For RBY & Tradebacks Formats, go here.
For Stadium Formats, you're in the right place.
I've implemented a Stadium mod and it's now available by challenge on Pokémon Showdown. I'm not entirely sure it's been implemented 100% properly, so please post here any problems you find while playing it. Here's the implementation details:
Before reporting a bug, please view A Beginner's Guide to Pokemon Stadium and the RBY Mechanics Guide to ensure they aren't either Stadium-exclusive mechanics or RBY interactions that Stadium imports.
Known Issues
Needs verification / checks
For Stadium Formats, you're in the right place.
I've implemented a Stadium mod and it's now available by challenge on Pokémon Showdown. I'm not entirely sure it's been implemented 100% properly, so please post here any problems you find while playing it. Here's the implementation details:
Before reporting a bug, please view A Beginner's Guide to Pokemon Stadium and the RBY Mechanics Guide to ensure they aren't either Stadium-exclusive mechanics or RBY interactions that Stadium imports.
Known Issues
- Exact HP is not displayed (1)
- You can see the HP by mousing over %, but the interface itself does not display it.
- Mimic copies Max PP, should purely be an aesthetic issue (1, 2)
- Niche rentals aren't implemented (1)
- Self-KO Clause is not implemented (1, 2)
- Bide move choice (1)
- Bide should miss against Semi-Invulnerable foes (1)
- Wrap should not deduct PP when switching (1)
- Switching during Wrap should end the turn entirely (1, 2)
- Haze resets charge moves?? (1)
- Partial trapping info leak (1)
- Mimic has the infinite PP glitch inherited from later generations (1)
- Counter should trigger behind Substitute (1)
- Two-turn charge move weirdness (1)
- Critical hit equation (1)
- Team Preview issues (1, 2)
- Explosion should be absorbed by Substitute (1, 2)
- Explosion end-of-turn mechanics (1)
- Effect chance bugs (1, 2, 3)
- Evasion/Accuracy modifiers (1)
- Stat modification glitch incorrectly inherited (1)
- Hyper Beam forced recharge on miss (1, 2)
- Recovery failure glitch incorrectly inherited (1)
- Transform should fail against Ditto (1)
- Recoil should not happen on KO (1, 2)
- Draining moves should fail on Substitute (1)
- Counter failing in unusual circumstances (1, 2)
- Burn decreasing Attack more than usual (1, 2)
- Rest should count for Sleep Clause (1)
- Dream Eater should not work on Substitute (1)
- Dig and Fly should have Semi-Invulnerability (1)
- Counter damage-handling mechanics (1)
- Rest should reset stat drops from burn and paralysis (1)
- Struggle should affect Ghost-types (1)
- Counter acted like Mirror Coat for a hot minute (1)
- Haze should remove the user's status and all associated stat drops (1)
- Stadium Tiers are implemented (1)
- Leech Seed + Toxic not working (1)
- Toxic outright not working (1)
- Haze is a mess (1)
- Haze is a mess (less so than before however) (1)
- Stats roll over if they go past 999, moves should fail here (1, 2)
- Thrashing about should give notice when the user becomes confused (1)
- Substitute should fail at 25% (1)
- High Jump Kick should give 1 HP of recoil (1)
- Recovery failure should not be implemented (1)
- Rage should not build when Disable misses (1, actually an RBY sim bug being inherited)
- Mirror Move VS Charge Move interactions are correct, RBY's arent (1)
Needs verification / checks
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