Resource SV PU Sample Teams


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art by UberSkitty

Hi and welcome to the SV PU Sample Teams! This thread's goal is to provide good and easy to use teams for players unfamiliar with the metagame. This is a community driven project, so all submissions are appreciated!!

Posting Guidelines
  • While not mandatory, please add a description to your submissions. These make it easier for people new to the tier to understand how to use them
  • Sample teams should be representative of the metagame. As such, teams with very niche Pokemon or sets have a lesser chance of becoming samples. Also, don't submit teams with unranked Pokemon!
  • not a posting guideline but if you ever have any questions / concerns about a team here, or if you want to submit a team and are unsure, feel free to reach out to me or anyone else on council!
:articuno-galar::bruxish::dipplin::rhydon::copperajah::rotom-heat: cm galarcuno + dipplin bulky offense by sugar ovens

:arcanine::sneasel-hisui::rhydon::florges::cramorant::wo-chien: cb arcanine + sd sneasel-h balance by tom holland

:whimsicott::arcanine::dudunsparce-three-segment::sandslash-alola::bruxish::mudsdale: choice specs whimsicott hazard stack by asa

:avalugg-hisui::indeedee-f::sceptile::hitmonlee::hoopa::skuntank: double scarf psychic terrain by kyuss

:avalugg-hisui::mismagius::brute bonnet::oricorio::sneasel-hisui::toxtricity: np mismagius hyper offense by asa
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:cacturne::dugtrio::tinkatuff::lumineon::misdreavus::skuntank: swords dance cacturne + swords dance dugtrio by Chloe

:indeedee-f::skuntank::golduck::gogoat::perrserker::masquerain: specs indeedee + setup spam by rien

:flapple::pyroar::perrserker::vespiquen::misdreavus::dugtrio: scarf flapple + pyroar by gum

:rabsca::indeedee-f::dachsbun::gabite::charizard::lumineon: psychic spam by rien

:quilladin::tinkatuff::misdreavus::raichu::skuntank::lycanroc-midnight: quilladin hazard stack by asa

:squawkabilly::electrode::tinkatuff::dachsbun::dartrix::lumineon: squawkabilly balance by Chloe
:gogoat::tinkatuff::whiscash::banette::articuno::persian-alola: gogoat + nasty plot alolan persian by Shaneghoul

:rotom-frost::perrserker::carbink::gogoat::pyroar::dugtrio: nasty plot rotom-frost + swords dance dugtrio by gum

:masquerain::dugtrio-alola::gogoat::carbink::raichu::indeedee-f: cb alolan dugtrio + tera steel masquerain by asa

:thwackey::wyrdeer::perrserker::dachsbun::pyroar::basculin-blue-striped: wyrdeer terrain by Togkey

:spiritomb::perrserker::klawf::electrode::gogoat::dugtrio-alola: nasty plot spiritomb + swords dance 3 attacks klawf balance by gum

:whiscash::misdreavus::rotom-frost::pyroar::leafeon::klawf: subcm misdreavus spikes by rien

:lycanroc-midnight::wyrdeer::charizard::masquerain::dugtrio::persian-alola: lead swords dance lycanroc heavy offense by gum
:avalugg-hisui::veluza::farigiraf::sneasel-hisui::vivillon::skuntank: veluza + otr farigiraf heavy offense by gum

:rotom::weezing::articuno::whiscash::passimian::arboliva: specs arboliva voltturn by fish anemometer

:lurantis::rotom::whiscash::pyroar::sneasel-hisui::articuno: subsd sneasel-hisui + pyroar by zS
:sandaconda::articuno::magneton::mesprit::dudunsparce::hariyama: specs mesprit by DugZa

:wo-chien::hariyama::sandslash-alola::sandaconda::mismagius::floatzel: specs mismagius spikes by gum

:glastrier::hariyama::decidueye::sandaconda::mesprit::skuntank: subsd glastrier + bulk up hariyama by asa

:salazzle::sceptile::snorlax::froslass::scyther::jolteon: setup spam by avarice

:arboliva::grafaiai::sandaconda::hariyama::scyther::bruxish: arboliva + bu hariyama by gum

:thwackey::grafaiai::sceptile::alcremie::sandaconda::jolteon: grassy terrain by asa

:whimsicott::uxie::lanturn::sandslash-alola::grafaiai::hariyama: specs whimsicott + bu hariyama by asa

:frosmoth::grafaiai::bronzong::decidueye::sandaconda::bombirdier: frosmoth + scarf grafaiai by gum

:tauros-paldea-blaze::slowbro-galar::gastrodon::oricorio-pom-pom::florges::scyther: choice specs florges + qd taunt oricorio by asa

:scrafty::staraptor::bellibolt::bronzong::tatsugiri::whimsicott: bulk up scrafty + choice specs whimsicott by asa

:slowbro-galar::flamigo::gastrodon::goodra::sandslash-alola::electrode-hisui: cm glowbro + cb flamigo by asa

:bombirdier::milotic::slowbro-galar::rotom-mow::tauros-paldea-blaze::golurk: av golurk + cm glowbro by asa

:flamigo::mudsdale::altaria::rotom-heat::slowbro-galar::decidueye: np heatom + spell tag decid by asa

:florges::salazzle::gastrodon::scyther::bronzong::zoroark: cm florges + salazzle balance by Finick Odair

:golurk::tatsugiri::staraptor::toxtricity::sceptile::rhydon: sd rhydon + toxtricity HO by Finick Odair

:salazzle::grimmsnarl::bronzong::rotom-mow::altaria::inteleon: grimmlazzle 4ever by ishtar

:delphox::scyther::flamigo::wo-chien::slowbro-galar::gastrodon: np delphox balance by ishtar

:skuntank::gligar::florges::sandslash-alola::milotic::kilowattrel: glunk (skuntank hazard stack) by zS

:bellibolt::arcanine::meloetta::altaria::bombirdier::slowbro-galar: choice specs meloetta BO by MZ

:mudsdale::slowbro-galar::bombirdier::naclstack::decidueye::tauros-paldea-aqua:: cb wet bull + curse salt by S1nn0hC0nfirm3d

:inteleon::houndstone::scrafty::sandslash-alola::goodra::gligar: inteleon + dd scrafty hazard stack by DugZa

:bruxish::kilowattrel::sandslash-alola::gligar::florges::slowbro-galar: cm spam + scarf bruxish by DugZa

specs zoroark + venusaur by MZ

:bombirdier::arcanine::decidueye::sandslash::slowbro-galar::florges: cb decidueye + evil curse arcanine by MZ

:gligar::sandslash-alola::bellibolt::wo-chien::salazzle::tauros-paldea-aqua: nascar wo-chien + cb wetbull by kyuss

:zoroark::flamigo::golurk::bronzong::coalossal::venusaur: defensive growth venusaur by DripLegend

:decidueye::skuntank::arcanine::tauros-paldea-aqua::toxtricity::smeargle: lead smeargle HO by S1nn0hC0nfirm3d

triple choice by kyuss

venusaur + dd electric scrafty by asa

:froslass::rhydon::tauros-paldea-blaze::venusaur::grimmsnarl::uxie: nasty plot uxie HO by asa

:arcanine::electrode-hisui::cramorant::mudsdale::meloetta::skuntank: cb arcanine + av meloetta by asa

:rhydon::cramorant::bellibolt::grimmsnarl::salazzle::decidueye: cb decidueye balance by kyuss

:bombirdier::florges::gastrodon::rotom-heat::sandslash-alola::venusaur: heattom balance by zS

bulk up hariyama and friends by Baloor

:shiftry::venusaur::tauros-paldea-blaze::tornadus::uxie::pawmot: sun by Baloor
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Grassy Seed Wyrdeer Offense
:thwackey: :wyrdeer: :perrserker: :dachsbun: :pyroar: :basculin:
^ click for the paste ^

I wanted to use a Calm Mind + Grassy Seed Pokemon since Home gave us Thwackey, trying to use Hypno even up in NU and other goofy sets. I always knew a Pokemon with stats like Wyrdeer (525 BST) had to be secretly good despite everyone's initial first impressions of the Pokemon rating it quite poorly. I had the opportunity to test it at a relevant level when NJNP reached out to me asking if I could assist Giannis this week for NU in grand slam, and I told him I play PU a bit too so I started making drafts of this team.


Obviously this team is designed around the Grassy Terrain set by Thwackey, but this Pokemon has a ton of utility outside of setting terrain and dying (I'm looking at you Pincurchin..) With just an Eviolite + 252 HP, and no defensive investment, Thwackey avoids a 3HKO from Alolan Dugtrio's Iron Head, with speed for Timid Glimmet and Whiscash to get the edge on them with Taunt and Wood Hammer respectively. Knock Off is amazing in the tier and Thwackey's surprisingly good bulk makes it a solid pivot for the breakers on the team.

I decided Wyrdeer was best off with Sap Sipper. With Tera Ground this allows it to bait Grass-type attacks and also turn Gogoat into setup fodder. Sap Sipper also dodges Leech Seed and Sleep Powder, and the attack boosts can add to Stored Power's BP. 244+ Speed outpaces Scarf Basculin after an Agility. Tera Ground hits Skuntank and Steel-types like Tinkatuff and Perrserker, while also avoiding Thunder Waves.

Perrserker serves as a pivot that greatly appreciates Grassy Terrain reducing Earthquake's damage and passively healing it. I have Seed Bomb on here for Whiscash, but honestly I never used that or Close Combat. Tera Dragon is just all all-around amazing typing for pivots in the tier, resisting FWG attacks from Charizard/Pyroar/Basculin/Leafeon/etc...

Dachsbun is the necessary real Fire resist on the team, and also just naturally makes progress with it's amazing coverage. Wish can keep Perrserker healthy. Dachsbun also checks Fighting- and Dark-types like Tera Lycanroc and Persian-Alola.

Pyroar introduces an amazing speed tier as a wallbreaker, and with Taunt + Endeavor it can actually create outs against unfavorable MU's like IronPress Swalot and Chansey. Grass Tera Blast is boosted by Terrain to get more favorable rolls on targets like Carbink and Klawf.

Adamant Basculin is a perfect cleaner for a team that so perfectly takes advantage of bulky Grass-types. Not much to say about these last few Pokemon, they kinda just fill the void for an offense team. Tera Wave Crash can usually sweep super easily if Wyrdeer and Pyroar can weaken teams and take out Grass-types.


thx for reading s.o's gum and asa and chloe for being cool PU ppl shoutouts to dave for getting me for PUPL yay​
samples have been updated for august metagame, huge thanks to the people that submitted teams!! with the dlc coming up, as well as the october tier shifts soon after, there's a chance this might be the last update for a while, so apologies for that
we've updated our sample teams, but submissions won't be open until we go back to tier shifts happening once every 3 months; from our experience the past months, it can be rather treacherous when every metagame is so short-lived. however, we'll continue to update these once per month!!
The samples have been updated again, though not as drastically as in April. Big thanks to S1nn0hC0nfirm3d for being willing to provide two of his teams!

Feel free to post any teams you think are sample-worthy! We didn't formally announce that you could do that last month, but with PU Open underway and the tier finally stabilizing, we're interested in providing users with as many team options as possible. We'll try to review them as quickly as we can, so thanks in advance!
Balance hazard stack team (click on the pokemon for the paste)
:Gligar: :Coalossal: :Scream-Tail: :Milotic: :Decidueye::Scrafty:
Overview: ive been testing out hazard stacking alongside phazing and i think this team is quite simple to pilot for new players since it centers around stacking hazards , spinblocking alongside slow wall but bulky wallbreakers.

Its a great pivot , status spreader alongside setting spikes just be aware of knock off although u kinda can trade sometimes gligar into skuntank or belibolt if u really feel like is necessary even if cuts alot of the bulk wish support should be good enough to keep longevity just make sure to dont let mons hit u with psychic noise because cancels out the wish

:Milotic: it will be ur main wall agaisnt fast and slow paced offensive mons like snorlax and scyther/flamigo and phazing is really great here to do even more chip with hazards if u knock their boots just be aware of tera fairy as it can be tough. And with its great spdef it can tank special hits nicely usually

:Scream-Tail: it will help alot keep teamates alive and overall just a great bulky mon to help do progress with psychic noise and pass wish , encore to give ur mons set up opportunity/ disrupt other mons also always nice

:Coalossal: will be setting rocks for you but can also spin hazards , punishing some moves like locked staraptor into bb/double edge with flamebody is good , body press helps alot vs wo chien. You can run more spa investment if youd like more power over less bulk but im unsure if is worth the tradeoff

:Decidueye: With a big spdef , good typing and swords dance + roost it can be a nice check to stuff like florges, gbro , tatsugiri , brozong and other fast and frail mons like delphox you might be wondering why spirit shackle over poltergeist well my problem with that move is 1. The PP and 2. Anti knock off synergy even if is weaker its consistent and trapping ocassionally helps

:Scrafty: A great endgame mon as it can heal its own status with ability also immense bulk and knock off rly helps if they let it set up it will
become rly hard to stop if u lack coverage or a mon to handle it

Thanks for reading :3 ive got this team also into finals of the second toxt suspect tour hosted last week and Shoutouts to aurist , Bella , Uberskitty for giving me some advice while building this team
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:arcanine: :tatsugiri-stretchy: :gligar: :staraptor: :slowbro-galar: :virizion:
Double Flying BO

fat rock setter that pivots around, provides a nice general one-time stopgap to a lot of things and helps with forcing progress through knock and toxic. immunity is also great to deny other gligar and bellibolt, although you do need to watch out for knock on the former. tera water as an emergency wetbull check/more favorable defensive typing against stuff like k9.

scarf raptor for speed control, can beat up the enemy team early on or clean up after virizion and k9 have done some damage, just gotta be careful about rocks since your health is a resource with brave bird and double edge.

curse espeed is broken lol, just comes in and eats hits and after one or two curses you're doing a lot of damage. morning sun for recovery in case you get knocked/can't clear rocks/lefties just aren't doing it fast enough, blitz for stab, everything else is standard ordinance.

spins, offers some special breaking power that the team needs, and functions as a backup form of speed control if raptor ends up imploding. tera fairy is there to wall out other tatsu since it gives this team a bit of a rough time if it speeds up, but ghost to prevent spinning is also probably viable.

fills out the fwg core and offers a solid check to steels when it's too early to bring k9 in, helps out with stuff like wetbull, scrafty, gastro, and golurk as well. lum is here mostly to protect you from coalossal/bellibolt as well as random toxic/willo/twave and scald burns from milo.

general defensive blob mon, regenvest offers this team a lot of stopgaps against things like toxt, phox, wetbull, etc and the damage is pretty solid, shellside helps to not be a complete dud into florges and other special walls while eq makes you not useless into coal and electrics. (1492 Elo- 5/20/2024)

Overview: I tend to take Hyper Offense in the most literal sense when I'm trying to emulate it in the teambuilder. This team is so easy for new players because it doesn't require you to switch around. Get as much progress as you can each turn and the next mon that comes in usually picks off the weakened opponent and either chunks or trades with something during the following turn. The snowball potential or BD Hariyama and Shell Smash Minior is easy to see off of team preview if you know how a type chart works. The team is also fairly customizable, although that kind of defeats the purpose of this thread.

Hariyama: Belly Drum has become a forgotten threat. Beats a lot of different leads in the current metagame. It can come in early to break or late to clean after faster resistances have been chipped for BP. Guts provides lots of easy switch ins for it as well.

Rotom: Spin-blocks, chips or cripples something, and provides a free switch in to one of the many threats on the team. Max SpA because you need the chip on Tatsugiri and other spinners that you're trying to block. It also finds a lot of ins vs the bulky grounds in the tier which can set up Minior or Hariyama later.

Minior: Eats a lot of strong hits thanks to its ability + grass tera. Gets a lot of opportunities to Smash or just attack once it's ability is activated (Or deactivated?) Tera blast is for the bulky waters, namely Gastrodon and for Mudsale hoping to roar.

Staraptor: IMO the strongest scarfer in any of the lower tiers. Probably the strongest Flying type I've ever seen in PU. Provides great speed control and late game cleaning power. Chunks a lot of it's switch ins, which are mostly offensively checked by the other mons on the team. Can also pivot out with U-Turn, and finds times to switch in occasionally on Ghost moves from Decidueye or Golurk.

Arcanine: I love the power of Adamant Life Orb. This mon usually picks off something low, then chunks or flat out kills the next switch in. The recoil is well worth it in my opinion to ensure the potential damage output. Water types don't particularly enjoy +1 Close Combats either, scoring a 2HKO at +1 on Physdef Milotic and Gastrodon.

Lead Slot: I decided to leave this slot empty in this post because I've used 3-4 different leads while laddering. I have settled on Smeargle recently because of Burning Bulwark perfectly countering Ambipom, Which I found to be particularly annoying for this team. Froslass and Lycanroc both set up hazards, but Smeargle at least provides the opportunity for you to choose turn 1 whether you want spikes, rocks, or if you wanna just annoy your opponent with Mortal Spin.

Conclusion: Offensive pressure is everything with this team. Making the correct switches will dismantle your opponents team no matter how bulky. There is no one mon that can handle all the powerful attacks on this team. Keeping hazards up on your opponents side of the field is paramount for Staraptor and Minior, as they don't threaten OHKOs from full as often as the others. Most of the games I played ended before turn 25, and I meant for that to happen.
Triple Tera Normal Offense

Have been meaning to share this team publicly for a while because it is really fun to play and also quite efficient at getting wins on ladder through good positioning, picking a good wincon and letting the rest of the team do the hard work of setting up the win. I also managed to complete my Toxtricity suspect test requirements using this team with a 30-2 record.

Standard lead that imo is the best in the tier at the suicide lead role. Outside of setting up rocks and dying, lycanroc can be a potential early/mid game wallbreaking tool with the use of endeavor. Tera ghost for spinblocking should be used very rarely since the team is based around tera normal sweepers. Dont be afraid of setting up rocks turn one then switching out lycanroc because it has good potential of setting up the next pokemon on the team.

While adamant seems to be greedy at first sight, it does not miss out of much in the speed department only missing out on tatsugiri (for which we have a decent offensive switch in), jolly skuntank, bombirdier and max speed goodra. While there are others, they are not too commonly seen. The reason why i chose to run adamant over jolly and, should be of no surprise to anyone, is the beloved frog :bellibolt:. Adamant allows you to 2h ko bellibolt with facade into cc while jolly heracross has a much harder time winning as it allows bellibolt to trade taking 45 and volt switching out and now your heracross is quite useless. Endeavor lycanroc can offer good setup opportunities for heracross with trailblaze since nothing realistically wants to switch into heracross and saccing your 1 hp mon tends to be the better play for the opponent.

The best spinner in offense so it definitely wants to be slotted here. White herb allows it to keep its spA neutral after firing off a draco allowing it to remain threatening and not having to rely on nasty plot to bring back its spA to neutral. While tatsugiri is the stronger spinner on offensive teams, it wants to hit the field at an appropiate moment due to its poor bulk. A good spin mid game and some damage can be all the team needs to easily sweep with the rest of the team. Another asset that tatsugiri brings for the team is the move memento which can give a pretty good opportunity for setup (watch out for competitive and defiant abilities however). Tera can be switched around depending on your playstyle but i have found fairy a bit more consistent.

While AV is an uncommon set, it is surprisingly efficient at taking hits. The new technology here is endeavor on this set. The only way to dodge endeavor is well...being a ghost and houndstone just so happens to have the coveted poltergeist stab to dissuade ghosts from switching in if they somehow read this description and know it is coming. Houndstones role is to spinblock tatsugiri being able to live a surf into a draco meteor with this spread, and to weaken opposing walls and clicking sneak when needed.

:scream tail:
I want to start talking about the 4th slot because the 1st three moves are very straight forward. Many players will opt for either encore, substitute, or a 3rd attacking move. A very cool tech i found while testing this team was disable. While arguably harder to use than encore and substitute, disable offers a very cool tech for offense teams which is to straight up abuse choiced mons like staraptor, flamigo, intelion, etc.. that look to dish out as much damage as possible to be able to revenge kill scream tail due to its crazy base bulk for a mon in offense. Disable also has other nice applications such as disabling haze/clear smog allowing you to get two turns of calm mind which (if tera normal is available) can deal with spdef milo and gastrodon. Disable also allows you to beat calm mind florges 1v1 and prevent setup that could hinder the rest of your teammates to win.

By now everyone fears the tera normal curse arcanine set, no need to explain what it does. It is best used as a late game cleaner but can also be used throughout the game as an intimidate pivot and a pseudo wallbreaker if there are no fire resists on the opponents team.

Final Thoughts:
As far as offensive teams go, this team might be a bit unorthodox due to its ways to deal damage and how it allows for setup opportunities but once you get the hang of the team, it is quite fun to pilot and very straightforward. The key to victory using this team is to always prioritize having speed control and to have a plan regarding to which pokemon is going to be your endgame sweeper and let the rest of the team do the hard work.
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:mudsdale: :bellibolt: :slowbro-galar: :bombirdier: :florges: :ambipom:

Since it has been circulating forever, and sometimes I even struggle to beat my own creation, I believe it rightfully deserves a place right here. Although it’s a common archetype now, i think it wasn’t when I originally created it months ago. It was so effective that I had multiple accounts peak at number one at various points, and decided to maintain some secrecy (in vain) around it to ensure success in PULT with a high degree of success (3/3). It was ultimately my reliable fallback whenever I lost one of the games and has since served as the basis for many other teams, especially since my time to build during the last month was limited.

Initially, not gonna lie, I designed it to punish Ho3n's HO as it was omnipresent at the time, and it performed fantastically well. Surprisingly, it proved to be very solid against almost all matchups, yielding an impressive record like 90/10. It's definitely one of my best creations, alongside perhaps my triple-normal spam in Gen 7.

:mudsdale: As a Rocker and physical tank #1, it withstands the majority of physical attackers and gives a hard time with Stamina + Body Press, along with surprisingly strong STAB. It’s the main check to the otherwise significant threat, Skuntank. Leftovers is key there, as it frequently saves you in a pinch given Stamina.

:bellibolt: Switch-in - tank everything - get charged - volt switch - ??? - profit. I realized along the way that I barely click on Toxic, as it loses momentum and is typically managed by the opponent. Although I used 3-attack for a while, having Toxic can turn around otherwise lost games that Parabolic Charge can’t.

:slowbro-galar: the definition of glue mon, it closes many gaps and switches safely into numerous threats while regenerating as if nothing happened. Earthquake targets Tera CM Florges. The rest of its moveset is pretty self-explanatory. It has 0 spd IVs to punish Trick Room. As for the EVs, I don’t recall the exact calculation, but it was likely something related with Skuntank.

:bombirdier: I needed: Psychic immunity, Ground immunity, Dark check and also received a bonus of priority. Basically here to close gaps. Taunt over Roost or U-turn as i want to keep a more aggressive approach.

:florges: second special tank with a bonus of hitting hard, good typing and now it's not that surprising but i find it as a very good scarfer that isn't made of glass. Synthesis for longevity after Tricking, Psychic Noise to pressure some mons by denying recovery. I normally use Tera Fairy when laddering for the extra power, and think it's arguably better, but, for tours i've found a niche on being Grass to avoid status in the long run (also, adds another soft resistance to water, which the team otherwise lacks without teras).

:ambipom: ultimate HO punisher, not much to say, Fake Out provides strong combo of priority + utility, has one of the best speed tiers, allowing it to avoid damage by fast pivoting. Knock Off to hit ghosts and remove items, and the star of the show, Triple Axel, which paired with Tera Ice is no joke.

Its success speaks for itself. I find it really fun to use and really solid against most of the metagame. The weird HP EVs are to maximize switch in turns into Stealth Rock, which is rare but happens in games where the opponent is under pressure and doubles frequently.
The meta has changed quite a bit since the samples were last updated, and so we’re looking for new teams to replace our older ones. Feel free to post your favorite teams, with an explanation of how they work, what the Pokemon do, etc! Replays aren’t required, but they are appreciated, and the council will do its best to evaluate the teams in a timely manner.
Specs Zoroark and Mean Frog
Balance built around a very strong breaking core of Specs Zoroark & Venusaur mindgames. Both are mons with limited checks, both punish what beats the other, and both can make Decidueye sad so the rest of the team doesn't need to freak out about him. Pretty basic balance core after that, with CB Wetbull providing some nice priority and backup breaking if the two run into some heavy spdef issues or one gets Tera'd out of.

Bombirdier is obnoxious and can spam Knock and then Parting Shot into CB Decidueye, who is obnoxious and can spam Poltergeist and U-turn on his checks. When you're done being obnoxious with them, Arcanine is cheap and wins games on its own, plus it's the Dugza Tera Steel set that can beat other Arcanine and set up on Glowbro, amongst its other silly feats. The defensive core is nothing to write home about, but Sandslash compresses Spin and Rocks while not being quite as abusable as Coalossal, Glowbro blanket checks the meta while you focus on doing more offensive things, and Florges does the whole Speed + Spdef compression.
:grimmsnarl: :altaria: :delphox: :shaymin: :milotic: :gligar:
Choice Band Grimmsnarl is extremely obnoxious to switch into and can further cripple opponents with Trick. Altaria and Gligar provide the team with a defensive backbone that can pivot around threats such as the Paldean Tauros formes. Delphox removes physically defensive threats while also functioning as a win condition and using Encore to provide extra opportunities for the team to maneuver around threats. Milotic provides an extra wall to the team that can use Dragon Tail to deter setup and Mirror Coat to take advantage of weaker special hits from Pokemon like Florges or Gastrodon. Shaymin provides a midground into Paldean Tauros-W and Decidueye while dealing considerable damage and preventing opponents from staying in thanks to Seed Flare's Sp.Def drops while also managing to keep itself healthy throughout a game through Natural Cure and Rest.

TB Ghost Toxtricity Beatdown
:toxtricity: :ambipom: :bombirdier: :gastrodon: :coalossal: :whimsicott:
This team aims to continuously harass the enemy through Coalossal and Gastrodon's hazard pressure and chipping at the opponent by forcing progress through a combination of Whimsicott, Bombirdier, and Ambipom, leaving them unable to keep a check to Toxtricity healthy enough to actually meaningfully deal with it. Plenty of Knock Off to remove boots, Taunt and Trick Choice Specs to deter Defog, and an extra Tera Ghost on Coalossal to stop attempts to use Rapid Spin. Silk Scarf Ambipom capitalizes on the removal provided by Coalossal and further increases its potential to deal meaningful chip damage to opponents with Fake Out and also makes Double Hit a reliable STAB option.
Guts Hera Pads Ambi Balance
:heracross: :ambipom: :florges: :bellibolt: :altaria: :gastrodon:
Guts Hera is an underrated breaker that just about completely ruins balance teams. No walls avoid 2HKOs at the very least from this monster, opening gaping holes in the enemy team for Ambipom to use. Pads on Ambipom let it ignore Rocky Helmet, Static from Belli and Flame Body from Coalossal. Tera Ghost lets Ambi emergency check Tera Ghost Toxtricity. Florges + Gastrodon deal with most special attackers, and Florges serves as a secondary wincon with CM. Belli blanket checks most physical attackers in the tier and can potentially paralyze foes for Heracross to feast on, and also helps bring in Hera and Ambi. Altaria denies the Ground types that otherwise break this team, and provides hazard removal. Roar lets Altaria stop Arcanine from using it as setup fodder.

Lead Lugg Double Boomburst HO
:Avalugg-Hisui: :Minior: :Arcanine: :Toxtricity: :Scream Tail: :Decidueye:

Hisuian Avalugg makes for a great suicide lead, setting rocks, spinning away enemy rocks, and doing good damage on top of that. Shell Smash Minior takes advantage of the tiers nonexistent flying, with tera ground both boosting EQ and giving it an elec immunity to set up on Toxtricity and Bellibolt, Speaking of Toxtricity, it and Scream Tail can capitalize on weakining their shared checks like Bronzong and Florges. Encore over Sub on Scream Tail to beat walls better. The Boomburst spam also weakens Steel-types, assisting Minior in spamming Acrobatics. Curse Arcanine and SD Decid break down physically defensive Pokemon like Muds and Gligar to allow each other to sweep. Booster Speed Scream Tail and two forms of priority in ESpeed and Sneak also make this team stronger into opposing HO.

:frosmoth: :meloetta: :tauros-paldea-aqua: :mudsdale: :rotom-heat: :decidueye:
hey, so- this is getting kinda old, but i feel like despite that it's getting more suited to this meta, my experience using it is pretty good and i also have been floating around top ladder with this for a while so yeah

In essence, this is a really basic bulky offense that exploits the best mons avaitable. SD Decidueye, BU Wetbull and Specs Meloetta are just plain good mons that work well together - Decid can damage fast/scarved Normal-types so that Tauros can pick them off with Aqua Jet, Meloetta can abuse the hell out of physdef passive mons and Ghost-types that BU Tauros forces in - the three break for each other, switch into each other's checks, have good defensive presence, just good stuff. Mudsdale can sponge several physical hits while not being passive - Heavy Slam helps a lot against Fairy types and it can damage not-too-bulky neutral targets. Sets rocks, blocks Volt Switch. Frosmoth is very similar - it can take a few hits and generate some momentum for the breakers while itself not being passive - it at least forces in either walls or predictable Fire-types. Also, defogs. Finally Rotom-Heat, it has an important defensive typing, Trick for bulky setup mons and fatter teams, also occasionally cleans. The team plays like offense, every mon can take a hit but be aggressive.
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Lots of stuff changing in the meta since last tier shift, Tier staples have moved up/been banned this teams a pretty simple one that doesnt require too much background knowledge on the tier.


It's a pretty simple mon and is slowly becoming a top tier, from the lead position few Mon can take it on as it is very difficult to switch into sludge bomb gives you some passive chip on your switch-ins like sdef wo-chien (who is already struggling to come in) and rotom h


Good all-around defensive mon pairs well with Venu as you have someone who reliably comes in on gastro and you take care of psychics and stray ice beams aimed at venu tera ground helps with other neutrals you don't want to eat with anyone else.


star of the show and one of the best set-up sweepers in the tier wo-chien and Bonnet are handled by Bull and venu with those mon being handled late game is the best time to sd and sweep long reach also allows you to take on houndstone just sd BEFORE you attempt the ko or you will have to eat a willo


Fast pivot good offenses clicks defog allowing for easier entry from Bull Mudsdale and copper if you keep rocks off well and predict you can also afford to run sd over uturn if you feel

Physical wall eats hits sr setter do NOT lead him unless you think it's for sure a good all-around match up your better off leading venu to anti-lead them and bringing him in later to sr on a walled out mon


The closer of the team and it's best offensive pivot he can come in easily with intimidate and leverages good defenses and good stabs for the tier tera fighting is run to better sweep and you wont take recoil and aren't as vulnerable to sr
CM Florges + Custap Golurk BO


Team I built with extremely limited knowledge of the metagame a few weeks ago before fine-tuning it to what it is now. Mostly wanted to use Custap Golurk and ended up with the below!

:bombirdier: - Went with a bulky pivot set, after some testing I decided to Speed creep Toxtricity and Hisuian Braviary and dump the rest into Attack so Knock Off pressures stuff effectively.

:bruxish: - The primary form of Speed control on the team and deceptively strong breaker that can threaten Gastrodon after (if) it commits Tera Poison. Another pivot option with Tera Water to help function as a revenge killer and breaker.

:decidueye-hisui: - A FlamPoke favorite for a long time and reasonably great support mon on this structure. Tera Ghost is largely to prevent Curse Arcanine from cleaning house once Golurk is taken out, as it can cheese it's way through Arcanine (and anything slower generally) with Triple Arrow shenanigans.

:florges: - Originally a Kee Berry set to psuedo-replicate Cresselia sets in RU/NU, I opted for Covert Cloak so that it can use Sludge Bomb Gastrodon and Venusaur as setup fodder. Tera Normal to minimize the Decidueye output and enough Speed to outpace both Decidueye's.

:golurk: - The Stealth Rock setter and primary early-game breaker. Custap is a great item to potentially nab momentum by stealing a kill after establishing hazards. 100% accurate Dynamic Punch is kind of broken...

:wo-chien: - Big Wo-Chien is the dynamic mixed wall of the team, helping immensely in all stages of the game as a reliable item removal, HP drainer with Ruination, and potential setup stopper with LeechTect. Was originally more bulky in SpDef but felt like the team was fine in that department and some Def helps in a lot of regards like against redbull (ban soon?) and Decidueye. Hi ! This is my team. coming soon.

Bruxish: good speed control. Crunch serves 2Ohko Meloetta and Dazzling serves trap Deci and Sucker Punch users. Flip Turn is used to anticipate and/or pivot.

Decidueye: the sweeper and wallbreaker of the team who can make a 6-0 himself thanks to SD. Deci checks Gastrodon, Mudsale and Golurk. Spirit Shackle is used to anticipate a switch in from a Pokémon of its weak type.

Rotom-Heat: is a great versatile pivotand he gets rid of physical tanks easily. Tera makes it an "Elektross" version which allows it to have no weaknesses, in addition to boosting its Volt Switch, this will make it versatile. he checks Gastro Earth Power+ Ice Beam, Rotom, Copperajah and Deci if he is placed after a KO.

Copperajah: The lead. Iron Head checks Minior Florges Alcreamie and Grimmsnarl. Earthquake checks Coalossal and Iceslash, Play Rought checks Scrafty and Hitmontop.

Skuntank: physical traper. he doesn't care about Pokémon with BU and limits the moves of physical Pokémon. he checks Fairies, and all Pokémon with direct moves.
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Alr, here’s a hyper offence team that has been working well for me

:frosmoth: great mon rn which can serve as a defog pivoter, being able to annoy opponents with stun spore and actually insanely bulky on the special side

:articuno-galar: great sub cm sweeper, can sweep entire teams if it gets setup, ive chosen tera dark because compared to the normal tera steel, dark is weak to fighting, bug and fairy. Psychic deals with bug and fighting easily, leaving only fairy. Meanwhile steel is weak to fire, ground and fighting, of which psychic/flying only deals with fighting leaving both the very prominent ground and fire types as weaknesses

:arcanine: just a standard k9 set fits well onto this team and gets you your crucial fire type

:rotom-mow: well heres a change, instead of standard rotom-heat i went with rotom mow because this can actually have an item instead of running boots. Just a standard pivot leaf strom set works

:skuntank: ive gone the skunk over the bird here due to the nice addition of having a poison type on the team, and it can seriously do alot in general

:golurk: the final mon of this team, and i think it slots in perfectly. This team was lacking some damage so this mon makes up for it with nice coverage and its moveset hitting half the types for super-effective.

Alr, thats my sample team, see you later guys

Hello everyone.

I recently have had great success on the ladder with this team and got reqs for Meloetta with over 80 GXE with it.

Pre-Scyther ban, this team wouldn't have been as effective but due to its ban and the prominence of Meloetta and the waning of Tauros F, this team has achieved relative strength right now.

:Arcanine: Arcanine serves multiple purposes on the team. Firstly, due to the teams semi limited speed control, Extremespeed serves as a great revenge killer as well as being able to hit weaker, quick mons like Salazzle for big damage. Arcanine also functions as a fantastic check to regular Decidueye with intimidate as well as access to Morning Sun and Curse. Arcanine can do massive damage with Flare Blitz and also serves as an excellent late game set up sweeper.

:Zoroark: Zoroark serves as your main source of Special Damage. Its excellent speed tier means it can outrun any variant of Melo apart from Scarf and Night Daze is a great option in terms of both power and hax. The accuracy drop chance can come in massive handy for momentum and also puts dents in teams that aren't ready for it. It has amazing coverage in sludge bomb and grass knot, meaning that Mudsdale, Gastrodon and Rhydon all suffer at the hands of Zoroark when unprepared for it. It can also deal significant damage to fairy types and pivot reliably with U turn, meaning that even Wo Chien isn't a safe check. The main strength lies in Illusion. You can gain the upper hand by choosing a weak phys attacker as your last mon to trick the opponent into a false sense of security and hit for massive damage with specs.

:Goodra: Goodra serves as your special wall. Super strong and can easily build momentum with Acid Spray. Draco Meteor hits very hard and the coverage can be tweaked for your needs. This thing can even run Knock Off as well as Power Whip for Gastro. Gooey can come in clutch for revenging and is an excellent ability late game for slowing things down. I would also recommend adding tbolt for flamethrower if you're having problems playing around Cramorant.

:Mudsdale: Mudsdale is your physical wall as well as rocks setter. Consistent switch in to tons of mons in the tier. Walls Tauros F, tanks psyshocks, walls Ambipom, deals well with Rhydon etc. It can also deal a lot of damage with its high attack stat as well as stop sweeps in their tracks with roar. Overall it's incredibly versatile and covers tons of bases as well as stopping a ton of mons in their tracks!

:Sandslash-Alola: Sandslash is great for walling key threats such as Meloetta, Braviary-H and Articuno Galar and Florges. Psychic Types hate this thing! It has access to Spikes which can apply tons of hazard pressure and Tera Ghost can stop people removing those hazards efficiently. It has very nice defensive typing as well as being able to deal decent damage with Ice Spinner and Iron Head. Overall, it's a utility mon for setting spikes but functions nicely as a check to special attackers.

:Decidueye-Hisui: Finally, Decidueye Hisui is your cleaner upper. The strength lies in Triple Arrows of course, which, when combined with the Hazard Stacking of Muds and Alolan Sandslash, means you chip away at fat mons and clean up nicely. This thing can 1v1 Bellibolt easily and outspeeds 95% of the tier. The only things to watch out for are Mudsdale, Salazzle and Ambipom who can all hurt it. However, with a well timed Tera and some guile, this thing is dangerous and extremely consistent at breaking teams down. Scrappy is also fantastic for avoiding intimidate.

Hope this finds some use! :)
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