-> A (
zS said it well in the NU Discord. Making good teams with Dudunsparce can be hard because it offers so little outside of "bulky sweeper." With Ursaring, you at least have a bit of overall defensive utility given its great bulk; Dudunsparce lacks that.)

-> A- (I do not know why Medicham dropped. It is probably due to overall competition faced from Passimian + Toxicroak, which results in finding teams where Medicham specifically is optimal being a tough task.)

-> A- (Defog Oricorio is just not very compelling, and Quiver Dance seems to win less nowadays? Don't take this as me saying the latter set is falling off, though; I think the tier has just adapted enough to where we can manage it better. Oftentimes, you have to dedicate your Tera to Oricorio for it to truly pop off, and that can be punished really hard if you do so too early.)

-> B+ (The metagame has gotten a lot faster lately, and Clawitzer suffers as a result because finding safe wallbreaking chances is harder. I mentioned Bruxish struggles the same way but benefits from pivot support, so why is Clawitzer not getting that same treatment? Well, base Speed matters. Aqua Jet matters. The pool of Pokemon that can consistently come in and safely revenge kill Bruxish is a good bit smaller than that of Clawitzer.)

-> B+ (Farigiraf is just viewed as a one-trick pony at this point on hyper offense teams. It's INSANELY potent when it gets going, but it requires multiple turns to set up and actually pose that threat it's capable of.)

-> B+ (Vaporeon is ever so slightly less common right now, but Pyroar still struggles with the plethora of foes that easily revenge kill it. Additionally, we're seeing more of foes like Choice Scarf Scyther, Chansey, and Appletun that can, in their own ways, limit Pyroar's long-term effectiveness.)

-> B+ (It was always overranked, but I think base Rotom's surge and Rotom-F's weakness to Sandaconda Stone Edge have definitely hurt it.)

-> B (This Pokemon has not seen significant use since the Goodra ban.)

-> B (Vespiquen often requires Tera to not be a liability defensively, and Qwilfish has largely usurped it as a Spiker. Vespiquen retains some appeal for its overall longevity and pivot support, but you'll often be hard pressed to justify it now.

-> B (Cheese Pokemon that's limited by the large amount of revenge killers that it can't OHKO with boosted Quick Attack. Sandaconda also exists and is quite hard to take out!)

-> B- (Just use Bruxish.)

-> B- (Scyther does the whole "why is this offensive Pokemon using Defog???" thing better.)

-> B- (Stall sucks, so Crocalor drops.)

-> B- (God damn it why did Florges have to be broken.)

-> B- (We have plenty of mid-Speed tier wallbreakers that are strong. Honchkrow just lacks any real defined reason for use beyond its combination of strong priority and pivoting.)

-> B- (Pyroar is better.)

-> B- (Don't use this.)

-> B- (Skuntank is exceedingly OK enough, but as a general utility Pokemon you'll get more utility out of Muk, and as a setup sweeper you're better off using Haunter.)

-> C (Lilligant "pick the right Tera type" Challenge [IMPOSSIBLE])

-> C (The other Oricorio is better.)

-> C (Not really a compelling bulky setup sweeper over the other options. Revival Blessing is annoying but not a worldbeater.)

-> C (This Pokemon is ASS! :fire:)

-> UR (lol)

-> UR (lol)

-> UR (lol)

-> UR (lol)

-> UR (lol)

-> UR (There's the slightest amount of appeal to this because it really has just about every good utility move in the game, but it's an LC Pokemon with really dreadful stats, and that ends up being really hard to overcome in battle.)

-> UR (lol)

-> UR (lol)