Project SV ZU Teambuilding Competition

Welp Diego needed submissions so I threw this together. It's completely unserious but also funny and annoying so have fun.

SynthGrowth Brute Bonnet+Swalot ParaSpam
:brute bonnet::dudunsparce::rhydon::swalot::drifblim::floatzel:
Bad? Hell yeah. Fun? Hell yeah. Annoying to play against? You bet. This team is designed to paralyze as much as possible and then sweep with either Bonnet, Dudunsparce, or Floatzel. I went with Mono-Dark coverage because Seed Bomb has much worse coverage overall and Dark doesn't have any immunities in the metagame. Dudunsparce is Coil ParaFlinch because its funny and annoying. Both are EVd to outrun paralyzed Whimsicott and by extention everything slower. Rhydon compresses Stealth Rock, and a Rock+Ground typing which gives me needed resistances. Swalot is funny because it has sticky hold, learns Knock Off, and has Thunder Wave. Definitely bad but the compression was cool for this specifically and for this sort of team who cares about viability. Drifblim is one of my favorites, definitely a fringe C ranker but its annoying and gives me a ground immunity+a defogger. Scarf Floatzel is just a good overall mon and the team was really slow so I needed something that could actually revenge kill stuff. Do not run this in any sort of serious game but as a ladder annoyance team it sure does the job.
The SV ZU VR was updated just yesterday so y'all already know which prompt i'm gonna use which i definitely haven't used a billion times thus far
Build a team featuring only mons in B Tier or lower (or Unranked) on the VR and post it in this thread with a brief description.
Deadline is Friday 25th at 10pm GMT+2.
Have fun!
Specs Arbo Balance


Specs Arboliva is one of the strongest breakers in the tier and can fold teams if you position it well. AV Hitmonchan is deceptively difficult to break, making it a reliable removal option here. Magmortar is deceptively great and overshadowed by Charizard/Typhlosion, but it shouldn't be understated how absurdly strong it is with great coverage and Flame Body to punish pivots. Perrserker is a solid rocker/pivot and is EV'd to outpace Adamant Glastrier. Scarf Rotom is great for Speed control and pivoting. Sneasel-Hisui is one of the top fifteen mons in the tier and was forgor when it came to the recent VR update, but I did steal the set Estragos used against us in UMPL - Throat Chop > Gunk is dope.
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Crabominable Cope Offense

This is definitely bad but you could probably cheese some people with it. General aim is get Crabominable in as much as possible and break with it because nothing really switches in. Hyper Cutter+Earthquake is a Qwilfish cteam and it generally hits most of the tier hard, speed EVs outrun Sassy Mesprit. Healing Wish Shaymin hopefully gives it multiple opportunities to break, this would definitely be Mesprit on any other team but we're working with what we have here. Nacl sets rocks, applies chip, and switches into Zard. Persian is a good annoyer and emergency button vs a boosting sweeper as well as another way to get Crab in. The last two mons are extreme cope, AV Alolan Raichu is Magneton cope that can pivot and switches into Clawitzer once. EVs let it OHKO Claw after Stealth Rock. Swanna is budget Cram that pivots and also reminds me of SM which gives me a warm fuzzy feeling so the vibes make it the right pick.
Arboliva 1v9
:arboliva: :perrserker: :rhydon: :hitmonchan: :rotom: :persian-alola:
Arboliva is lowkey an A tier level 'mon so I decided it would be best to build around it. Specs Arboliva is the best set for how hard it is to switch into while still living a lot of stuff and trading favorably. Perrserker and Rhydon are two 'mons I first thought of when I wanted to put something that benefits from grassy terrain, appreciating the recovery and weakened earthquakes, and checking a decent bit of the tier together. The option of Naclstack seemed appealing for how well it deals with Charizard, but unfortunately Rhydon was the only electric immunity in B and under so I was obliged to go it. Hitmonchan seemed like the only viable option for a spinner, and also appreciates grassy terrain recovery so it seemed like a natural choice. Rotom is the only decent scarfer in B and under, and Persian is nice for additional support, revenge killing threats such as SD qwilfish and spreading paralysis which Arboliva and Persian greatly appreciate. The most obvious weakness of the team is the two best fighting types in the tier, Decidueye-Hisui and Passimian, but I am not fond of neither Muk nor Dachsbun, so I opted to deal with them with the tera types on the team instead. Aditionally, I opted for Protect on Perrserker over something like Close Combat to scout vs Passimian and other choiced 'mons.
Speed on Arboliva is to outspeed everything speedcreeping Regirock, Perrserker outspeeds paralyzed base 100s, Hitmonchan outspeeds Adamant Decidueye-Hisui.
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:Whiscash: :Sneasel-Hisui: :Rotom: :Raichu-Alola: :Primeape: :Shaymin:

Spikestack HO because it'll be hard to cover the offensive threats in this tier with B and below mons. Whiscash sets hazards, immune to taunt, rock tomb to annoy stuff. Surf helps you against the more common spinners such as H-Avalugg and Sandslash. Next Sneasel-H to check the grasses that people often lead to stop hazards going up, while also appreciating hazards. Rotom for spinblocking + trick to annoy bulkier teams. Encore NP Alolan Raichu is kinda like Mesprit, encore to give itself set up opportunities. I tried draining kiss over thunderbolt but it's quite weak, and the recovery isn't worth it when Raichu has terrible defenses. Primeape deters defog, and has enough speed to creep max speed base 80s. Last slot I went with Shaymin for healing wish support for the main sweepers, alongside something that can actually switch in on CB floatzel while you let it get worn down by hazards.
Introducing, Last Meta HO: :Sceptile: :indeedee-f: :veluza: :Houndoom: :electrode: :raichu-alola:

It's terrain HO. Lead with Electrode, who can deny hazards with fast taunt and keep momentum with volt switch or eject button. From there, Indeedee goes in to set up terrain. It's usually not worth clicking Hwish, since Indeedee is usually dead anyways or needs to come in again later. Your terrain sweepers are then ready to go, with Sceptile being the team tera hog and most reliable sweeper, Veluza tearing through anything after it fillets away, Houndoom being Oricorio at home, and Raichu having expanding force and therefore being worth more than choiced Morpeko or Haunter.

Sceptile has drain punch > EQ because I lost to Orthworm once.

Hwish > metronome on Indeedee because I forgot to swap out the move i don't click

Aqua jet on Veluza because it is the most likely sweeper to set up outside of terrain. Don't click jet in terrain. I'm OK running a moveset walled by tera dark water absorb mons because nobody is prepping for Veluza that way, and the priority is useful since there's no unburden anymore.

I'm convinced this Houndoom set is a hard counter to cm+dk Mesprit. I faced 0 Mesprit on ladder.

Trode EVs are so it outspeeds every hazard setting lead while having enough defense for eject button to work.

Raichu is scarf because of the whole no unburden thing
Some sort of bargain bin grass/fire spam.
Cb Thwackey and Rotom are both good speed control options, Thwackey threatens a large chunk of mons meanwhile Rotom has good utility with wisp and trick. Scovillain is a breaker that can threaten lanturn and cramorant while outspeeding the magneton (70) benchmark. Pyroar is a solid cleaner that outspeeds the 105 benchmark and appreaciates Scovillains breaking power. Lurantis is a reliable hazard remover that can deal with most stealth rock setters and kind of acts as this teams primary knock absorber. Rhydon stops voltswitch from rolling through this team and is a "decent" spdef wall.
Notes: Teras are mostly for fighting and dark types, Terablast fairy Scov is for dragon/tera dragon walls. Persian-a maybe fits somewhere on this team and can alleviate the sneasel/knock off weakness.
It's now time to vote!

Team 1: :arboliva: :hitmonchan: :magmortar: :perrserker: :rotom: :sneasel-hisui: Specs Arbo + Magmortar BO by FlamPoke

Team 2: :crabominable: :shaymin: :naclstack: :persian-alola: :raichu-alola: :swanna: AV Raichu-A + Crabominable BO by Sputnik

Team 3: :arboliva: :perrserker: :rhydon: :hitmonchan: :rotom: :persian-alola: Specs Arbo + AV Chan Balance by yo cho

Team 4: :Whiscash: :Sneasel-Hisui: :Rotom: :Raichu-Alola: :Primeape: :Shaymin: Lead Cash + BU Primeape HO by Inferno Monferno

Team 5: :Sceptile: :indeedee-f: :veluza: :Houndoom: :electrode: :raichu-alola: Scarf Raichu-A + Houndoom Psyterrain by LettuceLeaf07

Team 6: :thwackey: :rotom: :lurantis: :rhydon: :pyroar: :scovillain: Fire Spam + Grass Spam BO by evend101

Vote for your three favourite teams!
Deadline to vote is Sunday 27th at 10pm GMT+2.