Speed is fun - 'till it kills!

This is a great story. Props for killing Blaziken with Mienshao. Haxorus, as expected, is a BAMF, though admittedly I prefer to use LO + SD + Mold Breaker instead of CB + Rivalry. Then again, CB is more effective against Quag. Loved the lol pictures, too. All in all this gets a 9 from me.

Yeah... Timid Specs Latios can't even 2HKO a healthy Careful Tar (I presume that's what your opponent was using, that's what it looks like to me) with Surf, and Modest LO fares even worse (1.1 x 1.3 = 1.43 < 1.5).
Ok I really must agree with everyone else What a Great Warstory!!!!! Definitely awesome. Incredible formatiing, great battle an use of an underrated move like Tailwind dealing with one of the most powerfull threats at the time makes this warstory one of the best in Smogon. Congrats 9.5/10
Of course, 100+ luvdiscs don't lie. This is definitely one of the best warstories on Smogon, and one of the best I've seen from you yet. ...hey, when's another one going to come? ;)
I would comment on this, but with all honesty, everyone else has summed it up. You really did a great job and if you didn't say Enlglish was your Native language, I would have never guessed it by the very nice quality of your writing. I give it a

+1 Luvdisc
i love this and could not keep my eyes from the computer moniter. i useally look at theses and just skip past them because they are so damn long but you changed my ideas on theses storys and inspired me to meinsho.
So I herd u liek Tailwind

A gimmick team that is actually great. The Haxorus pic was epic, and the Mienshao one--


TM, couldn't have said it better myself 10/10 + Luvdisk :) oh, and on turn 9 shouldn't gyra be poisoned normally or did I miss something ? Sorry
Greatest 5th gen warstory I've read! Great commentary, great battle with unique movesets, and a hilarious comic of Haxorus pwnin' Quagsire's Noob.

11/10 and a Luvdisc

This warstory was hilarious!

It was done well and everything was good.

I mean my only problem was the fact that you didn't try to send in Kujondo early or ran a calc, but still this a work of art.
