foot, as it only has to waste one turn to reach their boosts. Psychic Noise + Night Shade lets it beat the aforementioned setup sweepers and defensive walls alike. Tera Steel lets it eat stray Hurricane, Tri Attack, and Pixilate Hyper Voice if needed. The EV Spread lets it outpace max Speed Cresselia while being as specially defensive as possible.

Dual Scope Lens Bombirdier Balance
This team uses Gallade as a way to break through the bulky setup sweeping Deoxys-D and Cresselia while having Inteleon bring it in on Water-types, which it can smack with Leaf Blade.
:scope lens:: Gallade running three moves with high critical hit ratio near guarantees you will at least get one per game. Leaf Blade nails Water-type like Swampert, Quagsire, Milotic, and Vaporeon, thinking they're safe. Night Slash deletes Deoxys-D and Cresselia, especially if you get a crit, and with Tera Dark you can both eat up Ghost-type attacks while gaining STAB on Night Slash.

:scope lens:: Haze lets Inteleon check bulky and slow setup sweepers like Cresselia or Deoxys-D. Inteleon also can pivot on Grass-types like Wo-Chien, Brute Bonnet, and Vileplume and all Water-types switching in for Gallade to take advantage of. Tera Dark + Dark Pulse lets it nuke Cresselia and Deoxys-D with crits as well if needed.

:heavy-duty boots:: Now, time for the innovation. I tried multiple teams with Alolan Muk or Incineroar, but both of those became too weak to Ground-types, so I tried out a Ground-type immune Dark-type: the former NU staple, Bombirdier. Here, it acts a good Talonflame switch-in (It gets 3HKOed, and Alolan Sandslash lacks longevity.), it sets up Stealth Rock, it pivots, and it is a great special wall that can threaten Cresselia and Deoxys-D with Knock Off. The Speed investment lets it outspeed Adamant Incineroar, meaning it can use Knock Off before it can even switch out. Tera Steel here lets it better check Cresselia, but it also gifts it a resistance to Ice- and Rock-type attacks, clutching the game vs Shengineer (3rd Replay).

:choice scarf:: Flygon provides Speed control, a Ground-type, and can pivot on incoming Water-types for Gallade. Stone Edge snipes Talonflame. Tera Steel lets it eat an Ice Beam or Pixilate Hyper Voice in a tight situation.

:rocky helmet:: Vileplume is a strong wall for Fighting- and Water-types alike, and it can get chip very easily on incoming U-turn, Close Combat, Accelereock, and more. Tera Water lets it better check Feraligatr while allowing it to take a Fire-type attack if necessary.

:leftovers:: Alolan Sandslash provides a specially defensive Steel-type that can remove hazards, set up Spikes. spread Knock Off, and can hit the Grass-types Gallade fails to touch. The Speed lets it outpace Umbreon, Vaporeon, and Brute Bonnet. Tera Water lets it take a Fire-type attack as our switch-ins aren't too amazing.
:Slowbro-Galar: :Flygon: :Vaporeon: :Tsareena: :Registeel: :Incineroar:
Galarian Slowbro Returns
This team I used had a lot of edits but truth be told this might be my favorite team that I built around Galarian Slowbro. The team main core was for defensive Pokemon like Slowbro-Galar to weakened physical wallbreakers for allowing Flygon and Incineroar to sweep in the late game.
:Slowbro-Galar:: Slowbro-Galar is the standard defensive set. I did tried using a Calm Mind set, but I felt it was a bit passive and didn't offer anything towards the team. It also pairs well with other defensive Pokemon like Vaporeon and Registeel to make a solid defensive core. Tera Water gives it a resistance to Water- and Fire-types attacks.

:Flygon:: Choice Scarf Flygon is my speed control for my team, since most of my team is very slow. Plus it added a needed Ground-type just to pivot out and handle the Electric-types.

:Vaporeon:: This is the basic bulky Water-type and wish user. I decided to run Haze with how much this tier has a bunch of setup and I can punished them by spreading burns by Scald. Tera Fairy gives Vaporeon a better matchup against Fighting-types like Mienshao and Infernape.

:Tsareena:: Tsareena is the offensive hazard remover. I decided to run Protective Pads as the item, since with how much both Talonflame and Rocky Helmet are very common I think it would useful to not get chip by Rocky Helmet or getting burned by Flame Body. Tera Ghost allows me to block opposing Rapid Spin users and gives me an immunity from Fighting-type attacks.

:Registeel:: Registeel completes the defensive core trio of Slowbro-Galar and Vaporeon, while also being specially defensive Stealth Rock setter. It helps to take on many of Special attackers like Dragalge and Porygon-Z. Additionally, it pairs really well with Vaporeon as it can help Registeel by passing it massive Wishs allowing it to repeatedly switch into a lot of special attackers. Tera Dragon allows it to tank special attacks from Inteleon and Chandelure.

:Incineroar: Incineroar is just the offensive Swords Dance set. It pairs well with Flygon as the duo can repeatedly spam U-turn weaking many opponents that can check Incineroar. Tera Poison allows it to resist Fighting-type attacks and allows Incineroar to be immune to Poison.


This team got me a 18th place on the ladder. I'm very proud of this team and I hope you enjoy my team.
In the midst of all the hyper offense spam I decided I wanted to try some electric terrain so here is the outcome

:iron thorns:-:pincurchin:-:raichu-alola:-:drifblim:-:flygon:-:slowbro-galar:

So our setter of course has to be :pincurchin: pincurchin who is a pretty abysmal pokemon in terms of individual viability, but I wanted some utility from it so I gave it spikes along with scald+discharge to spread some status, and recover to make sure it stays healthy enough to reset terrain. On to the terrain abusers :iron thorns: iron thorns being getting its quark drive boost and still being allowed its held item can make for a major threat, I decided on loaded dice with tera bug pin missile, as tera bug on iron thorns is one of the few cases where bug is solid defensively, by giving resistance to iron thorns weakness to grass, fighting, and quad weakness to ground. Loaded dice also makes rock blast a more reliable rock stab than stone edge and supercell slam boosted by terrain hits incredibly hard on anything not resisting it. :raichu-alola: Raichu-A becomes one of the fastest mons in the metagame when terrain is active so it's the main speed control for the team, with life orb and nasty plot for more power and tbolt+psyshock for stabs, last is often left for what you would like to hit, grass knot if you want to hit swampert and quagsire, surf for dianice and focus blast for brute bonnet, along with whatever tera you want to hit harder with offensively, I went with electric to power up tbolt further, but boosting your coverage is also a good option especially with focus blast to resist sucker punch. :drifblim: This balloon is not to be underestimated, with electric seed boosting its defense and activating unburden, drifblim can quickly spam strength sap in the face of physical hitters and turn them into setup fodder as it spams calm mind to boost on the special side. With shadow ball as your main stab and thunderbolt for coverage, you threaten most of the tier barring wo-chien and brute bonnet for at least neutral damage. As for tera options, electric makes you immune to thunder waves trying to slow you down along with resisting opposing electric attacks while boosting your own both by giving it stab and letting it benefit from terrain, steel is also an option to give a better matchup into the likes of umbreon and muk-A by denying poisons and even clear smogs, turning them into free set up. :flygon: flygon is the rocker of choice, running a special set with eject pack draco meteor as a one time hard hitting pivot button and tera ghost as a backup lucario check. :slowbro-galar: Lastly glowbro is an eject button pivot with regenerator who can later threaten to win when all else fails with calm mind, deja vu I've been in this place before.
