
Though Staraptor gets reckless, it still has to watch out for Hihidaruma, who is pretty much THE suicide attacker of this metagame (Sports high base HP, 140 base attack, 95 base speed, STAB Encourage Flare Blitz, and is not afraid of Skarmory or Nattorei).

Still, Flying is an interesting attack type. Not amazing, but most teams don't plan their defensive typings in worry of flying type attacks (4x Flying Weak hardly ever scared Heracross), since Steel usually takes care of it anyway.

Staraptor will probably want to stick to a life orb anyway, since Close Combat really helps deal with steel types.
Originally Posted by Fat nueacc
How can you get a DW Staraptor with Roost?

Couldn't you just breed a 4th gen male Togekiss with Roost and Double-Edge with a female DW Starly? They're both egg moves.
The only reason I don't use this thing even with Reckless is because you have to kill yourself just to use its best move. Otherwise? BB all day, BB all night. I'd use Flare Blitz Blaziken quicker than I'd use Staraptor or Darmanitan.
By favourite set in ou for this thing is scarfed adamant reckless. With a scarf, outspeed everything and still has enough power too 2hko normal ferrathorn with brave bird or close combat
Unless there's been some change in egg moves in Gen 5 Pursuit and Double-edge will be illegal to have together.

Hey all, long time lurker, I love Staraptor so I decided to start posting.

Pursuit and Double-Edge (and Roost) are legal on Starly in Gen V, though it requires a little bit of work.

A male Pidgey or it's evolutions bred to have Pursuit in Gen III, then are taught Double-Edge by the FR/LG MT, traded up to Gen IV and taught Roost (or Steel Wing, Aerial Ace, U-Turn etc...) will pass Pursuit/Roost/Double-Edge and a filler egg/TM move of choice (Pidgey gets Sand-Attack and Featherdance if you are interested) when bred with female Starly family in Gen V.

I don't know if that affects any of the movesets you currently have (or if anyone other than me still has Gen III games) but I figured I'd point that out.
But Pursuit has very little use, even with a Choice Band your power is sorely lacking the strength of say, a Scizor's Banded Technician Pursuit.
The point is the rebutt to the statement that Staraptor can't learn Pursuit and DE together, which is wrong.

Although Staraptor shouldn't bother to kill the outcoming mon, it's better off to BB whoever the fuck comes in.
It depends. Sometimes ensuring a kill on a pokemon is better than damaging whatever comes in (which can be a BB resist). In fact, thats why you use pursuit: ensuring a key kill.

Oh, and the boosted pursuit (80BP) isnt affected by technician, so Scizor's Pursuit is only 5% stronger than Staraptor's (due to the difference in their BS). It exists, but it doesnt make Pursuit inviable to Staraptor at all.