SPOILERS! Sun & Moon In-Game Discovery Thread

I think the same happens with berries and crabrawler, exact same battle yields same berries
Nah it doesn't happen for berries, as in you could save and reset near a berry tree. You may or may not get a Crabrawler, but the berry haul will be different every time you reset. I did this to get all the EV dropping berries from the Route 10 tree quickly enough (i.e. within a couple of days) for farming in Poké Pelago.
[22:26:52] Its_A_Random okay this is weird
[22:27:07] Its_A_Random been using soft reset methods to breed some cottonee
[22:27:09] DHR ?
[22:27:18] Its_A_Random reject first egg then get next five
[22:27:23] Its_A_Random three times in a row
[22:27:29] Its_A_Random they have had the same gender
[22:27:31] Its_A_Random female
[22:27:37] Its_A_Random same iv spread as before
[22:27:47] Its_A_Random same... everything
[22:27:49] Its_A_Random like
[22:27:55] Its_A_Random yeah
[22:27:57] DHR Are you changing when you pick them up
[22:28:06] DHR like, are you walking around breifly after rejecting first egg etc
[22:28:13] DHR otherwise you might be hitting the exact same seed
[22:28:14] DHR idk
[22:28:25] LegoFigure11 So it's like TMM but without TMM?
[22:28:29] Its_A_Random not changing
[22:28:55] LegoFigure11 Are all 5 eggs the same?
[22:29:15] Its_A_Random though next lot will be different because I did pelago > plaza before rejecting and saving
[22:29:26] Its_A_Random they were the same as the last reset
[22:29:32] Its_A_Random not the same as each other
[22:29:36] Its_A_Random but same as in
[22:29:48] Its_A_Random egg four last three times has the same data
[22:29:54] Its_A_Random etc
[22:29:55] LegoFigure11 1=1, 2=2, 3=3 etc
[22:29:59] Its_A_Random yeah
[22:30:07] Its_A_Random not adjusting movement though
[22:30:22] Its_A_Random before initial rejection
[22:30:27] LegoFigure11 Sounds like you're hitting the same seeds
[22:30:29] Its_A_Random this was not like it in xy
[22:30:33] Its_A_Random or oras
[22:31:33] Its_A_Random but yeah it's like
[22:31:42] Its_A_Random they want you to wonder trade your breedjects
[22:31:48] Its_A_Random and not soft reset like I do
[22:32:06] Its_A_Random if I dont get a desired from the bunch
[22:32:30] Its_A_Random I'll try moving around soonish and see if it makes a difference
[22:32:55] Its_A_Random just that next batch will be different for other reasons
[22:40:05] Its_A_Random that time I got the same seed as my original batch so I'll "remember that now"
[22:40:17] Its_A_Random now we will try moving a bit
[22:43:23] DHR Will be interesting to know what you find
[22:46:48] Its_A_Random ran around for 10 secs before rejecting the egg
[22:46:57] Its_A_Random same seed as the original
[22:47:14] Its_A_Random same set iv's etc
[22:47:28] Its_A_Random running around did not change a thing
[22:48:12] LegoFigure11 try saving again before you pick up the first egg
[22:48:25] Its_A_Random I did that it changes the seed
[22:48:40] Its_A_Random [22:29:15] Its_A_Random though next lot will be different because I did pelago > plaza before rejecting and saving
[22:48:59] LegoFigure11 oh
[22:49:01] LegoFigure11 weird
[22:49:16] LegoFigure11 saving only used to advance the frame :(
[22:50:13] Its_A_Random conclusions: soft resetting for breeding: don't?
[22:52:23] Its_A_Random I guess I'll post this in ingame discoveries
[22:52:33] Its_A_Random or something
[22:53:08] Its_A_Random if you really really want to soft reset you are better off rejecting then saving and even then it seems to... yeah
[22:53:38] Its_A_Random first breed was the same as my recent, then the next three were on its own seed, then fifth and sixth were the same as the first

Basic thing is: Soft Resetting without saving at least for breeding will only get you the same batch of Pokémon datawise as before. If you plan to soft reset, reject then save and even then for whatever reason, doing that gave me the same batch as an earlier batch. I don't remember if it was also like this in XY and ORAS (I think it wasn't but it's been a year since I breeded something in ORAS hahaha).

Since BW2 the first egg upon loading a save has always been fixed to a static seed, but before now the eggs after that one are all produced regularly with the ingame seed. This time all eggs are always generated from the static seed every time the save file loads.
Nah it doesn't happen for berries, as in you could save and reset near a berry tree. You may or may not get a Crabrawler, but the berry haul will be different every time you reset. I did this to get all the EV dropping berries from the Route 10 tree quickly enough (i.e. within a couple of days) for farming in Poké Pelago.
Getting the same spread of berries, is still a little weird. Maybe it time based, so if I got it in the same minute or whatever the berries were the same. but it was the same exact spread with a difference of a single soft reset between them
Found Soul Dew, Prison Bottle and DNA Splicers. Location is postgame.
After becoming the champions and accepting the Looker sidequest, go back to the Aether Foundation's Secret Lab A and talk to the worker.
I was able to get them without accepting the sidequest first. It doesn't seem like you need to do that.
On an unrelated note, does anyone know where the Hidden Power checker is?
Since it's difficult to find a good list out there, I went and made one up myself for EV training. NO BS like "use an own tempo mon to avoid wingull's supersonic" or "set up stealth rock and sit through the damage animation everytime magnemite calls a friend," lowest level stuff possible for ease of training. Figure I may as well post it here too.

HP: Caterpie (Route 1).

Atk: Pikipek, Grubbin (Route 1).
Yungoos works too but is Day-only if you don't want to hassle, Spinarak as Night-only counterpart but it can poison with Poison Sting.

Def: Sandygast (Hano Beach ambush), Cubone (Wela Volcano Park). Ugh, everything low-level has Sturdy. Sandygast itself still has Sand Attack, and Cubone rarely calls a Kangaskhan instead of its own species. You can also fish Kala'e Bay for Shellder but hunting bubbling fishing holes is a chore all its own. Route 3 Vullaby ambushes are super easy... FOR MOON PLAYERS GET REKT SUN!

SpA: Spinda (Ten Carat Hill hollow), Oricorio (Melemele Meadow, Route 6), Psyduck (Brooklet Hill). Magnemite at Trainers' School has Sturdy, screw 'em. Psyducks are higher level than the other two, but have a higher encounter and call rate.

SpD: Ledyba (Route 1, Day-only), Tentacool (Surf Route 1 Outskirts). Though Day-only, Ledyba is much lower level. Drowzee on Route 2 would be great, except they have Hypnosis... Tentacool can confuse but if you find a Lv 16-18 one (Lv15 ones are available which have Supersonic), only via Water Pulse which is unlikely.

Spe: Smeargle/Spearow (Route 2). Rattata on R1 work but are Night-only. Meowth have Fake Out, Wingull have Supersonic. If you do Smeargle, be sure to attack first round so it has a move to Sketch and doesn't Struggle.
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Since it's difficult to find a good list out there, I went and made one up myself for EV training. NO BS like "use an own tempo mon to avoid wingull's supersonic" or "set up stealth rock and sit through the damage animation everytime magnemite calls a friend," lowest level stuff possible for ease of training. Figure I may as well post it here too.

HP: Caterpie (Route 1).
Atk: Pikipek, Grubbin (Route 1).
Yungoos works too but is Day-only if you don't want to hassle, Spinarak as Night-only counterpart but it can poison with Poison Sting.
Def: Sandygast (Hano Beach ambush). Ugh, everything low-level has Sturdy. Route 3 Vullaby ambushes are super easy... FOR MOON PLAYERS GET REKT SUN! Shellder fishing in Kala'e Bay works but hunting the bubbling spot is lame.
SpA: Spinda (Ten Carat Hill hollow), Oricorio (Melemele Meadow, Route 6). Magnemite at Trainers' School has Sturdy, Psyducks are generally higher level.
SpD: Ledyba (Route 1, Day-only), Tentacool (Surf Route 1 Outskirts). Ledyba is mentioned because it's much lower level. Tentacool can confuse but only with Water Pulse, a 20% shot from one of four moveslots. Drowzee on Route 2 would be great, except they have Hypnosis...
Spe: Smeargle/Spearow (Route 2). Rattata on R1 work but are Night-only. Meowth have Fake Out, Wingull have Supersonic.

Pikipek is still always prefered to grubblin and yungoos/spinarak because a call rate of 15 will make them basically always call when false swiped + pressure+ adrenaline orb.

For defense, cubone can work, since it has a call rate of 15, the only problem is that it can call rarely for kanghaskan, but if you're chaining with power item is rare to find it in a small chain

Spinda has a call rate of 6, I would really recommend to use something with at least a call rate of 9, and still psyduck is pretty cool because even if it has a sighly higher level in brooklet hill, has a call rate of 15. Just try to start the chain with a lv 14-15 psyduck instead of a 16-17 one, so you can prevent water pulse at all, and confusion is not a problem if you use something like absol (IMO one of the best false swipers for chaining)

For Special defense, yeah, ledyba is a okay option, but only during daytime. If you pick a tentacool over lv 16 so it has water pulse instead of supersonic is better. the chances of getting confused are lower, and after having trained speed with zubats I tell you is not of a big deal. the problem are tentacool on higher levels because the residual damage of wrap.

for using smeargle you should also note to use falseswipe or similar before smeargle moves so it doesn't kill itself with struggle. Spearow is a good option, but zubat work even better for short chains (when using power items) Absorb will be more problematic than confusion for long chains (when not using power items) since it will start regaining more and more HP needing to be false swiped again. the only place with zubats without absorb but not yet confuse ray are ten carat hill (chances of getting one at lv 13 and surfing on seaward cave (chances of getting lv 15-16 zubats)
Small question: If an undesirable Pokémon is called as a reinforcement (like the Kangaskhan when EV chaining Cubones), can you just remove it with Roar or Whirlwind without getting its EVs? They only have one target after all.
I'd assume not, I don't believe you normally get EXP from those mons just as you don't while fleeing battles, but I don't 100% guarantee it.

Stupid Kangaskhan is why I passed on mentioning Cubone for Defense EVs though. That said, I just realized that Sandygast have Sand Attack themselves so maybe Cubone is the best choice still. (Kangaskhan is 1%? 69 before you're more likely than not to hit a Kangaskhan, ~7% chance to hit one in a single chain if you're maxing out Def with Pokérus + Power item.) I guess the takeaway is that Moon > Sun since Vullaby is the one true training spot. I also admittedly know nothing of variable call rates, since they aren't listed on Bulbapedia yet... alright here's some Googling and Redditing: http://pastebin.com/Uv3k3QYW But meh, 1 HP and Orbed I don't think it makes a huge difference. Encounter rate might be just as annoying, where Spinda is 10% and Oricorio (who has has a 6 call rate) is 20% for example.
Kangaskhan is a higher chance than a 1% during chains. is the 1% to get it as a regular encounter.
I've analyced the call rate table and see what gives defense IVs to consider the better options:

-Cubone: best call rate, barely problematic as it only lowers defenses, but can summon Kangaskhan
-Bonsly: best call rate, but has sturdy and can call other allies (sudowoodo only screws precise calcs, but can call hapinny)Weavile could be used for sturdy since it has pressure+false swipe and multi hit moves (fury swipes/double hit/beat up)
-Charjabug: best call rate? (the pastebin says so, serebii says lower call rate) gives 2 ivs instead of 1 and the only problem is that it can paralyze
-Exeggcute: best call rate, can sleep unless you get the pivot at lv43 (you could just run a burned absol with leftovers) but is at a high level

-Shellder: good call rate, but has access to supersonic and possibly protect.
-Nosepass: good call rate, but sturdy.
-Belldum: good call rate, but no real options to keep it for constant calling
-Roggenrolla: good call rate, but sturdy. Weavile could be used since it has pressure+false swipe and multi hit moves (fury swipes/double hit/beat up)
-Vullaby: Good call rate, no worries except is moon only
-Sandshrew: Same as vullaby but with higher level and hail.
-Sandyghast: good call rate, but has sand attack and mega drain
-Geodude: good call rate, but explodes

-graveler: Bad call rate, explodes
-Skarmory: bad call rate, sturdy
-Pelipper: bad call rate, nothing to worry about if you face them lv32 and below, except for water pulse confusion
-Torkoal: Bad call rate, either has smokescreen or body slam, or even protect
-boldore: bad call rate, sturdy
-Klefky: bad call rate, only 1 ev, has draining kiss and foul play could hit too hard

-Miltank: worst call rate, can call tauros
-Turtonator: worst call rate, sun exclusive
How many rare candies can you obtain in total from the PC cafe? Right now i have fed 60 beans to my pokemon in amie. After the waiter give you the candy and before he ask you for the drink, you can quit the conversation there first and then turn to him again to get another candy. I got 3 this time in total before he finally stopped giving me candies each time i go back to him
How many rare candies can you obtain in total from the PC cafe? Right now i have fed 60 beans to my pokemon in amie. After the waiter give you the candy and before he ask you for the drink, you can quit the conversation there first and then turn to him again to get another candy. I got 3 this time in total before he finally stopped giving me candies each time i go back to him

I think I have hear you have to feed 15 beans to your pokemon to give the rarecandy of the day. But after pokepelago it stops giving you free beans, not sure about free candies since I stopped using so many beans thanks to rainbow beans
I think I have hear you have to feed 15 beans to your pokemon to give the rarecandy of the day. But after pokepelago it stops giving you free beans, not sure about free candies since I stopped using so many beans thanks to rainbow beans

Nope, you still get free beans. That Rare Candy trick is news to me, duly noted.
Eh, I wonder... has anyone found out that The Masked Royal may challenge one in Battle Royal's Master Rank? I tried to count it and it probably takes certain number of victories in Master Rank complimented by the receptionist as "working hard". Nothing special though, other than the Masked Royal using certain Pokemon species like a special trainer in battle facilities. The BP won from winning against him is the same, nothing else special....
Oh boy. Finished my journey for getting galvanize geodude. In case anyone want one, this is what I did:

team was tracer porygon / damp golduck with disable /vaporeon with aqua ring and baton pass /burned smeargle with selfdestruct, imprison, worry seed, vacuum wave)

basically use porygon to check sturdy on the first geodude, if it has magnet run away. switch to golduck, stall some turns (use X defense for thunderpunchs) and wait until it uses selfdestruc, then use disable. Inmediately switch to vaporeon and use aqua ring and baton pass. You might want to give it some bulk so it tanks 2 thunderpunches, maybe even a cheri berry, then switch to smeargle. Use some X-Defense and X-Special so it can tank and OHKO geodude with vacuum wave.

this works by using sturdy geodudes instead of false swiping them. you need the first one to be sturdy. Use imprison first so it can never use selfdestruct
advance the chain by killing what it comes until you reach the 10th kill.
After that galvanice can start showing up, albeith rare, is worth checking every geodude as possible. Use worry seed to check ability and then attack. worry seed also overrites sturdy so a single attack will be enought per kill.

Always refresh the pivot geodude with certain tresshold, as you do it by getting another sturdy geodude. Simply use vacuum wave instead of worry seed+vacuum wave until you get another sturdy, then kill the previus pivot.
There's a chance that you accidentally kill a galvanize geodude while refreshing, but is worth keeping the chain alive, even if you change pivot every 5 worry seed (remember geodudes at lv 26-27 and 30 have 45PP of moves, and geodudes lv28-29 have 50PP)

Geodude has a high catch rate so when galvanize geodude shows up all you need to do is kill the pivot and catch it. a timer ball always work.

if you want it in a custom ball, is better to get the ball though breeding than focus on catch it with it. even if you galvanice geodude shows up male, just breed it with ditto until a female with HA shows up, then breed her with a male geodude of the ball of your choice. Then just breed again until you get the desired ball + galvanice.

Also, I set up the vaporeon and the burn steps because I didn't know imprison works by field, not with target (I though imprison only worked on 1 target so I couldn't afford to get paralyzed by thunderpunch and then geodude calling for reinforcements, and failing to impison it due to a paralysis stop, and getting a selfdestruct) So you can skip that step, and use paralyze heals whenever smeargle gets paralyzed, or get it to hight affection so it can get them off (don't get it affection if you use the burn strat)

Also, for getting selfdestruct on smearge, all you need to do is to get a poliwrath with damp and hypnosis. The one you get from trading ingame is enought as it always has damp. I prefer poliwrath for extra bulk. face a wild geodude, use x precission on poliwrath, wait until it uses selfdestruct, then hypnosis. There is a chance geodude wakes up in 1 turn, meaning you need to repeat it. Also smeargle should be faster than geodude (something not really difficult)
Oh boy. Finished my journey for getting galvanize geodude. In case anyone want one, this is what I did:


I just used a an Imprison, Self-Destruct, Bonemerang, Entrainment Smeargle and a Damp Parasect. Start, put it to sleep with Para and false swipe, switch in Smeargle, Imprison and start the chain. Entrainment only after 20 SOS Calls.
X-Accuracy so Bonemerang never misses, bypasses Sturdy and KO's all Geodude. Both carrying Leftovers.


I did some testing on whether Intimidate (and Unnerve, Pressure) stacks with Adrenaline Orb. I tested this on SOS Call Rate: 3 Pokémon, in this case Absol (but others include Tauros, Miltank, Kangaskhan and Sharpedo):

Intimidate :
Turns 216
Calls: 63
Backup: 15
%calls 29,17%
%backup-total 6,94%
%backup/calls 23,81%

Turns 89
Calls: 21
Backup: 8
%calls 23,60%
%backup-total 8,99%
%backup/calls 38,10%

%call_increase 23,61%
%backup_diff 29,44%

The sample size, especially for the non-Intimidate is rather small, so I'm hoping to amend that.
But as you can see, it does stack. Though not massively.
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I just used a an Imprison, Self-Destruct, Bonemerang, Entrainment Smeargle and a Damp Parasect. Start, put it to sleep with Para and false swipe, switch in Smeargle, Imprison and start the chain. Entrainment only after 20 SOS Calls.
X-Accuracy so Bonemerang never misses, bypasses Sturdy and KO's all Geodude. Both carrying Leftovers.


I did some testing on whether Intimidate (and Unnerve, Pressure) stacks with Adrenaline Orb. I tested this on SOS Call Rate: 3 Pokémon, in this case Absol (but others include Tauros, Miltank, Kangaskhan and Sharpedo):

Intimidate :
Turns 216
Calls: 63
Backup: 15
%calls 29,17%
%backup-total 6,94%
%backup/calls 23,81%

Turns 89
Calls: 21
Backup: 8
%calls 23,60%
%backup-total 8,99%
%backup/calls 38,10%

%call_increase 23,61%
%backup_diff 29,44%

The sample size, especially for the non-Intimidate is rather small, so I'm hoping to amend that.
But as you can see, it does stack. Though not massively.

if you parasect is faster than geodude, you still have a chance that it wakes up on the switch and explode, as switching out of damp doesn't prevent exploding, but switching out of imprison does. Also, you still need to eventually switch back to parasect to change the pivot to prevent struggle recoil.

but yeah, once the pokebank opens it will be as easy as getting a damp parasect with worry seed.
So regarding the new Pokebank update, does anyone know if

When Nidoran F breeds with Nidoran M, and Illusmise with Volbeat, will Male species be able to pass down their Pokeballs to offspring?