Sword & Shield Battle Mechanics Research

Something I noticed playing in-game raids that is definitely worth looking more into - I think the effects of any given max move will only activate once per battle. For example, using Max Knuckle boosted my Attack on the first use, but after the second use it didn't. Another example that just occurred was I set Rain with Max Geyser, then the opponent changed it to Sandstorm, and then on my second Max Geyser use the weather remained Sandstorm. It's possible this has to do with raid mechanics but thought I'd bring it up here since it's potentially very relevant.
I believe that's due to the effects not activating when the Raid Pokemon sets up its shield, which protects them from stat drops, status conditions, etc. Otherwise, the effects continue to stack up in any other scenario.
I thought G-Max Steelsurge sets Spikes like G-Max Stonesurge sets Rocks, but it seems to be listed as its own unique hazard on the battlefield status screen - can somebody with a G-Copperajah test this?

EDIT: Niiiiice. And thankyou. ^_^
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Can we get definitive closure on Choice Items' interaction with Dynamax? Do the items' boost still apply even with the ability to switch up moves or nah? I remember there being some proof of no boost, but it was contested and left unresolved.
Hey guys... I dunno if this has been asked but... it looks like Dynamax does something like an "Embargo effect" over Choice items locking items so:
1.- Does Choice items effect (boost over speed, Attack or Special Attack for each one) will still be in effect for every single one of them.
2.- Which other items are also affected by this "Embargo effect"? I'm in particular interested by possibly losing Eviolite effect in NFE mons during Dynamax...

See ya
Do we know if speed mechanics have changed? Just saw a twitch stream where Seismitoad outsped a scarf lucario in turn 1 with a pelipper switch in

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Speeds couldn't be locked in until mega evolution took effect, and switching happens before mega evolution on the same turn, hence speed determination also has to wait until after switches and any effects they might create.
Speeds couldn't be locked in until mega evolution took effect, and switching happens before mega evolution on the same turn, hence speed determination also has to wait until after switches and any effects they might create.

As far as I'm aware, Mega evolution triggers a speed recalculation on the mon that mega evolves (that's why Mega Swampert can get the rain boost the same turn it mega evolves)
I believe that's due to the effects not activating when the Raid Pokemon sets up its shield, which protects them from stat drops, status conditions, etc. Otherwise, the effects continue to stack up in any other scenario.

But does the shield protect them from damage? Because it's weird if Max Knuckle connected and didn't give the user an Attack boost.
Have we figured out how Body Press works yet?
Is it like Gyro ball/electro ball where the higher your stat, the more the BP, but it still uses your normal Atk for the damage calculation?
Or does it actually use your defense stat in place of the attack stat in the calc?

Simple test:
Use body press, take a note of the damage.
Use Swords Dance then use Body Press again. Was the damage doubled?
Use Iron Defense then use Body Press again. Was the damage doubled?
But does the shield protect them from damage? Because it's weird if Max Knuckle connected and didn't give the user an Attack boost.
The shield doesn’t fully protect them from damage, even from normal non-Max attacks. The shield just adds damage resistance in that regard, but the main function is to shield the max mon from status ailments, stat drops, Max move effects, etc.
I strongly suspect that this is because the game tracks the fish in the mouth if the move is successfully executed, but checks this on the first turn. So you Dive, it sees that you've successfully dived underwater, and adds the fish.

I would assume, therefore, that Cramorant also gets the fish in its mouth if it hits itself in Confusion on the second turn, or it fails if the second turn fails after Dive is called by a choiced Metronome user.

To test: if Cramorant dives underwater and is subsequently hit by a Pokemon with No Guard, does the fish recoil trigger immediately? Does it make a difference whether or not the triggering hit KOs Cramorant? What if Surf is used while Cromorant is underwater?
If you play with animations turned off, you can see that when Cramorant uses Dive it actually goes through the Forme change and then hides underwater--which was useful for me because on one particular usage the opponent Cramorant ended up turning into Pikachu-gulp, so I was able to switch to an Electric type instead of getting a surprise wallop.

It would seem that all that needs to happen is the first turn being able to be executed (i.e., the message "Cramorant used Dive!" appearing), so anything happening on the second turn wouldn't affect Gulp Missile. I suppose it is also theoretically possible to tell whether it's Pikachu-gulp or Barracuda-gulp on the first turn, but PvP battles require animations to be on, right?
It would seem that all that needs to happen is the first turn being able to be executed (i.e., the message "Cramorant used Dive!" appearing), so anything happening on the second turn wouldn't affect Gulp Missile. I suppose it is also theoretically possible to tell whether it's Pikachu-gulp or Barracuda-gulp on the first turn, but PvP battles require animations to be on, right?

If it's anything like Gen VII, then you cannot turn off animations for PvP.

It is useful for the Battle Tower, though.
If Cramorant gets hit while using Dive (Surf/No Guard), goes Gulp Missile spit? And if so, does the second turn of Dive catch a new fish?