Literally crying and vomiting in the club right now.
How high do I need to get on the ladder to get Alolan Raichu ranked? I'm sorry my goodest surfing boi, I failed you.
But really, why wasn't Alolachu ranked?
I'd be open to C-ing it I guess, but realistically one ladder hero does not define much (I do appreciate the effort though). The main thing is how volatile and inconsistent it is for something with such a ridiculous opportunity cost that dictates entire team structures around it.
What prevented Regieleki from rising?
Eeveeto said is entirely correct, fwiw
how does primarina
View attachment 425702 find herself a niche in a metagame with much better water and fairy types? and what’s with the corviknight
View attachment 425703 and ferrothorn
View attachment 425708 drops? is there a rise of fire types in the current metagame?
SubCM sets are stronger off the bat, but also Specs (more power, Flip Turn, etc.) has a very slight niche.
Fire types are strong, but also both face stiffer-than-ever competition from other Steel types remaining strong, Corviknight sees Defog Landorus-T being the king, and Ferrothorn sees less Spike weak teams than before (although it's still very good and a top 5 Pokemon, so A+/S- are both fair -- close vote).
also why aren’t slowbro
View attachment 425709 and chomp
View attachment 425710 in S-? slowbro is a phenomenal defensive pivot and support mon who exerts tons of offensive pressure with futureport, and garchomp is a terrifying wallbreaker made even more potent with scale shot. with such huge upsides and only minor downsides, that does seem worthy of being S- imo
Both just rose from A to A+, and the former did so without much of a majority. This thread really is just open to questions right now rather than arguments, but you're more than welcome to nominate either or both for S- in a day when it's fully open!
Why did toxtricity drop?
Yes, it doesn't appreciate lando but it is one of the most comically powerful special attackers in the tier
It is strong, but that does not mean it is good. It has no defensive use, it cannot break Ferrothorn, it struggles with prediction reliance around things like Heatran and Dragapult, and there are far more consistent options. If anything, it's barely hanging on to being ranked rn.
Why did Hippowdon drop but Gastrodon rise?
I find that hippo has more utility on more offensive team structures due to setting up a hazard as opposed to gastrodon which kinda just sits there
Hippo Sand is falling off while Tyranitar Sand sees more usage as Hippo fits poorly with things like Excadrill and Landorus-T, which find themselves on Sand a lot. Gastrodon is totally separate, providing a Fire resistance and potential Water immunity to help vs Heatran, Volcarona, and Rain.
What made Celesteela rise? Most teams can beat the autotomize sets without even trying and it's defensive set's lack of recovery makes it hard to justify over Corviknight or even Skarmory.
See my response to Fenghuang, but also what BT89 said is true. Keep in mind the defensive sets are not what is being compared here.
Not that I disagree, but why did rain (Barraskewda, Pelipper, and Thundurus-T) rise?
More usage and it does very well against opposing offensive (especially with Rillaboom hitting a plateu in recent months), which is surging overall. This kind of leads to a weird arms race, especially on the ladder, which favors Rain atm.
What makes Slowking a more reliable answer to Heatran than it was before? I recall that Heatran usually was able to win the 1v1 due to Toxic + Magma Storm damage. Is this a result of other sets like Offensive Stealth Rock Heatran seeing a rise in usage, which Slowking is able to more effectively handle (not stating this as a fact, just wondering if its a factor in making Slowking a more reliable answer to Heatran)?
Eruption over Taunt is pretty common now, which makes Slowking one of the few reliable pivots to it. Toxic + Taunt sets can be lame in the long term, but those are less common overall as a result of this and consistent usage of SR and Heavy Slam on Heatran, too.
I also think Slowking's overall niche grew for other reasons, fwiw, but in terms of Slowking vs Heatran, stomaching Eruption sure helps.
Just a bit curious why Volcanion didn't rise from A- to A. Haven't played that much recently but saw a good amount of support for it.
Could go either way here and it was close, but we're seeing it plateau and there's also more Slowking right now, which does not help too much.
Thanks to Eeveeto for his helpful answers earlier!