• Snag some vintage SPL team logo merch over at our Teespring store before January 12th!


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OP stolen mostly from Btboy who stole it from Expulso (maybe he stole it from someone else, idk)
:sv/cetitan: :sv/bellibolt:
SV RU No Johns Kickoff Tournament!
:sv/naclstack: :sv/tauros-paldea-fire:​
Yourwelcomethanku and C0nfiden1 0yster are the hosts for the tournament

Specific Rules:

  • This is a standard SV RU (Generation 9) tournament.
  • Matches are to be played on PS!, preferably on the smogtours server.
  • All rounds will be a best of three, single elimination.
  • Replays will be required for ALL rounds!
  • This is a "No Johns" tournament, so there will be no extensions and you may have just four days to complete a set.
Standard Rules and Clauses:
  • General tournament rules and regulations can be found here
  • Species Clause: A player cannot have two Pokemon with the same PokeDex number on his team.
  • Sleep Clause: You cannot inflict sleep upon more than one member of the opposing team.
  • Evasion Clause: The moves Double Team and Minimize are banned.
  • OHKO Clause: The moves Horn Drill, Guillotine, Sheer Cold, and Fissure are banned.
  • Endless Battle Clause: Anything capable of intentionally creating an endless battle is banned.
General Tournament Rules:
  • Identity: I expect many battles to be completed under alts. This can be bad for tournament security, and thus I will make this clear: If I hear any whispers of identity theft (battling as someone you are not) or proxy battling (helping someone else battle through pm) I will not be pleased and I will take severe actions.
  • Scouting: Next, I do not want to hear anything about counterteaming, at all. Do not complain about it. I also don't want to hear about any blatant scouting. There is a difference between "[user] is known for using stall" and "let me follow [user] around all day to watch all his battles since I am his opponent". I expect a lot of the former and none of the latter. I give permission to all battlers to ask any person spectating their battle to leave if they do not want them watching.
  • Timer Clause: Play with the Battle Timer on. Battle Timeout is a rule for a reason; if you run out of time, you lose, simple as that. [Exceptions might be made for server-side problems such as a PS-wide server reset]. It does not matter what your opponent says. Do not battle if you think you will have to leave mid battle, and instead reschedule for a better time.
  • Disconnections: Finally, in the case of a disconnect, the decision is in the hands of the player who did not disconnect. The options are: redo the battle move for move, redo the battle with the same teams but different moves, or redo the battle with completely different teams. If the battle was without a doubt over, they may also take the win. Any suspicion that a disconnect was committed on purpose to redo a match may be appealed to me, and if I feel this happened there will be severe consequences, don't do it.

  • Scheduling & Activity:
    • Use VMs to schedule with your opponent to make it easier for me to track activity calls when needed. If you use other methods to contact your opponent outside of VMs, then post in this thread a screenshot confirming your contact.
    • Do not schedule last minute expecting to be compensated in case of timezone conflicts or be given an activity win over your opponent.
    • Do not expect me to grant activity if I cannot see the conversation

2020 idm boomer  vs  pppppp
xXcrossbowXx  vs  Strach
MachJacob  vs  lavarina
Melbelle  vs  TheFranklin
I love Bagon  vs  Fant'sy Beast
BigFatMantis  vs  sasha
BossCampers  vs  ganymede lobster
Meta  vs  Trade
btboy  vs  spatulakun
Oathkeeper  vs  C0nfiden1 0yster
CaptainEikichi  vs  Ampha (Coinflip)
Mr.Bossaru  vs  lighthouses (Coinflip)
Kyora  vs  LBN
Askov  vs  MassiveDestruction
ImDoneThrowing  vs  Nezloe (Coinflip)
EviGaro  vs  TDR (Coinflip)
Aqua Jet  vs  Kev
frogfacts  vs  Velcroc
Ara  vs  gamieTG
Quartosa  vs  Zenadark (Coinflip)
Elfuseon  vs  LA’Katone
Inferno-the-bear  vs  DuGuo (Coinflip)
Inder  vs  Mike Cometa
TJ  vs  -RD- (Coinflip)
Chrome_  vs  artifice. (Coinflip)
ZeroKitss  vs  Landon (Coinflip)
Danny  vs  swag god  vs  TyCarter
Daruma  vs  Persona111
Medeia  vs  Davo2544
Yay  vs  Shogeki
Corperate n  vs  Emptymap
neymar X  vs  keppy
Critaquil  vs  vegachase
Sneakyplanner  vs  DerpyBoi
Sirwings  vs  daddl_ding
lank22  vs  MrAldo
Togkey  vs  MatLaTomate
Floss  vs  RoiDadadou
Pepeduce  vs  SwordIsBored
Yourwelcomethanku  vs  roxie
Jnho  vs  Your mom op.
Metallica126  vs  youde (Coinflip)
DreamyFleur  vs  The Mefesto
Lucario  vs  ChiZGritz17
BT89  vs  pannu
giove97  vs  Shady Icy (Coinflip)
Shaneghoul  vs  Lasen
MultiPokemon  vs  TheWyvernKing
laserduck  vs  Kizaco
5camp  vs  Concept Everything (Coinflip)
SpaceSpeakers  vs  FreezD
Blanched  vs  Arcanine1929
jeza.p  vs  Creeperman129
shadowtime2000  vs  bubblecat3
Warucario  vs  rylon
Ashbala  vs  Miyami~~~
Drifting  vs  Cherbou
Cheryl  vs  Slip
Cam  vs  Cbass97
TomatoZause  vs  Astrø
brokenmotor  vs  Nateboomer21
Hyssou  vs  ketchup disliker
Some Thug  vs  LettuceLeaf07
Trogba Trogba  vs  hjj no
not mishmesh  vs  iLiekMudkipz_
SarcTechie  vs  SenseiSese
5Dots  vs  Wunderlich (Coinflip)
chaosfnog  vs  TheNewGuyM8
incorolla  vs  Kenny
Antonazz  vs  GetPilfered
Scalescale  vs  Beraldinho (Coinflip)
Nultiprise  vs  sensei axew
gorex  vs  martinvtran
Razorgliscor  vs  Nat
DragMagReborn  vs  Cielau (Coinflip)
Springerk  vs  Tempo di anguria
tlenit  vs  TheSerotoninVibes
KJ Corp  vs  ]Kavchi[/B] (Coinflip)
FillyGrifon  vs  chimp
dex  vs  Bye 1
yovan33321  vs  Bye 2
One Last Kiss  vs  Runoisch
Ampharo  vs  Bye 4
LucarioOfLegends  vs  Bye 5
Hax Believer  vs  Bye 8
Elias PSY  vs  Bye 9
wughead  vs  Bye 10
Mac3  vs  Bye 11
Hurtadoo  vs  Bye 12
tom holland  vs  Bye 13
pdt  vs  Bye 14

Deadline is Thursday the 12th 8 PM -5">]DawnofDay[[/B]/USER]  vs  Bye 7
Hax Believer  vs  Bye 8
Elias PSY  vs  Bye 9
wughead  vs  Bye 10
Mac3  vs  Bye 11
Hurtadoo  vs  Bye 12
tom holland  vs  Bye 13
pdt  vs  Bye 14

Deadline is Thursday the 12th 8 PM -5">GW[/USER]  vs  Fragments
Drifting  vs  Cherbou
Cheryl  vs  Slip
Cam  vs  Cbass97
TomatoZause  vs  Astrø
brokenmotor  vs  Nateboomer21
Hyssou  vs  ketchup disliker
Some Thug  vs  LettuceLeaf07
Trogba Trogba  vs  hjj no
not mishmesh  vs  iLiekMudkipz_
SarcTechie  vs  SenseiSese
5Dots  vs  Wunderlich (Coinflip)
chaosfnog  vs  TheNewGuyM8
incorolla  vs  Kenny
Antonazz  vs  GetPilfered
Scalescale  vs  Beraldinho (Coinflip)
Nultiprise  vs  sensei axew
gorex  vs  martinvtran
Razorgliscor  vs  Nat
DragMagReborn  vs  Cielau (Coinflip)
Springerk  vs  Tempo di anguria
tlenit  vs  TheSerotoninVibes
KJ Corp  vs  ]Kavchi[/B] (Coinflip)
FillyGrifon  vs  chimp
dex  vs  Bye 1
yovan33321  vs  Bye 2
One Last Kiss  vs  Runoisch
Ampharo  vs  Bye 4
LucarioOfLegends  vs  Bye 5
Hax Believer  vs  Bye 8
Elias PSY  vs  Bye 9
wughead  vs  Bye 10
Mac3  vs  Bye 11
Hurtadoo  vs  Bye 12
tom holland  vs  Bye 13
pdt  vs  Bye 14

Deadline is Thursday the 12th 8 PM -5">]DawnofDay[[/B]/USER]  vs  Bye 7
Hax Believer  vs  Bye 8
Elias PSY  vs  Bye 9
wughead  vs  Bye 10
Mac3  vs  Bye 11
Hurtadoo  vs  Bye 12
tom holland  vs  Bye 13
pdt  vs  Bye 14

Deadline is Thursday the 12th 8 PM -5">outbackrabbit[/USER]
swag god  vs  TyCarter
Daruma  vs  Persona111
Medeia  vs  Davo2544
Yay  vs  Shogeki
Corperate n  vs  Emptymap
neymar X  vs  keppy
Critaquil  vs  vegachase
Sneakyplanner  vs  DerpyBoi
Sirwings  vs  daddl_ding
lank22  vs  MrAldo
Togkey  vs  MatLaTomate
Floss  vs  RoiDadadou
Pepeduce  vs  SwordIsBored
Yourwelcomethanku  vs  roxie
Jnho  vs  Your mom op.
Metallica126  vs  youde (Coinflip)
DreamyFleur  vs  The Mefesto
Lucario  vs  ChiZGritz17
BT89  vs  pannu
giove97  vs  Shady Icy (Coinflip)
Shaneghoul  vs  Lasen
MultiPokemon  vs  TheWyvernKing
laserduck  vs  Kizaco
5camp  vs  Concept Everything (Coinflip)
SpaceSpeakers  vs  FreezD
Blanched  vs  Arcanine1929
jeza.p  vs  Creeperman129
shadowtime2000  vs  bubblecat3
Warucario  vs  rylon
Ashbala  vs  Miyami~~~
Drifting  vs  Cherbou
Cheryl  vs  Slip
Cam  vs  Cbass97
TomatoZause  vs  Astrø
brokenmotor  vs  Nateboomer21
Hyssou  vs  ketchup disliker
Some Thug  vs  LettuceLeaf07
Trogba Trogba  vs  hjj no
not mishmesh  vs  iLiekMudkipz_
SarcTechie  vs  SenseiSese
5Dots  vs  Wunderlich (Coinflip)
chaosfnog  vs  TheNewGuyM8
incorolla  vs  Kenny
Antonazz  vs  GetPilfered
Scalescale  vs  Beraldinho (Coinflip)
Nultiprise  vs  sensei axew
gorex  vs  martinvtran
Razorgliscor  vs  Nat
DragMagReborn  vs  Cielau (Coinflip)
Springerk  vs  Tempo di anguria
tlenit  vs  TheSerotoninVibes
KJ Corp  vs  ]Kavchi[/B] (Coinflip)
FillyGrifon  vs  chimp
dex  vs  Bye 1
yovan33321  vs  Bye 2
One Last Kiss  vs  Runoisch
Ampharo  vs  Bye 4
LucarioOfLegends  vs  Bye 5
Hax Believer  vs  Bye 8
Elias PSY  vs  Bye 9
wughead  vs  Bye 10
Mac3  vs  Bye 11
Hurtadoo  vs  Bye 12
tom holland  vs  Bye 13
pdt  vs  Bye 14

Deadline is Thursday the 12th 8 PM -5">]DawnofDay[[/B]/USER]  vs  Bye 7
Hax Believer  vs  Bye 8
Elias PSY  vs  Bye 9
wughead  vs  Bye 10
Mac3  vs  Bye 11
Hurtadoo  vs  Bye 12
tom holland  vs  Bye 13
pdt  vs  Bye 14

Deadline is Thursday the 12th 8 PM -5">GW[/USER]  vs  Fragments
Drifting  vs  Cherbou
Cheryl  vs  Slip
Cam  vs  Cbass97
TomatoZause  vs  Astrø
brokenmotor  vs  Nateboomer21
Hyssou  vs  ketchup disliker
Some Thug  vs  LettuceLeaf07
Trogba Trogba  vs  hjj no
not mishmesh  vs  iLiekMudkipz_
SarcTechie  vs  SenseiSese
5Dots  vs  Wunderlich (Coinflip)
chaosfnog  vs  TheNewGuyM8
incorolla  vs  Kenny
Antonazz  vs  GetPilfered
Scalescale  vs  Beraldinho (Coinflip)
Nultiprise  vs  sensei axew
gorex  vs  martinvtran
Razorgliscor  vs  Nat
DragMagReborn  vs  Cielau (Coinflip)
Springerk  vs  Tempo di anguria
tlenit  vs  TheSerotoninVibes
KJ Corp  vs  ]Kavchi[/B] (Coinflip)
FillyGrifon  vs  chimp
dex  vs  Bye 1
yovan33321  vs  Bye 2
One Last Kiss  vs  Runoisch
Ampharo  vs  Bye 4
LucarioOfLegends  vs  Bye 5
Hax Believer  vs  Bye 8
Elias PSY  vs  Bye 9
wughead  vs  Bye 10
Mac3  vs  Bye 11
Hurtadoo  vs  Bye 12
tom holland  vs  Bye 13
pdt  vs  Bye 14

Deadline is Thursday the 12th 8 PM -5">]DawnofDay[[/B]/USER]  vs  Bye 7
Hax Believer  vs  Bye 8
Elias PSY  vs  Bye 9
wughead  vs  Bye 10
Mac3  vs  Bye 11
Hurtadoo  vs  Bye 12
tom holland  vs  Bye 13
pdt  vs  Bye 14

Deadline is Thursday the 12th 8 PM -5">RedstoneX[/USER]  vs  Deff
MachJacob  vs  lavarina
Melbelle  vs  TheFranklin
I love Bagon  vs  Fant'sy Beast
BigFatMantis  vs  sasha
BossCampers  vs  ganymede lobster
Meta  vs  Trade
btboy  vs  spatulakun
Oathkeeper  vs  C0nfiden1 0yster
CaptainEikichi  vs  Ampha (Coinflip)
Mr.Bossaru  vs  lighthouses (Coinflip)
Kyora  vs  LBN
Askov  vs  MassiveDestruction
ImDoneThrowing  vs  Nezloe (Coinflip)
EviGaro  vs  TDR (Coinflip)
Aqua Jet  vs  Kev
frogfacts  vs  Velcroc
Ara  vs  gamieTG
Quartosa  vs  Zenadark (Coinflip)
Elfuseon  vs  LA’Katone
Inferno-the-bear  vs  DuGuo (Coinflip)
Inder  vs  Mike Cometa
TJ  vs  -RD- (Coinflip)
Chrome_  vs  artifice. (Coinflip)
ZeroKitss  vs  Landon (Coinflip)
Danny  vs  swag god  vs  TyCarter
Daruma  vs  Persona111
Medeia  vs  Davo2544
Yay  vs  Shogeki
Corperate n  vs  Emptymap
neymar X  vs  keppy
Critaquil  vs  vegachase
Sneakyplanner  vs  DerpyBoi
Sirwings  vs  daddl_ding
lank22  vs  MrAldo
Togkey  vs  MatLaTomate
Floss  vs  RoiDadadou
Pepeduce  vs  SwordIsBored
Yourwelcomethanku  vs  roxie
Jnho  vs  Your mom op.
Metallica126  vs  youde (Coinflip)
DreamyFleur  vs  The Mefesto
Lucario  vs  ChiZGritz17
BT89  vs  pannu
giove97  vs  Shady Icy (Coinflip)
Shaneghoul  vs  Lasen
MultiPokemon  vs  TheWyvernKing
laserduck  vs  Kizaco
5camp  vs  Concept Everything (Coinflip)
SpaceSpeakers  vs  FreezD
Blanched  vs  Arcanine1929
jeza.p  vs  Creeperman129
shadowtime2000  vs  bubblecat3
Warucario  vs  rylon
Ashbala  vs  Miyami~~~
Drifting  vs  Cherbou
Cheryl  vs  Slip
Cam  vs  Cbass97
TomatoZause  vs  Astrø
brokenmotor  vs  Nateboomer21
Hyssou  vs  ketchup disliker
Some Thug  vs  LettuceLeaf07
Trogba Trogba  vs  hjj no
not mishmesh  vs  iLiekMudkipz_
SarcTechie  vs  SenseiSese
5Dots  vs  Wunderlich (Coinflip)
chaosfnog  vs  TheNewGuyM8
incorolla  vs  Kenny
Antonazz  vs  GetPilfered
Scalescale  vs  Beraldinho (Coinflip)
Nultiprise  vs  sensei axew
gorex  vs  martinvtran
Razorgliscor  vs  Nat
DragMagReborn  vs  Cielau (Coinflip)
Springerk  vs  Tempo di anguria
tlenit  vs  TheSerotoninVibes
KJ Corp  vs  ]Kavchi[/B] (Coinflip)
FillyGrifon  vs  chimp
dex  vs  Bye 1
yovan33321  vs  Bye 2
One Last Kiss  vs  Runoisch
Ampharo  vs  Bye 4
LucarioOfLegends  vs  Bye 5
Hax Believer  vs  Bye 8
Elias PSY  vs  Bye 9
wughead  vs  Bye 10
Mac3  vs  Bye 11
Hurtadoo  vs  Bye 12
tom holland  vs  Bye 13
pdt  vs  Bye 14

Deadline is Thursday the 12th 8 PM -5">]DawnofDay[[/B]/USER]  vs  Bye 7
Hax Believer  vs  Bye 8
Elias PSY  vs  Bye 9
wughead  vs  Bye 10
Mac3  vs  Bye 11
Hurtadoo  vs  Bye 12
tom holland  vs  Bye 13
pdt  vs  Bye 14

Deadline is Thursday the 12th 8 PM -5">GW[/USER]  vs  Fragments
Drifting  vs  Cherbou
Cheryl  vs  Slip
Cam  vs  Cbass97
TomatoZause  vs  Astrø
brokenmotor  vs  Nateboomer21
Hyssou  vs  ketchup disliker
Some Thug  vs  LettuceLeaf07
Trogba Trogba  vs  hjj no
not mishmesh  vs  iLiekMudkipz_
SarcTechie  vs  SenseiSese
5Dots  vs  Wunderlich (Coinflip)
chaosfnog  vs  TheNewGuyM8
incorolla  vs  Kenny
Antonazz  vs  GetPilfered
Scalescale  vs  Beraldinho (Coinflip)
Nultiprise  vs  sensei axew
gorex  vs  martinvtran
Razorgliscor  vs  Nat
DragMagReborn  vs  Cielau (Coinflip)
Springerk  vs  Tempo di anguria
tlenit  vs  TheSerotoninVibes
KJ Corp  vs  ]Kavchi[/B] (Coinflip)
FillyGrifon  vs  chimp
dex  vs  Bye 1
yovan33321  vs  Bye 2
One Last Kiss  vs  Runoisch
Ampharo  vs  Bye 4
LucarioOfLegends  vs  Bye 5
Hax Believer  vs  Bye 8
Elias PSY  vs  Bye 9
wughead  vs  Bye 10
Mac3  vs  Bye 11
Hurtadoo  vs  Bye 12
tom holland  vs  Bye 13
pdt  vs  Bye 14

Deadline is Thursday the 12th 8 PM -5">]DawnofDay[[/B]/USER]  vs  Bye 7
Hax Believer  vs  Bye 8
Elias PSY  vs  Bye 9
wughead  vs  Bye 10
Mac3  vs  Bye 11
Hurtadoo  vs  Bye 12
tom holland  vs  Bye 13
pdt  vs  Bye 14

Deadline is Thursday the 12th 8 PM -5">outbackrabbit[/USER]
swag god  vs  TyCarter
Daruma  vs  Persona111
Medeia  vs  Davo2544
Yay  vs  Shogeki
Corperate n  vs  Emptymap
neymar X  vs  keppy
Critaquil  vs  vegachase
Sneakyplanner  vs  DerpyBoi
Sirwings  vs  daddl_ding
lank22  vs  MrAldo
Togkey  vs  MatLaTomate
Floss  vs  RoiDadadou
Pepeduce  vs  SwordIsBored
Yourwelcomethanku  vs  roxie
Jnho  vs  Your mom op.
Metallica126  vs  youde (Coinflip)
DreamyFleur  vs  The Mefesto
Lucario  vs  ChiZGritz17
BT89  vs  pannu
giove97  vs  Shady Icy (Coinflip)
Shaneghoul  vs  Lasen
MultiPokemon  vs  TheWyvernKing
laserduck  vs  Kizaco
5camp  vs  Concept Everything (Coinflip)
SpaceSpeakers  vs  FreezD
Blanched  vs  Arcanine1929
jeza.p  vs  Creeperman129
shadowtime2000  vs  bubblecat3
Warucario  vs  rylon
Ashbala  vs  Miyami~~~
Drifting  vs  Cherbou
Cheryl  vs  Slip
Cam  vs  Cbass97
TomatoZause  vs  Astrø
brokenmotor  vs  Nateboomer21
Hyssou  vs  ketchup disliker
Some Thug  vs  LettuceLeaf07
Trogba Trogba  vs  hjj no
not mishmesh  vs  iLiekMudkipz_
SarcTechie  vs  SenseiSese
5Dots  vs  Wunderlich (Coinflip)
chaosfnog  vs  TheNewGuyM8
incorolla  vs  Kenny
Antonazz  vs  GetPilfered
Scalescale  vs  Beraldinho (Coinflip)
Nultiprise  vs  sensei axew
gorex  vs  martinvtran
Razorgliscor  vs  Nat
DragMagReborn  vs  Cielau (Coinflip)
Springerk  vs  Tempo di anguria
tlenit  vs  TheSerotoninVibes
KJ Corp  vs  ]Kavchi[/B] (Coinflip)
FillyGrifon  vs  chimp
dex  vs  Bye 1
yovan33321  vs  Bye 2
One Last Kiss  vs  Runoisch
Ampharo  vs  Bye 4
LucarioOfLegends  vs  Bye 5
Hax Believer  vs  Bye 8
Elias PSY  vs  Bye 9
wughead  vs  Bye 10
Mac3  vs  Bye 11
Hurtadoo  vs  Bye 12
tom holland  vs  Bye 13
pdt  vs  Bye 14

Deadline is Thursday the 12th 8 PM -5">]DawnofDay[[/B]/USER]  vs  Bye 7
Hax Believer  vs  Bye 8
Elias PSY  vs  Bye 9
wughead  vs  Bye 10
Mac3  vs  Bye 11
Hurtadoo  vs  Bye 12
tom holland  vs  Bye 13
pdt  vs  Bye 14

Deadline is Thursday the 12th 8 PM -5">GW[/USER]  vs  Fragments
Drifting  vs  Cherbou
Cheryl  vs  Slip
Cam  vs  Cbass97
TomatoZause  vs  Astrø
brokenmotor  vs  Nateboomer21
Hyssou  vs  ketchup disliker
Some Thug  vs  LettuceLeaf07
Trogba Trogba  vs  hjj no
not mishmesh  vs  iLiekMudkipz_
SarcTechie  vs  SenseiSese
5Dots  vs  Wunderlich (Coinflip)
chaosfnog  vs  TheNewGuyM8
incorolla  vs  Kenny
Antonazz  vs  GetPilfered
Scalescale  vs  Beraldinho (Coinflip)
Nultiprise  vs  sensei axew
gorex  vs  martinvtran
Razorgliscor  vs  Nat
DragMagReborn  vs  Cielau (Coinflip)
Springerk  vs  Tempo di anguria
tlenit  vs  TheSerotoninVibes
KJ Corp  vs  ]Kavchi[/B] (Coinflip)
FillyGrifon  vs  chimp
dex  vs  Bye 1
yovan33321  vs  Bye 2
One Last Kiss  vs  Runoisch
Ampharo  vs  Bye 4
LucarioOfLegends  vs  Bye 5
Hax Believer  vs  Bye 8
Elias PSY  vs  Bye 9
wughead  vs  Bye 10
Mac3  vs  Bye 11
Hurtadoo  vs  Bye 12
tom holland  vs  Bye 13
pdt  vs  Bye 14

Deadline is Thursday the 12th 8 PM -5">]DawnofDay[[/B]/USER]  vs  Bye 7
Hax Believer  vs  Bye 8
Elias PSY  vs  Bye 9
wughead  vs  Bye 10
Mac3  vs  Bye 11
Hurtadoo  vs  Bye 12
tom holland  vs  Bye 13
pdt  vs  Bye 14

Deadline is Thursday the 12th 8 PM -5
Last edited:
Since it's so early, I'll give a sub, but likely no more going forward, unless they sign up very soon
Screenshot 2023-01-08 10.25.09 PM.png

Runoisch vs One Last Kiss
I contacted my opponent, when he responds I'll send the replays.
I put the mods in the chat so they can see that I invited him (I can send you a print anyway)
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