Sets and Team Highlights - WEEK 4
thank you Kiichikos for your help :pleading_face:
Heroic Troller's Sing Chansey
[13:43:15] +SMB: the way troller plays sing chansey would be a good write up for your rby thread btw
[13:43:40] +SMB: he's the only one who plays it that way
Heroic Troller vs. SadisticNarwhal -
Game 2 - Turn 142
A common goal of Sing Chansey teams is to switch Chansey in Turn 1 against a Thunder Wave and use Sing against Starmie or Alakazam leads, while sack something to Sleep against Jynx or Gengar leads (assuming the Sing Chansey user is leading Starmie). As we can see in
this Week 2 game, Serpi lets his Starmie get Lovely Kissed and is able to Sing Kiichikos's Jynx on Turn 5 after a bit of switching.
Here we see rozes switch in Chansey Turn 1 against a Starmie and get Sing off Turn 2. All in all, Sing Chansey teams want to be able to get their sleep off ASAP.
However, Heroic Troller uses his Sing Chansey in a completely different way. As we see in this week's Game 2 against SadisticNarwhal, Heroic Troller doesn't successfully get his sleep off until Turn 142 when there's only six Pokemon left in total. Troller purposely paralyzes the Jynx Turn 1 and then goes to Snorlax to apply pressure, which is a common sequence if he was running Exeggutor.
Troller finally reveals Sing on Turn 81, trying to catch a Snorlax switch. While Narwhal stayed in with paralyzed Jynx and the result wasn't what Troller wanted, the process was still good. Saving Sing Chansey until now meant Narwhal wasn't safe to bring in anything against Chansey bar Jynx, which couldn't even freeze it because it had been Thunder Waved. On Turn 90, Troller catches Tauros (!) on the switch but unfortunately misses. Finally, on Turn 142, Troller finally successfully puts something to sleep and seals the game away.
While Troller saving Sing didn't work the way he hoped, I still want to bring attention to his gameplay. Once Jynx got its sleep off, its usefulness goes down significantly. It made zero progress after using Lovely Kiss, only getting damage off on Snorlax (healed off), Chansey (healed off), Alakazam (healed off), and Starmie (sacked to Sleep). Instead of using his sleep on something useless, Troller was able to save it for something actually threatening. While it didn't work out in this match, Troller's long-term thinking and patience is really interesting and can be extremely effective. I wonder if more players try the same thing when facing Jynx teams with Sing Chansey!
no highlight team this week :(
Exeggutor once again had >50% usage and has clearly cemented itself as the tier's fifth most used Pokemon overall.
Following 7 uses and 5 wins in Week 1, Gengar has only been used four total times (once in W3, three in W4) and has won none of them. Its down to a <50% win rate.
Slowbro only had two uses, but it amassed two wins and is now at a 78% win rate overall -- highest for any Pokemon with at least two uses.