Non-official SV 1v1 - Hoopa-Unbound

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Hoopa-Unbound: Do not ban
Maybe it's because I'm new to the tier, but I had the impression that any faster setup could solve it well. However, if you don't have a faster setup, it's quite complicated due to the wide variety of movesets that this pokémon can have.
Eligible Voters: 31
Votes: 30

Ban: 18
Do not ban: 12
Not Yet Voted: 1
Ban % = 60

With the deadline of the voting period having being reached the final vote sits at an exact 60% ban majority. As a result Hoopa-Unbound has been banned in SV 1v1. Tagging Kris and Marty to implement when you get the chance please.

Thank you to all participants. If you qualify for the Tiering Contributor badge as a result of this suspect feel free to pm me your votes.
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