Resource Solomods Megathread

Name of Mod: Mavericks Challenge
Mascot : Porygon

Link to Changes: Rules & Data (writing in progress)

Summary of the Mod: This mod was originally planned as an OM but ended up here thanks to someone's recommendation.
Basically, all parameters involved (except crit and priority) in a move succeed in a backward chronology.

For example, if a mon use Meteor Beam, the attack will happen on the first turn and the SpA boost on the second one ; one-turn offensive moves always have the hit coming last.

Some exceptions remain unchanged because their parameters are inherently related to a condition (like Alluring Voice, Burning Bulwark, Fell Stinger or Substitute).

Competitive Overview : The outcome doesn't change much for statut moves, but becomes interesting for offensive ones : Pivot moves force the users to switch out without hitting, Knock Off removes the target's item then inflicts base damages (because there's no item anymore), and moves with stat variations in favor of the users (Ancient Power, Mystical Power, Torch Song etc...) become much more of a threat as they allow quicker setup for more damages.
Name of Mod: Ponymon Showdown: Battling is Magic
Mascot :
2918289 (1) (1).png

Link to Concept Doc/Changes:


Summary of the Mod: This mod takes characters from the My Little Pony series (the 4th gen in particular) and places them into Pokemon! This mod is based in the mechanics of whatever the latest iteration of National Dex is (with some modifications involved that are detailed in the document). This mod adds these characters into the game as opposed to just having the My Little Pony characters be playable. So interactions such as Twilight Sparkle facing off against Garchomp or Princess Celestia getting paraflinched by Jirachi are possible! Currently there are two metagames I plan to have playable, being Ponymon OU and Ponymon Ubers. Characters designed for this mod are designed and balanced with one of the two metagames in mind. I hope to build a community with this mod and provide something that is enjoyable to both existing Smogon singles players and My Little Pony fans who may or may not be familiar with competitive singles!

This mod adds a total of 36 characters into National Dex, ranging from the Mane 6, to the Princesses of Equestria, and more! More characters can and will be added as I come up with new ideas or receive suggestions!

Competitive Overview: This mod is not playable yet. Now that I have finished the documentation for it, I intend on learning how to code PS as soon as I have the time to do so. I do however have some thoughts on what I have outlined.

Ponymon OU is where the majority of the newly added characters will be legal in and are designed for/balanced around. The BSTs for the characters added are either 550, 580, or 600. I tried my best to make every character viable or balanced within the context of National Dex OU while also making them true to their in series character and fun to play. Buffs and nerfs to pre-existing Pokemon and abilities have been made to enhance certain Pokemon or to account for the new threats. Some mechanical changes have also been made, including a change to the terastalization mechanic, which now requires a newly introduced item to be held in order to activate it.

Ponymon Ubers is where the characters I designed to be on the power level of cover legendaries will be legal in. All characters introduced here have a BST of 680. The characters designed with this metagame in mind are quite powerful as you can imagine, with the characters Princess Celestia, Princess Luna, Princess Cadance, and Future Princess Twilight all having abilities and stats akin to that of Miraidon as an example. The already insane metagame of National Dex Ubers is made even more insane with this metagame!

Further balance changes will be made once the mod is playable. I currently only plan to have Ponymon OU and Ponymon Ubers be the playable metagames, but new metagames are not off the table. For example, I can at some point implement the Student Six and Cutie Mark Crusaders into this mod with an NFE or Little Cup metagame in mind. Once this mod is playable, updates will be made to this section of the post.
Balls Balance
Balls just won as an OM combination, so I thought it would be a good opprotunity to implement some balance changes, as well as finally fixing the sprites and Moon. Here are some notable changes.

+ U-Turn
A small and pretty insignificant buff but Tennisball is currently suffering a lot from competition. It has a lot of cool options such as being tied for the 3rd fastest mon, good abilities such as Aerilate for Hyper Voice and Quick Attack, and Adapatability for Aeroblast, as well as servicible offenses, but there's just not many reasons to use it over other fast offensive mons like Baseball. U-Turn should at least give it utility as a pivot, as the only other user is Cricketball, which is mostly seen as a lead.

- 20 HP + 20 Speed
Watermelon has already gotten a nerf in the removal of Calm Mind, which proved to be too much in combination with Unaware. However, I still felt it was too oppressive as a wall. 129 mixed bulk was higher than basically any other defensive option, which is pretty absurd for an Unaware Water. To prevent it from outclassing other defensive options, I lowered the mixed bulk down to 121. Still pretty bulky but should make players less reliant on it and consider other options.

+ Extreme Speed, Flip Turn, Liquidation
Yes, I just gave this Refrigerate Espeed + pivoting in Flip Turn. Before you call me crazy, Snowball has been generally seen as one of the weakest, if not the weakest ball in the entire metagame. While it has solid abilities, high offenses and speed, and good coverage, its 50 bulk all around made it so it had practically zero switch-ins on any attacks, and made getting it in far more difficult than necessary. Even with its 150 offenses and speed, Ice was not an especially good offensive typing in this meta, as it was only good against Cabbage, Tennisball, Dragonball, and Football. Cabbage had such good special bulk it could usually survive a Blizzard at full health, meanwhile Tennisball and Dragonball weren't exactly that tanky or oppressive to begin with. Football was a good matchup, but it was never in need of a strong counter. Refrigerate Double-Edge could kill a lot of things, but the recoil was too much to bear, so in combination with a weakness to hazards, its glass-cannon spread and Ice typing caused it way more shortcomings than benefits.

However, as flavor and fun is a huge part of Balls, I did not want to change its funny lopsided stat spread. So, I decided to give it both pivoting and Extreme Speed. This gave it a niche in being able to counter faster mons and priority users such as non-Espeed Baseball, Mach Punch Soccerball, and beat the speed tie with Tennisball. Flip Turn can be used to pivot out of bad matchups, while Liquidation allows physical sets to hit Fire types instead of relying on Rock Blast. These options give physical and mixed sets much more viability, while before it primarily ran Specs.

+ Psychic Surge, 10 Attack - 10 SpA, Expanding Force, Synchronize
Crystalball was already a strong option, so it did not need balance changes. In fact, its sky-high SpA stat in combination with its solid bulk and Analytic put it on a watchlist, but it was not seen enough for me to make a decision on it. However, flavor wise, the fact that Psychic Surge is the only field effect ability not in the metagame was a missed opprotunity, and with options such as Extreme Speed Baseball and Stakeout Soccerball with Mach Punch becoming difficult to handle, this is a way to counter them. However, I did not want a repeat of Plasmaball, so I gave it a nerf to its SpA stat so hopefully it won't be too strong with Psychic Surge boosted Psystrikes. It still has Analytic if it prefers power over all its moves.

+ Healing Wish, Wish

Not really a buff and more flavor additions. However, Prankster Healing Wish is pretty funny so I thought it was worth mentioning.

+ Thunder Wave

Once again, more of a flavor addition. Discoball has a pretty shallow movepool so Thunder Wave might be a neat new option, although it's already an incredible wall due to its sheer bulk and Levitate.

+ Knock Off, Rapid Spin, Thunder Wave, Will-O-Wisp
Dragonball has always been awkward to use. It has the biggest movepool out of the entire Balls metagame, while also having 3 very good abilities. However, its stat spread is very awkward, as 50/125/125 bulk is kinda frail in a Ubers-like metagame, and Intimidate barely helped it as its resistances are much more useful on the special side, especially since Watermelon, Plasmaball, and Cabbage only run special attacks, while physical Basketball is uncommon. Dragonball had pretty good 125 offenses, high BP STABs, great set-up moves, and wide coverage, but its awful 50 Speed made it hard to use offensively unless it took advantage of TR or used enough DDs. These move additions won't exactly fix the problem, but it gives it even more utility as role compression, as previously the only spinners were Basketball and Football, although they are admittedly great options that fit on a variety of teams, while Knock Off was exclusive to Virus. Thunder Wave and Will-O-Wisp gives defensive sets a way to deal with strong attackers, although it may struggle to fit them on its set.

That's about it for now! I encourage playtesting in case we need more balance changes, but these should be good enough in preperation for Mix and Mega Balls. As for the sprites, they all have been resized and their backgrounds are removed, and while they are still crummy, they should be silly in a good way instead of being distracting, especially in the teambuilder. Moon is of course fixed now, being renamed to TheMoon.

Update: I forgot Expanding Force on Crystalball lmao
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Name of Mod: ADV DX
Mascot :Golurk:
Link to Changes:
ADV DX Discord:
Summary of the Mod: Originally a theorymon ideas list from the ADV Discord server that quickly evolved into its own thing. The main idea of the solomod is "what if _______ was backported to gen 3" and because of that you'll find alot of stuff like gen 4 evos, kalos starters, and even the newer regis!
Competitive Overview:
Unlike a tier like "Hoenn Gaiden" ADV DX Sets itself apart by having all of its balancing revolving around gen 3 and its mechanics, like backported mons only being allowed to have their first introduced gens movepools and abilities if not available in DX are replaced by already existing gen 3 abilities (IE Porygon Z having Trace over Download)


  • golurk.png
    15.7 KB · Views: 26
Forgot to make this post

Big thanks to Tanny and Copen for bullying me helping me test out bare bones. Here are some changes.

Intimidate: Inflicts a volatile status called "Intimidate", which lowers Atk and SpA by 1.
This will hopefully help mitigate Intim spam.

Exchanger: Now 1.2x speed for 0.8x damage.

Triple Break/Blast: 33 -> 30 BP
Remove: 40 -> 35 BP
Eject: 40 -> 35 BP (stop pushing me around so much dammit)

Not sure how I feel about the nerfs or if there will be any noticeable impact (aside from intim ofc). Feedback is welcome.
Mod name: RideOrDieMons
Mascot: :Pichu::Ursaluna-Bloodmoon: (pretend that Pichu is 1. Spiky-Eared and 2. riding Ursaluna like a bucking bronco)
Summary of mod: Pokémon jousting by riding other Pokémon. Everything included gets to be Calyrex or one of its steeds with minimal changes to each individual mon, just adding some math for how exactly they combine and a new move for all Riders. Players make teams of 3 Riders and 3 Steeds, and in team preview, players get to choose which combinations of each they create.

Every detail is listed in this doc. Have fun, everypony.

Competitive Overview:
No idea. Probably not going to code this but this was very fun to theorycraft. I'd imagine directly synergistic combinations would be quite strong (i.e. Torkoal/Sawsbuck, Iron Bundle/Miraidon, Lilligant-H/Machamp, Toxapex/Sneaseler, Pichu-S/Ursaluna-B). There's also some combinations between non-combinable mons, like Torkoal being able to set up Cherrim's boosts, or Pelipper to activate Swift Swim? Shrug. It's fun to think about the fastest possible way to kill god in this mod.
Name of Mod: Ponymon Showdown: Battling is Magic
Mascot : View attachment 682614

Link to Concept Doc/Changes:


Summary of the Mod: This mod takes characters from the My Little Pony series (the 4th gen in particular) and places them into Pokemon! This mod is based in the mechanics of whatever the latest iteration of National Dex is (with some modifications involved that are detailed in the document). This mod adds these characters into the game as opposed to just having the My Little Pony characters be playable. So interactions such as Twilight Sparkle facing off against Garchomp or Princess Celestia getting paraflinched by Jirachi are possible! Currently there are two metagames I plan to have playable, being Ponymon OU and Ponymon Ubers. Characters designed for this mod are designed and balanced with one of the two metagames in mind. I hope to build a community with this mod and provide something that is enjoyable to both existing Smogon singles players and My Little Pony fans who may or may not be familiar with competitive singles!

This mod adds a total of 36 characters into National Dex, ranging from the Mane 6, to the Princesses of Equestria, and more! More characters can and will be added as I come up with new ideas or receive suggestions!

Competitive Overview: This mod is not playable yet. Now that I have finished the documentation for it, I intend on learning how to code PS as soon as I have the time to do so. I do however have some thoughts on what I have outlined.

Ponymon OU is where the majority of the newly added characters will be legal in and are designed for/balanced around. The BSTs for the characters added are either 550, 580, or 600. I tried my best to make every character viable or balanced within the context of National Dex OU while also making them true to their in series character and fun to play. Buffs and nerfs to pre-existing Pokemon and abilities have been made to enhance certain Pokemon or to account for the new threats. Some mechanical changes have also been made, including a change to the terastalization mechanic, which now requires a newly introduced item to be held in order to activate it.

Ponymon Ubers is where the characters I designed to be on the power level of cover legendaries will be legal in. All characters introduced here have a BST of 680. The characters designed with this metagame in mind are quite powerful as you can imagine, with the characters Princess Celestia, Princess Luna, Princess Cadance, and Future Princess Twilight all having abilities and stats akin to that of Miraidon as an example. The already insane metagame of National Dex Ubers is made even more insane with this metagame!

Further balance changes will be made once the mod is playable. I currently only plan to have Ponymon OU and Ponymon Ubers be the playable metagames, but new metagames are not off the table. For example, I can at some point implement the Student Six and Cutie Mark Crusaders into this mod with an NFE or Little Cup metagame in mind. Once this mod is playable, updates will be made to this section of the post.
Huge follow up post! Every single character being added has been coded in. All signature moves and abilities have also been coded in alongside some changes to pre-existing moves, abilities, and mechanics that are relevant to the roster.

My work is not done yet though. I still have to do the following:
- Finish coding the remaining buffs/nerfs/mechanical changes
- Code in the overhaul to the Terastalization mechanic (making it reliant on an item in the same way Z-Moves and Megas are) (this also involves programming Ogerpon's masks to allow it to tera and making it so that Tera Starstorm allows Terapagos to tera without the use of an item)
- Plan out and code in movepool additions to preexisting Pokemon
- Commission sprites for all the new characters
- Figure out the logistics of actually making this mod playable

My current semester is wrapping up so I will soon have more time to dedicate to getting this mod into a playable state. With all the characters being coded in I thought I would take some time to further elaborate on how the two metagames for this mod might be like, with a bunch of teams I have theorycrafted.

Join the Discord for updates and discussion for this mod!

Please refer to the concept doc here for things such as base stats, relevant changes, and descriptions for new abilities/moves. It will all be relevant to the explanations and teams showcased:

Starting off with Ponymon OU.

26 characters are being dropped into the National Dex OU metagame, with 5 unbans from National Dex Ubers and 9 Pokemon from National Dex Ubers being tested. The metagame on release is likely going to be a bit hectic, with Ubers drops getting rebanned and the new character inclusions needing potential buffs or nerfs.

Here is a bunch of theorycrafting with potential teams alongside. Full disclosure, the vast majority of the teams I put together are based on preexisting gen 9 Natdex teams I have saved, including current/old sample teams and teams from the team Bazaar.
(Autumn Blaze sun)

Sun teams get some pretty strong additions here. Autumn Blaze has the combination of Chlorophyll, Flare Blitz, a Grass/Fire typing, and a 120 base Attack stat. Sunburst's signature move, Sunburst's Weather Abjuration, is Chilly Reception but with Sun instead of Snow. Sunburst can either run a Regenerator set with his signature move or just run Drought alongside a pivoting move. He can be ran as the sole Sun setter on a team or be a secondary Sun setter alongside Torkoal or Zard Y. Then there is Sunset Shimmer, a Fire/Psychic special attacker with Magic Guard. Variety of ways you can run her under Sun such as Life Orb, Choice Scarf, or Choice Specs. Characters not on this team such as Ember and Spitfire can potentially fit on some Sun teams, both being offensive characters with Fire as one of their types, and Applejack has Chlorophyll as one of her abilities. Gouging Fire and Walking Wake are also among the preexisting mons getting unbanned/tested in this metagame. With all this in mind, I can see Sun being a very strong archetype in the metagame, especially early on.

(Maud Pie Sand)

What if Barraskewda had a Sand equivalent? That's Maud Pie in this mod. Her signature move, Boulder Toss, is a 50 BP Rock move that hits twice and is 100% accurate, so Maud won't be worrying about Rock Slide or Stone Edge misses! She can pivot out with U Turn and overall has some decent coverage options in her movepool. She gets both Sand Force and Sand Rush so there are two ways in which you can run her on Sand teams! Sand as a whole isn't getting as much in comparison to Sun, but Maud Pie might make running Sand structures more worth it. Teams centering around Ttar or Mega Ttar will also very much appreciate having her as a teammate.

(Queen Novo rain)

Rain in National Dex is quite strong as is with Skewda, Mega Pert, Arch, and mons that appreciate having their Hurricanes and Thunders be accurate. In this mod, Queen Novo is the big addition for Rain teams. Her seapony form is a Water/Fairy type with Swift Swim and a 124 base Special Attack. Her signature move, Ritual of Aris, boosts her highest attacking stat by two stages while healing any status conditions. All these traits would make her quite a good pick for Rain teams. You can either run boosting sets with her under Rain or go for a Specs oriented set. On this theoretical team, you may have noticed that she is running Sparkling Aria as opposed to something like Scald, Surf, or Hydro Pump. That's because Sparkling Aria has been buffed in this mod. Instead of curing targets of Burn, Sparkling Aria now lowers the Attack stat of the target by one stage. It is essentially a stronger version of Chilling Water now. Rainbow Dash is the other addition that would likely fit on Rain Structures, with a base 145 speed stat and STAB Hurricane/Thunder. With Speed Boost as an ability, she has the potential to snowball after a Nasty Plot. Rainbow Dash in this mod as a whole is quite versatile with her movepool, stat spread, and usable abilities. Rain will continue to remain a strong archetype within the metagame of this mod.

(Zecora Grassy Terrain HO)
(Trixie Midnight Terrain Offense)
(Electric Terrain with Z Celebrate Vinyl)

Midnight Terrain is a new field effect introduced in this mod. Trixie Lulamoon is the one character in the metagame that has an ability which sets it up on switch in. This terrain boosts Dark type moves by 1.3x, increases the accuracy of sleep moves by 1.1x, halves the base power of Close Combat, and increases the healing done by the move Moonlight. Trixie's signature move is a 60 BP Dark pivoting move which doubles in power when used under Midnight Terrain. Dark types and Fighting weak mons will very much appreciate this terrain effect. As a counterbalance to the increased offensive potential of Dark types in this mod, the ability Justified has been buffed to provide a Dark type immunity on top of its effect of boosting Attack when struck by a Dark type attack. As for the preexisting terrains, Tempest Shadow, Rarity, Zecora, and Twilight Sparkle all have terrain setting abilities. Tempest has Electric Surge, Rarity has Misty Surge, Zecora has Grassy Surge, and Twilight has Psychic Surge. All of these characters can run other abilities as well, with Rarity and Tempest in particular likely preferring to run one of their other abilities over terrain setting. Twilight and Zecora on the other hand greatly benefit from setting their own terrain. Twilight is essentially a faster version of Tapu Lele with more coverage options and Zecora is a Special Attacking equivalent of Tapu Bulu and Rillaboom, with a Special Attacking variant of Grassy Glide as her signature move. Misty Terrain has also received a major buff in this mod. Instead of decreasing the base power of Dragon type moves by half, Misty Terrain now decreases the base power of Steel type moves by half. On top of that, Fairy type moves now have their power increased by 1.3x while under Misty Terrain. The blanket immunity to status effects is maintained. Dedicated or partial terrain structures will likely thrive in this metagame.

Hyper Offense
(Lead Fluttershy HO)
(Spike and Thorax screens HO)

Yeah there quite a few characters in this mod capable of being set up sweepers. Thorax, Ember, and Novo all have signature moves which boost stats while also curing status conditions, similar to Manaphy's Take Heart. Spike has the Mold Breaker ability (after transforming into his future form on switch-in) and can run either Special or Physical sweeping sets. There are more characters that are capable of running boosting sets but those are the most prominent ones I wanted to mention. Fluttershy can also function as a decent lead on certain HO structures, with the ability to set both rocks and webs while having a decent speed tier. She can be run as a suicide lead or be preserved throughout the match. With tera being reworked the way it is in this mod, it will not have the overbearing effects it has had on the current National Dex metagame. Tera requiring a specific held item makes the mechanic much less desirable to use as many mons would rather maintain a different held item. Volcarona would vastly prefer running boots, Kyurem wouldn't want to sacrifice having lefties, boots, specs, scarf, or dice depending on the set, Urshifu wouldn't want to sacrifice being able to hold scarf, glove, or band, etc. There is now further opportunity cost to tera on top of it being a once per game use. Some mons may not mind holding the dedicated tera item in this game, Kingambit comes to mind as an example. But they still have to sacrifice utility other items would provide or avoids broken combinations such as Kingambit being able to tera while holding Black Glasses. Most of the new character additions will also strongly prefer holding on to a different item as opposed to running tera.

Balance and Offense
(Pinkie Pie double Protean balance)
(Celaeno Sharpness spam)
(Starlight Glimmer balance)
(Rarity bulky offense)
(Applejack offense)

Lots of stuff here for balance and offensive structures to work with. Protean is unnerfed (not Libero) meaning double (or even triple!) Protean cores can potentially be viable. There are some strong wallbreakers, Starlight Glimmer in particular being very strong with a 160 base Special Attack stat, Adaptability, and her signature move Glimmering Beam, a 140 base power Psychic move which cannot be used twice in a row. Starlight is pretty slow, so she will be relying on bulky pivots to safely switch her in. Rarity can provide utility while also being threatening to certain mons. This is due to her signature ability and signature move, Heart of Diamond and Raining Diamonds. Her ability grants her an immunity to Steel type attacks and her signature move is a Rock type attack which deals super effective damage to Steel types. Ironically enough, some of the most relevant Steel types have a secondary typing that is already weak to Rock. Heatran, Corviknight, and Scizor in particular now have a 4x weakness to worry about thanks to Rarity. Rarity is able to pressure or threaten Steel types, allowing her to provide utility or safely switch in against many mons that would have otherwise threatened her. I will be interested in seeing how offense and balance structures incorporate all the new additions!

(Derpy Hooves stall)

Stall is probably still viable here. Granted the vast majority of the characters introduced are designed with offensive roles in mind or providing utility/support for offensive teammates. Derpy Hooves here is an exception. I imagine she will have utility on other playstyles but stall is definitely the playstyle where she shines. She can either be a physical Unaware wall or a special Unaware wall. She can also run Regenerator. I am not sure how well stall will do in this metagame compared to National Dex. It will probably be fine and there may be other characters introduced here that may be viable on stall structures but I admittedly am not experienced enough with stall to know how well the style will do in this metagame.

Then there is Ponymon Ubers. Ponymon Ubers has 8 characters being introduced. 4 preexisting mons will be unbanned and Mega Rayquaza will be tested. There is a good chance the characters introduced here may be a bit too much and will requires nerfs but we'll see how things pan out.

Here is a bunch of theorycrafting for the Ponymon Ubers metagame. As with the OU section, the vast majority of the teams I put together are based on preexisting gen 9 Natdex Ubers teams I have saved, including current/old sample teams and teams from the team Bazaar.
(Celestia and Luna HO)
(Discord Trick Room)
(Twilight PsyTerrain)
(Cadance Misty Terrain)
(Luna Midnight Terrain)

With there being only 8 characters to cover here, I can go into some detail for all of them. To start off we have the princesses of Equestria; Princess Celestia, Princess Luna, Princess Cadance, and Princess Twilight. Twilight Sparkle is already available for use in the OU metagame, however, she has an alternate form that is designed for use here in Ponymon Ubers. All four princesses share the same stat distribution and all summon a field effect. Their abilities are based directly off of Miraidon and Koraidon's abilities, Hadron Engine in particular due to these abilities boosting the user's special attack while under their respective field effects. On top of that, their signature moves all benefit from the field effect summoned. Princess Celestia summons Sun, Princess Luna summons Midnight Terrain, Princess Cadance summons Misty Terrain, and Princess Twilight summons Psychic Terrain. All four share the Fairy typing as a secondary ability, with Princess Celestia being Fire/Fairy, Princess Luna being Dark/Fairy, Princess Cadance being Rock/Fairy, and Princess Twilight being Psychic/Fairy. Based on how metagame defining Koraidon and Miraidon have been in the metagames they occupy or have occupied, I believe it is safe to say that these four will also be highly influential on the metagame.

Alongside the princesses, this metagame will also be occupied by Discord, Lord Tirek, Queen Chrysalis, and King Sombra. These four characters share the Dark typing but play differently from one another. Discord's ability, Spirit of Chaos, summons Trick Room and boosts the base power of his Dark type moves. You may be wondering why his speed stat is so high despite summoning Trick Room, and that is because I felt he would be too overbearing if he had a speed stat that nearly guarantees him outspeeding the entire metagame with a minus speed nature and 0 speed IVs. He will still probably outspeed a good portion of the tier while under Trick Room but not to an unreasonable degree. Since he summons Trick Room on switch in, he can be of great support to Trick Room structures. After setting Trick Room, he can pivot out and the incoming teammate will have an additional turn of Trick Room to abuse compared to what they would get under manual Trick Room.

Lord Tirek is a bulky sweeper, with high defensive stats and offensive stats. His signature ability is essentially a clone of Beast Boost, granting him a boost to his highest stat after each KO. He only has 50 base speed and no way of increasing such, which can be exploited, but it will be very hard to switch into any of his attacks. His signature move is a clone of Oblivion Wing but with the Dark typing.

Bug types in Ubers have almost never been good. For that reason, Queen Chrysalis has a lot of traits to make up for that. She is a Bug/Dark type and her signature ability combines the effects of Tinted Lens and Sheer Force, with moves boosted by her ability still maintaining their secondary effects. Her Signature move is a 90 BP Bug type attack that has a 50% chance to inflict the target with Burn. The Fairy typing also no longer resists Bug in this mod (the only change to the type chart here), making her signature move a lot more spammable. She can run physical or special sets, with special sets likely being superior. She will be very difficult to switch into with the tools at her disposal, but her typing is still exploitable defensively.

King Sombra is a Ghost/Dark type mixed attacker with an ability that lowers the opponent's Defense and Special Defense every time he enters the field. His ability also chips the opponent of 1/8 of their max health if they are asleep while he is on the field. His signature move is a 90 BP Dark type attack which inflicts the target with Torment. Sombra will be able to take on a variety of offensive roles in this metagame, with his ability putting pressure on the opposing Pokemon everytime he switches in.

These 8 additions are all absurd in their own ways so I am curious to see how this metagame develops around their inclusions. The fact that Justified has been buffed to provide a Dark type immunity might allow for some interesting niches to come up with non Ubers Pokemon and ponies!

I will continue to work on what is left to complete for this mod. It has been quite the experience getting everything together, as I have never programmed anything in my entire life before. This whole process has been a lot easier than I was anticipating. A huge thanks to Rass, BlueRay, and Fragmented from the Discord for helping me out whenever I was having trouble with something! (I don't know how to @ people on here I guess I will figure that out when making edits to this post). I hope this overview gives a better glimpse as to what these metagames may be like and potentially has you more interested in this mod!

(artwork by Alexia Tryfon from 'The Art of My Little Pony: The Movie')

OK, folks, it is time....for my second Solomod!

Mascot: View attachment 679971 & View attachment 679972
We fought with the Pokémon....and we clashed with the virtual pets, the Digimon. had ever dared to see the hidden potential in the monsters that inspired them...the Tamagotchi!
This micrometa contains 292 300 Tamagotchi characters, consisting of nearly every single Adult form non-secret Tamagotchi that has ever appeared in a mainline Tamagotchi release! Terastalization is banned. (8 extra Tamagotchi were added as part of Tamagotchi's 28th Birthday!)


This mod has not been completed yet, but is playable: All 292 300 Tamagotchis have their stats and abilities ready to go, with only their movepools being incomplete, but they're still functional (As of now, a large majority of them only know STAB TM moves and universal TM moves, alongside any custom moves they might have)

To celebrate, Pokémon Let's Go! Tamagotchi! has gained eight brand new Tamagotchis, bringing the total up to an even 300!

Welcome to Showdown, Santaclauitchi, Giftchi, Chubby Angel, Harukazeitchi, Young Dorotchi, Telelin, Pashalin, and Anemoriritchi!
Here's to 28 years of raising virtual pets, with the hidden monsters that inspired the Digimon themselves!

(By the way, we're still looking for someone to code it into Showdown, everything's ready for a first version!)
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Huge follow up post! Every single character being added has been coded in. All signature moves and abilities have also been coded in alongside some changes to pre-existing moves, abilities, and mechanics that are relevant to the roster.

My work is not done yet though. I still have to do the following:
- Finish coding the remaining buffs/nerfs/mechanical changes
- Code in the overhaul to the Terastalization mechanic (making it reliant on an item in the same way Z-Moves and Megas are) (this also involves programming Ogerpon's masks to allow it to tera and making it so that Tera Starstorm allows Terapagos to tera without the use of an item)
- Plan out and code in movepool additions to preexisting Pokemon
- Commission sprites for all the new characters
- Figure out the logistics of actually making this mod playable

My current semester is wrapping up so I will soon have more time to dedicate to getting this mod into a playable state. With all the characters being coded in I thought I would take some time to further elaborate on how the two metagames for this mod might be like, with a bunch of teams I have theorycrafted.

Join the Discord for updates and discussion for this mod!

Please refer to the concept doc here for things such as base stats, relevant changes, and descriptions for new abilities/moves. It will all be relevant to the explanations and teams showcased:

Starting off with Ponymon OU.

26 characters are being dropped into the National Dex OU metagame, with 5 unbans from National Dex Ubers and 9 Pokemon from National Dex Ubers being tested. The metagame on release is likely going to be a bit hectic, with Ubers drops getting rebanned and the new character inclusions needing potential buffs or nerfs.

Here is a bunch of theorycrafting with potential teams alongside. Full disclosure, the vast majority of the teams I put together are based on preexisting gen 9 Natdex teams I have saved, including current/old sample teams and teams from the team Bazaar.
(Autumn Blaze sun)

Sun teams get some pretty strong additions here. Autumn Blaze has the combination of Chlorophyll, Flare Blitz, a Grass/Fire typing, and a 120 base Attack stat. Sunburst's signature move, Sunburst's Weather Abjuration, is Chilly Reception but with Sun instead of Snow. Sunburst can either run a Regenerator set with his signature move or just run Drought alongside a pivoting move. He can be ran as the sole Sun setter on a team or be a secondary Sun setter alongside Torkoal or Zard Y. Then there is Sunset Shimmer, a Fire/Psychic special attacker with Magic Guard. Variety of ways you can run her under Sun such as Life Orb, Choice Scarf, or Choice Specs. Characters not on this team such as Ember and Spitfire can potentially fit on some Sun teams, both being offensive characters with Fire as one of their types, and Applejack has Chlorophyll as one of her abilities. Gouging Fire and Walking Wake are also among the preexisting mons getting unbanned/tested in this metagame. With all this in mind, I can see Sun being a very strong archetype in the metagame, especially early on.

(Maud Pie Sand)

What if Barraskewda had a Sand equivalent? That's Maud Pie in this mod. Her signature move, Boulder Toss, is a 50 BP Rock move that hits twice and is 100% accurate, so Maud won't be worrying about Rock Slide or Stone Edge misses! She can pivot out with U Turn and overall has some decent coverage options in her movepool. She gets both Sand Force and Sand Rush so there are two ways in which you can run her on Sand teams! Sand as a whole isn't getting as much in comparison to Sun, but Maud Pie might make running Sand structures more worth it. Teams centering around Ttar or Mega Ttar will also very much appreciate having her as a teammate.

(Queen Novo rain)

Rain in National Dex is quite strong as is with Skewda, Mega Pert, Arch, and mons that appreciate having their Hurricanes and Thunders be accurate. In this mod, Queen Novo is the big addition for Rain teams. Her seapony form is a Water/Fairy type with Swift Swim and a 124 base Special Attack. Her signature move, Ritual of Aris, boosts her highest attacking stat by two stages while healing any status conditions. All these traits would make her quite a good pick for Rain teams. You can either run boosting sets with her under Rain or go for a Specs oriented set. On this theoretical team, you may have noticed that she is running Sparkling Aria as opposed to something like Scald, Surf, or Hydro Pump. That's because Sparkling Aria has been buffed in this mod. Instead of curing targets of Burn, Sparkling Aria now lowers the Attack stat of the target by one stage. It is essentially a stronger version of Chilling Water now. Rainbow Dash is the other addition that would likely fit on Rain Structures, with a base 145 speed stat and STAB Hurricane/Thunder. With Speed Boost as an ability, she has the potential to snowball after a Nasty Plot. Rainbow Dash in this mod as a whole is quite versatile with her movepool, stat spread, and usable abilities. Rain will continue to remain a strong archetype within the metagame of this mod.

(Zecora Grassy Terrain HO)
(Trixie Midnight Terrain Offense)
(Electric Terrain with Z Celebrate Vinyl)

Midnight Terrain is a new field effect introduced in this mod. Trixie Lulamoon is the one character in the metagame that has an ability which sets it up on switch in. This terrain boosts Dark type moves by 1.3x, increases the accuracy of sleep moves by 1.1x, halves the base power of Close Combat, and increases the healing done by the move Moonlight. Trixie's signature move is a 60 BP Dark pivoting move which doubles in power when used under Midnight Terrain. Dark types and Fighting weak mons will very much appreciate this terrain effect. As a counterbalance to the increased offensive potential of Dark types in this mod, the ability Justified has been buffed to provide a Dark type immunity on top of its effect of boosting Attack when struck by a Dark type attack. As for the preexisting terrains, Tempest Shadow, Rarity, Zecora, and Twilight Sparkle all have terrain setting abilities. Tempest has Electric Surge, Rarity has Misty Surge, Zecora has Grassy Surge, and Twilight has Psychic Surge. All of these characters can run other abilities as well, with Rarity and Tempest in particular likely preferring to run one of their other abilities over terrain setting. Twilight and Zecora on the other hand greatly benefit from setting their own terrain. Twilight is essentially a faster version of Tapu Lele with more coverage options and Zecora is a Special Attacking equivalent of Tapu Bulu and Rillaboom, with a Special Attacking variant of Grassy Glide as her signature move. Misty Terrain has also received a major buff in this mod. Instead of decreasing the base power of Dragon type moves by half, Misty Terrain now decreases the base power of Steel type moves by half. On top of that, Fairy type moves now have their power increased by 1.3x while under Misty Terrain. The blanket immunity to status effects is maintained. Dedicated or partial terrain structures will likely thrive in this metagame.

Hyper Offense
(Lead Fluttershy HO)
(Spike and Thorax screens HO)

Yeah there quite a few characters in this mod capable of being set up sweepers. Thorax, Ember, and Novo all have signature moves which boost stats while also curing status conditions, similar to Manaphy's Take Heart. Spike has the Mold Breaker ability (after transforming into his future form on switch-in) and can run either Special or Physical sweeping sets. There are more characters that are capable of running boosting sets but those are the most prominent ones I wanted to mention. Fluttershy can also function as a decent lead on certain HO structures, with the ability to set both rocks and webs while having a decent speed tier. She can be run as a suicide lead or be preserved throughout the match. With tera being reworked the way it is in this mod, it will not have the overbearing effects it has had on the current National Dex metagame. Tera requiring a specific held item makes the mechanic much less desirable to use as many mons would rather maintain a different held item. Volcarona would vastly prefer running boots, Kyurem wouldn't want to sacrifice having lefties, boots, specs, scarf, or dice depending on the set, Urshifu wouldn't want to sacrifice being able to hold scarf, glove, or band, etc. There is now further opportunity cost to tera on top of it being a once per game use. Some mons may not mind holding the dedicated tera item in this game, Kingambit comes to mind as an example. But they still have to sacrifice utility other items would provide or avoids broken combinations such as Kingambit being able to tera while holding Black Glasses. Most of the new character additions will also strongly prefer holding on to a different item as opposed to running tera.

Balance and Offense
(Pinkie Pie double Protean balance)
(Celaeno Sharpness spam)
(Starlight Glimmer balance)
(Rarity bulky offense)
(Applejack offense)

Lots of stuff here for balance and offensive structures to work with. Protean is unnerfed (not Libero) meaning double (or even triple!) Protean cores can potentially be viable. There are some strong wallbreakers, Starlight Glimmer in particular being very strong with a 160 base Special Attack stat, Adaptability, and her signature move Glimmering Beam, a 140 base power Psychic move which cannot be used twice in a row. Starlight is pretty slow, so she will be relying on bulky pivots to safely switch her in. Rarity can provide utility while also being threatening to certain mons. This is due to her signature ability and signature move, Heart of Diamond and Raining Diamonds. Her ability grants her an immunity to Steel type attacks and her signature move is a Rock type attack which deals super effective damage to Steel types. Ironically enough, some of the most relevant Steel types have a secondary typing that is already weak to Rock. Heatran, Corviknight, and Scizor in particular now have a 4x weakness to worry about thanks to Rarity. Rarity is able to pressure or threaten Steel types, allowing her to provide utility or safely switch in against many mons that would have otherwise threatened her. I will be interested in seeing how offense and balance structures incorporate all the new additions!

(Derpy Hooves stall)

Stall is probably still viable here. Granted the vast majority of the characters introduced are designed with offensive roles in mind or providing utility/support for offensive teammates. Derpy Hooves here is an exception. I imagine she will have utility on other playstyles but stall is definitely the playstyle where she shines. She can either be a physical Unaware wall or a special Unaware wall. She can also run Regenerator. I am not sure how well stall will do in this metagame compared to National Dex. It will probably be fine and there may be other characters introduced here that may be viable on stall structures but I admittedly am not experienced enough with stall to know how well the style will do in this metagame.

Then there is Ponymon Ubers. Ponymon Ubers has 8 characters being introduced. 4 preexisting mons will be unbanned and Mega Rayquaza will be tested. There is a good chance the characters introduced here may be a bit too much and will requires nerfs but we'll see how things pan out.

Here is a bunch of theorycrafting for the Ponymon Ubers metagame. As with the OU section, the vast majority of the teams I put together are based on preexisting gen 9 Natdex Ubers teams I have saved, including current/old sample teams and teams from the team Bazaar.
(Celestia and Luna HO)
(Discord Trick Room)
(Twilight PsyTerrain)
(Cadance Misty Terrain)
(Luna Midnight Terrain)

With there being only 8 characters to cover here, I can go into some detail for all of them. To start off we have the princesses of Equestria; Princess Celestia, Princess Luna, Princess Cadance, and Princess Twilight. Twilight Sparkle is already available for use in the OU metagame, however, she has an alternate form that is designed for use here in Ponymon Ubers. All four princesses share the same stat distribution and all summon a field effect. Their abilities are based directly off of Miraidon and Koraidon's abilities, Hadron Engine in particular due to these abilities boosting the user's special attack while under their respective field effects. On top of that, their signature moves all benefit from the field effect summoned. Princess Celestia summons Sun, Princess Luna summons Midnight Terrain, Princess Cadance summons Misty Terrain, and Princess Twilight summons Psychic Terrain. All four share the Fairy typing as a secondary ability, with Princess Celestia being Fire/Fairy, Princess Luna being Dark/Fairy, Princess Cadance being Rock/Fairy, and Princess Twilight being Psychic/Fairy. Based on how metagame defining Koraidon and Miraidon have been in the metagames they occupy or have occupied, I believe it is safe to say that these four will also be highly influential on the metagame.

Alongside the princesses, this metagame will also be occupied by Discord, Lord Tirek, Queen Chrysalis, and King Sombra. These four characters share the Dark typing but play differently from one another. Discord's ability, Spirit of Chaos, summons Trick Room and boosts the base power of his Dark type moves. You may be wondering why his speed stat is so high despite summoning Trick Room, and that is because I felt he would be too overbearing if he had a speed stat that nearly guarantees him outspeeding the entire metagame with a minus speed nature and 0 speed IVs. He will still probably outspeed a good portion of the tier while under Trick Room but not to an unreasonable degree. Since he summons Trick Room on switch in, he can be of great support to Trick Room structures. After setting Trick Room, he can pivot out and the incoming teammate will have an additional turn of Trick Room to abuse compared to what they would get under manual Trick Room.

Lord Tirek is a bulky sweeper, with high defensive stats and offensive stats. His signature ability is essentially a clone of Beast Boost, granting him a boost to his highest stat after each KO. He only has 50 base speed and no way of increasing such, which can be exploited, but it will be very hard to switch into any of his attacks. His signature move is a clone of Oblivion Wing but with the Dark typing.

Bug types in Ubers have almost never been good. For that reason, Queen Chrysalis has a lot of traits to make up for that. She is a Bug/Dark type and her signature ability combines the effects of Tinted Lens and Sheer Force, with moves boosted by her ability still maintaining their secondary effects. Her Signature move is a 90 BP Bug type attack that has a 50% chance to inflict the target with Burn. The Fairy typing also no longer resists Bug in this mod (the only change to the type chart here), making her signature move a lot more spammable. She can run physical or special sets, with special sets likely being superior. She will be very difficult to switch into with the tools at her disposal, but her typing is still exploitable defensively.

King Sombra is a Ghost/Dark type mixed attacker with an ability that lowers the opponent's Defense and Special Defense every time he enters the field. His ability also chips the opponent of 1/8 of their max health if they are asleep while he is on the field. His signature move is a 90 BP Dark type attack which inflicts the target with Torment. Sombra will be able to take on a variety of offensive roles in this metagame, with his ability putting pressure on the opposing Pokemon everytime he switches in.

These 8 additions are all absurd in their own ways so I am curious to see how this metagame develops around their inclusions. The fact that Justified has been buffed to provide a Dark type immunity might allow for some interesting niches to come up with non Ubers Pokemon and ponies!

I will continue to work on what is left to complete for this mod. It has been quite the experience getting everything together, as I have never programmed anything in my entire life before. This whole process has been a lot easier than I was anticipating. A huge thanks to Rass, BlueRay, and Fragmented from the Discord for helping me out whenever I was having trouble with something! (I don't know how to @ people on here I guess I will figure that out when making edits to this post). I hope this overview gives a better glimpse as to what these metagames may be like and potentially has you more interested in this mod!

(artwork by Alexia Tryfon from 'The Art of My Little Pony: The Movie')

View attachment 689139
Ponymon Showdown is now LIVE on

Join the Discord to find matches:

Check out the documentation:

This mod currently has sprites but they are not final! The sprites being utilized currently are vectors traced from the show or from Hasbro (credits to the Vector creators in the documentation). Sprites in the style of BW/BW2 will be commissioned in the near future!

The post that is being replied to has a bunch of teams I theorycrafted that you can try out. Going to be monitoring what ponies need to be nerfed/buffed and which freed Ubers need to be rebanned. I have a couple of plans for things to add in the future such as more characters, signature Z moves, and megas for the mane 6. I will not make any new additions until I got all the sprites for the release roster complete. There may also be some issues that I will need to address (someone pointed out that move descriptions aren't showing up for example).

Hope you guys enjoy the mod! This is my first ever mod and its been a really fun journey to get to this point. Had these ideas floating around in my head after I finished watching Friendship is Magic last year and am really happy to have made it all a reality!

Good news, everyone! I've perfected Oriva...kind of.
You see...after finally gaining access to the Smogon Pet Mod Discord Server, I was eager to show Pokémon North, South, East, and West to an offical server...but the viewers said that the 1248 Pokémon were not only too complicated to program, but also it hampered those trying to learn it: With so many options available, they would'nt know who to choose!
Therefore, we are making the decision to convert this micrometa into a wave based format. The new Pokémon, types, abilities, and moves will now be distributed across many different waves, with the first wave only having 20 of the 465 fully evolved Pokémon in the Oriva Region: With fewer Pokémon and mechanics, it should not only make balancing new Pokémon a lot easier, but the new additions can also be adapted into the metagame easily!
That being said, we eventually aim to have all 465 fully evolved Pokémon be eventually part of the Solomod. You can view the new database and the Discord below: The original post has also been updated accordingly. You can still view the original database over at both the Pokécommunity Forums and the solomod's Discord Server.
And so...the journey restarts. Hopefully, someone can properly code it in this time!
Ponymon Showdown is now LIVE on

Join the Discord to find matches:

Check out the documentation:

This mod currently has sprites but they are not final! The sprites being utilized currently are vectors traced from the show or from Hasbro (credits to the Vector creators in the documentation). Sprites in the style of BW/BW2 will be commissioned in the near future!

The post that is being replied to has a bunch of teams I theorycrafted that you can try out. Going to be monitoring what ponies need to be nerfed/buffed and which freed Ubers need to be rebanned. I have a couple of plans for things to add in the future such as more characters, signature Z moves, and megas for the mane 6. I will not make any new additions until I got all the sprites for the release roster complete. There may also be some issues that I will need to address (someone pointed out that move descriptions aren't showing up for example).

Hope you guys enjoy the mod! This is my first ever mod and its been a really fun journey to get to this point. Had these ideas floating around in my head after I finished watching Friendship is Magic last year and am really happy to have made it all a reality!
Quite a few things have been changed with Ponymon ever since the mod went live.

Since release I have gotten the teambuilder to display properly, fixed some issues and oversights regarding certain clauses and rules, and have fixed a bunch of unintentional interactions.

Most importantly there have also been some balance changes, with the latest update being the first dedicated balance update.

For starters, nearly two days after the mod went live, Vinyl Scratch had to be quick nerfed. She had the combination of Boomburst and Galvanize, which was immediately obvious as being broken. I don't know what I was cooking there. She had Boomburst removed from her moveset and instead had her signature move turned into a 100 BP sound based Normal type move. Basically a weaker Boomburst. Significantly more manageable.

In the dedicated balance update, two ponies had stat redistributions: Starlight Glimmer and Spitfire. Both had their stat spread readjusted to make them more manageable. Starlight in particular was made slower, as her Speed was too high for the dedicated wallbreaker role she plays. She also had her Special Attack reduced. She can still hit extremely high damage thresholds but she shouldn't be as insane anymore.

Two moves got nerfed, being Great and Powerful Exit and Ornithian Blade. GPE, originally was a 60 BP pivoting move that would double in power while under Midnight Terrain (Dark type themed terrain). Combined with the 1.3x boost, this move would hit extremely high damage thresholds, with Choice Banded variants of Trixie (Pony with the move) hitting Ting Lu for 30%. The move had its BP increased to 65 and had the doubling effect removed. Orinithian Blade is a Steel type move and is the signature move of Captain Celaeno, who has the Sharpness ability. The move originally had a BP of 90, which with the Sharpness boost made it hit a BP of 130. With Celaeno being a fast physical sweeper, this was a bit much, so the BP was reduced to 70.

Then there are some ability pool adjustments.

Spitfire had Rock Head replaced with Intimidate. Rock Head was just too much for a fast physical sweeper with Flare Blitz and Brave Bird.
Fluttershy had Serene Grace replaced with Anticipation. She is a relatively fast character that can induce paralysis with Glare. Even though this was not really abused due to Fluttershy typically being ran as a role compression/support teammate, it is definitely something I wanted to avoid having be an issue, so I just removed Serene Grace.

There were some other movepool adjustments, most notably Rainbow Dash having Nasty Plot removed and Spike having Extreme Speed removed.

The master documentation is up to date with all the changes and also includes a changelog at the very end.

I have been really enjoying how this mod has been developing. Teambuilding has also been pretty fun with what is available here. Here is a small team dump for anyone interested in getting into this mod!

As for what I am keeping an eye on now, some of the unbans may be problematic. Gouging Fire and Spectrier in particular are somewhat concerning. Then there are the weather sweepers in this metagame, who are all pretty strong. I will continue to monitor these threats and anything else comes up.

Feel free to join the Discord to give this mod a try and get involved with the development of the metagames!
This is an ever-lasting WIP.
La mascota: View attachment 634754Embolake :))))))

Basically, me in 2022 had the really clever and original idea and definitely it was first time ever someone had done something like that:

Make a fakemon region Solomod.

Imagine you are a Pokemon Trainer in the beautiful [WOOMOD REGION] and you talk to Professor Moretto, the most beautiful and charming individual of the region who is also very funny clever and good to be around. He gives you three options for starters: Shalily, Reaver and Pyrinus. And so, your journey starts!!!!

:skarmory: :bergmite: :avalugg: :bounsweet: :steenee: :tsareena: :sandshrew: :sandslash: :surskit: :masquerain: :houndour: :houndoom: :fidough: :dachsbun: :greavard: :houndstone: :pawniard: :bisharp: :kingambit: :honedge: :doublade: :aegislash: :gulpin: :swalot: :skorupi: :drapion: :voltorb: :electrode: :electrike: :manectric: :glimmet: :glimmora: :tyrogue: :hitmonlee: :hitmonchan: :hitmontop: :vulpix: :ninetales: :snover: :abomasnow: :kabuto: :kabutops: :anorith: :armaldo: :meowth: :persian: :pikachu: :raichu: :mantyke: :mantine: :landorus: :thundurus: :tornadus: :litwick: :lampent: :chandelure: :stonjourner: :orthworm: :makuhita: :hariyama: :rhyhorn: :rhydon: :rhyperior: :corsola: :chi-yu: :cryogonal: :happiny: :chansey: :Blissey: :dratini: :dragonair: :dragonite:

Some highlights (GIFs are placeholders):
/ --
90 | 95 | 80 | 95 | 80 | 80
Notable Moves: Play Rough, Moonblast, Taunt, Will-o-Wisp, Parting Shot, Wish, Healing Wish, U-Turn, Nasty Plot, Poltergeist (good with Skull form)

Spilish has a fairly bland movepool with some interesting options, but the thing that makes it special is how it has multiple forms. It's the region's Rotom, but instead of appliances, it possesses hats. Each of its forms has access to a special move and an extra type, making it an interesting pick when paired with the right team.

Strawhat: +Seed Flare, +Grass
Party Hat: +Overheat, +Fire
Cap: +Surging Strikes, +Water
Tophat: +Ceaseless Edge, +Dark
Beanie: +Glacial Lance, +Ice
Skull: +Astral Barrage, +Ghost


120 | 76 | 80 | 90 | 100 | 61
Notable Moves: Draco Meteor, Ice Beam, Flamethrower, Thunderbolt, Spikes, Rapid Spin, Flip Turn, Earthquake, Body Press

Regenerator fatmon that can run Assault Vest and work as a hazard removal mon. Dragon-type is also great and it has pivoting or Spikes if its needed. However, no recovery for it, unfortunately (bro got hit by the Fanum Tax)

/ Dragon
95 | 80 | 85 | 100 | 70 | 75
Flash Fire | Steam Engine | Poison Heal
Notable Moves: Scald, Hydro Pump, Draco Meteor, Calm Mind, Recover, Ice Beam, Flamethrower

PHealmon with strong STABs and setup that can fare well against most of the fakemon in the mod, but is completely nullified by Armadream or Cap Spilish and is very weak to any Ice-types because of the Freeze-Dry distribution. However, it's still very good.

Dark / Fighting
80 / 130 / 80 / 60 / 70 / 80
Grassy Surge
Notable Moves: Knock Off, U-Turn, Close Combat, Sucker Punch, Earthquake, Grassy Glide, Bulk Up, Drain Punch

Choice Scarf / Choice Band pivot that holds the biggest Attack stat from any non-Ubers fakemon of the mod. (Swordigon is banned) Can't hit fairies for life and its only option against any of the many Flying-types of the mod is Knock Off or another Dark-type move.

There are many more interesting mons in the mod but some of them don't have a movepool or just... aren't really good to begin with.

i retire this because in a week genshinmod will be done and I have a better idea that i'll likely be able to finish kek
Name of Mod: BW Tripes OverUsed (TOU)
Mascot: Scrafty
Summary of the Mod: This is exactly what it sounds like! Gen 5 Triples OverUsed.

/challenge gen5triplescustomgame @@@ Max Team Size = 6, Max Level = 100, Max Move Count = 4, Ev Limit = 508, Species Clause, Moody Clause, Endless Battle Clause, OHKO Clause, Sleep Clause Mod, Freeze Clause Mod, -All Pokemon, +AG, +Uber, +OU, +UU, +UUBL, +RU, +RUBL, +NU, +NUBL, +PU, +PUBL, +NFE, +LC, -Mewtwo, -Lugia, -Ho-Oh, -Kyogre, -Groudon, -Rayquaza, -Dialga, -Palkia, -Giratina, -Giratina-Origin, -Arceus, -Reshiram, -Zekrom

This tier is basically just BW DOU but Triples! I hardly know how to play BW DOU or even BW OU, but might as well just make this a solomod because I like to play this. Its fun. Anyways. It has the universal bw clauses and a basic banlist. Will expand with playtime if people want to play it with me.

As for samples or tier list, just use the DOU ones rn. I dont really know what im doing.
Submitted this as a potential Pet Mod submission last month but I think this honestly works better as a Solomod
Edit: hoping mascot can be replaced with :duraludon: as its major stat changes and type swap represents the mod well

Name of Mod: Cross Evolution Remix Volume 1
Link to Changes: You Can Find Spreadsheet Here
Summary of the Mod: Based on the OM Cross Evolution but with all Pokemon available, Pokemon and evolution stats drastically changed, and eventually movepool changes and added fakemons to expand/balance the playable roster. Mega Evolutions, Z-Moves, Dynamax and Terastylization are banned, but the full National Pokedex of Pokemon are available.

Thanks to the Cross Evolution council for letting me use the Cross Evolution discord as a hub for this. You can find that here.

Overview of Notable Changes from Gen 9 Cross Evolution:
:wailmer: :nidoking: :butterfree: :tangela: :doublade: A number of noteable Pokemon from the Gen 8 Cross Evolution meta make their return debut, as they did not make the cut into the Scarlet/Violet Pokedex. Notable members include defensive staples like Tangela, Wailmer, and Doublade, and offensive evolutions like Sheer Force Nidoking and Compound Eyes Butterfree.

:duraludon: :scyther: :ursaring: :corsola-galar: :sneasel-hisui: If a Pokemon was banned in either Gen 8 or 9 Cross Evolution, they have been nerfed to ideally be balanced in the tier. Obviously further playtesting will be required to see if the change is enough.

:meltan: :phione: Two new Pokemon have been added to the tier: Meltan will now be considered as officially evolving into Melmetal (which will be allowed as an evolution to see what it can do) giving access to a potentially unique base. The more interesting thing is a nerfed Phione, giving players access to another bulky Water-type in the tier, but also allowing for Manaphy to exist as a weak evolution that gives access to Tail Glow.
:carbink: Edit: Carbink now evolves into Diancie! Now with slightly reduced defenses, this should be a reasonable base to include for certain options.
:ursaluna-bloodmoon: Edit 2: Bloodmoon Ursaluna is now considered an evolution of Ursaring! No idea how useful this will prove to be but should at least add a new option.
:luvdisc: Edit 3: I may regret this, but Luvdisc now evolves into Alomomola! Both Pokemon have been adjusted so Luvdisc actually has useable stats, and Alomomola is not an overpowered defensive evolution with Regenerator.

:gallade: :lilligant-hisui: All non-legendary evolutions (besides Shedinja) have been nerfed in such a way to be unbanned. Gallade no longer has Sharpness, and Lilligant-Hisui has had its stats reduced in such a way that it should now be a balanced re-inclusion.

:kyogre: :miraidon: Any Ubers banned from the tier will be unbanned with this change in power level, and further stat changes will be balanced around their inclusion.
A handful of Pokemon have had their types changed as part of their balancing. Here are all of them at the moment:

:duraludon: Duraludon is now Dragon/Steel instead of Steel/Dragon, meaning that the power evolution of Gyarados does not make it a Steel/Flying type any more. Still easily one of the strongest Pokemon in the tier, this paired with a BST reduction of over 50 points (edit: almost 90 points now) should hopefully make it more reasonable to handle.

:gholdengo: :ursaluna: :slowbro-galar: :slowking-galar: :sliggoo-hisui: :mr. mime-galar: These six evolutions changed both of a Pokemon's types upon evolving, despite sharing a type with its base form. By reversing the order of the types, these evolutions now only change the secondary type. (There is still one Pokemon that changes both types, being :marowak-alola: but its pre-evolution does not share a type with it, making it the exception). Worth noting is that means that both Hisuian Sliggoo and Galarian Mr. Mime have a different type order as bases as well.

:qwilfish-hisui: Both forms of Qwilfish now have a primary type of Poison. This was mainly to ensure that Qwilfish's main set would not be the Dark/Ghost Ceruledge, helping ensure some interesting type diversity.

:girafarig: Girafarig is now Psychic/Normal instead of Normal/Psychic, which should hopefully help separate it a niche from fellow Normal-type Stantler.

:bellossom: Minor evolution Bellossom now becomes Grass/Fairy type. This, paired with getting the Dancer ability should make it at least somewhat interesting of a niche evolution to use (and also makes it easier to justify coding a type change with the evolution).

:gligar: new change! Gligar and Gliscor are now Flying/Ground instead of Ground/Flying. The only other base Pokemon with a primary typing of Flying are Noibat and Corvisquire, so hopefully this should open up some interesting new evolution potential for Gligar.
In the future I will sit down and make bigger movepool adjustments, such as giving dexited Pokemon access to some Gen 9 moves, or giving Gen 9 Pokemon access to moves that did not come with them to Gen 8. At the moment (as can be found on the last page of the spreadsheet) only two Pokemon have current movepool changes:

:basculin-white-striped: Basculin no longer learns Last Respects (though both forms of Basculegion still do)
:sceptile: Sceptile no longer learns Shed Tail

With those two moves removed, both Shed Tail and Last Respects will be allowed in Cross Evolution Remix for the same reason they were allowed in Gen 9 Cross Evolution before these two Pokemon were introduced.

:frosmoth: Edit: Frosmoth no longer learns Quiver Dance. The combination of Ice Scales and Quiver Dance makes it far too potent of an evolution, so to allow Ice Scales to have some defensive use we will remove Quiver Dance from its toolkit instead. This may still prove to be too much despite the stat nerfs but this should be the start of balancing it for the tier.

Edit 2: a couple Pokemon are now gaining moves that they probably should have had before. Varoom learns Shift Gear, the entire Applin line (Dipplin, Hydrapple) now learn Leech Seed, and Bronzor and Dusclops now learn Body Press. More digging will be required for adding moves, especially dexited mons being brought into a Gen 9 meta.

A few Pokemon have also had their abilities changed, though only a couple so far. As mentioned above Gallade no longer has Sharpness. The Only other two ability changes at the moment are Queenly Majesty Vespiquen and Shell Armor Golisopod (which will likely be reverted if the evolution proves to be too much).

Edit: in an attempt to rebalance Lokix, we have removed Tinted Lens from it and given it Sniper instead (you may have seen a previous change where we removed its Dark typing, that has been undone.) To compensate it has received a minor stat boost, making it one of the stronger evolutions available. The Pokemon that has gained Tinted Lens in its place is Orbeetle, a never-used evolution should should be interesting to see now.

Edit 2: Two Pokemon with the useless Telepathy ability now get more useful ones instead. Noivern now has Soundproof, and Gardevoir now has Analytic (this one may change).

For the time being there are unlikely going to be any custom changes to moves or abilities, nor will any new moves/abilities be added to the tier. While some fakemons in the future may provide fake evolutions, all Pokemon should in theory be built on existing elements in the games.
Look at the spreadsheet for more details. The Modified Bases and Modified Evolutions sheets include columns detailing the total change in stats. A number of over-performing Pokemon have had their stats reduced, and a number of underperforming Pokemon have had their stats buffed. Again, if any of these numbers result in something being too over-bearing, further changes will be introduced in order to change these numbers yet again.

One big change to note is that :gholdengo: now evolves from the Roaming Gimmighoul instead of the Chest form, making it an excellent defensive evolution instead of a crazy fast offensive one. Hoping this will give it some new interesting flavour to experiment with.

This is my first time posting a solomod, but this has been bouncing around my brain for a while, and I spent the past week throwing together this spreadsheet (you genuinely have no idea how hard it is to find a source that has types, abilities, and base stats in a chart format for all existing Pokemon). I do not know how to code but being based on Cross Evolution at least should be easy enough to copy that code from the main servers. I hope that this is interesting enough to people who are not me that people will take a look at what I have done and hopefully enjoy!

Banned Pokemon: [none so far]
Restricted Evolutions: Solgaleo, Lunala, Shedinja
Restricted Abilities (no Cross-Evolved Pokemon can have it): Huge Power, Pure Power, Gorilla Tactics, Moody
Banned Moves: Baton Pass (edit: will just remove it from all Pokemon that learn it, I have that power here)
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:delibird: jollymod :iron-bundle:
(iron bundle mascot)
there was no ps coding discord winter contest but Leptosira obovata made a holiday solomod anyway. in the same spirit of spookymod its a monothreat ice micrometa of 34 mons (counting formes) that includes very silly things such as:
  • several mons with three or four typings
  • "nice" moves for every move that starts with "ice"
  • megas for all mismagius torment confusion alchemist araquanid no recover parasex flavor town megas for all sharting pot dragon heaven big button is watching pet mods gluke smogon kero megas for all dimrah pumpkin joltemons sylvemons farfetchd acid rock hematite boomer mentality flavor drama sexcadrill pet mods smogon pet mods bubble dies from cringe purple frong bat silvally pet mods
  • Coal and Coal 2​
  • reworking of almost every ice move​
  • building a snowman​
  • 1734837710055.png
its not fully coded yet bc Leptosira obovata got bogged down by finals but ill get it in by christmas, heres the sheet in the meantime

please direct any questions towards Leptosira obovata
Speaking of smissmas....
My two Solomods, Pokémon North, South, East, and West, and Pokémon Let's Go! Tamagotchi!, are now ready to be played on the Dragon Haven showdown server! (Though the latter is missing it's custom abilities for now, and needs a few tweaks because it's not a Let's Go! Pikachu! metagame!)
Play them here!
If you wish to join in the fun, feel free to sign up for the two Discord Servers for my mods!
Pokémon North, South, East, and West
Pokémon Let's Go! Tamagotchi!
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Name of Mod: Pet Mods Chat Mod (name wip)
Volcarona @ Heavy-Duty Boots
Ability: Fluffy
Tera Type: Water / Steel
IVs: 0 Atk
- Whirlwind
- Fiery Dance
- Will-O-Wisp
- Morning Sun

Golem-Alola @ Life Orb
Ability: Galvanize
Tera Type: Electric / Grass
- Double-Edge
- Rock Polish
- Earthquake
- Stone Edge

Lurantis @ Leftovers / Life Orb
Ability: Contrary
Tera Type: Ice
EVs: 85 HP / 105 Atk / 90 Def / 95 SpA / 90 SpD / 75 Spe
- Leaf Storm / Power Whip
- Superpower
- Ice Hammer
- Synthesis

Iron Crown @ Leftovers / Chesto Berry
Ability: Queenly Majesty
Tera Type: Water
- Future Sight
- Volt Switch
- Tachyon Cutter
- King's Shield / Stealth Rock / Rest

Iron Crown @ Chesto Berry / Leftovers
Ability: Battle Armor
Tera Type: Fighting
- Iron Defense
- Body Press
- Tachyon Cutter
- Rest / Stealth Rock

Mamoswine @ Assault Vest
Ability: Thick Fat
Tera Type: Ice / Ground
- Icicle Crash
- Ice Shard
- Earthquake
- Ancient Power

Ceruledge : Unchanged

Carbink @ Leftovers
Ability: Magic Bounce
Tera Type: Fighting
- Body Press
- Iron Defense
- Moonblast
- Moonlight

Carbink @ Leftovers
Ability: Magic Bounce
Tera Type: Steel
- Volt Switch
- Moonlight
- spikesstealthrock
- bodypressmoonblast

Moltres @ Life Orb
Ability: Magic Guard
Tera Type: Ground
- bravebirdwoodhammer
- flareblitzwavecrash
- Defog
- U-turn

Kommo-o @ Throat Spray
Ability: Punk Rock
Tera Type: Normal
EVs: 100 Atk / 110 SpA
- Clangorous Soul
- aurasphereclosecombat
- Clanging Scales
- Boomburst

Illumise (F) @ Focus Sash
Ability: Call Volbeat / Hospitality
Tera Type: Electric
- Bug Buzz
- Calm Mind
- Thunderbolt
- Ice Beam

Volbeat (M) @ Focus Sash
Ability: Call Illumise / Hospitality
Tera Type: Dragon
- Dragon Dance
- Lunge
- Dragon Hammer
- Earthquake

Abomasnow @ Light Clay
Ability: Snow Warning
Tera Type: Dragon
IVs: 0 Atk
- Aurora Veil
- Blizzard
- Apple Acid
- Parting Shot

Abomasnow-Mega @ Abomasite
Ability: Snow Warning
Tera Type: Grass
- Glacial Lance
- Wood Hammer
- Earthquake
- Hail
- Ice Shard

Dugtrio @ Focus Sash
Ability: Arena Trap
Tera Type: Flying / Ground
- Sucker Punch
- Mighty Cleave
- Earthquake
- Salt Cure
- Acrobatics
- Swords Dance

Dugtrio @ Choice Band
Ability: Arena Trap
Tera Type: Flying / Ground
- Earthquake
- Mighty Cleave
- Sucker Punch
- Tera Blast
- Stealth Rock

Altaria @ Heavy-Duty Boots
Ability: Fluffy
Tera Type: Steel
- Beak Blast
- Roost
- Defog
- Heal Bell
- Earthquake

Altaria-Mega @ Altarianite
Ability: Pixilate
Tera Type: Steel
- Return
- Beak Blast
- Earthquake
- Roost
- Dragon Dance
- Draco Meteor
- Explosion

Tyranitar @ Choice Scarf
Ability: Sharpness
Tera Type: Rock / Dark / Ghost
- Stone Axe
- Ceaseless Edge
- Kowtow Cleave
- Pursuit
- Switcheroo
- Accelerock
- Earthquake

Rock / Dragon (Tyranitar-Mega) @ Tyranitarite
Ability: Sand Stream
Tera Type: Rock
- Sandsear Storm
- Power Gem
- Ice Beam
- Draco Meteor
- Dragon Pulse
- Mystical Power

Mimikyu @ Red Card
Ability: Disguise
Tera Type: Dark
EVs: 65 HP / 110 Atk / 80 Def / 50 SpA / 105 SpD / 96 Spe
- Spirit Shackle
- Play Rough
- Drain Punch
- Taunt
- Destiny Bond
- Obstruct
- U-turn
- Will-O-Wisp

Ability: Perish Body
EVs: 65 HP / 90 Atk / 80 Def / 50 SpA / 105 SpD / 116 Spe

Psychic / Water (Mesprit) @ Throat Spray
Ability: Liquid Voice
Tera Type: Poison / Water
- Agility
- Psychic Noise
- Psychic
- Torch Song
- Stored Power
- Freeze Dry

Psychic / Water (Mesprit) @ Leftovers
Ability: Liquid Voice
Tera Type: Poison
- Cosmic Power
- Torch Song
- Aqua Ring
- Stored Power

Electric / Normal (Electrode) @ normalgemheavydutyboots
Ability: shortfuse
Tera Type: Electric / Grass
EVs: 70 Atk
- Volt Switch
- Double-Edge
- Supercell Slam
- Encore
- Rapid Spin

Tauros-Paldea-Combat (M) @ Expert Belt
Ability: Adaptability
Tera Type: Normal
- Raging Bull
- Knock Off
- Extreme Speed
- U-turn

Chi-Yu @ Normalium Z
Ability: Water Absorb
Tera Type: Water / Fire
EVs: 135 Atk / 80 SpA
- Splash
- Triple Dive
- Pyro Ball
- Sucker Punch
- Knock Off

Grass / Water (Wo-Chien) @ Big Root
Ability: Liquid Ooze
Tera Type: Steel
- Leech Seed
- Strength Sap
- Giga Drain
- Ruination
- Ingrain
- Parting Shot
- Bouncy Bubble

Flying (Staraptor) @ Choice Scarf
Ability: Reckless
Shiny: Yes
Tera Type: Fighting
- Brave Bird
- Jump Kick
- U-turn
- Wave Crash
- Flare Blitz
- Head Smash
- Tailwind

Archaludon @ Assault Vest
Ability: Hydroelectric Dam
Tera Type: Water / Electric
- Electro Shot
- Draco Meteor
- Flash Cannon
- Scald
- Hydro Pump

Archaludon @ Leftovers
Ability: Stamina
Tera Type: Fighting / Flying / Fairy
- Body Press
- Draco Meteor
- Flash Cannon
- Stealth Rock
- Scald
- Thunderbolt

Malamar @ leftoversmirrorherb
Ability: flipflop
Tera Type: Steel
EVs: 88 SpA
- Will-O-Wisp
- Recover
- Knock Off
- Psychic Noise
- Eerie Spell
- Spirit Break
- Sweet Kiss

Empoleon @ Rocky Helmet
Ability: Rough Skin
Tera Type: Flying
EVs: 111 Atk / 86 SpA
- Roost
- Metal Claw
- Aqua Cutter
- Swords Dance

Glastrier @ heavydutybootsassaultvest
Ability: frozenarmor
Tera Type: Water
- Swords Dance
- Icicle Crash
- Close Combat
- High Horsepower
- Heavy Slam

Ability: As One (Glastrier)
Tera Type: Psychic
EVs: 130 Def / 110 SpD / 90 Spe

Regieleki @ Magnet
Ability: Galvanize
Tera Type: Electric
- Extreme Speed
- Explosion
- Blazing Torque
- Volt Switch
- Rapid Spin
- Soak

Lycanroc-Midnight @ Loaded Dice
Ability: Technician
Tera Type: Rock / Fighting / Flying
- Accelerock
- Rock Blast
- Bone Rush
- Storm Throw
- Swords Dance

Lycanroc @ heavydutyboots / leftovers
Ability: Drought
Tera Type: Water / Fire
- Stone Edge
- Fire Lash
- U-turn
- Spikes
- Close Combat
- Stealth Rock
- Accelerock

Lycanroc-Dusk @ Expert Belt
Ability: Strong Jaw
Tera Type: Rock
- Mountain Maw
- Crunch
- Fire Fang
- Ice Fang
- Thunder Fang
- Psychic Fangs

Dodrio @ Life Orb
Ability: Speed Boost
Tera Type: Fighting
- Triple Arrows
- Triple Dive
- Hyper Drill
- Obstruct

Whiscash @ Rocky Helmet
Ability: Regenerator
Tera Type: Poison
EVs: 88 Def / 86 SpD
- Stealth Rock
- Spikes
- Flip Turn
- Scald
- Earthquake
- Toxic

Hippowdon @ rockyhelmetleftovers
Ability: Earth Eater
Tera Type: Ground
- Slack Off
- Sand Tomb
- Salt Cure
- Stealth Rock
- Whirlwind

Cramorant @ Heavy-Duty Boots
Ability: Gulp Missile
Tera Type: Ground / Dragon
EVs: 90 HP / 75 Def
- Surf
- Beak Blast
- Roost
- Defog

Ability: Lightning Rod
Tera Type: Flying

Ability: Storm Drain
Tera Type: Flying

Grafaiai @ redcardmirrorherb
Ability: Unburden
Tera Type: Fighting / Flying
EVs: 83 HP
- Acrobatics
- Double-Edge
- Drain Punch
- scavenge
- Bulk Up

Tatsugiri @ Mystic Water
Ability: Dry Skin
Tera Type: Dragon
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
- Rapid Spin
- Hydro Pump
- Nasty Plot
- Draco Meteor

Kyurem @ Heavy-Duty Boots
Ability: Skill Link
Tera Type: Dragon
- Dragon Dance
- Icicle Spear
- Scale Shot
- Earthquake

Roaring Moon @ Heavy-Duty Boots
Ability: Shadow Shield
Tera Type: Fire / Poison
- U-turn
- Jaw Lock
- Glaive Rush
- Fire Lash
- Roost

Water/Fairy (Milotic) @ Rocky Helmet
Ability: aquaveil
Tera Type: Grass
- Bouncy Bubble
- Ice Beam
- Recover
- Haze
- Toxic
- Dragon Tail
- Substitute
- Moonblast

Grass/Rock (Gogoat) @ Leftovers
Ability: Grass Pelt
Tera Type: Water
- Milk Drink
- Horn Leech
- Head Smash
- High Horsepower
- Grassy Glide

Clodsire @ leftoversrockyhelmet
Ability: stillwater
Tera Type: Flying / Dark
- Barb Barrage
- Earthquake
- Recover
- Spikes
- Stealth Rock
- Toxic Spikes

Bug/Dark (Masquerain-Mega) @ Masquerainite
Ability: Primordial Sea
Tera Type: Normal
- Quiver Dance
- Weather Ball
- Bug Buzz
- Dark Pulse
- Hurricane
- Ice Beam

Masquerain @ Heavy-Duty Boots
Ability: Intimidate
Tera Type: Ground
- Sticky Web
- Hurricane
- U-turn
- Bug Buzz
- Roost

Ancient Power: Physical, omniboost upon KOing a Pokemon with it.
Thick Fat: now also blocks burns.
Volbeat / Illumise always spawn with Call Illumise / Call Volbeat, unless called by said ability, then they have Hospitality.
Call Illumise / Volbeat: Upon being hit, calls for Illumise / Volbeat. This adds an Illumise / Volbeat to the battle (similar to a totem battle, where it becomes a 2v1).
Sandsear Storm: now doesn't miss in sand instead of rain
Tyranitarite: 0/-20/40/60/10/10
Aqua Ring: also applies water bubble effects
Short Fuse: Uses Explosion upon fainting
Big Root: boosts the healing by 1.5x
Raging Bull: changes form to most effective against target (Water/Fire/Fighting)
Hydroelectric Dam - When this pokemon is hit by an attack, the effect of Rain Dance begins
Metal Claw: 50% proc chance
Glastrier passive: turns into Calyrex-Ice under 50% health.
Frozen Armor: reduces the BP of incoming moves by 20.
Mountain Maw: Rock-type clone of Psychic Fangs
Flip Flop: before being hit by a contact move, inverts opponents positive stat changes.
Scavenge: 100BP / 100% Acc / Physical Poison move that recovers any used/lost item from the user.
Aqua Veil: receives Aqua Ring upon switch-in.
Grass Pelt: also has the effects of Seed Sower.
Masquerainite: +20 Def / +40 SpA / +40 Spe
Summary of the Mod: The mod consists of an ever-expanding micro-meta of Random Battle sets. I'll frequently (hopefully) !randpoke a Pokemon in the Pet Mods Room where we'll theorycraft a set for the Pokemon in whatever way we feel like at the time. While neither Volcarona / Golem-Alola had their stats changed, that is possible too! We can change any part of the Pokemon we want, or add custom abilities / moves, just what the chat is feeling like at the time...

Right now there's only two sets, but I wanted to post this ASAP to get it going!

Update log
Dec 27: Add Lurantis
Dec 28: Add Iron Crown
Dec 29: Add Mamoswine
Dec 30: Add Ceruledge, Carbink
Dec 31: Add Moltres
Jan 1: Add Kommo-o
Jan 1: Add Volbeat / Illumise
Jan 2: Add Abomasnow
Jan 3: Add Dugtrio
Jan 4: Add Altaria
Jan 6: Add Tyranitar
Jan 7: Add Mimikyu, Mesprit
Jan 8: Add Electrode
Jan 9: Add Tauros-Paldea-Combat
Jan 10: Add Chi-Yu
Jan 11: Add Wo-Chien, Staraptor
Jan 12: Add Archaludon
Jan 13: Add Malamar
Jan 14: Add Empoleon
Jan 15: Add Glastrier
Jan 16: Add Regieleki
Jan 19: Add Lycanroc / Lycanroc-Midnight / Lycanroc-Dusk
Jan 22: Add Dodrio
Jan 24: Add Whiscash
Jan 26: Add Hippowdon
Jan 27: Add Cramorant
Jan 28: Add Grafaiai
(from here on, date added to post, not created)
Feb 8: Add Tatsugiri, Roaring Moon, Kyurem, Milotic, Gogoat
Feb 14: Add Clodsire, Masquerain
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:chesnaught::delphox::greninja:Pyramid Panic:samurott-hisui::typhlosion-hisui::decidueye-hisui:


Summary: Pyramid Panic is a Pet Mod centered around the Fire-Water-Grass and the Psychic-Dark-Fighting type triangles. Those six types + Normal are the only existing types in this mod. Additionally, Type Matchups apply buffs and debuffs rather than just being a damage multiplier. Full breakdown of mechanics listed below:

- Super-Effective moves deal 4/3 damage instead of 2x
- NVE moves deal 3/4 damage instead of 0.5x
- Immunities no longer exist outside of abilities

- Hitting a Super-Effective move will apply a debuff on the target
- GrassIC_Big.png into WaterIC_Big.png applies Leech Seed for 3 turns
- FireIC_Big.png into GrassIC_Big.png applies Burn for 3 turns
- WaterIC_Big.png into FireIC_Big.png applies Halved Fire-Type Damage for 3 turns
- FightingIC_Big.png into DarkIC_Big.png lowers Def and Sp Def for 3 turns*
- DarkIC_Big.png into PsychicIC_Big.png lowers Speed for 3 turns**
- PsychicIC_Big.png into FightingIC_Big.png lowers Atk and Sp Atk for 3 turns*
* As if affected by a Ruin ability
**Status that leaves the mon at -1 Speed (Think of it as a reverse Paradox-Ability Speed boost)

- Hitting a Not Very Effective move will apply a buff on the target
- GrassIC_Big.png into FireIC_Big.png applies Flash Fire for 3 turns
- FireIC_Big.png into WaterIC_Big.png applies Aqua Ring for 3 turns
- WaterIC_Big.png into GrassIC_Big.png applies a status that makes that Pokémon's moves heal for 50% of damage dealt for 3 turns
- FightingIC_Big.png into PsychicIC_Big.png applies a status that makes your moves target the opponent's lower defensive stat for 3 turns
- DarkIC_Big.png into FightingIC_Big.png raises Critical Hit Ratio for 3 turns
- PsychicIC_Big.png into DarkIC_Big.png raises chance of landing a secondary effect for 3 turns

- If a target has both a type weak and a type resistant to yours, you deal neutral damage and both effects apply. So, if a GrassIC_Big.png move hits a FireIC_Big.pngWaterIC_Big.png type, the Pokémon will get Flash Fire but also Leech Seed

- NormalIC_Big.png has no weaknesses or resistances

- Status Effects are cleared when switching out
- Sleep makes user unable to attack for 3 turns, but heals 1/8th max HP per turn. Wakes up if damaged. User cannot fall asleep for 1 turn after waking up. Associated with GrassIC_Big.png
- Burn retains its vanilla effect. Associated with FireIC_Big.png. Lasts for 3 turns.
- Freeze makes a Pokémon move last in its priority bracket and have 0.75x Evasion. Associated with WaterIC_Big.png. Lasts for 3 turns.
- Poison deals 1/16th HP, then 1/8th, then 1/4th. Associated with DarkIC_Big.png. Lasts for 3 turns.
- Paralyzis does not exist.

- NormalIC_Big.png moves change type to match the user's primary type. Pokémon that aren't natively NormalIC_Big.png will not get many strong NormalIC_Big.png moves
- Pokémon will mostly get moves of their Primary type, with the Secondary type mostly giving Status Moves and utility moves.

- Grassy Terrain boosts GrassIC_Big.png attacks by 30%. All active Pokémon are under the effects of Big Root. GrassIC_Big.png are immune to non-volatile status conditions.
- Harsh Sunlight boosts FireIC_Big.png attacks by 50% and adds a 20% burn chance to them.
- Rain Dance boosts WaterIC_Big.png attacks by 30%. FireIC_Big.png attacks are 25% weaker. WaterIC_Big.png Pokémon heal for 1/16th max HP at the end of each turn
- Weathers replace eachother

- Wonder Room makes it so FightingIC_Big.png attacks cannot be resisted and FightingIC_Big.png Pokémon cannot be affected by Super-Effective debuffs
- Trick Room makes it so DarkIC_Big.png Pokémon have +1 priority on their Status moves and cannot be hit by Status moves
- Magic Room makes it so Pokémon have the effects of their items negated, except for PsychicIC_Big.png. All Pokémon are immune to Priority attacks and
- Rooms can still be stacked

The mod will be split between a Lite version and a Deluxe version. The Deluxe version will have changes to Moves, Abilities, Pokémon and Learnpools, with the Pokémon being hand picked. I will first be releasing Lite, so people may playtest the mechanics while I work on Deluxe.

Lite will simply apply the aforementioned mechanical changes to the SV roster, with vanilla moves, abilities and distribution. Lite is intended as a version of the mod that is more compatible with the main Pokémon Showdown server, but will also be important as a way to playtest the mechanics while I work on Deluxe's moves.

Types change accordingly:

Bug ---> GrassIC_Big.png
Electric ---> FireIC_Big.png
Ice ---> WaterIC_Big.png
Dragon/Flying ---> NormalIC_Big.png
Poison ---> DarkIC_Big.png
Rock/Ground/Steel ---> FightingIC_Big.png
Fairy/Ghost ---> PsychicIC_Big.png

These Type Changes apply to Pokémon, Abilities, Moves and Items in Lite. The following is the initial Lite banlist:

- OU Clauses
- Terastal
- Snow Warning, Snowscape, Chilly Reception
- Sand Stream, Sandstorm
- Psychic Surge, Psychic Terrain
- Electric Surge, Electric Terrain
- Misty Surge, Misty Terrain
- Stealth Rock, Stone Axe
- Body Press
- Rest

This post will be updated once Deluxe is completed.
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Bad 'n Boosted as suggested in 2018!

Bad 'n Boosted was a successful yet rejected meta of mine in 2018, which I've always cherished and want to revive! And since I'll be working just privately on more custom mods for a bit, I decided to use my second mod slot for it! What is it? Well, the metagame has one simple rule: all base stats of 70 and lower are doubled! Let's take a look at some Pokemon as an example, starting at the (currently illegal) metagame mascot: Castform.
Special Attack
Special Defense
What I find interesting about this meta is how many Pokemon became powerful and have a niche, yet few seem truly OP due to the way the meta plateaus. There are so many possible threats to explore!

The meta is Ubers based. It currently has the rules from [Gen 9] Ubers, in addition to Eviolite, Huge Power, and Pure Power being banned (due to obviously boosting stats that are usually supposed to be much lower).
Edit: Espathra is now banned too.
Edit2: Cyclizar and Polteageist are now banned.

The metagame is playable on Dragon Heaven, can be discussed in the Pet Mods room (or you can find me there for a match!) and has a newly created Discord Server now! If you want to discuss the meta, I'd love to have a chat!

Hope it'll be a success again, and I hope to soon return with some sample teams.

Sample Teams
:sm/bellsprout: Sun:
:sm/cyclizar: Shed Tail Offense: (Cyclizar banned now)
:sm/metagross: Steel Spam Balance:
:sm/blissey: Stall:
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it is with (mild) sadness that I am dropping ASCIIMons (technically unicode since unicode encompasses ASCII and this mod relies more on unicode values, but ASCII rolls off the tongue easier) AKA don't ASCII me what I'm doing, I don't know either. never coded, never played, RIP.

Premise: Reducing bloat by stuffing everything into a trenchcoat.
The spiritual successor to Bare Bones (which is playable, for now...), this further reduces the amount of elements that exist, while also trying to improve the team building experience (it is still terrible, but slightly less so). There are also several notable mechanic differences.

General Mechanics and Notes:
- Species Clause!
- Typing determined by HP and Spe IVs (sorry I am not good at stealing code)
- Stats are determined differently (IVs no longer affect stats)

- 6 mons
- only 1 Intimidate user
- triple-type boosting items
- 6.25 PP Recover
- incalculable damage (head calc or guess)
- gambling

Playable yet? No, come back later