Songs you're sick of hearing

Cheryl Cole - Fight For This Love

It's been played on loop on the morning school bus every morning for the last few weeks. Terrible lyrics/terrible vocals/all-around terrible song.

Post what songs you're absolutely sick of hearing and why :pimp:.
Just about all the music they play at parties around here that isn't Chili Peppers, which everyone likes. A lot of my friends like crappy music. D:
My schools morning music has been playing taylorswift/beyonce/fergie/other autotuned crap that icbf to find the name of. The fact that the songs are poor and and receptive becomes 1000x worse when you hear them EVERY SINGLE DAY.
'morning music'? you poor people, im glad im not forced to listen to anything i dont want to!
Fucking Owl City, I hear the word fireflie(s) one more time and someone in my dorm will die.

Oh and Anything from Jay-Z's new album.
I'm sick of Journey. I swear the blasted jukebox doesn't play anything but that and Queen. At least I'm not sick of Queen yet.

Oh, and the Macarena. Most pointless song ever. People try to sing along, but just end up mumbling the words going "............MACARENA"
Fireflies by far.

Once on the bus going to school, like three times during art class (every other day this girl plays the same playlist on her ipod), and one last time on the bus back home.

Dark Blue and Lovedrunk are overplayed too.
Any sort of Pop music disgusts me to my core. Moreso Umbrella by the black girl whose name escapes me... I don't entirely know why I hate Pop, as I can deal with all other music genres, and am fond of Rock/Metal(Heavy or not)/Rap, but Pop and some R&B just sound terrible...
got fed up with MGMT - Kids while ago because my local radio station decided "oh hey MGMT is a great band and they just came out with a new song, let's stop playing Electric Feel and Time to Pretend"
Kings of Leon annoy me too for similar reasons, except I never liked any of their songs
I don't really get sick of music I like unless I listen to it exclusively for a very long period of time. When I was 10 I put The Ramones on loop when playing THPS3, didn't change it for 6 months, and still like the song...

I get quickly sick of stuff I don't really like that seems to be played more than incidentally on the radio / at parties / whatever. This seems in particular to apply to hip hop specifically written so young white pre-teen girls can memorize a dance for the specific song (Two-Step, Soulja Boy, etc). Don't Stop Believin' gets kinda old too.
"Use Somebody" by Kings of Leon gets pretty annoying after a time. And here in Germany, Robbie Williams is the shit so that abit annoying too.

I dont get annoyed by alot though, some radio stuff, thats all.
Fireflies for sure what the hell it's even on radio when I hear it randomly in malls or something

Also fucking Pokerface but that has stopped by now thankfully
I say Pokerface too, my sister has a radio open all the time, and it used to be on a channel that played "the best music possible" ( = top 5 from The Voice or MTV). This equals to that Pokerface played AT LEAST 5 times a day, and I didn't like it much to begin with.

Othervise it's the usual (c)rap that is played nowadays, at my old school there were some kids that played 50 cent and these guys all the time and acted like they were some real gangsters, so I got fed up with it.
:( @ Poker Face hate, love the song...

Well, I'll never get sick of music that I enjoy, so anything I'm sick of is music I like to stay away from.

Owl City, namely Fireflies. Seriously why is everyone in love with this song? Everyone in my town is like 'OMG FIREFLIES' and the local radio plays it all the time. Luckily, the channel I listen to mostly doesn't play it.

Any song by Taylor Swift. Take your half-ass country music off the radio, thanks. Doesn't help every girl is a complete lesbo for Taylor Swift. 'Ommggg I looove Taylor Swift!!'. Then go fuck her don't make me listen to her annoying music about finding the right guy and being happy.

Miley Cyrus Party in the USSR-errrr USA. Thank god her last song was a dump and got barely any radio play, but this shit is on all the time everyone. :(
"Use Somebody" by Kings of Leon gets pretty annoying after a time. And here in Germany, Robbie Williams is the shit so that abit annoying too.

I dont get annoyed by alot though, some radio stuff, thats all.

This. But I can listen to the Paramore cover anytime, even if Hayley sounds like she's dying.

*joins in the Party in the USA hating*

She needs to die now.
God, Party in the USA. My friends listen to it way too much.
It may be time to find new friends.

i'm sick of listening to "I got a feeling" by the Black Eyed Peas. Sure, it was a good song to lsten to on your way to somewhere, but if you're not on a roadtrip there's really no reason to listen to it. Period.