ZU Swiss - Round 5

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NUPL Champion

amazing artwork by Kiwi

Welcome to the ZeroUsed Swiss! This tournament is a part of the 2023 ZU Circuit. This is a type A tournament and entering will earn you points for the overall circuit, which contributes to achieving the ZU Circuit banner!

Specific Rules:

  • This is a standard SV ZU (Generation 9) tournament.
  • Matches are to be played on PS!, preferably on the smogtours server.
  • All rounds will be a best of three.
  • If metagame changes occur during the middle of a round, they will take effect in the subsequent round.
  • 2023 ZU Circuit information can be found here.
  • Replays will be required for ALL rounds past round 1!
  • No extension will be provided.

Standard Rules and Clauses:
  • General tournament rules and regulations can be found here.
  • Species Clause: A player cannot have two Pokemon with the same Pokedex number on their team.
  • Evasion Clause: The moves Double Team and Minimize are banned.
  • OHKO Clause: The moves Horn Drill, Guillotine, Sheer Cold, and Fissure are banned.
  • Endless Battle Clause: Anything capable of intentionally creating an endless battle is banned.
4 - 0
BloodAce  vs  Ruby4
LustfulLice  vs  55Miniben

3 - 1
Lizardu''  vs  S1nn0hC0nfirm3d
SirPeanutCronch  vs  RainVGC
TBasedGod  vs  5Dots
yovan33321  vs  Medeia
Toto  vs  Monai
Banbadoro  vs  OranBerryBlissey10
fish anemometer  vs  sleid
Elfuseon  vs  diegoyuhhi

2 - 2 (wooper vs JonAmon 25 was a duplicated ONCE AGAIN so i swapped with the next matchup, Mirbro vs Trout In Space was also a duplicate)
Squeeby  vs  plznostep
wooper  vs  TomatoZause
TwentyTwan  vs  JonAmon 25
Mirbro  vs  5gen
shadowtime2000  vs  Trout In Space
Nugget O Silver  vs  Bye 1
BaitWiz  vs  Bye 2
Danny  vs  Bye 3

1 - 3
jeza.p vs JeoZ

Games are due Monday, November 6th 6:00am +1. No extension will be provided. Good luck and have fun!
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