Synergize to Win! a M-Aggron/Florges team

This team is all about type synergy to try and get as many free switches from my walls to my counters as possible. Crobat alone can handle most walls in the game and helps counter stall tactics. M-Aggron and Florges make a formidable defensive core. The rest of my team is designed to counter whatever threatens my core with easy switches and immediate power to hit back with. Originally had defog on Crobat, but I was causing so many switches I knew I needed hazards. I put stealth rocks on M-Aggron and added a Hitmontop as a rapid spinner. On a side note, I chose not to use any legendaries. Playing with favorites is my way to have fun in competitive battling.

Changes are in Bold.


Crobat @ Black Sludge

Ability: Infiltrator

EVs: 228 HP / 80 Atk / 200 Spd

Jolly Nature
  • Brave Bird
  • Toxic
  • Taunt
  • Roost
Crobat is my stall breaker. With a fast taunt, infiltrator to bypass subs, and toxic it can counter most pokemon trying to stall me out. Having a super fast roost Really helps, allowing me to heal up recoil damage and take electric, ice, and rock attacks as neutral. When M-Aggron is threatened by a fighting type I switch in Crobat, take the x4 resisted attack, and then return fire with a super-fast Brave Bird. EV spread was put together to be fast, bulky, and hit hard. I'm considering giving him even more HP to help against psychic type attacks since Slowbro can hit it too hard to out-stall. I found myself constantly wanting more bulk to outstall stallers and never seemed to be attacking with Crobat. I upped my HP to the highest possible value divisible by 16 to maximize sludge recovery and set speed just above Noivern. The rest went into attack.


Aggron @ Aggronite

Ability: Sturdy

EVs: 252 HP / 16 Def / 240 SDef

Impish Nature
  • Heavy Slam
  • Stealth Rock
  • Earthquake
  • Ice Punch
This is the pokemon my UU team is built around. While not super popular in OU tier play, he really pulls weight in the UU. He tanks physical hits obviously, but he can also hit back incredibly hard with STAB Maximum Weight Heavy Slam. The investment in special defense makes him an effective counter to other Florges and allows him to hold his own against psyshock Latias. He forces switches often giving me time to set up rocks. I used to run thunder wave on him as my team appreciates the speed debuff, but dragons like Haxorus were becoming a problem so I switched it for ice punch. If he starts taking too much damage from physical fighting types I switch to Crobat. Ground attacks I switch to Eelektross. Arcanine for fire. Florges for anything special that's not steel or poison.


Florges @ Leftovers

Ability: Flower Veil

EVs: 252 HP / 252 SDef / 4 SAtk

Calm Nature
  • Wish
  • Protect
  • Aromatherapy
  • Moonblast
The second half of my defensive core tanks special attacks with ease and keeps my team healthy. Wish passing can keep M-Aggron alive for super long and helps everything else tank a hit when switching in. Moonblast does a fair amount of damage and protect is for self healing. Most dragons these days are running iron head or poison jab so I can't use Florges to wall them (except Hydreigon). Protect can help me toxic stall and heal, but it's easily predictable and the opponent will usually just switch. Florges doesn't enjoy taking psyshocks from Latias, but it can hit back pretty hard if it survives.


Eelektross @ Expert Belt

Ability: Levitate

EVs: 172 HP / 252 SAtk / 84 Spd

Modest Nature
  • Thunderbolt
  • Flamethrower
  • Giga Drain
  • Acid Spray
One of my favorite pokemon with a set that's not too common. Tanks a few hits and hits back with powerful special attacks. Carries my only grass type move needed for Gastrodon, Swampert, and Quagsire. All of whom I can easily switch into on a predicted ground attack. The flying resist also makes it a nice bird/bat killer. Flamethrower is for steels. After playing around with superpower I found that it didn't help me enough against things like Chansey, Umbreon, and Snorlax. I swapped out superpower for acid spray to melt the armor off special walls or give me an advantage on anything switching in. It even gives me a fighting chance against Florges. Expert Belt to increase longevity now that I can increase damage through Acid Spray, not lose more life while using it, and still OHKO Swampert and Rhyperior.


Arcanine @ Life Orb

Ability: Flash Fire

EVs: 72 HP / 252 Atk / 8 SDef / 176 Spd

Adamant Nature

  • Flare Blitz
  • ExtremeSpeed
  • Crunch
  • Wild Charge
Swapped out Darmanitan for Arcanine. I gave up speed and power, but in return I got a fire immunity and a +2 priority. Blastoise may take fire attacks, but it does nothing in return and will remain a support pokemon. Arcanine on the other hand can turn fire attacks into an advantage, making Flare Blitz hit supremely hard. The LO ExtremeSpeed is a great revenge killer and gives my team much needed priority. Crunch to deal with Latias, Vicinti, and Ghosts. Wild Charge for coverage on the water switch ins. (I wish Entei had it's hidden power released, it could do great i this role)


Blastoise @ Assault Vest

Ability: Torrent

EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 Spd

Bold Nature

  • Rapid Spin
  • Scald
  • Dark Pulse
  • Dragon Tail
The rapid spin support... is now a non-mega Blastoise. Dinotrek27 pointed out that I was lacking substantial fire resist and my former spinner Hitmontop couldn't deal with ghost types who would spin block it. Enter Blastoise. Even in its non-mega form it can do everything I need it to. Its typing helps my team by adding water and fire resists plus removing a psychic weakness. Gen 6 gave Blastoise dark pulse to hit ghosts with. Scald sures up his physical longevity by spreading burn and does serious damage when torrent kicks in. I tried ice beam for the grass switch ins, but it did pitiful damage and I would be forced out anyway. Dragon tail is a much better option that works as a phazer on everything but fairies. It's amazing that even with an Assault Vest on I can still burn, phaze, and clear hazards. 4 Speed EVs to outspeed uninvested Diggersby and try to score a burn on him.
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Hmm great team and I like the idea of type synergy between your walls and attackers. However, your team in my opinion has a few flaws. Firstly, fire types are a huge threat because darm is so frail he mostly gets straight up koed by the powerful attacks from the likes of chandelure, victini(Choice Band can potentially OHKO M-Aggron) and other darm. I suggest a sturdy fire resist like kingdra or slowbro-king. Another issue to note is that your rapid spinner, hitmontop, relies on sucker punch and to an extent stone edge to deal with ghosts, which in general are not very reliable. So I suggest a strong ghost or dark type to take care of them etc chandy and krokodile
Hitmontop doesn't get any other dark type attacks besides pursuit (BP 40) and thief (BP 60). Thief would be just like a physical Hidden Power I suppose. Could I possibly solve both those problems with a non-mega Blastoise set like this:

Blastoise @ Assault Vest
Ability: Torrent
252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SAtk

- Rapid Spin
- Scald
- Dark Pulse
- Aura Sphere / Ice Beam / Dragon Tail

It has the bulk that Hitmontop had with a dark type attack and fire resist. It's missing intimidate, but scald could make up for that. Not sure if Ice Beam or Aura Sphere would be more helpful here. Probably Aura for hitting Crawdaunt. Possibly even Dragon Tail.

Kingdra could replace Darmanitan, but then I would be lacking a physically offensive powerhouse. I also don't see how I could easily fit krokodile or chandy into the team.
Hitmontop doesn't get any other dark type attacks besides pursuit (BP 40) and thief (BP 60). Thief would be just like a physical Hidden Power I suppose. Could I possibly solve both those problems with a non-mega Blastoise set like this:

Blastoise @ Assault Vest
Ability: Torrent
252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SAtk

- Rapid Spin
- Scald
- Dark Pulse
- Aura Sphere / Ice Beam / Dragon Tail

It has the bulk that Hitmontop had with a dark type attack and fire resist. It's missing intimidate, but scald could make up for that. Not sure if Ice Beam or Aura Sphere would be more helpful here. Probably Aura for hitting Crawdaunt. Possibly even Dragon Tail.

Kingdra could replace Darmanitan, but then I would be lacking a physically offensive powerhouse. I also don't see how I could easily fit krokodile or chandy into the team.
Seems good could you playtest it and lemme know if it works? I think ice beam is best since crawdaunt isnt very bulky at all and hates a burn from scald. Ice beam also hits grass and dragon types hard on the switch.
Focus energy scope lens critdra is also crazy powerful but I understand your point lemme think a little I will get back to you :)
The Blastoise playtest is working great. It's definitely a better spinner than hitmontop. Ice beam wasn't doing anything without an investment in SAtk so I went with dragon tail to phaze.

My next idea was to switch Darmanitan for Arcanine. I'd lose a scarfer, but I'd gain a +2 priority and a fire immunity which definitely fits with the team strategy. Do you think that'd be worth it?
The Blastoise playtest is working great. It's definitely a better spinner than hitmontop. Ice beam wasn't doing anything without an investment in SAtk so I went with dragon tail to phaze.

My next idea was to switch Darmanitan for Arcanine. I'd lose a scarfer, but I'd gain a +2 priority and a fire immunity which definitely fits with the team strategy. Do you think that'd be worth it?
Thats great! I think it's worth it although since it does not have darms power you will have a tougher time blowing shit up.
My suggestion for an Arcanine set:
Arcanine@Life orb
Ability: Flash Fire
Evs:72 HP / 252 Atk / 8 SpD / 176 Spe
Nature: Adamant

-Flare Blitz
-Morning Sun/Close Combat/Wild Charge

The given Evs allow it to outspeed neutral nature base 85s ie Heracross and Kingdra, a life orb number in HP, and prevent Porygon from getting the special attack download boost. You can customize this to your preference though so up to you! For the 4th slot, its quite the toss up between recovery, the ability to hit Rhyperior, Tyrantrum and Snorlax hard, or the ability to dent Slowbro-king, Vaporeon and Suicune so your Aggron isn't setup calmmind fodder and your electross has an easy sweep
Have you considered SubCM Raikou? It runs:
Raikou Leftovers
EVS:252 Spe/252 SpAtk/4 HP
- Thunderbolt
- Hidden Power Ice
- Substitute
- calm Mind
Use it over Elektross, as it is still an electric sweeper, but it has more overall potential.
I could never use Raikou because it turns one of my ground immunities into a weakness.

I've adjusted the Eelektross set to include Acid Spray. It either forces switches or lets me kill the other pokemon next turn. Expert belt works better now because it doesn't hurt me on the Acid Spray, increases my longevity, and still lets me outspeed and OHKO Swampert. This unexpectedly means I meet item clause now if anybody cares.

Added Arcanine as per discussion above which is working out better than Darmanitan.

Diggersby is a huge threat to my team as it can outspeed and 2HKO M-Aggron. If I get a heavy slam off on him he should be at around 40% HP, I can then switch to either crobat to outspeed (even a choice scarf) and kill with Brave Bird or Blastoise (who now outspeeds an uninvested Diggesby with his 4 Spd EVs) and kill or burn with Scald.
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Can I get some opinions on Eelektross' set? Acid Spray is a great move, but I'm missing out on it's high attack stat which could be used with superpower or knock off (Is knock off a 100% must have?). Full tank + leftovers or assault vest is also an option, but then I can't outspeed Swampert or OHKO it and Rhyperior. Life orb had a useful damage boost, but it doesn't work well with acid spray. A coil set would be interesting, but then my team woud be stacked on the physically offensive side (could be fixed by swapping Arcanine for Kingdra). I could swap him out entirely for Mismagius to hard counter Diggersby, who has more attack power than any rabbit ought to have.
Can I get some opinions on Eelektross' set? Acid Spray is a great move, but I'm missing out on it's high attack stat which could be used with superpower or knock off (Is knock off a 100% must have?). Full tank + leftovers or assault vest is also an option, but then I can't outspeed Swampert or OHKO it and Rhyperior. Life orb had a useful damage boost, but it doesn't work well with acid spray. A coil set would be interesting, but then my team woud be stacked on the physically offensive side (could be fixed by swapping Arcanine for Kingdra). I could swap him out entirely for Mismagius to hard counter Diggersby, who has more attack power than any rabbit ought to have.
Well, mismagius does offer quite a bit of synergy with Aggron so that could work. However, without elecktross, your team will struggle with bulky waters etc slowbro and suicune. I think as long as you remember to keep aggron at a good amount of health, diggersby is still manageable so I don't see much to be worried about.