i seriously don't get why everyone has decided that 3 slots is the perfect number of cg ou. let's be real here, there are terrible games and players in the tournament no matter how many slots there are; it's always been an issue. 2, 3, or 4. i don't think the tournaments with 4 have been significantly worse than the ones with 3. just look at stuff like snake 4 for example. the 3 slot tournaments aren't always better at all. why do people want to include something extremely random to be shoved into spl just because they made up in their head that 4 slots is going to be such a significant downgrade to 3? do people seriously think the difference between the potential third cg ou is that much better than the fourth? i sure as hell don't.
i think the td team made the right decision with the poll, as these are the really only two viable options unless people want to totally redo the structure of the official tours circuit... again.
~experimental~ "4th" cg ou slots shouldn't be considered at all.
i voted for 4 because i think it's more interesting to have more cg ou, but don't really care between the two that much.