Welcome family clause and RIP TrickScarf Goth teams.
I think it's time for a deep dive into one of the more underused and pleasantly cancerous offensive abilities in Suicide Cup, one that has several users overdue for viability ranking…yes, it's Magician! By combining this ability with certain attacks, you can build item thieves that function even while Taunted and against opponents with Subs up. Eat your heart out, Prankster Trick!
And just for fun…
Magician Smeargle in Suicide Cup AAA (quickly banned):-

I think it's time for a deep dive into one of the more underused and pleasantly cancerous offensive abilities in Suicide Cup, one that has several users overdue for viability ranking…yes, it's Magician! By combining this ability with certain attacks, you can build item thieves that function even while Taunted and against opponents with Subs up. Eat your heart out, Prankster Trick!
Very challenging to use due to its excessive offensive stats, this mon is nonetheless unmatched in its item manipulation abilities.
Ability: Magician
Happiness: 0
EVs: 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
IVs: 2 HP / 0 Atk / 0 Def / 0 SpA
- Hyperspace Hole / Round
- Fling
- Return / Astonish
- Substitute
(Other good move options include Block, Trick and Magic Coat. Starting without an item is probably easiest, but Hoopa could be given Black Sludge, Pecha/Lum Berry/Leftovers as a Trick soaker or Light Ball to paralyze on Fling. Using Choice Scarf to open with a fast Fling may have been optimal pre-ban <_< )
Magician steals the opponent's item when an attacking move is used. Hyperspace Hole hits the opponent though Sub or even Protect and can't be prevented using Taunt. Together, the two almost guarantee Hoopa steals an opponent's damage item before it can activate, unless that opponent has Dark typing or Sticky Hold, crippling many Pokemon. Round is an option to reduce damage inflicted, but at that point you may as well go for Braixen (see below).
Unfortunately, Hyperspace Hole is a strong (80BP) STAB attack coming off a base 150 special attack, so even with a SpA-lowing nature, it can easily KO neutral NFEs or Psychic-weak targets. However, Hoopa can run minimum happiness Return to steal a predicted fragile switch-in's item while inflicting almost imperceptible damage. Astonish is an option to be able to hit Ghosts on the switch, although this forces you to inflict noticeable damage when Taunted, and Curse means that most Ghosts don't care much about item deprivation.
Finally, Fling is an attack that has almost as incredible synergy with Magician as Hyperspace Hole. Hoopa can use it to dispose of non-damaging items like Mental Herb in order to go hunting for something more useful with HH, or remove an activated Toxic Orb against a sub so that you can starve additional opposing Pokemon (be aware that flinging a Toxic Orb will badly poison an opponent unless blocked by a sub). Absurdly, a direct hit will allow Hoopa to steal an additional item in the same turn that Hoopa removes and destroys its own old one, enabling chained theft and deprivation of Black Sludge users.
Hoopa's underwhelming 70 Speed means that it would appreciate Agility (and Sub) passes from Accelgor in order to be able to use Fling and Return more often, although running multiple attacking moves allows it to care about an outspeeding Taunt much less than most Pokemon. Accelgor also provides a safe switch out against opponents likely to try to trick their stolen item back.
Usage example: Hoopa trolls a Belly Drum HO team:-
Do not use. What a shame that Steel typing makes this mon outclasses when it has two fantastic offensive abilities (Prankster as well) to use and bluff between. It has access to Round and Switcheroo, some other nice stuff like Thunder Wave, and weirdly its typing doesn't prevent damage from Black Sludge. But as thieves need every opportunity they can get to abuse opponents items, not being able to activate Toxic Orb is fatal. Or, rather, non-fatal.
Maybe the best mon in Suicide Cup Steel Monothreat, though? Or a hidden gem in SC Camomons.
Delphox family
Delphox and co have more moderate - although still higher than ideal - special attack. In terms of sub-bypassing attacks, they have access to Round, but also the even better Echoed Voice, with a mere 40BP on its first turn of usage. That said, the danger of being trapped and Taunted into an increasingly strong Echoed Voice almost necessitates running Snore in a second slot.
Unfortunately, this family lacks access to Fling, which generally means no item-cycling, and the risk of permanently absorbing a useless item like Mental Herb on a bad prediction. Delphox and Braixen do have Trick/Switcheroo to alleviate the latter problem somewhat, however, and they aren't as risky to misuse as Hoopa, especially if you have something like Perishpass Smeargle or semi-reliable hazards to rescue them from a bad item.
Interestingly, each Delphox family arguably has some small niche of its own due to stats and move pool differences.
Fennikin generally has the best stats, as its decently bad 40/40 physical bulk makes it into solid Struggle fodder if there isn't a good Magician target, and it has the lowest Special Attack to minimise Echoed Voice damage further (speed doesn't matter as much for this family considering than Echoed Voice works the same regardless of whether the opponent got off a Taunt or Sub first). On the other hand, Fenniken lacks access to some of its evolved forms' useful moves like Switcheroo and Snatch, forcing it to fall back on Magic Coat.
Ability: Magician
EVs: 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
IVs: 2 HP / 0 Atk / 0 Def / 0 SpA / 0 SpD
- Echoed Voice
- Snore
- Substitute
- Magic Coat
(Could run a Def-lowering nature.)
If you want to hedge your bets by running Switcheroo, Delphox may be the best option in order to try to outspeed opposing subs, coming at the cost of maximised Voice damage and bulk.
Ability: Magician
EVs: 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
IVs: 4 HP / 0 Atk / 0 Def / 0 SpA / 0 SpD
- Echoed Voice
- Snore
- Switcheroo
- Substitute
(Switcheroo is better than Trick to avoid common Imprison users.)
Finally, Braixen occupies a middle ground in terms of attack, defence and speed, but retains access to the juiciest parts of the family movepool; if you want to run Snatch in slot 4, Braixen seems like the best option. Not to go all Middle Cup on you but she is likely the overall most viable Delphox family member, and arguably the most robust Magician user in standard SC.
Ability: Magician
EVs: 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
IVs: 4 HP / 0 Atk / 0 Def / 0 SpA / 0 SpD
- Echoed Voice
- Snore
- Substitute
- Snatch
Usage example: Salazzle gets locked down:-
And just for fun…
Magician Smeargle in Suicide Cup AAA (quickly banned):-