First off, I want to say that this post and every other opinion I share in this thread is only my personal opinion. It is not the opinion of the entire SS OU Council and if you would like to discuss anything with the council, do not hesitate to message us at any point in time
here. I believe that everyone's voice matters so long as they are informed and considerate going into any dialogue about the metagame. Of course, this is just the metagame discussion thread, so I trust people to use the appropriate channels for sharing their ideas moving forward to avoid a repeat of prior issues.
Because of my believe that sharing one's opinion on the metagame is important, I like using my voice as an active player and contributor to share my opinion with the general public. If I say that I believe x Pokemon should be suspected or banned, it does not mean that everyone else has to feel this way in general or on the OU Council. I hope this is abundantly clear moving forward as it seems some people took my opinion as the law when that is very much not the case. I encourage people to share their opinions regardless of if they are the same as my own or not.
With this said, I personally believe two Pokemon warrant discussion right now:
Urshifu and
Toxapex. I understand complaints about Clefable, but I view its surge in usage as a product of other more problematic Pokemon and I also do not see it as remotely broken. Of course, others are entitled to feel differently, but I am just sharing my personal thoughts. Clefable, in my opinion, is a necessary evil as it currently stands.
, on the other hand, strikes me as a very restricting and broken presence in the tier right now. You can count the checks to Urshifu on one hand: Clefable, Weezing-Galar, and Primarina are the primary ones, but you can make a case for Togekiss or Azumarill I suppose. There are also some cores that handle specific Urshifu such as Toxapex or Amoonguss paired with a durable Wicked Blow resist, but these cores are going to struggle with Bulk Up variants, which are increasingly common.
I do believe that Choice Band Urshifu is the most consistently encountered set, but I think that Bulk Up compliments it nicely and the overlap between the two limits teambuilding to using a defensive Fairy type, which ends up as Clefable a vast majority of the time. Many people dislike how teambuilding is limited as much as it is, citing bulky-offense's drop in usage as an example of less-than-ideal metagame states. I do not necessarily disagree with this, but I do disagree when people extend this logic to wanting to ban Pokemon like Clefable or Toxapex as a solution (I do not mind the prospect of banning Toxapex, but this is not the right reasoning -- more on this later). Pokemon like Urshifu are the culprits of this. They force specific defensive structures if you wish to find any sense of consistency in this metagame. Personally, I do not view an SS OU where Clefable (or Weezing-Galar, which is comfortably a UU Pokemon as it stands) is forced on to such a large amount of builds as an ideal one.
In my personal opinion, it would be proper to proceed with an Urshifu suspect test in the near future. I believe it is the most banworthy Pokemon in the metagame currently and while it is an offensive option that does not check many things, it being prominent in the metagame arguably holds back other offensive options from thriving and teambuilding conventions from developing more than any defensive presence in the metagame.
As for
, I believe it is still on the radar, but I am less sold than I was during OLT. Toxapex, unlike Urshifu, is a very reactionary Pokemon. Sure, Urshifu would stink in a metagame where every team had multiple Fairy types and such, but barring an extreme like this, it is going to naturally be one of the best presences in the tier due to sheer strength and offensive presence arguably. As for Toxapex, it is subject to seeing great increases in usage and effectiveness if the Pokemon that are circulating can abuse it or some decreases in usage and effectiveness if the metagame shifts towards adapting to it (i.e: last generation, we saw less Toxapex when things like Gliscor and Mega Alakazam rose. This generation, we saw more Toxapex when things like Dracovish and CM + Flamethrower Clefable rose). This does not mean it is not something to suspect or ban as defensive Pokemon can absolutely be suspected and/or banned, in my opinion. However, Toxapex's usage is largely dependent (moreso than things like Urshifu) on its surroundings due to it being used predominantly as a countermeasure and utility presence. And one can argue that it saw a peak in effectiveness during OLT and the metagame has reacted to it since then. Let's go into more detail on this.
The metagame during OLT was pretty poor, in my personal opinion. The extremes dominated, which meant things like Toxapex thrived at previously unprecedented levels. Toxapex was approaching staple status on stallier teams or even balances focused on longevity due to it soft checking a number of prominent Pokemon, having the ability to force item displacement or status (Knock Off, Scald, and Toxic/Toxic Spikes/Baneful Bunker depending on its set), and having Regenerator. Moreover, with the ability to force status/item displacement and having Haze to shut-down lots of set-up sweepers, it also thrived against the opposing extreme of hyper offense, be it opposing weather builds as it slowed their momentum or opposing hyper offense as it oftentimes thwarted sweeping attempts. I personally was very in favor of looking into Toxapex during this state of the metagame and this was what prompted my bringing it up to begin with.
Since this point in time, I feel like the metagame has shifted drastically. Balances have become the most common archetype once more and these balances have integrated a lot of things that are able to minimize the effectiveness of Toxapex, especially when compared to previous points. For example, Spikes, Calm Mind + Thunder(bolt) Clefable, Reuniclus, Kyurem, Magnezone, and Hatterene have all surfaced on balance teams more than ever before. What do they all have in common? Abusing the presence of Toxapex, which is no coincidence whatsoever. Additionally, there has also been a surge in Amoonguss usage lately, which has cut Toxapex usage significantly. Do I believe that usage is the sole decider of a suspect/how broken a Pokemon is? Nope, not at all, but it is no coincidence that this is happening alongside the aforementioned trends either.
Any developing metagame -- which this metagame certainly is -- will go through waves of changes and then reactions to these changes. Every action has a consequence and every status quo is formed to be shifted in the near future when it comes to developing metagames. We have seen dozens of metagame shifts over the course of this generation and I imagine we will see dozens more. I believe Toxapex was only overly restrictive during a 1-2 month period throughout July and August. I do believe it warranted suspect attention then and honestly I do not oppose a suspect now as this can absolutely be the case again, but seeing how well people prepare for it right now makes it far less of a priority to me, especially given how pressing the matter of Urshifu is to me.
To sum it up: I am in favor of looking into both Urshifu and Toxapex, but I view Urshifu as more pressing and problematic. I also believe that Urshifu's restrictions on teambuilding will open things up for other offensive threats far more than it will shift the metagame towards a more defensive state.