ive laddered a bit and won a room tour today and actually playing this meta for a day made me change my mind on some stuff. i'll discuss some of the new mons again (haven't seen a single normal kyurem so i'll leave that one out).
this is as bad as i thought it'd be. i started running roost icicle spear fusion bolt dd, but i then realized while roost is cool i could win games easier w power herb freeze shock, no boots sucks but i had double removal on my team and this worked really good. +1 freeze shock is literally insane, and you can trap melmetal and rachi with dug. there's always scarf rachi and scarf dragapult, but they can't hard switch in, and knowing kyurem-b it often can set up two dragon dances. i really do think this mon is too much.
this mon is actually really really good, i'm very pleasantly surprised by it. very few pokemon take two hits from this menace and its speed tier is obviously amazing.
melmetal is pretty insane, but still barely bearable. dug is around after all so it loses a lot of its shine. iron bash flinches are hella annoying though, only problem is that it only really outspeeds clef so you can still go into corvi to put this guy in dug range or beat it 1v1. still a fucking monster but, again, barely manageable.
sadly i haven't seen jirachi too much. this mon is great but being duggy bait is really bad, so it has to be extra careful around u-turn and volt switch mons. i think i'll def need to see rachi more to form a stronger conclusion but it's looking a bit similar to sm in a sense. a great mon with great stats and typing but has clear issues that hold it back. scarf probably won't be the best either i think, but it is what it is.
someone said in ou room idr whom, but terrak is the kinda mon that is really good in paper but ass in practice, and i think this holds true. it has a rather hard time setting up, its easy to revenge kill and dugtrio is around. still good if the circumstances call, but again terrak is feeling relatively disappointing. someone said something about some sd life orb quick attack set, so you ohko ban dug at +2, but i think it's super gimmicky and no eq really sucks when aegi is around. also i've barely seen terrak, probably because of the reasons outlined above.
haven't seen much keldeo either, but it's looking relatively underwhelming, idk if its cus i have a pex and a zeraora, but this mon still looks rather complicated to use, because you gotta predict right basically. and there's always clef and sylveon that can stomach a water move. i feel like this mon has a lot of room to be good with calm mind or smth like that because specs has been pretty bad from my experience.
now onto some of the old mons that like this meta:
dugtrio got even more troublesome now as it can trap a lot of the new stuff and it can be used to help kyurem-b sweep immensely by trapping defensive rachi and melmetal. i honestly can't see myself building a team without it for this meta because the utility is just so good to pass up.
really digging pex rn. yes it can be flinched down by melmetal, but if you run pex + steel you're probably fine. but pex really helps with the potential terrak and keld also (which sadly i haven't seen much of), i also really like haze on pex right now, because kyurem-b can't set up on you.
i'm actually liking this mon a lot in this meta, it's great to revenge kill melmetal, and 252 hp 252 speed lets u take 3 icicle spears from +1 kyub which is very very nice. of course it's no check or anything but people seem to forget about drill which can help as a last resort vs kyurem-b. also in general this mon is really strong and be a huge problem for teams with no corviknight or no hippo.

this is as bad as i thought it'd be. i started running roost icicle spear fusion bolt dd, but i then realized while roost is cool i could win games easier w power herb freeze shock, no boots sucks but i had double removal on my team and this worked really good. +1 freeze shock is literally insane, and you can trap melmetal and rachi with dug. there's always scarf rachi and scarf dragapult, but they can't hard switch in, and knowing kyurem-b it often can set up two dragon dances. i really do think this mon is too much.

this mon is actually really really good, i'm very pleasantly surprised by it. very few pokemon take two hits from this menace and its speed tier is obviously amazing.

melmetal is pretty insane, but still barely bearable. dug is around after all so it loses a lot of its shine. iron bash flinches are hella annoying though, only problem is that it only really outspeeds clef so you can still go into corvi to put this guy in dug range or beat it 1v1. still a fucking monster but, again, barely manageable.

sadly i haven't seen jirachi too much. this mon is great but being duggy bait is really bad, so it has to be extra careful around u-turn and volt switch mons. i think i'll def need to see rachi more to form a stronger conclusion but it's looking a bit similar to sm in a sense. a great mon with great stats and typing but has clear issues that hold it back. scarf probably won't be the best either i think, but it is what it is.

someone said in ou room idr whom, but terrak is the kinda mon that is really good in paper but ass in practice, and i think this holds true. it has a rather hard time setting up, its easy to revenge kill and dugtrio is around. still good if the circumstances call, but again terrak is feeling relatively disappointing. someone said something about some sd life orb quick attack set, so you ohko ban dug at +2, but i think it's super gimmicky and no eq really sucks when aegi is around. also i've barely seen terrak, probably because of the reasons outlined above.

haven't seen much keldeo either, but it's looking relatively underwhelming, idk if its cus i have a pex and a zeraora, but this mon still looks rather complicated to use, because you gotta predict right basically. and there's always clef and sylveon that can stomach a water move. i feel like this mon has a lot of room to be good with calm mind or smth like that because specs has been pretty bad from my experience.
now onto some of the old mons that like this meta:

dugtrio got even more troublesome now as it can trap a lot of the new stuff and it can be used to help kyurem-b sweep immensely by trapping defensive rachi and melmetal. i honestly can't see myself building a team without it for this meta because the utility is just so good to pass up.

really digging pex rn. yes it can be flinched down by melmetal, but if you run pex + steel you're probably fine. but pex really helps with the potential terrak and keld also (which sadly i haven't seen much of), i also really like haze on pex right now, because kyurem-b can't set up on you.

i'm actually liking this mon a lot in this meta, it's great to revenge kill melmetal, and 252 hp 252 speed lets u take 3 icicle spears from +1 kyub which is very very nice. of course it's no check or anything but people seem to forget about drill which can help as a last resort vs kyurem-b. also in general this mon is really strong and be a huge problem for teams with no corviknight or no hippo.