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[SS Tournament R1 Group A] YellowAdminSilver vs. かたわれ時

That's an extra 2HP of damage that I didn't calc for and is extremely annoying...


"You were supposed to leave her conscious..."


"And you're supposed to do your full calculations! Don't blame the Pokémon when this haaaah she's staring at me again, isn't she???"


"I guess we're back to obsessively calc'ing everything... Someone please keep these guys busy while we do some numbers."


"Somewheeeere, over the rainbowww..."

Initiating Switch Phase! Sending out Miso the Cyclohm @ Weakness Policy!
Care to Counterswitch?
<<bad temper from earlier
“Stop trying to make this easier for me!”

“Dude, he’s trying to escape a bad situation. It’s perfectly normal. The question is, is Cyclohm a Pokemon Lulu shouldn’t face?”

“Don’t Mind us Twilight, but you’re in no mood to order. We’ll handle things while you simmer down. Ok? As for the battle... I dare say I can stand a round against this guy. Bring it on!”

Counterswitch denied.

Flamethrower - Fire Blast - Flamethrower
[IF] Lucario is underground when you would target it, use Earthquake on the first instance, Bulldoze on the second, Earthquake on the third
[IF] a damaging Dragon-type combination is used [AND] not on A1, use Protect on the first instance, Slack Off on the second
[IF] Earthquake is to be used on the following action [AND] you are not under the effects of Magnet Rise when you would act, use Magnet Rise that action instead​
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“Hey, you alright now?”


“Yeah, I’m fine now.”

“Yeesh, your such a baby. A single ironic jibe from an opponent and you get into hysterics!”

“You forget that Pokemon trainers never grow up and always remain ten, and are always immature, except when they’re in Kalos.”

“Then explain the guy in front of us, and all the other opponents this guy has fought!”


“Anyway, time for something crazy.”

“Yeah, that’s more like you.”

Ice Punch ~ Disable [Flamethrower] ~ Earthquake
Round 6:

:ss/cyclohm: (F) Shield Dust, Static, Damp | Weakness Policy
HP: 100/100 | EN: 100
3/5/5/3/80 | 4/4
Status: Wish incoming

:ss/lucario: (M) Steadfast, Inner Focus, Justified | Expert Belt
HP: 80/80 | EN: 100
5/3/5/3/90 | 3/4
Status: OK

Ice Punch
Crit roll: 14/24
Dmg = (8+5-5)*1.5+4 = 16 dmg (84hp)
Shield Dust
Static chance = .3 (rolled 2/10): Paralyzed (20%)
Speed -> 45
Weakness Policy triggers! +2 Atk/SpA
-6en (94en)

Crit roll: 5/24
Dmg = (9+5-3)*1.5+(2*2) = 20.5 dmg (59hp)
Eff chance = .1 (rolled 8/10)
-7en (93en)

Kitsunoh's wish came true for Cyclohm!
Healing = 90/4 = +22.5hp (100hp)


Magnet Rise
Hovering (6a)
-5en (88en)
Hovering -> 5a

Full paralysis chance = .2 (rolled 6/10)
Crit roll: 20/24
Dmg = 5+5-5 = 5 dmg (95hp)
Recoil = 5*.4 = -2hp (57hp)
-5en (89en)


Crit roll: 17/24
20.5 dmg (36hp)
Eff chance = .1 (rolled 10/10)
-7en (81en)
Hovering -> 4a

Full paralysis chance = .2 (rolled 6/10)
-7en (82en)

Paralysis -> 15%
Cyclohm floats lackadaisically onto the battlefield. In front of her (them?) Lucario crouches into a fighting stance and punches the dragon straight in the chest with an Ice Punch! Immediately, the perceptive Lucario notices three small events transpire. The first: the ice on his paw seems to bounce off a thin coating of dust that shields the Cyclohm's body, although his fist itself makes clean contact. Second: Lucario senses an unusual tingling enter his arm, flowing from his fingers towards his elbow. It feels like Aura but more intense, more volatile; and he becomes unnerved when he's unable to release this new energy from his body at will. Thirdly: the slip of parchment Cyclohm is holding glows brightly, then vanishes. He has no time to contemplate any of these events, though, since Cyclohm is quick to retaliate with a gout of fire from her center maw. And as the Lucario retreats, an orb of light descends from the sky and falls upon Cyclohm, healing her back to full health -- a gift from Kitsunoh, surely. Cyclohm smiles in appreciation.

Humming a tune, Cyclohm begins to float towards the sky from atop a soft breeze. Lucario would love to Disable her Flamethrower, but not only are his muscles moving more sluggishly than expected, but he doesn't even know the move Disable to begin with! So he just does his best to improvise an attack on the spot, which means swinging his arms wildly like windmill blades to bash Cyclohm's legs. It doesn't accomplish much. Cyclohm Flamethrowers him again for even more damage, and when he tries to attack with an Earthquake, he's disappointed to find that Cyclohm is already socially-distancing herself six feet from the ground. All in all, it's quite a crazy round, and absolutely not in かたわれ時's favor.

:ss/cyclohm: (F) Shield Dust, Static, Damp | no item
HP: 95/100 | EN: 81
3/5/5/3/80 | 4/4
Status: +2 Atk (natural), +2 SpA (natural), Hovering (4a)
:ss/kitsunoh: (F) Frisk, Limber, Iron Fist | Expert Belt
HP: 22/90 | EN: 69
5/4/3/4/110 | 3/4
Status: OK

:ss/kerfluffle: (F) Natural Cure, Aroma Veil, Friend Guard | Rocky Helmet
HP: 71/90 | EN: 45
4/4/5/4/119 | 4/2
Status: OK
:ss/lucario: (M) Steadfast, Inner Focus, Justified | Expert Belt
HP: 36/80 | EN: 82
5/3/5/3/[45] | 3/4
Status: Paralyzed (15%)
:ss/cinccino: (F) Cute Charm, Technician, Skill Link | King's Rock
HP: 33/90 | EN: 57
4/3/3/3/115 | 1/1
Status: OK

:ss/gardevoir: fainted

This round's wonder:
かたわれ時 orders
YellowAdminSilver orders
I ref​
Yep, a bunch of bad days with my usually horrible memory and luck. I’m an idiot. Everybody who agrees react to this. Or not, as you see fit. I’ll assume I’m an idiot anyways. Seriously though, nothing this bad has ever happened. Is it lockdown that’s killing my brain cells? I doubt it.

“That’s it, you’re fired. You’re gonna kill us all at this rate.”

“...” *tries to project aura but fails* [translation: We’re gonna be laughing stocks now.]

*rest of my team looks sonorously on as Gardevoir snaps my neck*

Rest ~ Sleep Talk [Dragon Pulse, High Jump Kick, Ice Punch, Drain Punch] ~ Sleep Talk [Dragon Pulse, High Jump Kick, Ice Punch, Drain Punch]
Round 7:

:ss/cyclohm: (F) Shield Dust, Static, Damp | no item
HP: 95/100 | EN: 81
3/5/5/3/80 | 4/4
Status: +2 Atk (natural), +2 SpA (natural), Hovering (4a)

:ss/lucario: (M) Steadfast, Inner Focus, Justified | Expert Belt
HP: 36/80 | EN: 82
5/3/5/3/[45] | 3/4
Status: Paralyzed (15%)

Electric Terrain (4r)
-9en (72en)
Hovering -> 3a

Full para chance = .15 (rolled 27/100)
Rest failed because of Electric Terrain! (Pokemon touching the ground can't fall asleep)
-15en (67en)


Crit roll: 20/24
Dmg = 9+3+5-3+(2*2) = 18 dmg (18hp)
-6en (66en)
Hovering -> 2a

Full para chance = .15 (rolled 46/100)
Crit roll: 13/24
Dmg = 5+5-5 = 5 dmg (90hp)
Recoil = 5*.4 = -2hp (16hp)
-5en (62en)


Crit roll: 12/24
Dmg = (9+5-3)*1.5+(2*2) = 20.5 dmg (KO!)
-7en (59en)
Hovering -> 1a

Electric Terrain -> 3r
What's that? Did I hear a "snap" noise? I turn to look at かたわれ時 and it seems like Gardevoir is cradling his head gently in her arms as かたわれ時 sleeps peacefully. Great idea -- a good nap will surely get your brain firing on all cylinders! Lucario isn't feeling so restful, though, because all the electricity Cyclohm is pumping into the arena is flowing straight into Lucario's body! The blue doggo starts shaking as if she's on a caffeine high. And in the next moment, she's literally bouncing off the walls from over-stimulation! It's an... interesting method of attack, but certainly not an appropriate move for this situation, as Cyclohm's Thunderbolt and Flamethrower make quick work of her. かたわれ時, it's time to send in your next Pokemon. ...Oh, he's still sleeping? Wow, he's not moving a muscle... Maybe I should let him rest a little longer.

:ss/cyclohm: (F) Shield Dust, Static, Damp | no item
HP: 90/100 | EN: 59
3/5/5/3/80 | 4/4
Status: +2 Atk (natural), +2 SpA (natural), Hovering (1a)
:ss/kitsunoh: (F) Frisk, Limber, Iron Fist | Expert Belt
HP: 22/90 | EN: 69
5/4/3/4/110 | 3/4
Status: OK

:ss/kerfluffle: (F) Natural Cure, Aroma Veil, Friend Guard | Rocky Helmet
HP: 71/90 | EN: 45
4/4/5/4/119 | 4/2
Status: OK
Field: Electric Terrain (3r)

:ss/lucario: fainted
:ss/cinccino: (F) Cute Charm, Technician, Skill Link | King's Rock
HP: 33/90 | EN: 57
4/3/3/3/115 | 1/1
Status: OK

:ss/gardevoir: fainted

This round's awakening:
かたわれ時 sends out/equips
YellowAdminSilver orders
かたわれ時 orders
I ref​

“I think we’re really in need of practice if people think that you sent me to sleep... the performance should be delayed.”

“Yes, let’s finish this horrible performance soon! We’re relegated to being the losing party! Being the Polish-Lithuanian Empire sucks! Why can’t we be the Americans, huh?”

Cinccino is out again!

"Oh, wasn't it electrifying? When I made the neon shine!"

Discharge - Shock Wave - Discharge
[Check at Priority +1] [IF] a damaging Normal-type move is used [AND] Ion Deluge is not up [AND] Shino is not to use Encore on the following action, use Ion Deluge that action instead
[IF] a multi-hit move is used on A1 [AND] on A2 [AND] on A3, replace your main orders with Bide - Hold - Release
[IF] Shino is underground when you would act, use Bulldoze on the first instance, Earthquake on the second and third​
“To live, or not to live, that is the question.”

:sm/Cinccino: :kings-rock:
“Maybe we ought to just kill ourselves while we have the chance.”
Tail Slap ~ Dazzling Gleam ~ Tail Slap
Round 8:

:ss/cyclohm: (F) Shield Dust, Static, Damp | no item
HP: 90/100 | EN: 59
3/5/5/3/80 | 4/4
Status: +2 Atk (natural), +2 SpA (natural), Hovering (1a)

Field: Electric Terrain (3r)

:ss/cinccino: (F) Cute Charm, Technician, Skill Link | King's Rock
HP: 33/90 | EN: 57
4/3/3/3/115 | 1/1
Status: OK


Ion Deluge
The field became charged with ions (6a)!
-7en (52en)
Hovering wore off!
Ion Deluge -> 5a

Tail Slap
Hit chance = .85 (rolled 35/100)
Skill Link: 5 hits
Crit rolls: 1, 18, 13, 17, 18: 1 Crit
Dmg = ((3+1)*5+1+2+4-5)/2.25 = 9.7 dmg (80hp)
Static chance = .3 (rolled 4/10)
EN cost = 7+2+3 = -13en (44en)


Dazzling Gleam
Crit roll: 17/24
Dmg = (8+3-3)*1.5 = 12 dmg (68hp)
Shield Dust prevented flinching!
-6en (38en)

Shock Wave
Crit roll: 1/24: CRIT!
Dmg = 6+3+3+2+5-3+(2*2) = 20 dmg (13hp)
-3en (49en)
Ion Deluge -> 4a


Tail Slap
Hit chance = .85 (rolled 11/100)
Crit rolls: 13, 19, 8, 13, 10
Dmg = ((3+1)*5+2+4-5)/2.25 = 9.3 dmg (59hp)
Static chance = .3 (rolled 5/10)
-13en (25en)

Crit roll: 24/24
Dmg = 8+3+2+5-3+(2*2) = 19 dmg (KO!)
-5en (44en)
Ion Deluge -> 3a

Electric Terrain -> 2r
In a burst of light, Cyclohm releases even more electricity into the arena! Wow, even over here I can feel my hair standing on end with all the static electricity! When Cinccino swings her tail for her trademark Tail Slap attack, its fluff catches all the surrounding electrons and the sparks start flying. It's a Supercharged Static Tail Slap! It looks really flashy, but unfortunately Cinccino ends up worse off as her tail clings awkwardly to Cyclohm's wool, making it very difficult to deal any substantial damage. The whole battlefield has become incredibly skewed towards Cyclohm's favor, which Cinccino discovers as a surge of deadly lightning courses through her body. With Cinccino down, かたわれ時's only hope lies in Togekiss. Are we going to see the greatest comeback of all time today?

:ss/cyclohm: (F) Shield Dust, Static, Damp | no item
HP: 59/100 | EN: 44
3/5/5/3/80 | 4/4
Status: +2 Atk (natural), +2 SpA (natural)
:ss/kitsunoh: (F) Frisk, Limber, Iron Fist | Expert Belt
HP: 22/90 | EN: 69
5/4/3/4/110 | 3/4
Status: OK

:ss/kerfluffle: (F) Natural Cure, Aroma Veil, Friend Guard | Rocky Helmet
HP: 71/90 | EN: 45
4/4/5/4/119 | 4/2
Status: OK
Field: Electric Terrain (2r), Ion Deluge (3a)

:ss/cinccino: fainted
:ss/lucario: fainted
:ss/gardevoir: fainted

This round's reversal:
かたわれ時 sends out/equips/orders
YellowAdminSilver orders
I ref​

“No we are NOT, and that’s because I will personally see to that due to my bad skills that allows me to die to a baby. If you wanted comebacks go check out Mowtom’s battles.”

“Dude that’s sadistic, why do you want me to die?”

:sm/Togekiss: :cell-battery:
Toggle Hustle OFF
“In order to increase my lifespan during this battle for a minuscule amount, let’s keep to non-damaging Attacks... I mean, safe distancing measures and all that.”
Shadow Ball ~ Dazzling Gleam ~ Future Sight
P/E, THEN Encore and push back.
IF Bide, THEN Initiate action string Toxic ~ Yawm ~ Psych Up
IF Double Team, THEN Magical Leaf and push back.
Not much I can do really. I guess I learnt the lesson of having multiple subs a bit too late. GG YAS.
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"...OK, so we're back! With some pen and paper for calcs this time. What did I miss?"


"Not that much, the new kid's just been sitting here, chilling."


"Oh noes! Is that good or bad??"


"So goodbye, yellow brick road..."
Shock Wave - Thunderbolt - Hyper Beam
Round 9:

:ss/cyclohm: (F) Shield Dust, Static, Damp | no item
HP: 59/100 | EN: 44
3/5/5/3/80 | 4/4
Status: +2 Atk (natural), +2 SpA (natural)

Field: Electric Terrain (2r), Ion Deluge (3a)

:ss/togekiss: (F) Hustle (off), Serene Grace, Super Luck | Cell Battery
HP: 90/90 | EN: 100
3/4/5/5/80 | 3/3
Status: OK

Shock Wave
Cell Battery consumed! +1 Atk (natural)
-3en (41en)
Ion Deluge -> 2a

Shadow Ball
Crit roll: 2/8
Dmg = 8+5-3 = 10 dmg (49hp)
Shield Dust
-6en (94en)


Dazzling Gleam
Crit roll: 7/8
Dmg = (8+3+5-3)*1.5 = 19.5 dmg (29hp)
-5en (89en)

Crit roll: 22/24
Dmg = (9+3+2+5-5)*1.5+(2*2) = 25 dmg (65hp)
Eff chance = .1 (rolled 3/10)
-6en (35en)
Ion Deluge -> 1a


Future Sight
Togekiss foresaw an attack!
-8en (81en)

Hyper Beam
Hit chance = .9 (rolled 2/10)
Crit roll: 17/24
Dmg = (15+3+2+5-5)*1.5+(2*2) = 34 dmg (31hp)
Sluggish (1a)
-9en (26en)
Ion Deluge wore off

Electric Terrain -> 1r
かたわれ時 may have mostly given up, but Togekiss clearly hasn't. By using her Cell Battery, the Togekiss completely nullifies Cyclohm's initial attack before she begins her assault! However, Cell Battery is only good for a single use, and now that Togekiss is item-less Cyclohm is free to go all-out! All three of her heads lean close together and fire a single, concentrated beam of electricity towards Togekiss! Is this the end? No! Miraculously, Togekiss is still alive, and Cyclohm looks totally exhausted! Is Cyclohm going to bravely continue fighting through the sluggishness, or is YAS going to be a cowardly little sissy trainer and switch out Cyclohm for a fresh mon? Only time will tell!

:ss/cyclohm: (F) Shield Dust, Static, Damp | no item
HP: 29/100 | EN: 26
3/5/5/3/80 | 4/4
Status: +2 Atk (natural), +2 SpA (natural), Sluggish
:ss/kitsunoh: (F) Frisk, Limber, Iron Fist | Expert Belt
HP: 22/90 | EN: 69
5/4/3/4/110 | 3/4
Status: OK

:ss/kerfluffle: (F) Natural Cure, Aroma Veil, Friend Guard | Rocky Helmet
HP: 71/90 | EN: 45
4/4/5/4/119 | 4/2
Status: OK
Field: Electric Terrain (1r), Future Sight (targeting YAS)

:ss/togekiss: (F) Hustle (off), Serene Grace, Super Luck | no item
HP: 31/90 | EN: 81
3/4/5/5/80 | 3/3
Status: +1 Atk (natural)
:ss/cinccino: fainted
:ss/lucario: fainted
:ss/gardevoir: fainted

This round's processing:
YellowAdminSilver orders
かたわれ時 orders
I ref​

"Well, that worked out decently for a first battle. You look pretty beat, there's some drinks on the table next to our backpacks."


"Don't take the ones in the red thermos tho, those are Rinkah's and she doesn't like people touching her stuff!"


"Let's see if someone else can finish this out then. Or maybe not."


"It's only fitting, that as the cycle winds down, it comes back to us..."

Initiating Switch Phase! Sending out Belladonna the Kitsunoh @ Expert Belt!
Fake Out - Iron Head - Meteor Mash

[IF] a P/E move is used, use Phantom Force that action instead
[IF] Toge is under the effects of Endure when you would act [AND] is not burned, initiate action string Will-O-Wisp - Phantom Force - Bullet Punch
[IF] a D/E move is used [AND] you would move second based on speed order, use Bullet Punch that action instead. Check at the start of the action.​
“Did you say drinks? Do you have Fantaaaaaa???”


“No Toge come ba— oh nevermind she’s gonna kill herself trying to get the drinks. She completely forgot all the Fanta bottles that I use to revive my Pokemon. They’re better at reviving Pokemon I realised.”

“I attest to that!”

Protect ~ Mud Slap ~ Wish
Wait gimme a sec I need to edit my orders here
You know what, screw this battle, let’s take a gamble and die already.
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Round 10:

:ss/kitsunoh: (F) Frisk, Limber, Iron Fist | Expert Belt
HP: 22/90 | EN: 69
5/4/3/4/110 | 3/4
Status: OK

Field: Electric Terrain (1r), Future Sight (targeting YAS)

:ss/togekiss: (F) Hustle (off), Serene Grace, Super Luck | no item
HP: 31/90 | EN: 81
3/4/5/5/80 | 3/3
Status: +1 Atk (natural)

-7en (74en)

Phantom Force (Evasive)
-6en (63en)

Phantom Force (Attacking)
Crit roll: 18/24
Dmg = 9+3+5-4 = 13 dmg (18hp)
-4en (59en)

Kitsunoh was hit by Future Sight!
Crit roll: 18/24
Dmg = (12+5-4)/1.5 = 8.6 dmg (13hp)


Iron Head
Crit roll: 10/24
Dmg = (8+3+5-4)*1.5+4 = 22 dmg (KO!)
-5en (54en)

Electric Terrain wore off!
Phantom Force is a move that ignores Protect, which means it's lights out for Togekiss. But it's okay! Even though there are winners and losers, everyone still get paid.

:ss/kitsunoh: (F) Frisk, Limber, Iron Fist | Expert Belt
HP: 13/90 | EN: 54
5/4/3/4/110 | 3/4
Status: OK
:ss/cyclohm: (F) Shield Dust, Static, Damp | no item
HP: 29/100 | EN: 26
3/5/5/3/80 | 4/4
Status: OK

:ss/kerfluffle: (F) Natural Cure, Aroma Veil, Friend Guard | Rocky Helmet
HP: 71/90 | EN: 45
4/4/5/4/119 | 4/2
Status: OK
:ss/togekiss: fainted
:ss/cinccino: fainted
:ss/lucario: fainted
:ss/gardevoir: fainted

That's a wrap!

かたわれ時 : 4 RC, 4 TC
YellowAdminSilver : 4 RC, 4 TC

nightblitz42 : 4 RC, 10 JC

Thanks for playing!
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