Resource Stadium Bug Report Thread

I thought that sounded weird when I read it yesterday - fixed the video description, sorry/thanks. I'd completely forgotten I even tested it before, so lucky Mister Tim questioned whether it was a bug and I had that video, else the reporting of the bug could have been delayed and you (or someone else) couldn't have fixed it so soon :)
Turn 42
Tauros used Body Slam!
The opposing Jynx lost 52.6% of its health!
The opposing Jynx is paralyzed! It may be unable to move!
The opposing Jynx used Counter!
But it failed!
Two months ago FriendOfMrGolem120 posted this in the ps bug thread:
In Pokemon stadium the move Counter doesn´t seem to work properly. It fails against all moves we have tried out (like Body Slam, Egg Bomb, Submission and Strengh).
I hosted a rby stadium tour on monday but we had again a case of counter failing on a normal and fighting move, which should not happen in normal rby.
I have talked to Crystal_RBY about it on twitter and he said: "it definitely looks like a ps bug".
So if this is a bug, could it be implemented correctly.
Here is the more recent replay: turn 29.
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Another gen 1 ou stadium bug, after the Counter failing even on normal and fighting moves bug (which I dont think has been removed), is that it seems that light screen reapplies burn more than it should be (although it should not reapply it at all, from what I heard). In the games, replays are here (turn 8 and 9) and here, you can see that snorlax does only 1.3% versus a chansey, which is only 1/32 of the normal damage a snorlax would have done without status etc. The things that, I think, has triggered it, is the reflect from lax, followed by being burned with fire blast, then getting the rest off and this followed by a light screen from chansey.

I don't think this is the right mechanic, but I cant test it and Crystal is not a stadium expert too (although it seemed like a ps bug according to him). I have also showed it to enigami.
Rental pokémon that are unfairly banned

Pika Cup could also be played in the popular game Pokémon Stadium 1 (in fact, it was one of the main cups of the game). When you played the cup in Pokémon Stadium 1, you were allowed to rent pokémon in case that you didn’t have any, you could also make teams that had rental pokémon and pokémon from the cartridges (Red, Blue or Yellow). Rental pokémon had fixed levels, stats and moves, so the players were not able to change them; Rental pokémon also couldn’t be transfered to the cartridge games, in short, they could only be used when the players played the Pika Cup. Anyway, here is the list of the 10 RENTAL pokémon that are unfairly banned by Pokémon Showdown’s system:

Level: 15

- Solar Beam
- Body Slam
- Leech Seed
- Swords Dance

Level: 15

- Ember
- Mega Kick
- Swords Dance
- Toxic

Level: 15

- Surf
- Body Slam
- Bide
- Reflect

Level: 15

- Ice Beam
- Take Down
- Horn Drill
- Toxic

Level: 15

- Surf
- Double Kick
- Fissure
- Reflect

Level: 15

- Ice Beam
- Horn Attack
- Double Kick
- Horn Drill

Level: 15

- Poison Sting
- Earthquake
- Bubble Beam
- Double Kick

Level: 15

- Mega Drain
- Wrap
- Supersonic
- Toxic

Level: 15

- Bubble Beam
- Ice Beam
- Mimic
- Smokescreen

Level: 15

- Hydro Pump
- Bite
- Leer
- Rest
So on the note of Beelzemon's old proposition to legalize Rentals for Stadium, I got a few additional details to add on here. The source for all this info is the fact I mod Pokemon Stadium and have access to all this info. If you're ever interested in more illegal rental stuff just ask and I can get out the stats.

Pika Cup Illegal Rentals
So this is a bit of a necro but I wanted to point out the DVs and Stat Exp these Rentals use should you allow them on the ladder for whatever reason. I made a massive research spreadsheet for Pika Cup because I have no life, where I also go over the Illegal Rental Pokemon in the format.

All Pika Cup Rentals have 12800 Stat Exp and 0 DVs in every stat. This makes them extremely weak, so they're...bad, yeah.

Beelzemon also missed a bunch of the Rentals but my spreadsheet has every single one logged. Feel free to make use of it if you happen to update the legality checker with them!

Petit Cup Rental Koffing
On a side note, there is also a Rental Koffing in Petit Cup you may want to add as well with this;
Level: 25
- Smog
- Toxic
- Fire Blast
- Thunderbolt
The DVs are 3/2/2/3/3, and it has 25600 Stat Exp in every stat.
Stadium Sleep Clause is now LIVE on PS!
Confirmation battle by myself.

Enigami bought up a good point to me that we should check whether Stadium's sim on Showdown enforces Sleep Clause in the way Smogon rules it. Under the Smogon Sleep Clause, a Pokemon that inflicts Sleep on itself through means such as Rest do not count in Sleep Clause. However, Beelzemon 2003 made a thread a while back about Stadium's Sleep Clause being different: a Pokemon that self-inflicts Sleep does count under Sleep Clause. Given Stadium OU enforces Stadium Sleep Clause, this creates a problem that needs fixing.

So for reference, here is the Sleep Clause rule, word for word, in Pokemon Stadium;
No two Pokemon asleep or frozen
If one Pokemon falls asleep, none of the others can be put to sleep by an opponent. The same goes for freezing. It is possible to have one Pokemon asleep and another frozen.
The wording here does not include an exclusion for Rest. However, it is also a bit ambiguous as to how this is handled, but from my testing, you will see that it does include Rest under the "If one Pokemon falls asleep" part.

So me, having the facilities to make proper footage for this, did some testing.

Test Results
In this replay on Showdown
, we see Jolteon damage Parasect and get damaged in the same turn. Then, I use Rest with Jolteon, take damage, etc. Then I switch out to try and abuse the Stadium Sleep Clause. As we can see, this doesn't happen.

So, how does this interaction happen In-Game? Well, let's see. I modded the Rentals so that the AI absolutely could not muck it up. I had a Parasect with only Spore, and a Sub-Rest Jolteon. This way I could manipulate the turn order specifically to make it work. I also include footage of the rule in question, so to showcase everything. For those wondering, the Substitute-Status Move interaction does work on Showdown, that was just part of how I set it up.

Ignore the Windows 10 error noises, that was something unrelated on my PC.

Given that Pokemon Stadium was specifically designed for Nintendo Cup, I believe this may have been how it's enforced there. However, I am not sure.

In the case of how I modded Stadium, I have access to a Hex Editor, a ROM Map, and Froggy25's Pokemon Stadium Editor. This allows me to pretty easily set up situations for these interactions to happen. Should anyone need anything else tested, just ask. I can also send patches with the tested Pokemon should they be necessary. For any budding editors, Anything Goes uses the Poke Cup Rental List, so you need to edit that.

Enigami mentioned they were going to fix this issue, but I'm making sure this is on record with all the important details covered. I also chose to test the mechanics in-game with footage so to make this easier. They managed to get it to work on the Pokemon Perfect server, so the fix is already on the way.

EDIT: To note, Rest DOES work if a Pokemon is already asleep. However, if a Pokemon uses Rest, the opponent cannot put any of your party to sleep. It's really weird.
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A fix for this is now LIVE on PS!
Confirmation battle by myself

Had a feeling Recoil Moves weren't implemented properly on the Stadium Sim, so I tested with Caetano93.

In this replay we see a Snorlax Double-Edge this poor defenseless Eevee.

Here's the issue, specifically in Stadium, if you KO a Pokemon with a Recoil Move, you don't take the damage. This counts for winning as well. This is important for moves like Submission and Double-Edge which are mainstay moves in the format. Double-Edge is sometimes used over Hyper Beam for the similarity factor.

I don't remember Weedle's death screech being this morbid...I feel bad.

Please implement a fix!
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Alright, there's a lot more interactions that I did not anticipate would have been skipped over like this. Thanks to Beelzemon 2003 and "Damm u captcha" for going out of their ways to test these. I've got the situations I was able to test replicated on my modded Stadium to demonstrate the fact they are in fact bugs. I also added the Recoil interaction to my previous post.

I'm a bit disheartened to see some of the issues here. Explosion VS Substitutes has been known for years and is a big reason why the latter move has so much dominance over the game. Self-KO Clause is also massive and should always be enforced on the Stadium sim. So much has been missed, and I don't blame the RBY Community for not playing this format on PS. I also completely see why Beelzemon 2003 has complained about this simulator for so long. I'm glad we're working on this now.

Rollovers & Failed Boosting Moves
Rollovers don't happen in Stadium, but we have evidence of this, in fact, happening in a Slowbro VS Chansey interaction here. In Stadium, the stat cap is 999, and rollovers cannot happen. I've got a Slowbro with maxed out Stat Exp using Amnesia 3 times and then attacking, and then using Amnesia a 4th time. In which, it fails. You can see this happen with Mewtwo fairly often even in normal playthroughs of let's say, Prime Cup, as its Special is just that high.

The reason this happens is an error handler in Pokemon Stadium. If your Pokemon's attacking stat would result in a rollover when boosting, the move will simply fail. This is for a very simple reason: the N64 lacks an 8-bit processer, which means it can avoid the rollover issue and process the big numbers.

Hyper Beam
A fix for this is now LIVE on PS!
Confirmation battle by myself
The Hyper Beam implementation is incomplete. In Stadium, no matter what, Hyper Beam will force a recharge on use. This includes missing or hitting an immune Pokemon. To note, in Stadium, if a move doesn't affect a certain type, it is always treated as a Miss. On the simulator, Hyper Beam only forces a recharge on KOs and Substitute breaks. This is crucial to the format and part of why Stadium players rarely use it.

Hyper Beam on Miss:

Hyper Beam VS Ghost-types

Self-Destruct VS Substitute
A fix for this is now LIVE on PS!
Confirmation battle by myself
By a freak accident, we see Self-Destruct not make the user faint against Substitute in the same replay as the Hyper Beam one. This is one of the most well-known differences between RBY and Stadium and is partly what contributes to Substitute's chokehold over the format. This absolutely needs changing. We have another replay with Exeggutor and Snorlax repeatedly blowing up and having the Substitute just not disappear. This absolutely needs a fix.

Here is a Snorlax and Golem exploding on a Substitute Jolteon and fainting both times.

Self-KO Clause & Exact HP
Even in Anything Goes, Self-KO Clause is enforced.
This must be implemented to remain true to the cartridge, just like Stadium Sleep Clause. I have also got a replay where Explosion results in a tie, as well as some ruling screenshots. Beelzemon also tested Self-Destruct.

Exact HP also isn't shown on my end? It's still % which I'm pretty sure isn't meant to be there. The HP Values should replace the "100%" section, no? That's big for a lot of reasons, side formats such as Petit Cup and Pika Cup like to have players knowing when Dragon Rage offs the Pokemon. In Stadium OU, you would want to know if Seismic Toss or Night Shade did this as well. There are also players who know exact damage ranges that would need this there at top-level play. This should be fixed ASAP. You can see this problem with a lot of replays as well.

Dream Eater VS Pokemon without Substitute
A fix for this is now LIVE on PS!
Confirmation battle by myself.
This is...something. In this replay, Dream Eater will always work on Pokemon without Substitutes. Despite this, it will always fail on a Pokemon WITH Substitute. This is a wild ride from start to finish, and I don't think I need to make a mechanics testing video for this one.

Dig-Fly Semi-Invulnerability not working
A fix for this is now LIVE on PS!
Confirmation battle by myself.
This is just...I don't even know man. For some reason, Dig and Fly's Semi-Invulnerability just don't work. You can be hit on any given turn of Dig and Fly. I won't bother to record how this works in Stadium because everyone here should absolutely agree this is not how Dig and Fly work.

Once this is fixed, I want to make sure the Semi-Invulnerability glitch isn't implemented. It doesn't happen in Stadium, but frankly, I don't want to go through the bother of just happening to Paralyze on the turn I used Fly...for something that may not even crop up. If it's necessary I'll do it, but for now, I just want this post out there. Just make sure not to import RBY Fly/Dig when fixing the bug, k?

For overall implementation, the following should apply for Dig and Fly;
  • Completely Semi-Invulnerable on use.
  • Semi-Invulnerability goes away once the attack is let loose.
  • Semi-Invulnerability glitch does not apply.
  • Thunder does not hit Fly.
  • Earthquake does not hit Dig.
  • Swift does hit Fly and Dig (This is unlike Cart JP, but happens on Cart Int)
  • Dig has 100 Base Power and 100 Accuracy
  • Fly has 70 Base Power and 95 Accuracy
Funnily enough, it turns out RBY's implementation is bugged as well, so there's another fix needed...

It seems Counter's programming carried over from the RBY Sim and never looked at properly. In Stadium, a lot of the absurd Counter interactions were fixed. The damage address is reset on switch-out, paralysis, etc. As such, Counter works as intended.

On a side note, in the case RBY Counter is patched to fail in the case Desyncs occur, this would also be unnecessary, as Desyncs literally cannot happen in Stadium. The changes in Stadium also mean it does not have to be banned either.

I believe Caetano93 intends to replicate some Counter situations I'd have trouble with, as I'm limited to just AI Testing.

May also wanna improve accuracy on this.
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Sorry for the double-whatever post, but this is a unique problem. Beelzemon 2003 had the idea to test Haze with "Damm u captcha", which opened a gigantic can of worms that I believe to be a very pressing issue for the Gen 1 Sim as a whole. I am very sure this does not just apply to Stadium given that the main buff given to it was not even implemented. It seems as though an incomplete implementation of Haze has been used for Stadium, or perhaps the current PS implementation. I don't know the specifics, nor do I really care, but the problem is that this is a baffling, ungodly mess of a move in its current Stadium state.

In Stadium, Haze was buffed to remove the user's Major Status Condition, not just the opponent's. This helps it deal with chip damage from Poison and such, rather than just bringing back the dropped status from stuff like Paralysis. This fails to happen in the Stadium Sim, but there also seems to be more issues than just this. The RBY stuff from Haze is also implemented; it removes all Volatile Status Conditions, Reflect, Light Screen, Leech Seed and more. It also resets all Stats, including drops from Burn and Paralysis. It's a nifty tech choice move.

However, Haze has a laundry list of issues you can see in this replay. This replay also has further testing.
  • Haze fails to remove Major Status Conditions from the Player's Pokemon, which it is meant to do in Stadium. So already we're off to a bad start; the Stadium implementation isn't there. It also seems to not work on the opponent's status in some instances.
  • Haze will remove Bad Poison from Toxic, which seems to be a part of it removing Volatile Status Conditions. This is correct. However, it should not remove Poison the way it does in Stadium, which we witness happening in the first replay. It appears the removal was...delayed or something? I seriously can't make heads or tails of what actually happened.
    • If this was imported from RBY Cart, this is a very, very faulty implementation. Haze removes only the Bad Poison effect in RBY, making it Regular Poison. In Stadium, it removes the entire thing.
    • You can see the odd interaction with Moltres in the first replay. There's so much wrong here.
      • Turn 1, it's hit with Bad Poison. Beel then proceeds to try and have the damage rack up, which fails. To note, Haze was not used at this point, so this is an isolated issue.
      • On Turn 5, Vaporeon uses Haze once Burned by Moltres, which fails to remove its Burn and seems to have the Burn Stat Drop apply to Muk switching in a turn later (which is definitely a bug). Body Slam deals what seems to be -3 damage (0.7%) from Muk on Turn 9.
      • Turn 15, Moltres switches in without Poison at all, which I...think is how it's meant to be???
      • Note that Moltres was switched out immediately on Turn 6, and was still affected by Bad Poison at the time after Haze, scheduled to take 31%.
  • Haze fails to remove Stat Drops from Major Status Conditions (Paralysis and Burn) in some instances. Given the Stadium Sim seems to be imported from a revision of RBY, I have cause to believe this issue happens there as well.
    • Haze, as mentioned above, will also cause the Burn Stat Drop to apply to a Pokemon switching in. No clue what the logistics are there, but it's not pretty. We found this by a gigantic stroke of luck, and this should be fixed ASAP.
  • Haze causes Pokemon to snap out of Confusion twice.
Toxic also fails to, well, be Toxic. The damage change doesn't occur every turn; instead, it's dealing 6% every time. Thus, Bad Poison needs proper implementation on the Stadium Sim. Here's the thing, mousing over the Pokemon, it even says the next damage %, it just doesn't apply it. But even that's an issue since it should give the Exact HP value to be deducted as mentioned in my previous post. This entire implementation is horrible.

Here's some footage of me showing the correct Stadium Implementation of Haze. Here I remove Toxic and Thunder Wave and demonstrate the speed changes. I can't test the other nonsense, it's just too much. This is, long and far, the buggiest move on PS.

Turn 1 - Vaporeon and Magnemite trade status moves. I chose Magnemite to demonstrate that the Stat Drop from Paralysis does affect Vaporeon to the extent it's slower than it. This is then removed when Haze is used.
Turn 2 - Magnemite whiffs Thunder Wave, as it's the only move I gave it. Vaporeon uses Haze. You see Bad Poison take a transition on the screen to be removed, this is a graphical glitch in Stadium.
Turn 3 - I have Vaporeon use Surf to demonstrate that the Speed Drop from Paralysis is removed. Magnemite uses Thunder Wave as normal.

I strongly urge the PS developers and any testers to give Haze another look regarding its RBY and Stadium implementation. There seems to be a greater issue here.

The correct implementation of Stadium Haze remove as follows;
  • Major and Volatile Status Conditions from both Pokemon
    • Stat drops included, so Paralysis and Burn drops should not apply the following turns. This is crucial for Pokemon like Vaporeon who use Haze to remove Paralysis Speed Drops.
  • All stat buffs and debuffs (eg. Swords Dance +2 -> 0)
    • Minimize's graphic does not change back in RBY, though Stadium lacks it completely, so idk how this would be handled.
  • Bad Poison
  • Focus Energy (this is very important given Focus Energy Sweepers such as Primeape can blow teams apart)
  • Leech Seed
  • Disable
  • Reflect
  • Light Screen
  • Mist
  • Confusion
  • probably more, it removes basically everything.
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I believe Caetano93 intends to replicate some Counter situations I'd have trouble with, as I'm limited to just AI Testing.
Tested Counter interaction on Stadium and the move only works when the user receives damage from a normal or fight move IN THE SAME TURN as it select Counter.
This means that no value is stored in memory for Counter and the move allways fails if the oponent switch / can't attack (full para, sleep).
A random thought crossed my mind with Haze given something FOMG said in the thread before regarding RBY, so I decided to test whether Rest resets Stat Drops in Stadium before you switch out.
Rest does not undo paralysis speed drops until you switch out so both Tentacruel and Hypno had 1/4 of their initial speed. Getting the special drop vs Kadabra only reapplies the speed drop to Kadabra a second time. It doesn't make Hypno faster itself.

Turns out, it does! This along with Stadium Sleep Clause is a massive buff to Rest. Given this isn't even noted on Bulbapedia unlike many Stadium implementations, I take this as something more new compared to everything else.

So I tested in the Stadium Sim and as expected, this is not implemented.

Here is some footage of the correct Rest implementation in the Stadium Sim. The AI actually killed my Vaporeon with Thundershocks trying to get the interaction to happen before, then in my second attempt, it decided to cooperate.
Turn 1 - Trade Status with a Magnemite from my previous testing. Only now, I modded it to have Thundershock to deal damage and proc Rest.
Turn 2 - AI chucks a Thunderbolt at Vaporeon allowing it to use Rest. It's slower on this turn, as it should be.
Turn 3 - Vaporeon moves first and is fast asleep, showing it's faster now that Paralysis has been cured.

Sorry for all the bug posts, I really just want this sim fixed LOL
I've decided to start going through each move on Bulbapedia that has Stadium changes, since there's a trend.

Bide is a largely irrelevant move, but has a bad implementation on the sim. During Bide in Stadium, you are able to pick an attack, but it won't change what comes out. Here, the options are greyed out, giving an inaccurate representation of Stadium Bide.

Here is footage of Bide providing a move choice.

I then tested whether Bide is subject to accuracy checks, and as it shows in this replay, it is not. While this is accurate for RBY, this is incorrect for Stadium. In Stadium, Bide will miss against Pokemon using Fly or Dig.

Here is footage of Bide missing against Fly, showing the simulator is inaccurate here;

I don't expect this one to be on anyone's bucket list for fixes, but the sim aims to be as accurate to cart as possible, so it's something nonetheless.
Mimic Display Error
While the implementation in RBY is correct, in Pokemon Stadium, Mimic will not clone the Max PP of a move. While it is impossible to gain back PP, in a similar vein to Bide, this is a misrepresentation of Pokemon Stadium's mechanics.

Here I used Mimic against my test account's Clefairy, gaining a Growl with 15/64 PP. Once again, this would be correct in RBY, but not in Stadium.

Here in Pokemon Stadium, I used Mimic on a Weedle I used for recoil testing earlier. As you can see, Weedle's Max PP of 64 on String Shot is not applied.

Replay here for anyone interested, it's nothing special though.
And the list goes on ladies and gentlemen. In Stadium 1, the move Wrap ends as soon as the target switches out. What happens is this:

Turn 1: Wrap connects and causes damage, the opponent can't do a move and Wrap's PPs are deducted by one.
Turn 2: The opponent Switches out, another pokémon replaces it and, when it arrives, it doesn't get any damage from Wrap, no Power Points are deducted from Wrap and the turn ends.

In Showdown, the situation above happens for the most part; however, a second Power Point is deducted from Wrap on the second turn (when the Switch occurs), that doesn't happen in the real game and should be fixed too.

In this link you can watch a replay that shows the mistake. By the way, I want to thank Shellnuts for helping me with the test.

I'll test the other partial trapping moves later.
Thrashing about Confusion Notice is missing
In Stadium specifically, once a Pokemon has finished thrashing about with moves like Petal Dance, there is a notice the Pokemon becomes confused. This is not in the sim. You can see a replay here. The RBY implementation is accurate as a move, but there's a criticism I'll go over in a bit. Let's focus on Stadium first.

Here's how the message works in practice. When it says it's thrashing about, a message below states the Pokemon becomes confused. Simple as that. I believe this matches future implementation.

On a side note, I do have a small criticism about the RBY implementation, and that's the fact the opponent isn't actually meant to know when the Pokemon is confused on Game Boy. As such, the Confusion animation should not be visible, nor the graphic. The Thrash Move user only finds they aren't confused only when they click the Fight button and the move selection comes up. This is, in turn, the only way either player will know their Thrasher is not about to use the move again. Thus, Turn 4 on the Victreebell's front on the replay I sent in would be inaccurate in RBY play, as it provides the Victreebel user with unknowable information. This also removes the inherent RNG associated with "Thrashing about" moves, where they last for 3-4 turns without the opponent being able to know about whether the 4th strike will happen or not. I do not know if it is possible to implement this at all, but I do feel that it's a problem that may be worth addressing for RBY specifically.


Things that do work correctly that do not need testing
These are some test results that came up clean so that nobody needs to test for themselves.

High Jump Kick
Contrary to popular belief, High Jump Kick's crash damage was not fixed in Stadium. Bulbapedia claimed it dealt 1/8 of the damage for years, and this footage I posted below disproves that. It still deals 1 HP of damage. I corrected the page just now, with proof.

VS Starmie

VS Gengar

Unless my testing had something weird or my eyes are failing me on that HP bar, the implementation on PS is correct. Hipmonlee may breathe easy for now.

WreckDra came up with a Dragonite Dragon Rage + Wrap Setup on a 0 Def DV Chansey to test Soft-Boiled and Recover failing on certain numbers. From testing with em, we found that Recover/Soft-Boiled does in fact function in the Stadium Sim when the current and max HP leaves 1 when divided by 256. This is accurate. For our test, we had Chansey at 495 out of 695 HP. It was a roll and took a few tries, but we got the roll first try after our first reset, so that's all well and good.

The description is also accurate for the move, just stating that the move heals 50%. This is unlike a lot of move descriptions that are inaccurate in the sim. We're assuming this was bought up and considered early during development given some bugs I posted were already talked about.

Rage VS Disable
Even if a Pokemon is targeted by Disable during Rage, their attack will go up in RBY. In Stadium, however, this does not happen. If Disable misses, their Rage will not build. So, what's the issue? RBY is using the Stadium implementation, which is inaccurate. I reported this here.

I have tested Rage missing due to Evasion or Accuracy. However, it was inconclusive. Here's the replay. The main reason I deem it inconclusive is that the move description doesn't really tell you if the glitch has activated. This is what Bulbapedia says activates the glitch.
However, if Rage misses due to an accuracy or evasion check when its decision-removing effect is active, the accuracy of Rage will subsequently become 0.4%
So my conclusion is either Stadium's sim doesn't have this implemented (which is correct), or RBY never had it implemented at the time this branched off the sim (which is incorrect). Hell, it may not even be implemented now.

2-turn charge moves VS Mirror Move
The Stadium Implementation is actually already done. The problem is, the RBY one isn't and is using the Stadium implementation instead. I reported this here.


I believe this is the last of the issues with the Stadium simulator, as well as the RBY bugs I found along the way, though Beelzemon 2003 seems to have some more problems with Wrap that he wants to cover. I'll let him do that.

I'm sorry to be such a nuisance with these constant posts and revelations, but I think it's important for the future of Stadium play. These are very pressing issues that have hindered PS RoA Room Tournaments in the past. In fact, I knew about a few of these bugs already and they turned me off from competing, especially Explosion! I feel RBY is approaching a new direction with RBY 2K20's interest in Gen 1 side formats, and as such, bringing attention to these massive problems is very important for its future, as well as the future of Gen 1 competition in general.

I'd also like to thank all the people who helped me out with finding the issues with the sim, especially Beelzemon 2003 and his laundry list of problems with PS. Thanks to these people, I could find and replicate the situations on a proper ROM and provide evidence. I hope this paves the way for newfound interest in Stadium OU and its unique aspects, as well as the potential exploration of niche formats such as Pika Cup.

I'm pretty sure some of these will take a while to fix, and not many programmers are interested in Stadium at all. Haze especially seems like an eldritch horror of programming and I wouldn't fault anyone for ignoring it. But hey, it's got awareness made, and that's all that matters right now.

If anyone has any mechanics that need to be tested in Stadium, feel free to give me a shout in DMs or here or something. I'll likely get it done within half an hour. As far as I know though, Stadium is relatively simple so there shouldn't be anything insane. That's all for now, though!
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As of the latest PS reset, many of the Stadium Sim issues were fixed. Thanks to Enigami for taking it upon themselves to work on the problems the sim has; we're edging closer to cartridge accuracy now.

So now we have these fixed;
  • Stadium Sleep Clause
  • Must Recharge not displaying after using Hyper Beam
  • Hyper Beam not requiring recharging after missing
  • Self-Destruct and Explosion, not causing the user to faint if it broke a Substitute
  • All moves ignoring the semi-invulnerability from Dig/Fly
  • Dream Eater hitting Pokemon that were not asleep
  • Recoil moves inflicting recoil when the opponent was KO'd
  • Struggle VS Ghost-types
  • Haze's Refresh Effect
  • Rest clearing para/brn stat drops
  • Counter actually working against the moves it's meant to
We still have these to get fixed:
  • Self-KO Clause
  • Actual HP Visuals
  • Haze as an entire move
  • Boosting moves not failing in the case a rollover would occur
  • Bide Accuracy Check and Move Choice
  • Mimic PP Display
  • Beelzemon's issues with Wrap
  • Thrashing about Confusion needs a notice
  • Toxic + Leech Seed not stacking as they should
  • Toxic not working
  • Either player switching during partial trapping should end the turn entirely.
  • Haze delays 2-turn moves for some reason????
  • Partial Trapping Info Leak (tells you when you're freed)
  • Partial Trapping move selection shouldn't grey out anything
  • Counter + Substitute makes Counter fail when it shouldn't
I've appended my previous posts with notes on which bug now has a fix live on PS. Thank you all for hearing me out about all these problems, I'm glad Stadium is coming closer to becoming accurate.

With each fix, I'll update this post as well as previous ones. Take this as an abbreviated version of the above.
Last Updated: Aug 2nd 2020
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Leech Seed + Toxic Implementation is bugged
So I was leafing through pull requests on the GitHub and found that Froggy25 attempted to fix this in the past. However, after checking for myself, it seems this has been abandoned. Here is Froggy25's replay from 2 years ago. This issue has been known for years and literally just not fixed. One thing that I believe he didn't note was the fact that even at this time, Toxic's damage was not increasing either.

Toxic's damage increasing mechanic simply doesn't work, nor does Leech Seed's sapping when combined with it. This is actually a big problem, as Venusaur and other Pokemon often run SubSeed builds also involving Toxic when used in Stadium. You just see the same 6%s constantly, a problem you can also see in my issues bought up about Toxic not being Toxic. Toxic isn't applying the % it says it will, and Leech Seed isn't using it either.

Here's footage of the proper implementation of Toxic + Leech Seed;
It's definitely not the finest showing of tests since I don't demonstrate the healing through Substitute (didn't think at the time), but you can clearly see that Toxic + Leech Seed is implemented the exact same way as it is in RBY. If necessary I will show Leech Seed's healing with this in play, just ask.

Please implement this!
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Struggle doesn't affect Ghost-types
Given the current status of the sim, we actually have the Stadium "Zero" implementation of Struggle on the sim. Pokemon Stadium Int made Struggle ignore type immunities, and thus it can hit Ghost-types. In this replay, you can see that this doesn't happen.

For further clarification, here's a page on Pokemon Battle Historia comparing mechanics. However, it doesn't have version differences on cartridge such as v1.1 of Pokemon Red and Green adding the Bind-Toxic Wrong side fainting glitch.

Please implement a fix!


Also, while I haven't managed to test it, I am very sure that the Stadium sim has RBY thawing mechanics where you use the move you picked the last turn as you're thawed, rather than current turn.
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Toxic doesn't work
While I've given implications of this being the case, I feel Toxic's Stadium implementation deserves its own report to ensure the message gets across. In my notes on Haze and Toxic+Leech Seed, we see that Toxic doesn't work. So here's a replay where you see 6% racks up as if it were normal Poison, despite it clearly being Bad Poison from Toxic.

Here's the odd part: the variable is there, and is working.

Essentially, the Toxic "Next damage" variable just...doesn't apply. Maybe it's because it's treating Bad Poison as a secondary status (which is accurate) and just doesn't know what to do? I genuinely have no idea why or how this has happened. It's by far one of the oddest things the Pokemon Stadium sim has thrown at me. I believe this could partly be why Toxic+Leech Seed isn't working: without Toxic's true damage applying, we can't see Leech Seed's true healing either, right? Perhaps Toxic+Leech Seed itself isn't bugged, it could just be Toxic not being Toxic.

I don't feel like this needs a replay showing the right implementation, as I've shown Bad Poison in Stadium through other footage, so we're good on that front.


This isn't a shot at the devs btw! Enigami and others are working flat out to fix everything and massive progress has been made. The Stadium sim is better than it ever has been and can be given credit for cartridge accuracy for the first time in years. Just wanted to put in some humour to lighten the mood! There's a lot of depressing negativity in this thread.