Super Smash Bros Brawl Tournament - Round 2

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hey, kira got his name back
Elm, we have two days to get this done, please PM me

zerowing, question: if our partner doesn't respond at all to requests and the match doesn't get done, are we both DQ'ed?
If you notify me that <user> was inactive and unresponsive then only the opponent will be DQed. I'm not going to punish both of you if your opponent was the uncooperative one, thats just silly.
Dammit, Pablo has not been online, and we have been unable to schedule a time for the match. I can possibly play tomorrow.

Good matches man. As you said it really was weird that we didn't get a single smash ball. That was good for me, as my character's final smash sucks >___>;. After the match I was afraid that I had switched them off accidentally lol, but that wasn't the case. And holy crap the soccer ball is ridiculous XD. Anyways once again gg's.

Edit: Forgot to mention, in the match me and Llama played the lag on my side was great; in fact it may have been to best match I've ever played. But The lag on his side was pretty nasty. I was wondering: does the host have a lag advantage? And if so, should who hosts be changed? (For an example: random host 1st match, loser host 2nd match, random host 3rd match). If you guys think this is worth looking into I'd be happy to test it out with some people.
Sadly Foreys has made no contact with me, Zerowing. It seems strange since I thought he was often on Smogon, but yeah, he has not made any effort to contact me and has not responded to my PM.
TMNT Boy returned my PM, and we should be getting our match done sometime between 4-6 PM EST.

EDIT: Nvm. He didn't show up. Waited an extra hour just to be sure...
I finally got a PM from elm dated at about 8 am today saying he'd be available around at 5:30 for a match, but I PM'ed him at 5 when i got home from school and he still hasn't responded :/
ill update this post if he does
update: well it's just about 9 and Elm has given me no response from the two PMs I've sent him today (one at 5 and one at around 8). Technically he wasn't unresponsive, as he did PM me once, but he failed to follow up his suggested time. Take it as you will, I won't be offended at all if I am DQ'ed.
Edit: Forgot to mention, in the match me and Llama played the lag on my side was great; in fact it may have been to best match I've ever played. But The lag on his side was pretty nasty. I was wondering: does the host have a lag advantage? And if so, should who hosts be changed? (For an example: random host 1st match, loser host 2nd match, random host 3rd match). If you guys think this is worth looking into I'd be happy to test it out with some people.
I've heard from numerous sources that there is host advantage in this game, although I've never seen any definite proof there there actually is.
zerowing - due to my fault we weren't able to play our match, Kira and I, so unless you're willing to give us an extension, I will concede since it was entirely my fault we weren't able to play, due to life events.
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