The Hiei said:Exclamation! said:Why did you D/C? I'm going to report you if you don't reply.
You think I give and I only D / C is? dude i got this forum yesterday so I do not know the rules then you play it right I think you should report the other was doing it then sees if you leave me alone and stop bugging me ok? or do I have to draw you know that? and another if you want my water and electric bills to pay so I give it stops you stop taking care of my life and take care of your
Username of alleged disconnector / hacker: archimedes
Link to user profile:
Friend Code:
(Hack accusations only) Battle Video Number: 30-44233-05857
Describe the situation when the user disconnected / used a hacked Pokemon: His Tentacruel kept burning all of my mons, which doesn't happen when replaying the battle on the DS or pokecheck. Tested the video in both my own game and in a friends game, yielding the same "bugged" result (where the Tentacruel dies and them comes back with 0 HP to burn my mons). My guess is that it's a RNG hack.
Have you tried to resolve this issue with the accused via VM, PM, IRC, etc (ie, outside of the wifi battle finder chat)?: (Y/N): Yes
If yes, please describe what you've done to try to resolve this issue with them: Left a message in his profile page, but he did not reply.
You may include any extra details (logs, other's accusations, etc) below:
Here's the replay in pokecheck, which matches my own replay in DS
<MegaDPAL> hi
<ZellMurasame> Tier?
<MegaDPAL> ou
<ZellMurasame> Ready?
<MegaDPAL> heading in
<MegaDPAL> im in
<ZellMurasame> RC
<MegaDPAL> kk
<MegaDPAL> misclick
<MegaDPAL> gg
<MegaDPAL> i cant win
<MegaDPAL> thaks to hax
<ZellMurasame> Thanks for DCing.
<MegaDPAL> sorry
<ZellMurasame> Sorry?
<MegaDPAL> for quiting
<ZellMurasame> You didn't quit,.
<ZellMurasame> You DC'd.
<MegaDPAL> same thing
<ZellMurasame> No.
<ZellMurasame> One gets you reported.
<MegaDPAL> it doesnt matter regardless
<MegaDPAL> it doesnt matter whether i dc'd or ran
<MegaDPAL> the battle still ended
<MegaDPAL> but like i said sorry
<MegaDPAL> we ok?
<ZellMurasame> No.
Username of alleged disconnector / hacker: archimedes
Link to user profile:
Friend Code:
(Hack accusations only) Battle Video Number: 30-44233-05857
Describe the situation when the user disconnected / used a hacked Pokemon: His Tentacruel kept burning all of my mons, which doesn't happen when replaying the battle on the DS or pokecheck. Tested the video in both my own game and in a friends game, yielding the same "bugged" result (where the Tentacruel dies and them comes back with 0 HP to burn my mons). My guess is that it's a RNG hack.
Have you tried to resolve this issue with the accused via VM, PM, IRC, etc (ie, outside of the wifi battle finder chat)?: (Y/N): Yes
If yes, please describe what you've done to try to resolve this issue with them: Left a message in his profile page, but he did not reply.
You may include any extra details (logs, other's accusations, etc) below:
Here's the replay in pokecheck, which matches my own replay in DS
Username of alleged disconnector / hacker: archimedes
Link to user profile:
Friend Code:
(Hack accusations only) Battle Video Number: 30-44233-05857
Describe the situation when the user disconnected / used a hacked Pokemon: His Tentacruel kept burning all of my mons, which doesn't happen when replaying the battle on the DS or pokecheck. Tested the video in both my own game and in a friends game, yielding the same "bugged" result (where the Tentacruel dies and them comes back with 0 HP to burn my mons). My guess is that it's a RNG hack.
Have you tried to resolve this issue with the accused via VM, PM, IRC, etc (ie, outside of the wifi battle finder chat)?: (Y/N): Yes
If yes, please describe what you've done to try to resolve this issue with them: Left a message in his profile page, but he did not reply.
You may include any extra details (logs, other's accusations, etc) below:
Here's the replay in pokecheck, which matches my own replay in DS
The VS. Player is not fully complete because of the amount of work it takes to match the game completely. If there is a bug please follow the link on the replay page to report it.
Download the battle video to your DS to see it properly. The Tauros does not defeat the Tentacruel because of the burn, hence the replay recording the actions from Tentacruel even though it believes it was fainted.