SV OU No Johns Release Tournament [$1000 prize pool, see #254]

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Hello everyone. I hope you all are enjoying the first days of Scarlet and Violet Overused. Please remember to be appreciative of the thankless contributors that made this playable so quickly on Pokemon Showdown!

We will be having a release tournament in SV OU! Regarding the ruleset and format:
  • This tournament will be NO JOHNS! Every round will last 3-4 days and there will be no extensions.​
  • It will follow the SV OU banlist to a tee. Bans that happen during a round will only impact the following round. Flutter Mane and Houndstone are already banned and will not be allowed.​
  • Every series will be best of 3
  • Replays will be mandatory -- if you win and do not post replays, you will have your set coinflipped :smogduck:
  • Standard Smogon tournament procedure applies.​
Sign ups will be up for a few days, ut may close depending on the threshold of participants we hit. Sign up ASAP to increase your likelihood of getting in. Please post "in" to join.
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