Metagame [SPOILERS] ULTRA SM - Speculation & Discussion

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The z-set will be nasty, granted... but we now have a ton of fast scarfers who can revenge. Greninja, Latis, kartana with some chip, terrakion... To name but a few. Mamo and weavile will rise in popularity, as will banded zygarde and other strong priority Mons.

Here's the thing, those can't revenge kill it because it gets +1 speed from beast boost. So once it gets a kill with +2 devastating drake you're dealing with something that has a speed tier above just about everything else (except scarf greninja, which at that point I feel might be a little niche just for this).

121 base speed with +1 speed beast boost after a kill is pretty scary. I'm just going to watch it though, who knows maybe the late game sweep opportunities will be harder in the first place. Priority would have to OHKO this thing after some chip, but even then pair this with a lele..
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Here's the thing, those can't revenge kill it because it gets +1 speed from beast boost. So once it gets a kill with +2 devastating drake you're dealing with something that has a speed tier above just about everything else (except scarf greninja, which at that point I feel might be a little niche just for this).

121 base speed with +1 speed beast boost after a kill is pretty scary. I'm just going to watch it though, who knows maybe the late game sweep opportunities will be harder in the first place. Priority would have to OHKO this thing after some chip, but even then pair this with a lele..

Scarf Greninja is hardly niche or just for this, it already revenge kills quite a few threats: most notably Volcarona, but also Zygarde, Double Dance Lando, Garados, Salamence, D-Nite. Some sets get revenge Koko, Lele, and other fairies with Gunk Shot, or set up spikes and bluff normal protean. It's currently the second set listed on the Greninja analysis, and is ranked A in the sets viability ranking.
Is there any other move tutors that are missing from the OP that are relevant besides stuff getting Defog and such? I'm tired of reading 4 pages about Naga and how we're gonna switch Heatran in to do more than likely nothing in return to make a difference and am more curious if any UU mons or lower to gain some relevance in OU. Too much information to keep track of and maybe someone more in tune can summarize it without all the gas I'm reading.

I'm gonna make a list of some less-mentioned changes and intricacies that could receive some niche use. Rather than make another post about Naganadel. I think this is more useful. Some of these might be like "are you seriously suggesting using pyukumuku in OU lolol you retard" but no. I only aim to inform.

  • Tapu Bulu gets Synthesis. This is a pretty good move, that can make Tapu Bulu more difficult to wear down when coupled with its innate Grassy Terrain. Unfortunately it doesn't really fit on any of Tapu Bulu's good sets. It can be used on a set that uses Bulk Up or Substitute, I guess.
  • Liquidation: A reasonable alternative to Waterfall with a chance to lower Defense instead of flinching, as well as 5 more base power. This isn't a game changer in most cases, as usually a flinch would be preferred over a drop. The OP mentions Azumarill, but besides that Crawdaunt and Kabutops seem like they can use it well, too.
  • Z-Moves that raise Speed by two: Z-Snatch, Z-Trick, and the like. The most obvious candidates for these moves have Beast Boost as an ability, letting them boost their speed then begin snowballing an attacking stat to build up a sweep. Unfortunately these moves are woefully absent from most of the Ultra Beasts' movepools. Nihilego gets Z-Ally Switch, but it doesn't seem like a good sweeper and is very vulnerable to priority. Tapu Fini can use Z-Trick and Calm Mind to become some kind of sweeper. Mimikyu can use Z-Snatch, but I'm not sure why you'd want to boost Mimikyu's Speed. Strangely, all four of the new Pokemon have access to one of these moves, with Blacephalon and Naganadel appearing the most frightening with Z-Trick and Z-Snatch respectively. They can run Modest natures to boost their Special Attack with each kill, or can run double dance sets with Calm Mind or Nasty Plot, although only Blacephalon really has the two-move coverage to attempt such a thing.
  • Pyukumuku gets a few new moves, notably Block, Spite, and Recycle. Although the Baton Pass ban really killed this mon's niche, it attempts to find a new one in PP stalling. If Baton Pass and Arena Trap were unbanned it could trap a poison or steel type as they switch in then pass to Dugtrio safely. Recycle has some uses, with a Lum Berry it can remove Pyukumuku's weakness to status, Red Card lets it foil Sub users and actually deal with boosting threats, and Leppa Berry is great if you like playing 500 turn games.
  • Sticky Web: The new users are Ribombee, Araquanid, and Slurpuff. Ribombee is the fastest and is capable of 2HKOing the tier's magic bouncers with just Moonblast (252 SpA Ribombee Moonblast vs. 0 HP / 0 SpD Diancie-Mega: 117-138 (48.5 - 57.2%) -- 91.4% chance to 2HKO). This mon has already been covered, but I'd like to propose a few other filler move options on it. You can choose to use HP Fire or Ground over HP Steel and still get webs up safely versus Diancie with Skill Swap, but that is niche as, at best, it will only ease prediction, unlike Azelf who absolutely needs it to setup vs. Sableye. Quiver Dance is also okay to gain some speed and offense if you have nothing better to do. Anyways, I can't say much about Araquanid, but Slurpuff is a little interesting to me. Run it with a Seed alongside your Tapu of choice and it becomes able to guarantee webs in a lot of matchups without having to be run as a lead due to Unburden. Even though most of the time it will simply get up webs and die being able to do that at such high speed is pretty useful. Remaining moves would probably be CM, Dazzling Gleam, and Flamethrower in order to check a few things and pose more of a threat to potential defoggers.
  • Accelgor gets Toxic Spikes. It is now the fastest Pokemon in the game with access to both Spikes and Toxic Spikes, a title previously held by Greninja. Notably, its speed tier lets it beat some notable pokemon that Greninja cannot, namely Tapu Koko, Mega Lopunny, Mega Manectric, Zeraora, Weavile, and opposing Greninja. It has a few other edges over Greninja, namely Final Gambit which lets it self-KO to prevent spinning and defogging, and Unburden, a situationally useful ability that lets it get another layer against a scarfer that can bring it down to its sash. Sticky Hold is probably less useful, but ruins Trick. Unlike Greninja it doesn't pose a threat at all offensively, but perhaps Accelgor's biggest flaw is that it doesn't get Taunt, a crucial move for a suicide lead, instead relying on Encore to punish Defog or opposing setup. This could really discourage you from using it but being able to get a layer up against Koko/Lopunny can make a quite difference in some games. Its other competition is Scolipede who is okay but has no way of really punishing opposing Stealth Rock/Defog from Gliscor or Landorus, where Accelgor can force a 50/50 by threat of Encore. It can avoid some fast Taunts if it runs Protect but offers up momentum against Pokemon that have both Taunt and Defog, as it lacks a self-KO move. This has gone on for a while but tldr: I think some niche can be found for Accelgor. The other question is whether Toxic Spikes will be very viable in OU at all as I can easily see either Naganadel or Toxapex being on every team.

I'm sure there are more.
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Nihilego gets Pain Split now too, making it a really cool tank. SpDef Nihilego walls Volc indefinetively, just as it does with Naga (and please stop the Naga discussion, I think it's time to change the topic).
Combine it with a TTar and there you go, now you have a monster with 595 spdef and a more than decently powerful Power Gem that can force out Koko, Fini, Bulu with some speed investiment, Mew if running Toxic, Zapdos and it's not bad vs Pex either.
Pursuit support isn't even that bad for it, being able to trap psychic-types such Lele, Lati, Tran and Zam to some degree.
Shark and Gatr get liquidation too, which is not Strong Jaw boosted but it's ok for them, I guess.
Synthesis does not mean that much for Bulu as it has strong recovery with Horn Leech already in my opinion.
Accelgor getting TSpikes is going to be really cool in NU. I personally love to use tspikes offense.
Nihilego gets Pain Split now too, making it a really cool tank. SpDef Nihilego walls Volc indefinetively, just as it does with Naga (and please stop the Naga discussion, I think it's time to change the topic).
Combine it with a TTar and there you go, now you have a monster with 595 spdef and a more than decently powerful Power Gem that can force out Koko, Fini, Bulu with some speed investiment, Mew if running Toxic, Zapdos and it's not bad vs Pex either.
Pursuit support isn't even that bad for it, being able to trap psychic-types such Lele, Lati, Tran and Zam to some degree.
The problem with Pain Split on Nihilego is that it has a large HP stat in 109, especially when it's invested. This may very well mean that Nihilego might more often than not heal its opponents more than actually hurting them with Pain Split and taking their health when Nihilego is above 50%, and given how offensive this meta's most likely going to be come USM's release, expect there to be a lot of squishy mons in terms of HP. You can't even really get much out of Pain Splitting Toxapex either because of its base 50 HP. This is why mons with low HP stats like Rotom-W are better users of Pain Split. T-Tar + Nihilego doesn't really sound that great of a defensive core, in my opinion, as they share a lot of weaknesses with each other, most notably Gliscor which is shaping up to be quite a prominent threat this gen, Lando, rain teams, the Greninjas, Mega Mawile, and Mega Scizor to name a few.
Looking at the new mons introduced to us first:

Naganadel seems rather overwhelming at first. With 121 speed and 127 spatk which is pretty good, it has poison dragon typing along with coverage options in heat wave able to hit almost every steel type that would otherwise take it on. It also gets nasty plot turning it into a deadly sweeper since with 252+ speed it can turn into a speed boosting monster and quickly overwhelm offensive teams quite easily as it has passable bulky to go alongside its offensive stats. It seems to lack draco meteor in its move pool ? Which is a shame rather since dragon pulse isnt particularly a strong move. Scarf sets may be viable as well with modest nature to boost special attack. Really excited to see how this mon works out.

Stakataka is probably not gonna be OU for too long, its defensive typing is horrible and altho it has massive 211 def its hp stat is lackluster with only 61 points and as well as 101 spdef which is not really impressive as it takes around around high thirtys to forty percent from specs tapu lele which a steel type is supposed to check. Even on trick room i doubt it would be a good option either.

Blacephelon is interesting to say the least. Massive spatk and great offensive typing with what im assuming, good move pool as well thanks to fire blast and shadow ball being TMs, perhaps even SUB and CM which to use vs pokemon like chansey as set up bait altho its just speculation. Its speed at 107 seems nice but is rather awkward, getting outsped by the likes of keldeo kartana and lati@s all of which can easily check it due to its horrible defensive stats and arguably just as worse defensive typing. I dont think its signature move has a place on its competitive moveset since it deals recoil damage equal to 50% of its maximum hp limiting it from spamming it and not to mention it is already weak to rocks.

Zeraora is my favorite mons out of all the new mons we have gotten. Its design is sick but looking at a competitive stand point its stats are above average, insane speed, decent attack and decent enough spatk to make use of hidden power ice to lure in the likes of landorus and gliscor since it doesn't seem to have a move to hit them and the latter of which will likely rise in usage thanks to the eligibility of defog with pheal. Super power being able to hit the likes of tyranitar and heatran is also very interesting. Plasma fist is a great physical attack with no draw back unlike most of the commonly available physical electric type attacks which we have very few of to begin with, it also has a secondary effect working like 'Electrify' I assume? which is pretty nifty in certain situation in conjuction with volt absorb allowing it to check tapu koko since it also possesses decent bulk for a fast and offensive mon. Knock off is also never a bad move to have as it gets rid of the targets item which is always nice and progressive in a battle tho im not sure if it will take a place on its standard movesets or not, yet.

For the new tutor moves, despite the hype I dont think defog lando is gonna be the best option, it does defog on the likes of heatran and opposing landorus ( as it can threaten them out with hidden power ice ) i think its a job better done by gliscor since it has reliable recovery and other utility options while lando IMO is better as a rocker than a defogger thanks to its offensive presence. Rotom however i think is a good option since its usage has kinda died down entirely cos it couldnt do the job of really checking common ground types thanks to zmoves and thats not even all of the issues it has. It has volt switch to keep up momentum and hydro pump to take care of common rockers in landorus and heatran while wisp can also cripple mons like ferrothorn and being immune to tspikes and spike is always good, altho a lot of the defoggers have that ability. I dont think i need to talk about gunk shot BB gren as gary explained above, its completely worthless and does not deserve a spot in ash grens moveset at all. Thundurus doesnt seem like a good option as it has severe longevity issues and has to give up a slot on its offensive moveset which i dont think it can afford on the kinds of teams it fits on. Tornadus t might be a good fogger since it has regen to compensate for rocks damage every time and clear them away for next time while also having a great offensive movepool being able to pressure landorus t and heatran and ferrothorn all in one moveset is really nice esp with a good speed stat like it has. Koko seems like a good option for a fast defogger but it doesnt really beat many rockers consistently but interested to see how it will turn out.

I dont think either araquanid or ribombee will have too big of an impact on the meta as both of them lack rocks which webs would really want and struggle to beat Mega Diancie unless you decide to run some random ass hp steel ribombee which then lets scizor defog on you freely, araquanid on the other hand is painfully slow altho its water stabs are strong its still not enough to beat pokemon like mew which it barely misses out the 2hko on and just gets wisp'd and it also doesnt fit the role of an fast lead that a hyper offensive play style such as webs would want.

Im honestly not so excited for USUM outside of the new mons. We have gotten some of the most random move tutor additions which dont make me too happy but im still willing to see how it turns out n_n
Regarding araquanid, it can't be wisped because of waterbubble and if mons like shuckle can be run on webs why can't araquanid? I know shuckle gets access to rocks and encore but i still think it would be viable because it lures in magic bouncers such as M-sableye and M-diancie which it can 2HKO and OHKO respectively. Also the defoggers such as mew, scizor, and soon to be land-t and gliscor, it 1 v 1s them pretty reliably.
Just a note, the Latis, Kartana, and Terrak do not revenge kill since, once it gets said kill, it gets a speed boost.

Don't disagree with anything else stated. Just wanted to clear that up.

Yeah legit derped and confused the speed tier with the clown, apologies. The rest still applies though, choice sets are gonna be horrible.

I'm on phone so can't calc, but how much is +2 sludge wave doing to normal diancie? Thinking RP could use it as a chance to counter sweep... Maybe that be wistful thinking though.
Pyukumuku getting recycle is amazing, it means it can deal with sub by red card. I wanted to use it in a lower tier last month but found out it didn't have recycle.

It could be amazing for a case like getting up rocks the turn fire moth switches in and switching in on anything that's not giga drain

I love spite and is also a cheesy anti sub tactic but You know so is taunt
Yeah legit derped and confused the speed tier with the clown, apologies. The rest still applies though, choice sets are gonna be horrible.

I'm on phone so can't calc, but how much is +2 sludge wave doing to normal diancie? Thinking RP could use it as a chance to counter sweep... Maybe that be wistful thinking though.

+2 252 SpA Dragalge Sludge Wave vs. 0 HP / 0- SpD Diancie: 238-282 (98.7 - 117%) -- 93.8% chance to OHKO

Diancie dies

Regarding araquanid, it can't be wisped because of waterbubble and if mons like shuckle can be run on webs why can't araquanid? I know shuckle gets access to rocks and encore but i still think it would be viable because it lures in magic bouncers such as M-sableye and M-diancie which it can 2HKO and OHKO respectively. Also the defoggers such as mew, scizor, and soon to be land-t and gliscor, it 1 v 1s them pretty reliably.

Shuckle is run on Web teams til now because it's the only viable Web setter in OU. And no Diancie or Sableye will switch into Araquanid so no luring there

On Araquanid vs Mega Diancie turn 1: Diancie uses Diamond Storm, you Liquidation. Sure Diancie dies but then you're stuck with mon at 1 HP that will be killed by whichever fast mon your opponent sends out. This includes potential snowballing stuff like Ash-Gren, Kartana, or Magearna. So, in the end, you still wont get Web up to assist your team. And before you say "dont do that turn 1 ...", sure but a) your entire strategy is still messed up, b) aint no guarantee you can get Webs up later and c) your offensive team is slow AF without web and that's no good.

You certainly can use Araquanid but ultimately, Shuckle and probably Ribombee is better.

The problem with Pain Split on Nihilego is that it has a large HP stat in 109, especially when it's invested. This may very well mean that Nihilego might more often than not heal its opponents more than actually hurting them with Pain Split and taking their health when Nihilego is above 50%, and given how offensive this meta's most likely going to be come USM's release, expect there to be a lot of squishy mons in terms of HP. You can't even really get much out of Pain Splitting Toxapex either because of its base 50 HP. This is why mons with low HP stats like Rotom-W are better users of Pain Split. T-Tar + Nihilego doesn't really sound that great of a defensive core, in my opinion, as they share a lot of weaknesses with each other, most notably Gliscor which is shaping up to be quite a prominent threat this gen, Lando, rain teams, the Greninjas, Mega Mawile, and Mega Scizor to name a few.
Sadly you are right about Pain Split, but at least is some kind of recovery, not reliable but it's something.
On another note, Mantine checks almost everything you noted besides Rockium Lando and Sciz, which the latter be checked offensively or with HP fire on Nihilego itself, since BP from Impish Scizor does not kill:

0 Atk Technician Scizor-Mega Bullet Punch vs. 252 HP / 0 Def Nihilego: 336-396 (79.6 - 93.8%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after Leftovers recovery

It's gimmicky, yes, but it's something new that I might try out.
Pyukumuku getting recycle is amazing, it means it can deal with sub by red card. I wanted to use it in a lower tier last month but found out it didn't have recycle.
It could be amazing for a case like getting up rocks the turn fire moth switches in and switching in on anything that's not giga drain

I love spite and is also a cheesy anti sub tactic but You know so is taunt

Ehm, I am not sure if ironic/joke but Red Card Recycle Pyuku actually sounds awesome for lower tiers, especially since it phazes pretty much anything with Unaware in its arsenal. Especially considering that you can't stop Red Cards with Taunt. I like this idea a lot.

Also I just want to bring up that Cloyster gets a reliable physical water stab in Liquidification. Not sure if Ssmash Cloyster has any use in OU nowadays but it having double accurate stabs is scary.
Ehm, I am not sure if ironic/joke but Red Card Recycle Pyuku actually sounds awesome for lower tiers, especially since it phazes pretty much anything with Unaware in its arsenal. Especially considering that you can't stop Red Cards with Taunt. I like this idea a lot.

Also I just want to bring up that Cloyster gets a reliable physical water stab in Liquidification. Not sure if Ssmash Cloyster has any use in OU nowadays but it having double accurate stabs is scary.

Interestingly enough, it's also a nice power boost, giving it the chance to now ohko jirachi at +2, or magnezone if adamant, both with life orb, just as a show of its neutral power. I'm not sure it'll put it up to ou level, but definitely gives it an edge.
  • Tapu Bulu gets Synthesis. This is a pretty good move, but wasted on this monster because Horn Leech exists with Grass Terrain up. It can't be really used, not even on a set that uses Bulk Up or Substitute, I guess. Game Freak doesn't want a Fairy physical STAB on this pokemon.
  • Liquidation: A more powerful Waterfall (+5 base power) with a chance to lower Defense instead of flinching (it is difficult to find something slower than Azumarill). Fishing a Def drop can be really game changing (Mega Venusaur at -1 Def). A good upgrade for Azumarill, Crawdaunt and Kabutops.
  • Sticky Web: Yes, this move had an harsh distribution before (Shuckle, Smeargle in OU I think) and Ribombee, which fits fairly in HO teams and beats Mega Sableye (bar many CMinds). It is quite frail, though. C-rank material for me.
  • Defog: This generation we have many powerful Defogger; the majority of them are weak to Ice which is pretty common as a coverage move, though.
  • Kartana: Knock Off (the strongests Dark move it has if the opponent doesn't run a Z-Crystal or a Megastone) + Tailwind makes this thing even scarier than now. Tailwind is a good option in VGC because now Kartana can even support itself (in combination with Gems under a Terrain).
Unless Game Freak bought back the gems the only one you can use is Normal Gem, and while it does give Kartana a 132 BP Return it needs the slot for other moves.

Accelgor will have a niche in OU. Fastest dual-spiker in the tier with decent support options and good SpA means it will make a great lead. I think something like:

Accelgor @ Focus Sash
Ability: Sticky Hold
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
- Bug Buzz
- Final Gambit / Focus Blast / Sludge Bomb / Encore
- Toxic Spikes / Spikes / Encore
- Spikes / Toxic Spikes / Encore

Looks kinda bloated, but I think they're all relevant. Final Gambit goes well with Sash since you're guaranteed to set up layers and get out. Plus it blocks Defog. Blast for Steels and Bomb for Fairies, of which it outspeeds all of them.

252 SpA Accelgor Sludge Bomb vs. 0 HP / 0 SpD Tapu Bulu: 344-408 (122.4 - 145.1%) -- guaranteed OHKO
252 SpA Accelgor Sludge Bomb vs. 0 HP / 4 SpD Tapu Lele: 146-172 (51.9 - 61.2%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
252 SpA Accelgor Sludge Bomb vs. 0 HP / 0 SpD Tapu Koko: 208-246 (74 - 87.5%) -- guaranteed 2HKO

Not the most impressive calcs, but just in case you decide to go for more coverage. Since his niche is being a fast dual-spiker, he should probably run both. If you have to choose, I'd probably say Spikes since Nagandel might be huge, but then why use him over Ferrothorn or Gren in the first place. Encore gets a mention in case the opponent leads with their rocker or a set up sweeper, but not the best move for a lead imo.

I'll look forward to using him after the Defog hype dies down.
Being a T-spikes setter who can't pivot back in blows for a meta that generally doesn't mind them in the first place and it's a bad first turn set unless You really believe in hex specs gengar.

It's also outclassed as spikes+encore by jingle keys who can come back in(toppex can't kill or weaken it if You run recycle berry) unless the other team runs magnetzone

I love Accelgor's speed and Liverpool but bulky reusable is kind of amazing in ou
http:// http://

He seems to have potential in the meta.

Sharpedo-Mega @ Sharpedonite
Ability: Strong Jaw
EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Protect
- Psychic Fangs
- Crunch
- Ice Fang

Psychic Fangs can outspeed and kill that Poison and Dragon dude, Ice Fang can hit Gliscor and Landorus-T.
Can hit decently hard, wouldnt be surprised if it gets incresed in viability.
Ah, and crunch not only being a good STAB, but also can hit Blacephalon super effectively.
Being a T-spikes setter who can't pivot back in blows for a meta that generally doesn't mind them in the first place and it's a bad first turn set unless You really believe in hex specs gengar.

It's also outclassed as spikes+encore by jingle keys who can come back in(toppex can't kill or weaken it if You run recycle berry) unless the other team runs magnetzone

I love Accelgor's speed and Liverpool but bulky reusable is kind of amazing in ou
I understand that, and that's why I think his place will be on Heavy Offense teams, doing the same thing Sash Greninja does now, only you 100% outspeed lead Koko and MLop and Nagandel and whatever and can set up 1-2 layers and kamikaze. Sash Gren's game was never longevity, and Accelgor's isn't either.
I don't see how Accelgor has a notable niche at all. If you want a threatening dual spikes setter that can stop most foggers use Greninja, if you want one with 0 offensive presence that only beats some of them in exchange for a much better Speed tier use Scolipede. What does Accelgor exactly have over any of these 2?

On the topíc of new hazard setters, I don't think Ribombee will have a significant niche at all. All it seems to do is 1v1 Sableye but why do you even want webs vs Stall lol, Webs is already a niche playstyle with a reliable Webs+Rocks setter, there's no need to further handicap yourself by using a mon that cant get both.
On the topíc of new hazard setters, I don't think Ribombee will have a significant niche at all. All it seems to do is 1v1 Sableye but why do you even want webs vs Stall lol, Webs is already a niche playstyle with a reliable Webs+Rocks setter, there's no need to further handicap yourself by using a mon that cant get both.
HP Steel hitting Diancie is nice, so is outspeeding Gren and KOing it with Moonblast.

Webs will probably still be bad but having an actual fast setter with decent supporting options (Screens, stun spore, u-turn, etc) can't hurt as an alternative for teams that don't need rocks or already have them.

So yeah you're right, probably not a significant niche, but it's not completely outclassed.
On the topíc of new hazard setters, I don't think Ribombee will have a significant niche at all. All it seems to do is 1v1 Sableye but why do you even want webs vs Stall lol, Webs is already a niche playstyle with a reliable Webs+Rocks setter, there's no need to further handicap yourself by using a mon that cant get both.
The main advantage to Rimbombee is it can outspeed Mega Diancie and OHKO it with Hidden Power Steel, which is huge because literally every other Webs setter straight-up loses to Mega Diancie. Couple that with the highest speed tier by far combined with U-Turn and I think Ribombee easily takes the title of best Webs setter. How valuable a niche that actually is remains to be seen, though.
Has anyone claiming that Ribombee OHKOs Diancie with HP Steel even ran a calc? I've read that argument many times here and on Discord and it's just a bad roll with Naive and never kills if neutral natured:
252 SpA Ribombee Hidden Power Steel vs. 0 HP / 0- SpD Diancie-Mega: 220-260 (91.2 - 107.8%) -- 43.8% chance to OHKO
There's also the chance that the Diancie user doesn't Mega Evolve and always survives so on top of that bad roll it's a 50-50, I don't think this is reliable at all. Most likely you'll end up with a 1HP Ribombee and neither webs nor rocks with a very low chance to get them up at any point in the game. I guess there's also Skill Swap but then again the Diancie user can not Mega Evolve and not care at all, it just seems too unreliable of a mon with very low reward of using (trades the ability to get both hazards up reliably just to have a chance to bypass Diancie).
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