BW OU Tabloo (bloos frontier team)

Well considering also volcarona and the sun team weakness then maybe hidden power rock or ground could be added somewhere?
This is possible the best non-weather team that uses seldom used Pokemon to their full potential. I can't recommend anything that hasn't been said already and I don't want to say anything because many of threats against this team can be played around with "smart play."
Not sure if it's been mentioned but a dragon tail gyarados could be fun to smack opponents around and rack up entry hazard damage since that's part of the main theme here. Also rotom w would be a good pain split spin blocker as well cosidering the team has no electric attacks.
+2 scrafty ohko's reuniclus with crunch, whilst reuniclus can't ohko scrafty with fblast.

Sd + taunt gliscor looks scary for this team.

Skarm can phaze out scrafty or go for brave bird. DD also tends to come out late game when most of the hazards will be up, so he can also weaken it with tspikes and smart switching.

Skarm is probably the best initial switch in to gliscor, so he can feel out the set and make sure it doesn't have acrobat. Then he has gengar to fall back on for taunt sd.
Hey very nice team you've got there and it's probably one of the best, if not the best non-weather team. It counters all types of weather which is a big bonus but I think this team is weak to vaporeon with hydration. With hydration it can ignore your toxic spikes and it can PP stall roserades leaf storm and nothing can 2HKO it bar reuniclus when it is setup but some vaporeon carry roar it's not a surefire way to kill it. Gastrodon can't kill it because it has toxic and it will just outstall you until you die from toxic damage. I'm unsure what to replace to fix it without ruining your teams stratagy.
Have you ever faced a Restalk Gyarados ? A set of Rest/Sleep talk/Dragon tail/Waterfall coupled with Spikes/SR is an huge threat to your team. Maybe you could run a Rotom-C instead of Gastrodon ? Since you already have a SDefensive Roserade the loss of the double immunity wouldnt be that much, and it still resists electric 1/4, water 1/2 and is immune to Spikes.

Edit : replacing Roserade with Rotom-C is also an option.