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Resource SV PU Sample Teams

Scarf Dazzle Bruxish BO
:rhydon: :arcanine: :florges: :decidueye-hisui: :bruxish: :snorlax:

Band Arc+Heasel BO
:rhydon: :arcanine: :florges: :sneasel-hisui: :cramorant: :wo-chien:

Above are two teams I built which I believe to be strong standard options into the torterra meta we currently find ourselves in. I think Arcanine+Arcanine Answer+Florges is a really strong starting point right now in the current meta, and I usually make my Arc answer the team's ground type. My motto is you cannot go wrong running florges in sv pu, so you will find it on all of my teams. Of the two I think the scarf bruxish team is the strongest, because I managed to top ladder pretty easily with that one, but both felt pretty consistent and I never really found myself autolosing unless it was bad luck. the snorlax feature in that one btw is because I wanted a ghost resist that could take special attacks if i had to, and was still threatening back. This ended up becoming snorlax, who is actually really impressing me right now. Off of band, double edge and earthquake is really threatening, and body slam can be a nice midground at times that offers paralysis chance, and crunch I find to be good coverage midground as well. I run tera dark to deal with psyshock mons in a pinch, as I forgo defense evs for special defense on this snorlax.

Anyways, just wanted to drop some teams that have a good matchup into a lot of stuff that's strong rn for those who may be suffering like I was initially with the rises. I think tort+arcanine makes building pretty restrictive rn if you want consistency but it is at least still achievable!
SS Torterra Webs

Here we have some webs HO with all the tools needed to abuse them. Torterra is best put on Sticky Web teams in my experience to make up for its low Speed, and with the recent tier shifts, I've found it extremely potent with support from Vikavolt. Thunder Wave is mainly to catch the Flying-types and Levitate mons that are unaffected by webs which makes it even easier for Torterra to sweep. Tera Ghost deters Rapid Spin and blocks priority from both Ambipom and Arcanine. Agility Pawmot provides extra breaking power and can handle opposing Torterras and other Grasses and Flying types with Ice Punch and Double Shock respectfully, G-Articuno deters Defog and is just broken in general, Mismagius blocks Rapid Spin and is faster than scarf variants of Bruxish and Tauros-PB and provides Memento support for the other sweepers. Lastly CB Arcanine provides additional breaking for Torterra and strong priority overall. A very straightforward team with multiple ways to just click buttons and dish out massive damage.
are we posting samples? neat!

:articuno-galar: :bruxish: :dipplin: :rhydon: :copperajah: :rotom-heat:

This is a bulky offense made by adapting the dipplin+copper+cuno+some random filler spikes team for the fact that we don't have any good spikes setters now, sooo there's no spikes. Articuno-Galar is still the main focus and usually the win condition - if the opponent doesn't have one of the fast physical breakers (Redbull, Pawmot) that can revenge it, try to whittle down opposing Steel- and Rock-types even at the cost of trading your other mons. It has a standard set, Steel tera may be boring but it's just the best type for it, Psyshock lets it beat opposing CM users, Air Slash is less stressful than Hurricane. Rotom-Heat can switch into the main Steel-types that go in againt Guno with ease, chips the Rock-types, forms a fantastic volt-..flip? core with Bruxish (speed control, Dazzling is, well, the obviously correct choice, why even run Strong Jaw) and occasionally functions as an effective wallbreaker. Dipplin counters Rock-types Guno switchins and chips the Steel-types that come in on it with Dragon Tail - ideally after you set up Stealth Rock. It's also a solid secondary wincon in some matchups with Growth. It's also a Florges magnet, which is dealt with AV Copperajah (and Heattom, and Guno, and Rhydon, to an extent. Copperajah and Rhydon provide some more defensive backup, and they can do good damage when they get in - again standard sets with minimal speed creep.
I'd like to resubmit my team, works very well, even better since Melo has been shifted up:


Hello everyone.

I recently have had great success on the ladder with this team and got reqs for Meloetta with over 80 GXE with it.

Pre-Scyther ban, this team wouldn't have been as effective but due to its ban and the prominence of Meloetta and the waning of Tauros F, this team has achieved relative strength right now.

:Arcanine: Arcanine serves multiple purposes on the team. Firstly, due to the teams semi limited speed control, Extremespeed serves as a great revenge killer as well as being able to hit weaker, quick mons like Salazzle for big damage. Arcanine also functions as a fantastic check to regular Decidueye with intimidate as well as access to Morning Sun and Curse. Arcanine can do massive damage with Flare Blitz and also serves as an excellent late game set up sweeper.

:Zoroark: Zoroark serves as your main source of Special Damage. Its excellent speed tier means it can outrun any variant of Melo apart from Scarf and Night Daze is a great option in terms of both power and hax. The accuracy drop chance can come in massive handy for momentum and also puts dents in teams that aren't ready for it. It has amazing coverage in sludge bomb and grass knot, meaning that Mudsdale, Gastrodon and Rhydon all suffer at the hands of Zoroark when unprepared for it. It can also deal significant damage to fairy types and pivot reliably with U turn, meaning that even Wo Chien isn't a safe check. The main strength lies in Illusion. You can gain the upper hand by choosing a weak phys attacker as your last mon to trick the opponent into a false sense of security and hit for massive damage with specs.

:Goodra: Goodra serves as your special wall. Super strong and can easily build momentum with Acid Spray. Draco Meteor hits very hard and the coverage can be tweaked for your needs. This thing can even run Knock Off as well as Power Whip for Gastro. Gooey can come in clutch for revenging and is an excellent ability late game for slowing things down. I would also recommend adding tbolt for flamethrower if you're having problems playing around Cramorant.

:Mudsdale: Mudsdale is your physical wall as well as rocks setter. Consistent switch in to tons of mons in the tier. Walls Tauros F, tanks psyshocks, walls Ambipom, deals well with Rhydon etc. It can also deal a lot of damage with its high attack stat as well as stop sweeps in their tracks with roar. Overall it's incredibly versatile and covers tons of bases as well as stopping a ton of mons in their tracks!

:Sandslash-Alola: Sandslash is great for walling key threats such as Meloetta, Braviary-H and Articuno Galar and Florges. Psychic Types hate this thing! It has access to Spikes which can apply tons of hazard pressure and Tera Ghost can stop people removing those hazards efficiently. It has very nice defensive typing as well as being able to deal decent damage with Ice Spinner and Iron Head. Overall, it's a utility mon for setting spikes but functions nicely as a check to special attackers.

:Decidueye-Hisui: Finally, Decidueye Hisui is your cleaner upper. The strength lies in Triple Arrows of course, which, when combined with the Hazard Stacking of Muds and Alolan Sandslash, means you chip away at fat mons and clean up nicely. This thing can 1v1 Bellibolt easily and outspeeds 95% of the tier. The only things to watch out for are Mudsdale, Salazzle and Ambipom who can all hurt it. However, with a well timed Tera and some guile, this thing is dangerous and extremely consistent at breaking teams down. Scrappy is also fantastic for avoiding intimidate.

Hope this finds some use! :)