Resource SV OU Simple Questions, Simple Answers Thread

Hey there! I believe Barraskewda was chosen over Floatzel since while both Floatzel and Barraskewda are frail and yes, theoretically, Floatzel hits harder, both are not starving for power and Barraskewda not taking recoil with its main Water STAB is huge. A higher Attack stat and access to Close Combat also allows Barraskewda to deal with Water immunities like Ogerpon-W and Volcanion better than Floatzel could ever dream of.
Oh, I see now, thanks to both veti and Dead by Daylight for enlightening me on this subject!
I've been fighting a lot of people on ladder with the "DCT1" prefix. What is it for?
It's a 550€ Ladder Tournament from Coup Critique (French Pokemon Strategy Website), and I made the logo of that tournament :)
You can find basic info here (join their discord, or look at their website, youtube or twitter for more info)


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I know Volcarona is extremely versatile when it comes to Tera choices, but what would be the most useful in the current meta?
I would say that's either ground or dragon, though water is good as well but it means you can't hit dragons for even neutral damage. Tera ground destroys heatran and fire types, while tera dragon destroys dragon types. It's just up to whether you want to destroy which type, there's a reason volc is called the 'matchup moth', because you will never have the perfect coverage.
I would say that's either ground or dragon, though water is good as well but it means you can't hit dragons for even neutral damage.
Should note this is mostly true for specific Dragons in OU due to a lot of dual-typings (Gouging Fire is Water Neutral, Walking Wake is Grass Neutral for the typical Giga Drain coverage, Kyurem Fire-Neutral, etc). At a glance, Dragapult and Dragonite seem to be the only OU Dragons (without Tera/Ability interactions or such) that are Resistant to a Tera Water Volc with all 3 STABs
I'm currently building a hazard stack team, would it be good if I had gholdengo and pult on the same team? I know pult has synergy with Meowscarada, who I'm using as an offensive knocker, and I know that ghold is basically a necessity on hazard stack teams, but should I keep both?
I'm currently building a hazard stack team, would it be good if I had gholdengo and pult on the same team? I know pult has synergy with Meowscarada, who I'm using as an offensive knocker, and I know that ghold is basically a necessity on hazard stack teams, but should I keep both?

Both definitely work, HDB Pivot Dragapult with TWave can synergise quite well with Hex Gholdengo (potentially even with TWave as well). You'd just have to keep in mind the double ghost and dark weakness, something like Ting-Lu or Samurott-Hisui could be nice fits to cover that.
I'm currently building a hazard stack team, would it be good if I had gholdengo and pult on the same team? I know pult has synergy with Meowscarada, who I'm using as an offensive knocker, and I know that ghold is basically a necessity on hazard stack teams, but should I keep both?
Ghold isn't needed on this type of HStack teams, though it probably can be run. The primary issue that I've found when building HStack is that Galarian Slowking + Metal bird feel mandatory, which are redundant with Gholdengo. Galarian Slowking is important to check the likes of Kyurem + set up Future Sight for Meow to get easier Knocks, and a Metal Bird is needed to absorb opposing Knock Offs + check Kingambit / Gliscor. On a structure like this, Gholdengo doesn't have much room to fit in I feel since it has a lot of weakness overlap with GKing, Dragapult, Weav / Meow, and Metal Bird + it isn't as reliable at blocking Spin from Great Tusk. IMO the utility Ghold is offering on this type of build isn't all that unique or valuable - Gking does the job of status absorber just fine, Corv + Dragapult is annoying for the main spinners in the tier, and Meow + FSight & Wisp Hex Pult should be able to break opposing balances, though not for free since you will usually have the same pieces. You also become weaker to Kingambit and Ogerpon, which are already hard match-ups for balance. That being said, GholdenM does have some utility against specific threats. Tera Fairy Ghold is one of the better checks to opposing Wisp Hex Dragapults, which are annoying, and if (for some reason) you don't care about hazards and run Covert Cloak, you will destroy Garg + Hatterene, which are some of the more difficult MUs for balance I feel.

I might be oversimplifying things, as it is possible to build a good balance that likely doesn't have the issues I mentioned. One such option is running Clefable + Clodsire over Corv + Gking which has a similarish defensive profiile & gives you similarly potent tools. The main issue you run into in that case is Gambit I feel.
Thanks a lot, unfortunately Hydrapple isn't on the list so if anyone know what types it is currently using (besides grass) thanks :)

Thanks, I have been using the dex in some cases when I feel it is up to date but that's unfortunately not the case for Hydrapple.

Hey. Recently went through the Tera type index mainly due to this and similar posts bringing up how outdated it was. Thanks!

Its of course still far from perfect but tried to get a fair bit of input, cut fluff, remove outdated Tera types, and add missing Tera types or Pokemon within reason. This included among other things:

- Adding Latios, Latias, Tinkaton, Hydrapple, Iron Hands, Iron Treads, Barraskewda, Lilligant-H, Tyranitar
- Adding Tera types like Ghost Landorus-T.
- Removing very obscure or old Tera types, particularly from non OU Pokemon, such as Fighting Toxapex and Zapdos, Dark Great Tusk, and Ice Iron Valiant.
- Removing a few Pokemon like Zapdos-Galar and Milotic.

Hope this more up to date index helps a bit. Feel free to ask for any questions or let us know if there is a Tera type missing that would be worth adding.
Last edited: that Arch is gone, do I no.lo her have to worry about specially offensive Iron Treads? Can I deal with it like anything else, or do I need to watch out for that crap? that Arch is gone, do I no.lo her have to worry about specially offensive Iron Treads? Can I deal with it like anything else, or do I need to watch out for that crap?

You still have to worry about them as they continue to be solid leads and Iron Treads in general matches up well against Raging Bolt and can give HO a (secondary) Fairy resist if needed. This match from SPL happened 3 weeks ago but it was still well into non Archaludon meta, and featured said Iron Treads.

Since then you also have to worry about Attack Booster variants with Ice Spinner and/or Supercell Slam. There were a couple of these in SPL and OST this last week here and here.
Thanks for the response!

Another question - I was recently decimated by a Volt Turn team and forgot to save the match. Are there examples of such teams hanging around.
Thanks for the response!

Another question - I was recently decimated by a Volt Turn team and forgot to save the match. Are there examples of such teams hanging around.

Mimikyu Stardust's team that is all over ladder and has Choice Band U-turn Dragapult, Volt Switch Iron Crown, and U-turn Landorus-T comes to mind. The Volt Switch part is specially annoying vs teams which Ground-type is Landorus-T or Great Tusk cause they dont like switching into Tachyon Cutter. Banded U-turn does a ton to Ogerpon-W so its nice clicking U-turn against it rather than having to predict and click Darts only for them to go Kingambit or a Fairy-type.

There's this RMT by Kadiro. I am not sure how volt-turn heavy the interactions are but it has U-Turn Landorus-T + Flip Turn Primarina which I like a lot. Primarina annoys stuff like Gliscor and Corviknight trying to switch into Landorus-T, while Landorus-T, as well as Kingambit on this team, can annoy Galarian Slowking which is very annoying for Primarina.

KeshBa54 posted a Storm Zone team they recreated here, which has Flip Turn Samurott-H, U-turn Moltres, and Volt Switch Iron Crown. This Iron Crown scares the Ground-types even more cause Specs, particularly Clodsire cause Psyshock OHKOes it. Choice Scarf lets Samurott threaten a lot of the unboosted metagame, like Dragapult and Cinderace, so you get more chances to Flip Turn around. Moltres can U-turn on Garganacl, Skeledirge, and other stuff to get Iron Crown and Zamazenta in.
Is there a thread or resource where i can find the April Fools Sprites? They're hilarious and I would love to share them with friends who don't play Showdown.

If Raging Fury is supposed to lock you in the same way Outrage does, how come the opponent was able to switch out on turn 13?
Raging Fury locks you in for 2-3 turns. Your opponent most likely rolled 2, but didn't indicate the lock wore off because Misty Terrain prevented the "ending" Confusion on it. There's a string of turns where it uses Raging Fury 4-5 times in a row for the same reason of Terrain preventing their Confusion, then ended by your Vaporeon using Protect (which always auto-cancels the "lock-in" moves).
Raging Fury locks you in for 2-3 turns. Your opponent most likely rolled 2, but didn't indicate the lock wore off because Misty Terrain prevented the "ending" Confusion on it. There's a string of turns where it uses Raging Fury 4-5 times in a row for the same reason of Terrain preventing their Confusion, then ended by your Vaporeon using Protect (which always auto-cancels the "lock-in" moves).
Oh, that makes sense
what is the best stallbreaking core to use on a BO ?
I feel the meta is really spoilt with choice for stallbreakers currently, much depends on how much you wanna prep for stall in the builder. That being said, here are a few cores that I really enjoy using -
  1. SD Gliscor with Knock/EQ+Nasty Plot Slowking-G with psyshock - There is very little counterplay to the two breaking in tandem, you usually force a tera dark early and you can stall out recovery pretty quickly. Knock also provides a tool to hazard stack to limit switches.
  2. Ogerpon-W+Specs Raging Bolt - More balance that BO as a core but still quite effective. You can easily put the stall in a voltturn vortex while also having a guaranteed 2HKO on unware clodsires that try to sponge your dracos
  3. Volcanion+Kingambit - Firespin+Taunt set is deadly into stall by itself. Black glasses gambit can reliably clean up late game, and appreciates volcanions ability to switch into Alomomola and Dozo.
I feel the meta is really spoilt with choice for stallbreakers currently, much depends on how much you wanna prep for stall in the builder. That being said, here are a few cores that I really enjoy using -
  1. SD Gliscor with Knock/EQ+Nasty Plot Slowking-G with psyshock - There is very little counterplay to the two breaking in tandem, you usually force a tera dark early and you can stall out recovery pretty quickly. Knock also provides a tool to hazard stack to limit switches.
  2. Ogerpon-W+Specs Raging Bolt - More balance that BO as a core but still quite effective. You can easily put the stall in a voltturn vortex while also having a guaranteed 2HKO on unware clodsires that try to sponge your dracos
  3. Volcanion+Kingambit - Firespin+Taunt set is deadly into stall by itself. Black glasses gambit can reliably clean up late game, and appreciates volcanions ability to switch into Alomomola and Dozo.
I love discourse on how to break stall. These are some great stall-breaking cores. I’ll try some of these out for myself thanks!
I'm building a Keldeo Darkrai BO and I'm having trouble coming up with Ogerpon Wellspring checks to include. Could someone help me out with several mons that could be good Waterpon checks? Lack of experience in team building is really hurting the process, I usually play around it fine when the team is already built lol
I'm building a Keldeo Darkrai BO and I'm having trouble coming up with Ogerpon Wellspring checks to include. Could someone help me out with several mons that could be good Waterpon checks? Lack of experience in team building is really hurting the process, I usually play around it fine when the team is already built lol
Any dragon types work just fine. They usually can take a hit and threaten it out. Rillaboom is another mon that does well against waterpon. The main way to check waterpon is offensive pressure and hazards. If you load up in those, then it should be good. For example, Darkrai can use sludge bomb to ko waterpon, thus threatening it out.