Songs you're sick of hearing

metallica is mainstream as hell

i like old metallica at times but i'm so sick of hearing it every day

i burned out on them

also old bands only rule if it's pink floyd I find
Gone are the days of "My lady lumps" at least. When that song was popular... I don't even want to think about it.

Today, the songs that get on my nerve the most are "Party in the USA" and "Waking up in Vegas" or whatever that song is called.
Gone are the days of "My lady lumps" at least. When that song was popular... I don't even want to think about it.

Today, the songs that get on my nerve the most are "Party in the USA" and "Waking up in Vegas" or whatever that song is called.

We all know Party in the U.S.A. is a classic!
That song should get a Grammy or something.
I've never heard such a good song in my life.
It's changed me in such a way that I can't even describe it.
It's just the bee's knees.
Anything found on the majority of the Rap/Hip-Hop radio stations broadcasting. As for other genres, it doesn't really matter, because all I usually listen to are CDs
I'm tired of Metallica mostly because people have a tendency to be their fans and await their next album even though it'll be as shitty as the last.

I'm sick of Owl City. Goddamnit. I've heard Hello Seattle and Fireflies too many times, and both songs are easily replicated if you can get ahold of Autotone.

I'm also really bored with Miley Cyrus, mostly because she seems like she has too many teeth and she talks like her mouth is full of marbles or cotton balls or dick. Party in the USA is also terrible, as are all of her other songs that I have had the misfortune of hearing.

I'm tired of Taylor Swift because I think she looks like a retarded alien. Like Miley Cyrus, she seems to have too many teeth in her jaw, rather like some type of Great White Shark. In addition, her music is terrible. I've heard that lame Romeo & Juliet ripoff song way too many times this year, and I rather want to break her guitar.
what lady gaga is awesome

hmm I'd say anything by cobra starshit...went to a party today and I swear I heard 'good girls go bad' at least five times

then again I don't like a lot of sucks like that
Use Somebody by the Kings of Leon and Poker face/ Papparazi/ Any of these new overplayed lady gaga songs. You hear them time after time and they simply never cease to annoy you. Sister plays them all the time. I cannot seem to escape these songs >.<;;
:( @ Poker Face hate, love the song...

Well, I'll never get sick of music that I enjoy, so anything I'm sick of is music I like to stay away from.

Owl City, namely Fireflies. Seriously why is everyone in love with this song? Everyone in my town is like 'OMG FIREFLIES' and the local radio plays it all the time. Luckily, the channel I listen to mostly doesn't play it.

Any song by Taylor Swift. Take your half-ass country music off the radio, thanks. Doesn't help every girl is a complete lesbo for Taylor Swift. 'Ommggg I looove Taylor Swift!!'. Then go fuck her don't make me listen to her annoying music about finding the right guy and being happy.

Miley Cyrus Party in the USSR-errrr USA. Thank god her last song was a dump and got barely any radio play, but this shit is on all the time everyone. :(

You summed up what I would say perfect... you must be a mind reader. =o Anyway about Lady Gaga I believe she is talented, her music style is not really what I like to listen to though. I avoid the radio as much as I can however sometimes I can't avoid things. A few times I have forgotten my iPod when I go to the gym, I had to deal with Nickelback songs playing. That was a lesson learned for me.
Replay by IYAZ, it was a good song but after hearing it 42543543254 times an hour i really don't wanna hear it again for a long long time.