Tasse du Wyoming autour de 2!

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I raped jc in game one with Charge Beam Rotom-S (i got up to +6!) and I had a Palkia in reserve that I never had to use.

Games 2 and 3 were all him.

Tubbablubba and I fought. He won both matches, 2-0. Funny thing was is that my Kingdra and Manaphy, my two best Pokemon, both lacked attacking moves. Oh well. gg
I just beat explorerace in two pretty good games.

Notable things were a mixweezing sweep in game 2 and
Epic pidgey tactics taking down a manaphy in game 1.

Fun rounds.

Worst random battles ever. tdubbery gets cool Pokemon like a Salamence with both Draco Meteor AND Fire Blast. Meanwhile, I get an Alakazam with Focus Punch and Body Slam, and things whose only attacks are Astonish or Mud-Slap.

He wins 2-0. Neither battles were even close.
defeated aragornbird 2-0 and i got supremely lucky

game 1 i got a draco meteor-fire blast salamence that he really couldn't touch

game 2 i led with a u-turn celebi to counter his drowzee and a sub-bastiodon swept most of his team at the end

confirming zartrunks beat me

his raikou killed first game and infernape second
oui, je n'ai pas gagner

first match I can't really remember but lost

second match I can't really remember but won

third match all I remember is lots of misses and burns and crits and pokemon and me losing by a sliver
Sent PM to cholesterol, I have to play my match his week, I will be away for 3 weeks after sunday.

EDIT: I confronted him on smogon and we had this convrsation:
brks sub gengar: dude
brks sub gengar: wehave woming tournament
brks sub gengar: *wyoming
brks sub gengar: were in the losers bracket
brks sub gengar: cholseterol
brks sub gengar: we need to do those matches
cholesterol: WOOt
brks sub gengar: can we do them tommorrow
brks sub gengar: ?
cholesterol: im sorry for laggingf
brks sub gengar: or tonight
brks sub gengar: ?
cholesterol: huh????
brks sub gengar: the wyoming tournament
brks sub gengar: there is a losers bracket
brks sub gengar: me vs you
cholesterol: dont wanna :(
brks sub gengar: so youre dropping
brks sub gengar: ?
cholesterol: yup
brks sub gengar: ok
cholesterol: mmk
brks sub gengar: im warning you
brks sub gengar: they may ban you from future tournaments
cholesterol: what is this for?
cholesterol: wut group
brks sub gengar: the random battle tournament o smogon
brks sub gengar: *on
cholesterol: when the fuck did i sign up
brks sub gengar: http://www.smogon.com/forums/showthread.php?t=56739&highlight=cholesterol
brks sub gengar: http://www.smogon.com/forums/search.php?searchid=1202176
cholesterol: k
brks sub gengar: so what do you want to do
brks sub gengar: ?
cholesterol: give up
cholesterol: i dont remember signing
cholesterol: my brother prob dd
brks sub gengar: oh
brks sub gengar: im going to post this log
brks sub gengar: then
cholesterol: soz
cholesterol: gl on the tourny
cholesterol: sorry my brothers an idiot
brks sub gengar: ok
cholesterol has left the room.

So I dont really know what to do... maybe a mod can make him play his matches.
I'm supposedly in this round even though I lost to junior, is this a mistake or was it due to a lack of subs (if it was not a mistake I am happy to play!).

Edit: woops, forgot about double elimination
I beat Adub_Banded 2-1,
first game with a choice scarf dragonair that never missed a dragon rush.
Second game i got destroyed by a tropius and a bounce lopunny.
third game i won with a thunderpunch, hammerarm metagross.
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