Sword & Shield **Official news only** DLC Crown Tundra 22nd October

SoI want to point out something interesting: If we're getting the whole game+DLC bundle packs now, is Sword and Shield finished? No more Expansions? If so....what next? Main series games for the gen being finished within the year wasnt in my bingo cards. No tangible words on remakes, way too soon for a new gen...What can we expect in 2021?

Isn’t the life cycle for any new mainline Pokémon game:
1. Game development starting at the release of the last game
2. Trademarks, merchandising rights the winter before release
3. Games announced in spring
4. News from late spring to autumn
5. Game comes out; has shelf life of 2 years

If so, I wouldn’t expect any news, at least officially, for some time. Yea DLC throws a wrench in the process but, as we’ve all argued about before on this forum, the games have felt unfinished in certain aspects since XY :blobshrug:.

I will say that, because of DLC and the bundle edition, I don’t think we’ll be getting a 3rd version(s). More likely we will jump to a remake (Gen 4), another Let’s Go game, or right into Gen IX.
I also wanna throw in that what’s added in Tundra perfectly sets stuff up for more DLC. IE, “If you buy DLC 2, characters from it will appear in Crown Tundra’s Star Tournament; and the new Pokémon will appear in Dynamax adventures!”
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To be fair, Go is a mobile game. Pretty much all mobile gaming is predatory in a way or another.
If anything I'm surprised the Pokemon mobile gaming is still remaining only "borderline" predatory and hasn't committed to full fledged whaling yet.
also missed out on pokemon shuffle
with its good old “YoU rAn oUt oF mOvES/tImE, Buy mOrE of it nOw!” goodness
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I really hate how Galarian Slowking looks. It's so ugly.


Shellder covering and becoming the face, but leaving Slowking's mouth makes it looks like it has a massive overbite, like something whose lower jaw has retracted all the way to its neck. And those eyes just do not look good on it. They look like stickers, or like some stupid camera filter. They don't look like they're actually a part of its body.
I really hate how Galarian Slowking looks. It's so ugly.


Shellder covering and becoming the face, but leaving Slowking's mouth makes it looks like it has a massive overbite, like something whose lower jaw has retracted all the way to its neck. And those eyes just do not look good on it. They look like stickers, or like some stupid camera filter. They don't look like they're actually a part of its body.
I don't like the eyes on the Shellder either, but I do mostly like the rest of Slowking's design. Its Helmet covering its eyes and its mouth being open makes it look like a hooded dark priest / shaman muttering incantations to appease the devil.
I really hate how Galarian Slowking looks. It's so ugly.


Shellder covering and becoming the face, but leaving Slowking's mouth makes it looks like it has a massive overbite, like something whose lower jaw has retracted all the way to its neck. And those eyes just do not look good on it. They look like stickers, or like some stupid camera filter. They don't look like they're actually a part of its body.
I’m curious if they will ever release official media of Slowking-Galar without its crown. There’s must be some concept art of it without its crown.
I really hate how Galarian Slowking looks. It's so ugly.


Shellder covering and becoming the face, but leaving Slowking's mouth makes it looks like it has a massive overbite, like something whose lower jaw has retracted all the way to its neck. And those eyes just do not look good on it. They look like stickers, or like some stupid camera filter. They don't look like they're actually a part of its body.

Pretty much. But bad art designs aren't new, I suspect we'll have more bad ones in the future.

Any other returning Pokemon confirmed? Wondering what the non-legendary list will look like for this one. Anyone think it will have the same amount as last time or a lot less due to all legendary returning?
Pretty much. But bad art designs aren't new, I suspect we'll have more bad ones in the future.

Any other returning Pokemon confirmed? Wondering what the non-legendary list will look like for this one. Anyone think it will have the same amount as last time or a lot less due to all legendary returning?
If you want to know them all we have it in the datamine thread
To be fair I never even played it so yes, I don't even know what it's about :smogthink:
It was a board game kinda gacha game where you have 5 figurines and had to try to get one of them to the enemy's goal or prevent the opponent from being able to move for a turn. Combat involved rng via spinning plates to pick what attack the figure was doing, but there was some variety in moves, including an rps system with typings for the moves. It was kinda fun but power creep and an increasingly aggressive monetization made it bad towards the end.

its a gacha and it was shuttered after 2 years so I think you can probably assume its level of quality & success
Was it really 2 years? Weird, but i am bad with time. At any rate it seems like there are one or two attempts at fan recreation so it still has some fans at least.
Late to the party as I was busy two days in a row, but today I finally have some time to write some thoughts about the news.

I'm glad we got a release date, and I'm even more happy that it is a good release date! October 23. Why does Europe and Japan get it one day later? Doesn't really matter though because it is on a Friday which is the best release day for new games and DLC IMO. And it is not too soon, but not as late as November either, so that's good. It is also the week after my busy weekend which is excellent as I can spend the weekend on playing Sword without other important things stealing my time and attention (at least that's what I hope for).

As for the things that were revealed... Galarian Star Tournament seems really fun, I wonder how it will work though.
Galarian Slowking looks really weird. I knew there was going to be something special about its head since it was hidden in the concept art that was previously shown... but I was surely not expecting this.
Not surprised that they are releasing a bundle. Not anything I'm planning to get since I already have Sword and the expansion pass as well, but maybe something for those who have neither and are still interested in both the games and the DLC.
Also, the music video that was released during the direct. That was amazing and I love it. Definitely saving it in my playlist.

It doesn't feel like the direct and the trailer revealed that much new, but I'm just happy we got a release date. Because of this, and the release date that's drawing closer, I'm honestly looking forward to returning to Sword once more (which might also be the final time I return to it, but time will tell). I'm planning to go back to Sword at some point during the 9th-11th so I will have about 2 weeks to prepare which should be enough. I need to make a new team for the Crown Tundra (which I have already named the Tundra team), and I need to plan the members for it as well. Though I have already decided on 4 of them so only 2 left to decide on. Also, I'm not going to go on hiatus from the forums this time unlike what I did for both the main game and the Isle of Armor. That is because it feels like everything has been either revealed or leaked already (and yes, I know it's my own fault for looking too much into the leaks) so there's no point in a hiatus this time around. Though there's still a chance I will still get spoiled on what little there's left that I don't know about yet.
Late to the party as I was busy two days in a row, but today I finally have some time to write some thoughts about the news.

I'm glad we got a release date, and I'm even more happy that it is a good release date! October 23. Why does Europe and Japan get it one day later? Doesn't really matter though because it is on a Friday which is the best release day for new games and DLC IMO. And it is not too soon, but not as late as November either, so that's good. It is also the week after my busy weekend which is excellent as I can spend the weekend on playing Sword without other important things stealing my time and attention (at least that's what I hope for).

Likely a simultaneous world-wide launch at the same hour meaning that due to time zones it is still the 22nd in America but the 23rd in Europe and Japan.
Thoughts From Watching Video:
Calyrex's footprints? Will we have to search around for clues of its presence?
0:59: The Avalugg floating in the water is a nice touch.
1:03: And now chasing after G-Articuno, and it's not a cutscene. Will we have to actually follow it to where it lands before encountering it? (Just when you we escaped roaming Pokemon, now we gotta do it in real time!)
1:20: So this is a surprise, we can encounter the normal Kanto birds through the Raids! Guessing they don't want to leave any Legendary behind.

1:41: Awesome that the tag partners have dialogue between each other in the Star Tournament (though why specify it's the "Galarain" Star Tournament, hmm...)! I'm hoping they did one (or maybe a few) for each combination. Let's do some math: We have 8 Gym Leaders, 4 Rivals, and 2 (Former) Champions. 8 + 4 + 2 = 14 Trainers. So if my math is correct that's a total of 91 combinations. That doesn't seem too much, like I'm reminded of DC & NetherRealm Studio's Injustice games where each fighter has at least one unique conversation between each other and those games have more than 14 characters. Though it would be nice if they also made the version exclusive characters available (that would bump the number up to 17 for 136 combinations, a significant increase but Injustice starts with 20+ characters and a bunch of DLC so I think GF can do it).

3:36: So few things want to bring up with the Legendary display:
  1. Urshifu, the Hero Wolves, Calyrex, new Regis, and the G-Legendary Birds are going to be available in Dens? That's a bit odd. Okay, maybe not for Urshifu, would be nice to get the other Style, but the other Galar Legends? The Hero Wolves, Eternatus & Calyrex are implied to be one-of-a-kind; and Calyrex, new Regis & the G-Legendary Birds are being given away in the Frozen Tundra DLC. Seems odd they'll make multiple available.
  2. Because of this, it makes me (and a few others have mentioned this), is there the "only one" limit on these Legendary Dens? Or can we catch multiple of any Legendaries? If so that would be major... though at the time makes sense. Legendaries have sadly lost their "specialness" over the years, so making them "unlimited" honestly making it player friendly. Though, at the same time, without the "only one" limit it kind of makes me (someone who doesn't participate in competitive) less interested in catching them as there's no "end goal" now. Like, I might as well transfer up all my Legendaries in my Ultra Moon file.
  3. Several Legendaries have signature items: The Hero Wolves have their Relic Weapons, Creation Trio have ther Orbs, and the Eon Duo have the Soul Dew. In addition the Forces of Nature have the Reveal Glass, Zygarde has the Zygarde Cube, and the Tao Trio have the DNA Splicer which are all Key Items. How will these items be obtained? EDIT: Forgot you got the DNA Splicers and Necrozma's fusion item from the Stow-On-Side bergain seller. So will this be the case for all the items? Very likely for the Reveal Glass and maybe Zygarde Cube, but the held items too? I could believe them being held by their respective owner (or at least given one after catching it).
  4. With the Frozen Tundra focusing on Necrozma, would be nice if they gave Necrozma away to access its Ultra Necrozma form.
  5. Regigigas finally is shown. This doesn't mean it's not getting a Galarian Form... though I'm thinking it's not likely now. However I'm still holding out for a Gigantamax. Like, they wouldn't make new Regis and then do nothing with Regigigas, would they?
  6. Since they only show Urshifu, Solgaleo, and Lunala, I'm guessing this means no Kubfu or, more importantly, Cosmog & Cosmoem (come on GF, don't make Cosmog and Cosmoem unavailable that would be such a jerk move for those trying to complete their HOME dex).
5:02: And this is big news... and possibly not in a good way: they're releasing physical version of the games with the DLC added. So, does that mean no more DLC? Like, if they have more DLC planned, wouldn't they wait until all DLC is released before releasing a definitive addition? Also, what's the price of these? They better not be full price (or more). I don't know how to feel about this, like I agree once all DLC is released they should do this... but since they're doing it now either means no more DLC or this is a REALLY grubby money grab. Also, if this is the end of the DLC, does that mean we're not getting all Pokemon added back? :blobthinking:

5:34: Nice to have the Ash Cap Pikachu's return, and glad to here they are going to also make one for Journey's (called the "World Cap" according to Kanburi ).

(Ready for a world-wide journey!)

6:42: *HEAVY SIGH* Of course Gigantamax Melemetal was going to be an exclusive give by transferring a Pokemon from GO to HOME. Then again, this sounds like the easiest way to get both a Meltan and Melmetal so maybe I should just download GO to get these two... :blobtriumph:

From The Site:
Ability Patch: All I can say is finally! I still think they could have just made the Ability Capsule do this, asking you what Ability you want your Pokemon to have, but I gues GF has their reasons... probably the hoops they're going to make us jump through to even get one...

Galarian Slowbro: ... So, I'm not the only one thinking the Shellder is now mind-controlling the Slowpoke like Parasect's mushroom, right? :psynervous: It's certainly an interesting twist, if not a bit disturbing. Eerie Spell sounds like it could be very annoying, and I can think of a batch of uses for Curious Medicine that could make it a very powerful ally. So final question is of its stats. N-Slowbro to G-Slowbro was +25 to Atk, -15 to Def, & -10 to SpD. N-Slowbro to N-Slowking was just a swap of the the Def & SpD. These changes don't sound like they'll fit G-Slowking so would be interesting to see what they do (I can see them not changing its stats TBH). Also, it's the "Hexpert Pokemon".

(Shellder looks happy, but behind that shell the Slowpoke undeneath is giving the same zoned out look it always does...)

Dynamax Adventure: Stinks that the Dynamax Adventure only lets you use Rental Pokemon, though I also kind of like the idea of it letting you swap out the Pokemon with one you catch during the adventure. But does that mean you don't keep the other Pokemon you catch aside from the Legendary at the end? And if you do does that mean everyone gets a copy of that Pokemon at the end even though only one trainer can swap their Pokemon for it during the adventure?

"Special" Bonus: So apparently if you preorder the Expansions now, in addition to the Pikachu & Eevee uniform, you'll now get 100 Poke Balls... I could suggest dozens of different things they could have done, but it all ends with me being dissapointed with GF. :facepalm:

And those were my quick thoughts!
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3:36: So few things want to bring up with the Legendary display:
  1. Several Legendaries have signature items: The Hero Wolves have their Relic Weapons, Creation Trio have ther Orbs, and the Eon Duo have the Soul Dew. In addition the Forces of Nature have the Reveal Glass, Zygarde has the Zygarde Cube, and the Tao Trio have the DNA Splicer which are all Key Items. How will these items be obtained?
We know the answer to this thanks to Necrozma & Kyurem, which I'll remind you are already available: take them to the rare item stall in Bea/Alistar's town.

Dynamax Adventure: Stinks that the Dynamax Adventure only lets you use Rental Pokemon, though I also kind of like the idea of it letting you swap out the Pokemon with one you catch during the adventure. But does that mean you don't keep the other Pokemon you catch aside from the Legendary at the end? And if you do does that mean everyone gets a copy of that Pokemon at the end even though only one trainer can swap their Pokemon for it during the adventure?
I hadn't noticed that caveat. I assume everyone keeps a copy of the pokemon provided they caught it, but I wonder how it's decided who gets to pick first. Does Host have right of first refusal?
I hadn't noticed that caveat. I assume everyone keeps a copy of the pokemon provided they caught it, but I wonder how it's decided who gets to pick first. Does Host have right of first refusal?

I’m assuming it works similar to how Dynamaxing a Pokémon in a raid goes: the host gets to make their decision first, and then it goes down the party based on who joined first. That is, unless the game treats all the Pokémon in the Legendary Dens as rentals besides the “end boss” itself.