[Standard] Fallout 3 Mafia - Game Over! UncleSam and Flamestrike Win!

As Veedrock already said, game over.

UncleSam wins, expect a log from him roughly three seconds after this update.

Interestingly, there was a way for the village to win - dmtc would have to safeguard AlphaJolt, meaning dmtc would be killed by Sam, who would be lynched by the village. Unfortunately, AJ thought dmtc was the silencer, so wouldn't consider approaching him, and dmtc himself hadn't realised he was the kingmaker, so the win had to go to US.

Expect a postgame shortly if I do it, and in three years following a grace period if Veedrock does.
Gay final update.
<UncleSam> have creatures kill zorbees
<UncleSam> i kill rare
<UncleSam> they persuade life
<UncleSam> i silence life
<UncleSam> then
<UncleSam> its me+3 villies
<UncleSam> vs 3 creatures
<UncleSam> we lynch exa obv.
<UncleSam> then
<UncleSam> i kill quagsires
<UncleSam> dan knows
<UncleSam> if he kills me
<UncleSam> he loses
<UncleSam> to the 3 villies alive at that point
<UncleSam> so
<UncleSam> he has to kill objection the mayor
<UncleSam> then
<UncleSam> two villagers
<UncleSam> left
<UncleSam> i have dan no lynch
<UncleSam> because obv. i wont kill him
<UncleSam> if there are two villies
<UncleSam> but he wont realize
<UncleSam> i have silence
<UncleSam> so then i kill him
<UncleSam> silence
<UncleSam> no lynch to tie and get a no lynch
<UncleSam> and win
<UncleSam> not bad eh?
Did anyone actually figure out that I was never a mayor? By that I mean any of the creatures or UncleSam.

In fact, the item I stole from shade was absolutely useless. The only things I would have wanted to redirect (kills) were not redirectable.
All complaints concerning the game can be directed to iiMKUltra.

Additionally it was possible for the Wasteland to vote off UncleSam and give dan the win, but when dak/billymills tried to influence the result (read: deadtalk) I decided to call it in favor of US. While I did not consider a scenario where AlphaJolt gave his BPV to dan, I honestly don't think he would have done that given A) his lack of experience (no offense, just a general conclusion), and B) he thought dan was the silencer.
My favorite part was when one host told me I could put the word lynch in a posting restriction, and the other host said I couldn't. Then I had to vote to lynch a dead person.
Congratulations, Flamestrike and UncleSam!

In the end, I guess The Creatures were simply puppets in UncleSam's master plan to win the game. Although the biggest reason of our failure was losing 2 members in the first 2 days.