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Resource SS Monotype Sample Teams


Can someone please do a quick run through at how to use this team. All the other sample teams I've managed to get consistant back to back wins and beat at least one of the types they have a disadvantage against. But I've played against this team when others use it, myself using Fairy, or Psychic, or flying and I lose pretty badly but when I use this fighting team I can't even beat teams I have the disadvantage lose against rock, steel, ice, the lot. I just can't wrap my head around whose best to sweep or start. And I never know when to bring in keldeo. Just a couple pointers from anyone thanks


Can someone please do a quick run through at how to use this team. All the other sample teams I've managed to get consistant back to back wins and beat at least one of the types they have a disadvantage against. But I've played against this team when others use it, myself using Fairy, or Psychic, or flying and I lose pretty badly but when I use this fighting team I can't even beat teams I have the disadvantage lose against rock, steel, ice, the lot. I just can't wrap my head around whose best to sweep or start. And I never know when to bring in keldeo. Just a couple pointers from anyone thanks

Let me preface this with saying that Fighting is probably agreed to be the worst type of the generation. The usual style for Fighting is lead with Cobalion to set SR and cripple with Thunder Wave and Taunt. This gives you a bit better of a chance to switch the your threat. From there it's about switching in resists and constantly applying offensive pressure. You can use both Keldeo and Zapdos-G for momentum to scare out or bait in stuff, then pivot to a better threat you want to bring in. Fighting is a pretty high ceiling type because of how few tools it has compared to any other type this generation.

Fairly standard Steel team, but it does rely on a bit of prediction on your part, so that you can take advantage of multiple immunities and resistances to switch in and lay the hurt.
Rock slide on Heatran is for Volcarona. I've also used flash cannon successfully but then you hard lose to the sun bug on fire teams. If you don't need dual Rocks, I've also run Toxic on Heatran.
Sweeper Celesteela destroys water without sap sipper Azu, Grass and Ground in general, Steel with Heatran fainted, especially if you can get an auto up without losing too much health
I think everything else is pretty obvious.

Threats include a well played Nido-couple, Magnezone, Spectrier, Galarian Moltres, the two Urshifus and Scarf Hydreigon
I have mad an mono poison sample team https://pokepast.es/9dc1e1659625c7b8
the way it works is the there are three regenaror pokemon they are buildt for stall weezing galar is buildt to deal with ground types, slowking Galar is build to fork toxapex and pshcic weak pokemon with future site, drapion and Nidoking are wall breakers and amoogus can spore and than either foul play spam depending on the oponets attack stat or giga drain to regain health or switch into nidoking or drapion also its not a beginer friendly team you need to be good at predicting and switches
I’ll attach a battle replay so you can watch how it works https://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/gen8monotype-1644463017
LO nidoking would be better for the ability to set rocks>bomb and flame>t bolt for the steel mu and i would put teleport over sball if you’re not using av. retool the drap set too
Also galar slow or can’t learn telaport
Wasnt being rude. But my b mixed things up was messaging while being tired. Av always the set. Also not trying to mini mod but try to make your post 1 message cause makes it less spammy. If you wanna talk more you can just message on my smogon. We’re getting off topic.
Wasnt being rude. But my b mixed things up was messaging while being tired. Av always the set. Also not trying to mini mod but try to make your post 1 message cause makes it less spammy. If you wanna talk more you can just message on my smogon. We’re getting off topic.
its ok I was also a bit tired and moody
My poison team wasn’t good don’t recommend using it I’ve deleted I do have a good steel team https://pokepast.es/5e30754c10c38261 #Note its a hard to use team# the way it works is there is celesteela for ground immunity ageslash for fighting immunity heatran for fire immunity bisharp is for breaking water and ghost teams aswell as fairy teams corvinight is could be replaced for cobalion exadrill is a sewweper I’ll attach a battle link so you can under stand it a bit better https://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/gen8monotype-1645033032-0q12lo5qopjy1krnuw3xnb0zi1125yapw
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Fairly standard Steel team, but it does rely on a bit of prediction on your part, so that you can take advantage of multiple immunities and resistances to switch in and lay the hurt.
Rock slide on Heatran is for Volcarona. I've also used flash cannon successfully but then you hard lose to the sun bug on fire teams. If you don't need dual Rocks, I've also run Toxic on Heatran.
Sweeper Celesteela destroys water without sap sipper Azu, Grass and Ground in general, Steel with Heatran fainted, especially if you can get an auto up without losing too much health
I think everything else is pretty obvious.

Threats include a well played Nido-couple, Magnezone, Spectrier, Galarian Moltres, the two Urshifus and Scarf Hydreigon
I think you should replace rock slide with rock tomb and leftovers on melmetal with assault vest. Living nidoking and being able to counter kyurem is very important on steel. Also, rock tomb helps a lot because steel is VERY slow and lowering speed helps a lot.
Stall is not beginner friendly but it’s also not unviable. Water is the only type that’s able to pull a such thing off. Maybe separating on meta teams vs niche/uncommon play styles would be nice or possibly small team descriptions. An example of this is Alolan Raichu Electric vs Regeleki Electric. When people submit sample teams those descriptions should be used for the teams and that should explain its place in the metagame. I have some comments abt some other types but I’ll provide some updated teams soon. S/o Meri Berry for this idea ~. The other option is completely removing such playstyles as it requires less work ~
So can pois
can grass also stall? it's more of a do-nothing stall, probably, but still...
I guess? Grass has a Fire neutrality in Cradily, Flying neutrality in Ferrothorn, Regen core in Amoonguss and Tangrowth...pickings are slim past those but you have Dhelmise for Rapid Spin, damage and spinblocking, Decidueye for Defog, recovery and priority, Whimsicott for Prankster, and Rillaboom for Grassy Surge, damage, and priority.
can grass also stall? it's more of a do-nothing stall, probably, but still...
A Grass team such as Ferrothorn/Cradily/Amoongus can be considered a bit stall-ish, but thats mainly because of Grass not having strong enough, or fast enough breakers to match with more offensive types
Prankster Whimsicott is a must due to grass being inherently weak to setup, as well as being able to smack dragons
You usually dont carry Defog on Grass due to your type being something that prefers to stack hazards on the opposite team to force progress, so you compensate by using Heavy-Duty Boots on some Pokemon
For more info, you can check out Trichotomy's Grass team, it's not the stalliest, but its a really well built and super consistent grass team :blobnom:
Nominating the following sample team, specs Indeedee psychic balance. Indeedee is criminally underrated so having a sample team showcasing it would be really nice.


I spammed this team a bit in MLT. This team is based off of the standard psychic core of slowbro + glowking; Slowbro is carrying Rocky Helmet to punish U-turn, break sashes, and generate good chip. Specs Indeedee does a spectacular job of fending off ghost-types; most are choiced and easy to scout with the aid of the regenerator core. Banded Tini needs no introduction, and nukes teams without the need for hazards; in addition, the use of Brick Break ensures counterplay against Screens Ice and Dark. Scarf Lele is a staple, and Latias provides defog support while also providing insurance against regieleki; usage of Aura Sphere allows Latias to soft check Heatran and (to an extent) Ferrothorn, as well as lure Bisharp, who loves to switch into defog.

Below are relevant replays:

Ladder Replays (XYZ alt is ~90% gxe with this team; the other replays are MLT laddering):


Tournament Replays:
