thanks to Seo. for the art!
Welcome to the SS LC sample teams thread! This is a collection of solid and successful teams designed for new players to try out.
Everyone is welcome to submit teams below, but your team must first be approved before it is added to the OP. Remember to include a description of how the team works and what each member does.
Scarf Frillish by Scottie

Spikes by wesh papillon

Tyrunt by BeardedDrakon

This team's main wincon is DD tyrunt, which against many team structures such as pory-abra BO's or teams with few priority threatens to 6-0 them. Setup opportunities are most reliably found on poison types, especially Koffing or Foongus that have used spore, which can be forced/lured in by Eviolite U-turn Grookey and Mienfoo. when it is not instantly lethal, pressure its counters (frillish, offensive star, defensive bray, etc) with psychic fangs in conjunction with rocks and other tools and teammates to force chip on them. against teams with capable speed control, consider using Tyrunt as a breaker to support grook and foo, as most of the structures that can fit enough prio/effective scarfers to stop it have difficulties pivoting around it.
The primary defensive core's first member is Mienfoo, which checks Pawniard and other steels and is a backup check to many mons such as grookey and ponyta. Koffing is the second member of the primary defensive core, and it checks Mienfoo and Grookey as well as being a potent offensive threat capable of stopping regen and fishing for sludge poisons or getting major damage onto its checks, many of which are pivots into Tyrunt. Pawniard is the third member of the primary defensive core, and it stops Porygon, Abra (without predicts), and its priority makes a potent speed control core with Grookey's against most sweepers. The holes left against fires, waters, and Koffing are patched by Frillish and Eviolite Grookey, with Tyrunt being an option against Abra with sub and the rare but obnoxious Shellos.
You will most often want to lead Mienfoo thanks to its potent STAB, fake out, and U-turn, with other options such as Tyrunt and Koffing to punish many common suicide leads better + psychics and opposing Mienfoo respectively. try to keep terrain up against Diglett since Tyrunt (chipped Tyrunt or LO dig and without speed boost) and Pawniard are both trappable. your goal is to get Tyrunt in as many times as possible, or if Tyrunt cannot break overwhelming the poison types with Grookey and Mienfoo. defensively rely on your solid defensive core and keep in mind that Mienfoo and Frillish are solid at trading, thanks to their abilities, support moves, and HJK. also rely on your priority as your speed control considering nothing on the team outspeeds the 17 speed tier.
The primary defensive core's first member is Mienfoo, which checks Pawniard and other steels and is a backup check to many mons such as grookey and ponyta. Koffing is the second member of the primary defensive core, and it checks Mienfoo and Grookey as well as being a potent offensive threat capable of stopping regen and fishing for sludge poisons or getting major damage onto its checks, many of which are pivots into Tyrunt. Pawniard is the third member of the primary defensive core, and it stops Porygon, Abra (without predicts), and its priority makes a potent speed control core with Grookey's against most sweepers. The holes left against fires, waters, and Koffing are patched by Frillish and Eviolite Grookey, with Tyrunt being an option against Abra with sub and the rare but obnoxious Shellos.
You will most often want to lead Mienfoo thanks to its potent STAB, fake out, and U-turn, with other options such as Tyrunt and Koffing to punish many common suicide leads better + psychics and opposing Mienfoo respectively. try to keep terrain up against Diglett since Tyrunt (chipped Tyrunt or LO dig and without speed boost) and Pawniard are both trappable. your goal is to get Tyrunt in as many times as possible, or if Tyrunt cannot break overwhelming the poison types with Grookey and Mienfoo. defensively rely on your solid defensive core and keep in mind that Mienfoo and Frillish are solid at trading, thanks to their abilities, support moves, and HJK. also rely on your priority as your speed control considering nothing on the team outspeeds the 17 speed tier.
Agility Porygon + Diglett by BeardedDrakon

Compared to my previous team, this one is a lot more passive thanks to the Mareanie-Seed core being only able to make progress through utility moves, hazards, and status for the most part. It utilizes Eviolite Agility Porygon as the primary wincon that also fills holes against Natu and Koffing (less reliable) that the Mareanie-Seed core naturally has. Mienfoo is the core's other glue and pivot allowing Pory and Pony to enter. Diglett enables Porygon by trapping Pawniard, is my best speed control, and thanks to air balloon counter traps and severely limits Scarf Mudbray, as well as forming an immunity core with Ponyta against opposing Ponyta. This team utilizes a Ponyta due to its ability to trade with many threats that would disrupt my current playstyle such as Frillish, and as extra insurance against Grooky. Your goal with this team is to enable an endgame sweep through spamming status and utility moves until the opponent can no longer handle one of Porygon and Ponyta, and provide openings to both of them as often as possible depending on their need defensively and threat offensively. On the lead mu, this team really likes to trade knock with their Mienfoo against opposing Mienfoo since it puts it in range of +1 Porygon Tri Attack and prevents foo from checking Ponyta effectively.
Eviolite Grookey + Staryu by boulicrok

This is another Staryu + Natu team variant except it has a u-turn grook to make it easier to come in to break with Staryu while also providing a better matchup against sweepers thanks to its priority.
Standard Ferro + Koffing by tazz

This is the type of sturdy balance that daunt vs relied on towards the middle part of SCL to consistently get outplayable matchups. It has solid switchins to most of the meta, and should give you a winnable matchup against most any opponent. It does have some awkward matchups here and there: on the defensive side koffing can be a bit obnoxious to switch into, and it can occasionally lack the offensive tools to break Frillish. Don't be afraid to use diglett as a Koffing switch in a pinch, and if you're concerned about frillish matchups you can change u-turn on natu to shadow ball. This could also help against opposing natu, as is you have to rely on your own natu and staryu to pressure them.
Porygon + Trapinch by babyboyblues

Very standard PoryPinch idea: Pinch traps Ferro/Pawn and Porygon does the rest. Cool idea I picked up after we lost to India was Berry Juice 3 attack Pory; it's very easy to set up on something like a Natu/Koffing, and the coverage from Bolt/Beam/Tri is insane. You can also bluff Scarf pretty reliably, as it's really difficult for opponents to tell. Can run Natu to be better vs grounds, or Abra (probably sash) if you like sweet and sour sauce on your fries.
Abra + Porygon by kythr

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