Thrashing about Confusion Notice is missing
In Stadium specifically, once a Pokemon has finished thrashing about with moves like Petal Dance, there is a notice the Pokemon becomes confused. This is not in the sim. You can see a replay
here. The RBY implementation is accurate as a move, but there's a criticism I'll go over in a bit. Let's focus on Stadium first.
Here's how the message works in practice. When it says it's thrashing about, a message below states the Pokemon becomes confused. Simple as that. I believe this matches future implementation.
On a side note, I do have a small criticism about the RBY implementation, and that's the fact the opponent isn't actually meant to know when the Pokemon is confused on Game Boy.
As such, the Confusion animation should not be visible, nor the graphic. The Thrash Move user only finds they aren't confused only when they click the Fight button and the move selection comes up. This is, in turn, the only way either player will know their Thrasher is not about to use the move again. Thus, Turn 4 on the Victreebell's front on the replay I sent in would be inaccurate in RBY play, as it provides the Victreebel user with unknowable information. This also removes the inherent RNG associated with "Thrashing about" moves, where they last for 3-4 turns without the opponent being able to know about whether the 4th strike will happen or not. I do not know if it is possible to implement this at all, but I do feel that it's a problem that may be worth addressing for RBY specifically.
Things that do work correctly that do not need testing
These are some test results that came up clean so that nobody needs to test for themselves.
High Jump Kick
Contrary to popular belief, High Jump Kick's crash damage was
not fixed in Stadium. Bulbapedia claimed it dealt 1/8 of the damage for years, and this footage I posted below disproves that. It still deals 1 HP of damage. I corrected the page just now, with proof.
VS Starmie
VS Gengar
Unless my testing had something weird or my eyes are failing me on that HP bar, the implementation on PS is correct. Hipmonlee may breathe easy for now.
WreckDra came up with a Dragonite Dragon Rage + Wrap Setup on a 0 Def DV Chansey to test Soft-Boiled and Recover failing on certain numbers.
From testing with em, we found that Recover/Soft-Boiled does in fact function in the Stadium Sim when the current and max HP leaves 1 when divided by 256.
This is accurate. For our test, we had Chansey at 495 out of 695 HP. It was a roll and took a few tries, but we got the roll first try after our first reset, so that's all well and good.
The description is also accurate for the move, just stating that the move heals 50%. This is unlike a lot of move descriptions that are inaccurate in the sim. We're assuming this was bought up and considered early during development given some bugs I posted were already talked about.
Rage VS Disable
Even if a Pokemon is
targeted by Disable during Rage, their attack will go up in RBY. In Stadium, however, this does not happen. If Disable misses, their Rage will not build. So, what's the issue? RBY is using the Stadium implementation, which is inaccurate. I reported this
I have tested Rage missing due to Evasion or Accuracy. However, it was inconclusive. Here's the replay. The main reason I deem it inconclusive is that the move description doesn't really tell you if the glitch has activated. This is what Bulbapedia says activates the glitch.
However, if Rage misses due to an accuracy or evasion check when its decision-removing effect is active, the accuracy of Rage will subsequently become 0.4%
So my conclusion is either Stadium's sim doesn't have this implemented (which is correct), or RBY never had it implemented at the time this branched off the sim (which is incorrect). Hell, it may not even be implemented now.
2-turn charge moves VS Mirror Move
The Stadium Implementation is actually already done. The problem is, the RBY one isn't and is using the Stadium implementation instead. I reported this
I believe this is the last of the issues with the Stadium simulator, as well as the RBY bugs I found along the way, though Beelzemon 2003 seems to have some more problems with Wrap that he wants to cover. I'll let him do that.
I'm sorry to be such a nuisance with these constant posts and revelations, but I think it's important for the future of Stadium play. These are very pressing issues that have hindered PS RoA Room Tournaments in the past. In fact, I knew about a few of these bugs already and they turned me off from competing, especially Explosion! I feel RBY is approaching a new direction with RBY 2K20's interest in Gen 1 side formats, and as such, bringing attention to these massive problems is very important for its future, as well as the future of Gen 1 competition in general.
I'd also like to thank all the people who helped me out with finding the issues with the sim, especially Beelzemon 2003 and his laundry list of problems with PS. Thanks to these people, I could find and replicate the situations on a proper ROM and provide evidence. I hope this paves the way for newfound interest in Stadium OU and its unique aspects, as well as the potential exploration of niche formats such as Pika Cup.
I'm pretty sure some of these will take a while to fix, and not many programmers are interested in Stadium at all. Haze especially seems like an eldritch horror of programming and I wouldn't fault anyone for ignoring it. But hey, it's got awareness made, and that's all that matters right now.
If anyone has any mechanics that need to be tested in Stadium, feel free to give me a shout in DMs or here or something. I'll likely get it done within half an hour. As far as I know though, Stadium is relatively simple so there shouldn't be anything insane. That's all for now, though!