[Standard] Awesomeness Mafia: Game over! George Bushes and neutrals win!

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Well he had 24 hours, andthe rules do state that day ends in 48 hours or when it's majority. Unless he wasn't on for that time he is to blame, and if he wasn't well, it depends on how the host takes on his roles.
I think a rule needs to be implemented to be at least 30 hours for majority or 48 hours when someone is persuaded.

Talking with Raito, he said he was asleep during the first votes and got back and he was godkilled. the 30 hour rule I suggest should allow someone to at least have 24 hours and be back from school before they get godkilled.

However, this rule can be argued to be unnecessary, since he knows who he is voting for, thus not needing any time except for checking once and then vote (which he had enough time before sleeping to do). If he didn't notice the PM before he slept, that's his fault and should be given 24 hours (to account for timezones) then call majority (even if someone saw it only once during that time).

This is something we can debate at a later time and maybe a proper rule can be instituted.

FinnRagetti, no one said you were aloud to win!

Oh, yeah.

Lightwolf, you're allowed to win.

Darkamber8828, you are allowed to win.

Who else would like an allowance?

Polelover, you've already won, remember?

Kharozz, Slim Guldo, you are allowed to win as long as you have a win condition that looks like this:
You are allied with the Awesome/Badass/Otherwise Really Cool People. You win if the Awesome/Badass/Otherwise Really Cool People eliminate all unfriendly threats.

Sorry I couldn't update earlier I was busy at a baseball game. Stealing home is a lot of work.

Anyway, Result PMs are going out. Update coming soon.

EDIT: I'm going away for dinner, don't expect any results for maybe 15-30 minutes.
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