This applies to everyone.Question.
With the information in this announcement:
Will we be using the preliminary UU roster based on the stats post tomorrow [And the one being used with a UU Alpha Ladder; if such a thing goes online tomorrow]; or will we be continuing to use the one in the OP?
This tour will be based on the usage stats coming out tomorrow so anything above the 4.52% (T=15) threshold will be considered OU and on the banlist for this tournament. When the stats are released feel free to use them to base your teams around when you build for this tourney. I will make a follow-up post about this clearly depicting any changes to the current banlist and updating the OP as a result. I will also make this very clear when I tag everyone in the round 1 post.
I know many people have preemptively been building teams and given the slightly awkward timing of this being at our disposal, I intend for the first week to be slightly extended to make up for this anyways. More details regarding that will be addressed in the round 1 post. Feel free to continue using our current banlist if you wish to start building and just removing any illegal assets that change in tomorrow's stats, because from my knowledge there aren't too many changes to it.
Every other rule in the OP will continue to apply for the rest of this tour. Any changes to it such as the potential banning of Dynamax and Gigantamax in the upcoming suspect will be brought to your attention and dealt with accordingly. If a functioning UU Alpha is available on showdown by the time this tour begins then games can proceed to be played there. Again I will bring this to your attention if this is the case.
Sign-ups will be closed tomorrow as planned and I will make a follow-up post as soon as I have access to any changes. Follow the link above for more details on the changes to the tiering policy for Gen 8 if you are interested. That is all.