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Sunny Screens OU Team

So this is my Sunny Screens team, I have battled around 14 times with it and only lost once.

Pokemon: Dugtrio
Item: Air Balloon
Ability: Arena Trap
Sucker Punch
Hone Claws
Stealth Rock
Nature: Jolly +Speed -SpA
EVs: 4 HP
252 Atk
252 Speed

Pokemon: Ninetails
Item: Leftovers
Ability: Drought
Fire Blast
Nasty Plot
Solar Beam
Hidden Power Electric
Nature: Timid +Speed -Atk
EVs: 4 HP
252 SpA
252 Speed

Pokemon: Victini
Item: Choice Band
Ability: Victory Star
Bolt Strike
Brick Break
Nature: Hasty +Speed -Def
EVs: 31 HP
224 Atk
32 SpA
252 Speed

Item: Leftovers
Ability: Magic Bounce
Light Screen
Heal Bell
Nature: Timid +Speed -Atk
EVs: 252 HP
4 SpA
252 Speed

Pokemon: Salamance
Item: Life Orb
Ability: Moxie
Fire Blast
Dragon Dance
Nature: Lonely +Atk -Def
EVs: 252 Atk
4 SpA
252 Speed

Pokemon: Gengar
Item: Leftovers
Ability: Levitate
Shadow Ball
Sludge Bomb
Destiny Bond
Nature: Timid +Speed -Atk
EVs: 4 HP
252 SpA
252 Speed

So the point of this team is to get Ninetails in for Drought. After Drought is active your Victini can now be a monster sweeper using V-Create. Espeon can usually take a few hits giving it time to put in screens when needed, and can also do some good damage with Physic (STAB). Dugtrio provide coverage of electric and ground pokemon, since he is very fast. Gengar can be switched in to avoid the dreaded Close Combat, and when needed, can take out an enemy late game sweeper with destiny bond. Salamance is a very good late game sweeper with the life orb on.
Please please please give descriptions to your pokemon before posting(minimum three lines) or you risk your thread getting locked.
Hey there,

since the team has like no descriptions and images its pretty hard to rate.
However, i do have some suggestions:
- Give Ninetails sunny day: Ninetails is the fastest weather inducer, wich means if you are opposed by other weather inducers you can change the weather to your favor again. Replac HP electric for this since HP electric is far from useless in OU.
- Dugtrio likes a focus sash + reversal. You will almost never be able to set up with him with the set you are using.
- This team is VERY dark and dragon weak, a scarfed moxiemence or hydreigon for example rolls trough this with ease, therefor you should add Heatran, he also provides a fire immunity wich will help you alot since sun is a pretty big enemy to your team aswell.
- Give espeon light clay to make your screens last longer

Good luck with the team and please provide more info per pokemon with your reasoning per set. Also try to post pokemon sets like this (random pokemon):
Venusaur @ Life Orb
Ability: Chlorophyll
EVs: 72 HP / 4 Def / 252 SAtk / 180 Spd
Naive Nature
IVs: 2 Atk / 30 SAtk / 30 Spd
- Giga Drain
- Growth
- Earthquake
- Hidden Power [Fire]

This is how you can import it from showdown. Adding images isnt needed but makes a thread that much more enjoyable.