Metagame SV OU Metagame Discussion v2 [Update on Post #5186]

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Since Rilla has nothing to do in OU without glassy glide
Rillaboom still hits hard, threatens Tusk, provides Knock Off support and U-turn to get Sneasler in so I see it as still the most practical way to use Unburden. If Psyspam put up with using Indeedee which basically does nothing Unburden builds can afford to use what is still effectively a Best Buy Tapu Bulu.
Since Rilla has nothing to do in OU without glassy glide, which options are going to be used to trigger unburden? Fling sounds nice on paper, but an one time use dark type on a mon with such 4MS sounds far from ideal.
I could see Fake Out + Normal Gem or White Herb + CC getting some traction. That being said I think most players will just take the L and run Sneaseler on terrain anyways.
I don't think Blissey will rise to OU just for Heal Bell, but it will for sure increase the usage a lot, being only learner of the move.
Btw, speaking about Bellers, why is Miltank Dexited while Tauros is not? This makes me angry :changry:

Maybe a regional variant for dlc? Who knows at this point..

Rillaboom still hits hard, threatens Tusk, provides Knock Off support and U-turn to get Sneasler in so I see it as still the most practical way to use Unburden. If Psyspam put up with using Indeedee which basically does nothing Unburden builds can afford to use what is still effectively a Best Buy Tapu Bulu.

Rillaboom isn't great, but hey it triggers unburden and at least scarfed wood hammer is gonna hit really hard if there is anything going for rillaboom at the moment in OU
Today is the day where we begin to settle the debate of Tusk v Lando for the title of tier king.

Transfer moves substantially hurt lando, losing Toxic, Defog, Knock off, Rock Polish & Explosion, meaning it loses a big draw in hazard removal to Tusk along with a lot of other utility moves that would've given it niches. Tusk on the other hand has a much worse ability, lacks a pivot move & is slightly slower.

Final bets on who's going to be the dominant force.

Personally, I think Tusk will have more usage of the two, but they'll compete enough that another mon like kingambit takes the spot for #1 most used.
Lando-T simply does not compete with Tusk, they took out most of what made him a good utility Pokémon and will probably only be used as a physical attacker


These three are pretty obvious quickban candidates, and based off my experience in National Dex they'll just do the near same exact thing they did to get banned there.

- Magearna is way to versatile and is hard to prep for in the builder and can be a real struggle to scout sometimes unless you want one of your Pokemon to be crippled / taken advantage by it. Not to mention how Tera just turns it into an absolute menace with either Tera Fairy with Choice Specs sets, or Tera Water / Grass / Flying / whatever else on defensive sets and some offensive sets as well.
- Regieleki was a Pokemon that was not very good as it could not hit Ground-types. It now has Tera Blast, which lets it hit Ground-types. It's speed tier is very large as well, meaning that a majority of Choice Scarfers bar Iron Valiant and Roaring Moon can actually threaten it. It also can just Volt Switch on fat specially defensive blobs that would like to sit on it. Don't really think I have to explain how this Pokemon will be banned, if Ting-Lu and Gastrodon are reliable "checks" to it I don't know what to say.
- Zamazenta-Crowned may have been nerfed a bit but Body Press totally makes up for it. It's insanely hard to revenge kill and because of Tera it can bullshit through its checks with ease bar like Toxapex, but you can just pair it with Future Sight and call it a day. Howl sets could be used but Zamazenta-Hero does it better because of its faster speed tier.


Chien-Pao now has a very sturdy check in Magearna and is annoyed a bit by Zamazenta returning for the moment, but I still think it's quite nuts. It's common knowledge that it's a pretty damn annoying Tera abuser and can be a threatening Swords Dancer but can be a bit strapped on slots if it wants to be one, but to be honest, I really feel like not much has changed to fully justify this Pokemon being in the tier, and it will really be very little once Magearna and Zamazenta-Crowned depart. There are only a few new Pokemon that can deal with Chien-Pao and the only true one is Magearna, but I don't like having to slot Magearna on every team to have a chance to have a standing chance against it. This Pokemon will just Tera Dark and Crunch through a lot of team at the moment and will often be paired with Heatran to deal with the aforementioned Magearna, so yeah. It's not quick-ban worthy to my eyes as there is some semi-reliable counterplay to it, but it should definitely be looked at down the line.


Heatran is Heatran, and it's good to be Heatran when Volcarona and Magearna are running rampant. Has a lot of good utility in Stealth Rock, Will-O-Wisp, Taunt, and is just really good against defensive teams. Tera Grass / Bug allows Heatran to circumvent the problems it would have like being chipped down by Toxapex with Surf or turning the Ground-type weakness Heatran despises into a resistance against foes like Great Tusk, Clodsire, and Landorus-T. It's a very nice addition to the metagame just like to any it has graced, so it'll be pretty good and will just do Heatran things.


Great Tusk without a Dark-resistance and Rapid Spin, but Spikes immunity and can pivot. I think that Landorus-T has it's uses defensively over Great Tusk, a Spikes immunity is huge in a hazard stack metagame and pivoting is as good as ever. It also has some utility that Great Tusk cannot often slot or doesn't have like Taunt and the hinted at and aforementioned U-turn, and can pivot into Pokemon like Roaring Moon a bit more safely because of Intimidate. They may both overlap a bit but it's not entirely outclassed. I think a set like Earthquake / Stealth Rock / U-turn / Grass Knot can be good, with Grass Knot here for opposing Great Tusk and potentially punish fat Water-types coming into you. Swords Dance sets will be quite nice as well, Tera Flying Tera Blast is quite obvious but I think something like Tera Blast Ice to smash opposing Landorus-T and Zapdos or just standard EdgeQuake sets can work too. Choice Scarf will be good role compression, and the fabled Nasty Plot sets sound really good because I don't see much that can deal with specially offensive Ground-types. Overall it will be pretty good, and while there may be competition with Great Tusk, there's still a bit that differentiates Landorus-T from it.


This Zamazenta unlike its Crowned form will stay in the tier, and I think its a solid addition as speed control and a nice wallbreaker, especially when paired with Future Sight. Choice Band sets with Tera Fighting is an absolute nuke and can even 2HKO resists like Clodsire, Tornadus-T, and Zapdos while also having coverage for Toxapex, Gholdengo, and Landorus-T with Wild Charge, Crunch, and Ice Fang respectively. Howl sets can be okay but I don't know why I wouldn't use another Fighting-type set up sweeper like Iron Valiant or Urshifu-R. Body Press sets with this are not good as for as long as Zamazenta-Crowned is in the tier even with the higher speed tier, giving up the bulk and typing for Leftovers may not be that good. Solid Pokemon overall though, turns out all box legendaries aren't broken!


It got Punching Glove and Swords Dance, and Tera Water as well. It's a really annoying Swords Dancer and can clap a lot of fat builds just with the click of a button. Checks like Toxapex and Dondozo can be exploited by Tera Electric with Thunder Punch and Dragonite you can just click Ice Punch on, or Aqua Jet to avoid being revenge killed with your somewhat mediocre speed tier. Pivot sets with Taunt can be annoying, you can just Taunt, click a button, U-turn out on a check, rinse and repeat. Will be quite solid.


Already said this before but this Pokemon in a metagame without Pursuit is quite nuts, you just click with Choice Band or Specs, or if you want to destroy stall / fat you can Nasty Plot up and it'll be over for your opponent. I have high hopes for this, hopefully will not be a slow attacker that can be easily exploited like it has been in the past.


Very weird Pokemon to see here, but I think it can have a funny niche with Tera Poison / Fairy and Calm Mind + Stored Power. Cresselia itself is quite an annoying Pokemon to take down, and now that it can Tera into a type that can help it deal with Dark-types like Kingambit, makes it even more of a hassle to deal with. It's some tech that is stolen from National Dex but I think it can do pretty good here with a set like Calm Mind / Stored Power / Moonblast / Moonlight and with a Covert Cloak to exploit Garganacl and just turn it into free Calm Minds for yourself. Very funny wincon, may work here but maybe not, I think it'll be okay though.

That sums up my thoughts on some Pokemon coming back here, wanted to post before this thread gets turned into absolute slop.
Go play National Dex if you haven't by the way, very fun tier!
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Lando-T simply does not compete with Tusk, they took out most of what made him a good utility Pokémon and will probably only be used as a physical attacker
Lando has a niche in its signature move and the 20% burn chance, especially when every water type on the planet except for Volcanion lost Scald.
Unfortunately, (for Lando-T), it comes off its weaker attacking stat, but base 105 (even uninvested) for a defensive mon is not too shabby. Everyone knows that Scald was never used for its power anyway and that move was used on Pokemon with base 65 special attack.
People are ready to discount the Lion cause it did lose a lot, and its decade of dominance was getting tiring, but you can't count it out just yet.

Also... why not use both?
Lando has a niche in its signature move and the 20% burn chance, especially when every water type on the planet except for Volcanion lost scald.
Unfortunately, (for Lando-T), it comes off its weaker attacking stat, but base 105 (even uninvested) for a defensive mon is not too shabby. Everyone knows that Scald was never used for its power anyway and that move was used on Pokemon with base 65 special attack.
People are ready to discount the Lion cause it did lose a lot, and it's decade of dominance was getting tiring, but you can't count it out just yet.
IMO the signature move is ass and not worth running because of the 20% miss chance (so in practice, only 16% burn chance which is not that high). If it was 90 or 95% accuracy, than maybe it would be a viable alternative to Earth Power, but currently, I don't think any Lando-T would opt running it.

Special Lando-T could still be viable though. Base 105 SpA is higher than Dragapult, and it got Nasty Plot this gen, which it can use with Grass Knot or Tera Blast Ice to lure some Pokemon like Dozo, other Lando-T, etc.
I would expect Magearna to be the mon to keep an eye on. Iron Valiant already showed us this Meta is walking on egg shells with strong Fairies, now here's a mon with even more power and trading fast sweeping for the bulk to take several hits and very absurd Snowball potential if going for Shift Gear Sweeping. Regieleki depends on how prominent Ground spam becomes since it's not like the Grounds in OU lack for roles, but the absolutely nuclear power behind its Electric moves will mean you need Electric Immunities more than ever for it.

Since Rilla has nothing to do in OU without glassy glide, which options are going to be used to trigger unburden? Fling sounds nice on paper, but an one time use dark type on a mon with such 4MS sounds far from ideal.
Besides the mentioned White Herb/CC, I will note again an earlier suggestion that Sneasler doesn't need to lock itself to Unburden-triggering itself, instead hanging the threat with something like Air Balloon to discourage U-Turn pivoting.

Maybe it could also go old School with Endure and a Liechi Berry to settle for +1 ATK and a comparatively faster/more reliable method of speed boost triggering. +1 is still a reasonably solid attack gain considering its very high BP moves and higher Base ATK over our usual Unburden in Hawlucha. This works against Hazards being down compared to Focus Sash

+1 252 Atk Sneasler Gunk Shot vs. 0 HP / 0 Def Tera Flying Roaring Moon: 390-459 (111.1 - 130.7%) -- guaranteed OHKO

+1 252 Atk Sneasler Gunk Shot vs. 248 HP / 0 Def Toxapex: 102-120 (33.6 - 39.6%) -- guaranteed 3HKO (AV Pex is much more easily chipped)
+1 252 Atk Sneasler Acrobatics (110 BP) vs. 248 HP / 0 Def Toxapex: 125-148 (41.2 - 48.8%) -- 76.2% chance to 2HKO after Stealth Rock

+1 252 Atk Sneasler Gunk Shot vs. 252 HP / 244+ Def Rotom-Wash: 204-240 (67.1 - 78.9%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after Stealth Rock and Leftovers recovery

+1 252 Atk Sneasler Gunk Shot vs. 252 HP / 172+ Def Amoonguss: 288-340 (66.6 - 78.7%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after Stealth Rock

+1 252 Atk Sneasler Close Combat vs. 248 HP / 252+ Def Corviknight: 204-241 (51.1 - 60.4%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after Stealth Rock and Leftovers recovery
+1 252 Atk Sneasler Close Combat vs. 248 HP / 8 Def Corviknight: 280-330 (70.1 - 82.7%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after Stealth Rock and Leftovers recovery (since some user or users very much advocate for SpD Corv as well)

It's prediction heavy compared to the Terrain method, but it turns attacking Sneasler into a game of Russian Roulette since a frail mon like that only hits the field if ready to put in work. And this is all assuming Sneasler needs Endure to survive the hit in front of it, as while frail, its typing lacks weaknesses and it can stomach some weaker neutral/resisted hits once in a pinch.

Did people forget the Good as Gold blocks Defog?
I don't think so, but what is this in reference to? If you mean for Lando-T losing the move, the hypothetical is that being a Ground Type with Hazard removal would discourage Gholdengo from blocking Defog much like Tusk discourages it from Spinblocking, so Lando would have helped Hazard removal. Quite a few Defoggers from last gen would have fared well if they kept their Transfer moves like Zapdos as well.

If this is in reference to a different mon then I am lost and would request clarification which one you mean
Since Rilla has nothing to do in OU without glassy glide, which options are going to be used to trigger unburden? Fling sounds nice on paper, but an one time use dark type on a mon with such 4MS sounds far from ideal.
Indeedee could make sense on hyper offense, even though the Tapus are missed. Psychic Terrain is great in blocking priority for this frail threat, and it pairs well with Stored Power abusers like Magearna. Healing Wish is also great support for a free switch and heal if needed.
Idk about that, 75 spa was respectable in like gen 2 but now its dreadful especially with a 80bp non-stab. It genuinely does 20% to spdef ceruledge and skeledirge, and 35 to gholdengo. so its still walked all over by basically every ghost in the tier. These are all the ghosts in the tier bar zoro which is immune and dragapult who is barely 3hkod. It might find some viability but "pressuring" is not a word it can claim
Correct, but remember 35% to a non healing mon is all it needs,considering blissey fits on fatter builds, that play a longer game. It doesn't need to ohko.also,i was refering to offensive ghosts,ala dragapult, and obviously not physically based ones, like ceruledge. Even gholdengo, without recover, can't make progress vs blissey,bar trick (at which point loses its matchup vs ur offensive members, if blissey is on a balanced structure, acting as a cleric and go-to special attackers check). As far as the claims about it potentially giving free entry to ghost types it cannot check is concerned, eg ceruledge, that's no concern if u have a physical wall (for physical based attackers) or another special wall (for smt like h-zoro). No wall can answer any and all offensive threat and considering blissey fits on bulkier teams, that's where team synergy comes into play

These three are pretty obvious quickban candidates, and based off my experience in National Dex they'll just do the near same exact thing they did to get banned there.

- Magearna is way to versatile and is hard to prep for in the builder and can be a real struggle to scout sometimes unless you want one of your Pokemon to be crippled / taken advantage by it. Not to mention how Tera just turns it into an absolute menace with either Tera Fairy with Choice Specs sets, or Tera Water / Grass / Flying / whatever else on defensive sets and some offensive sets as well.
- Regieleki was a Pokemon that was not very good as it could not hit Ground-types. It now has Tera Blast, which lets it hit Ground-types. It's speed tier is very large as well, meaning that a majority of Choice Scarfers bar Iron Valiant and Roaring Moon can actually threaten it. It also can just Volt Switch on fat specially defensive blobs that would like to sit on it. Don't really think I have to explain how this Pokemon will be banned, if Ting-Lu and Gastrodon are reliable "checks" to it I don't know what to say.
- Zamazenta-Crowned may have been nerfed a bit but Body Press totally makes up for it. It's insanely hard to revenge kill and because of Tera it can bullshit through its checks with ease bar like Toxapex, but you can just pair it with Future Sight and call it a day. Howl sets could be used but Zamazenta-Hero does it better because of its faster speed tier.


Chien-Pao now has a very sturdy check in Magearna and is annoyed a bit by Zamazenta returning for the moment, but I still think it's quite nuts. It's common knowledge that it's a pretty damn annoying Tera abuser and can be a threatening Swords Dancer but can be a bit strapped on slots if it wants to be one, but to be honest, I really feel like not much has changed to fully justify this Pokemon being in the tier, and it will really be very little once Magearna and Zamazenta-Crowned depart. There are only a few new Pokemon that can deal with Chien-Pao and the only true one is Magearna, but I don't like having to slot Magearna on every team to have a chance to have a standing chance against it. This Pokemon will just Tera Dark and Crunch through a lot of team at the moment and will often be paired with Heatran to deal with the aforementioned Magearna, so yeah. It's not quick-ban worthy to my eyes as there is some semi-reliable counterplay to it, but it should definitely be looked at down the line.


Heatran is Heatran, and it's good to be Heatran when Volcarona and Magearna are running rampant. Has a lot of good utility in Stealth Rock, Will-O-Wisp, Taunt, and is just really good against defensive teams. Tera Grass / Bug allows Heatran to circumvent the problems it would have like being chipped down by Toxapex with Surf or turning the Ground-type weakness Heatran despises into a resistance against foes like Great Tusk, Clodsire, and Landorus-T. It's a very nice addition to the metagame just like to any it has graced, so it'll be pretty good and will just do Heatran things.


Great Tusk without a Dark-resistance and Rapid Spin, but Spikes immunity and can pivot. I think that Landorus-T has it's uses defensively over Great Tusk, a Spikes immunity is huge in a hazard stack metagame and pivoting is as good as ever. It also has some utility that Great Tusk cannot often slot or doesn't have like Taunt and the hinted at and aforementioned U-turn, and can pivot into Pokemon like Roaring Moon a bit more safely because of Intimidate. They may both overlap a bit but it's not entirely outclassed. I think a set like Earthquake / Stealth Rock / U-turn / Grass Knot can be good, with Grass Knot here for opposing Great Tusk and potentially punish fat Water-types coming into you. Swords Dance sets will be quite nice as well, Tera Flying Tera Blast is quite obvious but I think something like Tera Blast Ice to smash opposing Landorus-T and Zapdos or just standard EdgeQuake sets can work too. Choice Scarf will be good role compression, and the fabled Nasty Plot sets sound really good because I don't see much that can deal with specially offensive Ground-types. Overall it will be pretty good, and while there may be competition with Great Tusk, there's still a bit that differentiates Landorus-T from it.


This Zamazenta unlike its Crowned form will stay in the tier, and I think its a solid addition as speed control and a nice wallbreaker, especially when paired with Future Sight. Choice Band sets with Tera Fighting is an absolute nuke and can even 2HKO resists like Clodsire, Tornadus-T, and Zapdos while also having coverage for Toxapex, Gholdengo, and Landorus-T with Wild Charge, Crunch, and Ice Fang respectively. Howl sets can be okay but I don't know why I wouldn't use another Fighting-type set up sweeper like Iron Valiant or Urshifu-R. Body Press sets with this are not good as for as long as Zamazenta-Crowned is in the tier even with the higher speed tier, giving up the bulk and typing for Leftovers may not be that good. Solid Pokemon overall though, turns out all box legendaries aren't broken!


It got Punching Glove and Swords Dance, and Tera Water as well. It's a really annoying Swords Dancer and can clap a lot of fat builds just with the click of a button. Checks like Toxapex and Dondozo can be exploited by Tera Electric with Thunder Punch and Dragonite you can just click Ice Punch on, or Aqua Jet to avoid being revenge killed with your somewhat mediocre speed tier. Pivot sets with Taunt can be annoying, you can just Taunt, click a button, U-turn out on a check, rinse and repeat. Will be quite solid.


Already said this before but this Pokemon in a metagame without Pursuit is quite nuts, you just click with Choice Band or Specs, or if you want to destroy stall / fat you can Nasty Plot up and it'll be over for your opponent. I have high hopes for this, hopefully will not be a slow attacker that can be easily exploited like it has been in the past.


Very weird Pokemon to see here, but I think it can have a funny niche with Tera Poison / Fairy and Calm Mind + Stored Power. Cresselia itself is quite an annoying Pokemon to take down, and now that it can Tera into a type that can help it deal with Dark-types like Kingambit, makes it even more of a hassle to deal with. It's some tech that is stolen from National Dex but I think it can do pretty good here with a set like Calm Mind / Stored Power / Moonblast / Moonlight and with a Covert Cloak to exploit Garganacl and just turn it into free Calm Minds for yourself. Very funny wincon, may work here but maybe not, I think it'll be okay though.

That sums up my thoughts on some Pokemon coming back here, wanted to post before this thread gets turned into absolute slop.
Go play National Dex if you haven't by the way, very fun tier!
+2 252 Atk Life Orb Sword of Ruin Tera Fighting Chien-Pao Sacred Sword vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def Magearna: 316-372 (86.8 - 102.1%) -- 93.8% chance to OHKO after 1 layer of Spikes

This is with a Jolly nature and max defense Magearna, a spread it would never normally run without Chien around.

+2 252+ Atk Life Orb Sword of Ruin Tera Fighting Chien-Pao Sacred Sword vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def Urshifu-Rapid-Strike: 380-448 (94 - 110.8%) -- guaranteed OHKO after 1 layer of Spikes
252 Atk Life Orb Sword of Ruin Chien-Pao Psychic Fangs vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def Urshifu-Rapid-Strike: 221-260 (54.7 - 64.3%) -- guaranteed 2HKO

“Sturdy check” my ass.
liligant-h is like the best stallbreaker with grass/fighting/fire coverage... dam ursaluna is so overhyped its easier to wall with stall but breloom on steroids really is the thing. U need a tera flying dondozo or alo to really deal with it

Samurott-h also makes most MU painful where u can lure out great tusk because we have crap removal (home didnt give us any)

I also think heal bell blissey can work but i like protect > heal bell as it can heal into the future port MU or maybe light screen even into urshifu-r. Also havent had problems with status compared to future port
Early thoughts from only ~10 games on mid ladder -

Magearna: I think going into the drop this was definitely going to be the mon everyone looked at, and for good reason. it has definitely lived up to its threatening persona, i personally was able to sweep/clean in half of the games i played and feel like it really can restrict team building (needing a bulky steel or psychic to beat some of the stored power sets or something similar). when you add tera into the mix mag is definitely a massive, bannable, threat in OU.

Chien-Pao: honestly has been picking up right where it left off in pre-home OU. massive power with sword of ruin, SD, tera stabs or fighting, and solid speed with priority on top of it. people thought mag could be a helpful check, but that mon should be QB to ubers for sure and i think chien-pao definitely should be joining it up there. Zama (not crowned) is an interesting check i haven’t tried yet, but definitely will be giving ur a shot tonight.

Regieleki: In all honesty this mon has felt very underwhelming in a ladder setting - i’ve used it in draft as my tera cap and was kill leader with it, but i feel with the current tera meta you don’t want to be shoehorned into saving your tera for eleki. on the right team could def see it thriving, but as i said def feels underwhelming in my experience so far - will experiment further

Sneasler: Has honestly been my favorite non-magearna mon to use so far, white herb unburden with tera flying acro has punched massive holes in teams, unburden boost letting it outspeed anything standing in its way. with an SD it’s power level is massive (+2 CC blows magearna away) and dire claw is a fun move to throw around on switches (tho i’m seeing other moves probably would work better)

Just figured i’d give some basic thoughts on a few standout (for good or for bad) mons in my short time playing so far <3
Since Rilla has nothing to do in OU without glassy glide, which options are going to be used to trigger unburden? Fling sounds nice on paper, but an one time use dark type on a mon with such 4MS sounds far from ideal.
Why do people believe this? I can understand this sentiment if Tapus were here (honestly, still would use Rilla simply for U-turn and Knock Off), but Rillaboom’s Terrain competition is Pincurchin and Indeedee and no Grassy Terrain competition. Not like “shitmon but has a field setting ability” was uncommon, and Rillaboom is certainly better than Droughtless Torkoal or Drizzleless Pelipper.
Since Rilla has nothing to do in OU without glassy glide, which options are going to be used to trigger unburden? Fling sounds nice on paper, but an one time use dark type on a mon with such 4MS sounds far from ideal.
White Herb CC definitely optimal on sneasler - still is solid stab and triggers unburden for free whenever u click it
Why do people believe this? I can understand this sentiment if Tapus were here (honestly, still would use Rilla simply for U-turn and Knock Off), but Rillaboom’s Terrain competition is Pincurchin and Indeedee and no Grassy Terrain competition. Not like “shitmon but has a field setting ability” was uncommon, and Rillaboom is certainly better than Droughtless Torkoal or Drizzleless Pelipper.
I think the thing there is that the Field Ability for Torkoal and especially Pelipper do massive work in tying their kits together. Pelipper goes from a sitting duck to a slow Pivot with very high BP STABs compensating its nothing-special offensive stats, while Torkoal's defenses and either Rocks or Spinning serve the offensive breaker style of Weather teams well since he compresses some of the non-attacker utility into a slot you're obligated to fit already.

Rillaboom doesn't gain a great deal that's synergistic with Grassy Terrain, in that it makes maybe one of his strong aspects better with the boosted STAB and some extra healing, but it doesn't really fill a gap to give him a cohesive role beyond "make field effect happen", that lacking area being why Pelipper completely erased Politoed's existence. Terrains just aren't very well suited to building a team around in a lot of cases until very recently with stuff like Quark Drive for Electric or the (almost seemingly accidental) Psyspam synergy. Rillaboom isn't being run for a team so much as for one team member to function better, compared to how Hawlucha, while much worse than Sneasler, was asking you to run what were already some of the most influential Pokemon in the Gen 7-8 Metagames (to the point it could sometimes just get the trigger off the opponent's instead of your own)
Rillaboom still hits hard, threatens Tusk, provides Knock Off support and U-turn to get Sneasler in so I see it as still the most practical way to use Unburden. If Psyspam put up with using Indeedee which basically does nothing Unburden builds can afford to use what is still effectively a Best Buy Tapu Bulu.
You can't undersell Bulu's secondary fairy type like that. It allowed it to pivot into a lot of stuff safely, knock off and u-turn are nice but we have a lot of users for those moves already.
Why do people believe this? I can understand this sentiment if Tapus were here (honestly, still would use Rilla simply for U-turn and Knock Off), but Rillaboom’s Terrain competition is Pincurchin and Indeedee and no Grassy Terrain competition. Not like “shitmon but has a field setting ability” was uncommon, and Rillaboom is certainly better than Droughtless Torkoal or Drizzleless Pelipper.
Just like pika pal mentioned already, the other terrian settters have better synergy with the current rooster of mons in the game, we just got a lot of good flying types so the EQ damage reduction is less valuable. Rilla is a decent mon but without GG it has not business on OU. Outside grassy terrain others do what it does but better and grassy terrain itself doesn't have much good synergies rn.
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