Pet Mod Solomods Megathread

Name of the Mod: Journey to Kilirthy
Mascot: :drapion:
Summary of the Mod: Adds Fakemons as if there was a new game (currently there's around 60 new Fakemons when counting NFE and LC), which should hopefully all be viable, and changes some Pokemon. If this gets coded, i'd like for it to be an OU and an Ubers version.
Link to changes: (only the "Legendaries" "New Pokemons" "Regional Variants" "Custom Elements" "Full Movepools" and "Changes to existing features" should be looked at) (Note: The "Notable Moves" section is often outdated or incomplete, please go check the Full Movepools section instead)
Competitive Overview:
•Dynamax isn't allowed
•All dexited moves are back,but aren t distributed to gen8 Pokemons, except Frustration, Return and Hidden Power, which were almost universal prior to dexit.
•OU banlist: Everything that is banned in National Dex OU +Psychigisteel, Militusk, Dovrini, Hadaith, Phanteus, Ghoseidon
•Zacian-Crowned and Mega-Rayquaza are banned from Ubers.
•A lot of signature abilities and moves have been added to the new Fakemons, and four new non-signatures moves have been added.
•Two new weathers are added.
•All gen8 Pokemons now get Toxic.
•Regieleki is banned.

OU:Flowarate should be a good set-up sweeper, with access to a lot of good moves, such as STAB Close Combat or Wood Hammer

Arsnakal distinguishes itself from Heatran thanks to it's access to Calm Mind, Will-O-Wisp and Spikes. While it doesn't have as much role compression as Heatran, it's still a very nice set-up sweeper and hazard setter that also works well as a wall.

Orpedorca seems like a great threat in the metagame, having high speed and good Attack, with access to Swords Dance, Liquidation, Crunch and Gunk Shot.

Brawlrell looks like a good All-Out-Attacker, thanks to it's great STAB in Close Combat, and excellent coverage with Iron Fist boosted Thunder/Ice Punch.

Thanks to it's good attack and bulk, Shadowing should be a good set-up sweeper, especially with Dark Aura boosted Crunches.

With a great typing, and pretty good stats and movepool to back it up, Lighwing will probably be a great wall, especially with Fairy Aura making it not passive at all.

Cicavnos will probably be one of the best pivot in the entire metagame, with it's high speed, and great ability in Download. Most importantly, it Can use a boosted STAB pivot move no matter what Boost Download gives it, as it has U-Turn on the Physical side and Volt Switch on the Special side.

Fluffle seems like a great physical wall, with a great typing and 70/145 physical bulk, as well as Prankster Toxic, Thinder Wave or Wish. Unfortunately, it's 50 SpD will make it extremely vulnerable to special attackers.

Nychterock is going to be the best suicide lead in the metagame, with access to Spikes, Stealth Rock ans Toxic Spikes, having 130 Speed, great abilities for the role in Unburden and Sturdy, and STAB Brave Bird to die after it finished it's job.

Hiveon is a very interesting set-up sweeper, having way more powerful moves on the physical side than on the Special side and 130 Atk while having 120 SpA, but having it's only boosting option be the special Quiver Dance. It will still probably be a big threat in the metagame.

Ireon is an excellent physical wall, with 95/130 defenses on that side, a great ability for that with Filter, and being not passive thanks to it's 110 Attack and access to Close Combat.

Venoron is a relatively bulky special attacker with a good movepool and access to Corrosion. It also has a great typing, and is one of the two majors abusers of Acid Rain.

Pagoison sets it's niche by being the only Acid Rain setter kn the whole game, and also having good Speed and Special Attack, with access to Nasty Plot.

Sceptkri is a defensive Pokemon with access to reliable recovery ans is not passive, but which most importantly acts as a great "anti pivot" Pokemon thanks to it's ability.

Tortutal acts at the same time as a great Rain setter, and Can also run very threatening set-up sweepers sets thanks to it's ability finishing supperefective moves.

Shelloise is a great utility Pokemon, with access to Stealth Rock, Rapid Spin, Knock Off, Scorching Sands, Haze, a great bulk, and an excellent ability that negates two of it's weaknesses.

Rubyalo has a not-so great typing, but has an excellent bulk (105/120/115), access to Stealth Rock, Pain Split, and most importantly can set-up Fog which boosts it's Poltergeist and Shadow Ball.

Prostadonipos will probably be one of the most powerful wallbreakers in the game, thanks to it's 120 SpA and Adaptability boosted Leaf Storm and Draco Meteor.

Weezing-K is a pretty good Pokemon all around, with access to Neutralizing Gas and most importantly Levitate which negates it's most important weakness.

Ruinastle is also a great wallbreaker, with all of it's abilities being interesting (Sand Sput allows it to run a more defensive set with Shore Up, and both Castle's Proud and Sheer Force are great offensive abilities)

Hydreigon-K is a very potent threat, with a huge Special Attack stat of 135, access to the rare Cold Terror as a great Ghost STAB, and most importantly it alone makes Fog a viable team archetype thanks to Foggy Rush making it really fast and the absure damage Cold Terror does under Fog.

Gooey-K is a great wall, notably on the Special side, that can heal with Purify, and really appreciates Acid Rain and Water moves healing it.

Navagiody is a good wall in OU, with a good typing, good stats and a good ability.

Herculami is just great, with excellent stars and typing, lots of coverage, access to a pivot move and a great ability, as well as set up.

Inteleon is the one that appreciate the most the changes it gets, because it finally has a good set-up option, and coverage for Water types.


Militusk is a great set up sweeper, with great speed and attack, excellent ability for it's role, access to Swords Dance... A Crushing Hoofs or Close Combat or Knock Off from this thing will hurt.

Dovrini is the best wall in the game basically, with excellent bulk, great utility, excellent typing, excellent ability and signature move...

Psychigisteel is a very powerful threat, with access to Calm Mind, Volt Switch, Doom Desire and Fuure Sight to help with pivoting, and 160 SpA.

Phanteus is at the same time a great pivot with Electric Terrain boosted Volt Switch, 130 SpA and Spe, but it is also a really powerful threat because of Rising Voltage.

Ghoseidon is a good wall with good utility, that works well as an alternative for Kyogre on Rain teams.

Hadaith is a great special sweeper, with Nasty Plot and Sun boosted Fire type move, as well as access to Fiery Pass to pivot.

Calyrex-S appreciates Fog Alert a lot, since it gives it stronger Ghost type moves, but it makes it unviable to snowball as easily.

Note for if this ever gets coded: The -K for regional Variants is an abreviation of -Kilirthy (So Weezing-K would be coded as Weezing-Kilirthy). Also, all the Pokemons on the Legendary tab are genderless.

Also, this isn't really finished, but if anyone is willing to code it that would be appreciated.

I want to say a huge thanks to kakaks, Ema Skye and ViZar, who jelped me a lot, and without who i wouldn't have been able to make a big mod like that.
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Oh okay, though I still wonder why you made them Light-type. Reference to hard light in fictions considering they are virtual Pokémon?
I just realized that I have way to many electric/light types so I think I'll change them to pure light-types. Also it is because they are virtual pokemon.
Retiring Balanced Fusions. New Solomod is:
[Gen 1] RBY 898
A mod that adds Gen 2-8 mons to Gen 1, as well as later Generation move pickups. Only Gen 1 moves are used, although Dark/Steel/Fairy is added (so for example Houndoom is Dark/Fire and Bite is Dark type). Playable here until I work with the rby.psim devs to make a proper client.

So not that long ago in the Pet Mods Discord people were messing around with using GPT2 text generation to generate new data about Pokemon: new Pokemon names, stats, types, new move and ability effects, and the sort. It was a lot of fun to see the crazy stuff the neural network could come up with, but eventually the conversation shifted to how this could potentially see use in a Pet Mod? I took it to task, and decided that the concepts would be best explored in a solomod format. Unlike something like Roulettemons, the neural network works based on patterns and recognition and doesn't have an underlying sense of balance baked in, so rather than trying to balance it through a community effort I'd just take the stuff the generator spits out that doesn't look too broken and just throw it into a meta. So after generating tons of data with GPT2, I got some pretty interesting results, and a meta of sorts. Check it out:

The results:
The above spreadsheet contains information about all the Pokemon generated. The full movepools are in a separate paste, see the link in the spreadsheet.

How it works:
So I started out by taking a datamine dump file containing all the basic data on Pokemon in game like this. I then trained a GPT2 network on this file, then generated new text. The new text generated contained new datasets for all new Pokemon. I chose the ones out of those I found most interesting and copied them to a separate file. Sometimes the network would come up with a brand new name for a Pokemon, but often it would not, so I would take another generated name from the file and use it. In the situations where it would generate the name of a move or ability that does not actually exist, I took it upon myself to come up with some kind of flavourful effect for it. Next came sprites, so I used a pre-trained GPT2 text to image generator for Pokemon sprites found here to generate a whole bunch of sprites. I then chose the most interesting out of those and paired it with a Pokemon I thought it fit. For dex entries, I retrained the generic GPT2 text generator on a file containing dex entries for every single Pokemon, then generated new text by using each GPT2 generated mon's name as a prompt. Sometimes I did this a couple times to get more interesting results.

Competitive Overview:
Basically, I'm just throwing all these mons into SS OU. I feel as though there's not enough substance in the GPT2mons at present for them to stand on their own as a micrometa. If I end up adding a substantial number of new, varied GPT2mons later, I might transition to a self-contained micrometa. Also, I probably won't buff anything, but if anything proves too strong I might just remove it entirely. At present there's a few mons that seem pretty underpowered in an OU climate, but this is fine for now. Impeccable balance wasn't really the main goal I had going into this anyways.

It should be known that I'm also coding this meta myself, despite never having coded anything in my life lol. It's going pretty well so far, but I still need to sort out some customs that I haven't had time to do yet. Once it's finished I'll see if I can get it hosted.

Future additions:
I did mention that in the future I'll likely add more generated Pokemon to this mod. When I do, I might play around with alternate forms of generation, maybe generating effects for custom moves and abilities using GPT2. Maybe I'll also experiment with alternate forms of image generation, if I can activate my almonds enough to figure out how to use them.

Anyways, I hope you find this project interesting. GPT2 is a lot of fun, and it spits out some gold sometimes, even if you have to sift through a lot of junk.
Gonna post a few sets here, I'd be sold on GPT2MONS by concept alone after seeing some of the stuff GPT2 comes up with in the Pet Mods Discord but some of the custom elements blew me away. I'm really not the best with sample sets so these will not be optimized but should get the point across regardless.
Fez @ Life Orb / Weakness Policy
Ability: Clear Body
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Iron Head
- Thunder Punch
- Ice Punch
- Rock Polish

Probably going to end up pretty weak but ultimately might not be that bad of a cleaner due to insanely good special bulk, solid physical bulk, and a pretty good defensive typing. It's going to be incredibly reliant on its coverage to get things done, or maybe a Weakness Policy boost, but it's not going to be difficult to set up. I doubt this would be the kind of Pokemon to be top tier in OU, but I wouldn't be surprised if it had some kind of niche.
Soreome @ Wide Lens
Ability: Tinted Lens
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
- Air Slash
- Glaze
- Hydro Pump
- U-turn

cheese lol
Tentacury @ Light Clay
Ability: Misty Surge
EVs: 252 HP / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Prism Cell
- Prism Water Spray
- Spikes
- Roar

I don't know if the two turns it loses from traditional screens will make it fully worthwhile but it's interesting. This Pokemon has a whole lot better utility than Alolan Ninetales otherwise at least. Roar is nice to keep you from being passive and Spikes fit perfectly on any offensive team, although your turns may end up being a lot more valuable here so that might make them less enticing.
Corvik @ Leppa Berry
Ability: Unaware
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Atk
Adamant Nature
- Body Slam
- Drain Punch
- Substitute
- Level Up

more cheese lol
Coagwidiwashi @ Leftovers
Ability: Intimidate
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Discharge
- Flamethrower
- Surf
- Invent

This Pokemon is really bulky for what it does and its coverage isn't bad too. Its movepool in general is pretty good, you have Volt Switch and Spikes for options on utility sets and can run something like Sludge Wave to hit Clefable. Its defensive typing is lacking and that may up hampering its defensive presence but its raw bulk will help that, its physical bulk is only barely lower than Landorus-T and its special bulk is far higher.
Nessosis (no item)
Ability: Infiltrator
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Acrobatics
- Swords Dance
- Flare Blitz / U-Turn
- Close Combat / U-Turn

Sucks that you have to run no item Acrobatics, especially on a Flying-type mon, but this thing's stats and coverage could make it a potent breaker regardless. Flying/Fighting coverage has proven to be very good through Hawlucha and you have Flare Blitz as your strongest option to hit Zapdos and Tapu Koko.
Euclid @ Life Orb
Ability: Cherish Coat
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Modest Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Dark Pulse
- Nasty Plot
- Psychic
- Ice Beam / Scald / Hydro Pump

Looks like a pretty solid, versatile special attacker. You lack immediate power but can run Nasty Plot, Quiver Dance, or potentially a Specs Trick variant of some kind. Dark is a great STAB type for neutral coverage but Dark Pulse being only 80 base power really compounds with that lack of immediate power mentioned earlier, but Cherish Coat is a great utility that can block a lot of stuff, like Toxic, Thunder Wave, or even Defog. You also get a Speed boost which can help out your lackluster base 80 Speed tier, especially notable for its Quiver Dance sets that will appreciate being able to outspeed Scarfers now.
Melyobu @ Life Orb
Ability: Victory Dance
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Recycled Ammo
- Fire Blast
- Jets / Roost / Thunderbolt
- Substitute / Roost / Thunderbolt

infinite PP seems like so much fun
Runra @ Choice Band
Ability: Natural Cure
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 4 SpD
Adamant Nature
- Big Nelly
- Lash Out
- Leaf Club
- Aromatherapy

This Pokemon is very one-note but insanely good at what it does. The easy comparison to Big Nelly is V-Create, so let's compare those. Fairy is a noticeably worse offensive typing than Fire but its drawback is way less detrimental, and Runra in general seems way harder to punish than Victini thanks to its lack of a weakness to Stealth Rock and very good bulk. The EV spread could probably be optimized further, since I know having max HP on a Pokemon with such high base HP isn't ideal, but the whole point of this was to show stuff like this...

252+ Atk Choice Band Runra Big Nelly vs. 252 HP / 4 Def Corviknight: 212-249 (53 - 62.2%) -- 99.6% chance to 2HKO after Leftovers recovery (35.2 to 41.5 at -1, guaranteeing a 2HKO after Stealth Rock)

This can be solved by running defense but still goes to show how strong this thing is. You still get beat convincingly by Heatran and Toxapex so it probably will need support, but man this thing will be dangerous if it can get that.
Yadoon @ Life Orb
Ability: Rain Dish
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Thwaczek / BerserkerZ
- Gyarados
- Speed Bomb
- uuhhhh ice fang i guess

Strong priority like Speed Bomb has already shown to be crazy through Rillaboom, although I don't think this is the same. Using Dragon Dance and giving yourself Moxie at the same time is amazing, and Fighting STAB on a fast Pokemon is really great too. I really had no idea what to put in the last slot so I just put Ice Fang there for bulky Grounds, it's probably a good thing to be able to hit Landorus-T hard.
Roggenaldo @ Focus Sash
Ability: Tough Claws
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Rock Lace
- X Bulma
- Swords Dance / Dragon Dance
- Big Kick / Superpower

Probably not that good but I feel like it could have at least a little bit of suicide lead potential. It's not that strong but has Tough Claws and is able to boost, and being able to set up Stealth Rock while using a boosted attack is something. You need a fighting move for Steels and sending your opponent out to a random Pokemon while you explode is definitely something. It probably isn't great against Landorus-T or Excadrill leads but it's still interesting enough I guess.
Defiant @ Leftovers
Ability: Magnet Pull
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Electro Shock / Spark????
- Brick Break / Stomping Tantrum
- Stomping Tantrum / Scale Shot????
- Swords Dance

Not the flashiest thing out there, but man is it unfortunate that this doesn't get a better STAB move. You can hit basically any Steel-type in the tier super effectively, barring Scizor and Cottonors. The big thing that caught me was trapping alongside boosting, between Swords Dance and maaaaybe Scale Shot. Stall teams will have to keep their Steels' Shed Shells intact because it'll be very difficult for them to deal with them otherwise. A move that uses the target's Sp. Def to target their Defense is cool but it sucks that it can't abuse Swords Dance off of it, but Spark is an option if you want it to abuse that I guess. May be tough to get too many boosts thanks to the distribution of Body Press among Steels, and most that don't get Body Press in this tier have some way to pivot out or keep you from setting up for too long.

EDIT: I screwed up, misunderstood how Electro Shock works.
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I am abandoning Palpitoad Mechanics
I am then going to pick up this new Solomod
Name of Mod: The PC Micrometa
Mascot: :palpitoad:
Link to Changes: (Incomplete)
Summary of the Mod: A brand new micrometa game with old pokemon revamped with custom abilities, moves, items, stats, typings, & movepools. There are 6 pokemon of each type. Once I finish the spreadsheet I will get someone to look over it to see if it is balanced. There is a singles and a VGC format as well. I totally didn't steal some things from M4A.
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Been a little while, huh?

Well, in pretty exciting news, you may have noticed that numerous solomods are now playable on Dragon Heaven! These include PKMN YB, Journey to Kilirthy, GPT2mons, and Abismons (which isn't posted here but still counts). Solomods even have their own little section on the format selector! This is an extremely exciting development for solomods and I'm excited to see more solomods get coded in the future!

Speaking of playable solomods, I've added numerous additions to my solomod, PKMN YB, that I'd like to share

- PKMN YB's teambuilder validator for both OU and VGC has been fixed, so it won't allow absolutely everything like Custom Game. Similarly, VGC's banlist is implemented, only allowing my "regional dex"
- PKMN YB's teambuilder on the client now shows all fully evolved National Dex Pokémon as well as Dexited moves
- Pretty much everything that could crash a battle has been fixed or changed to an easier to code effect. For example, Ball Up was changed from a defense boosting Obstruct clone to a Spiky Shield clone
- PKMN YB now uses the Data Mod and the Mega Data Mod, so any altered Pokémon information shows up automatically, making it easier to keep track of
- In the next server update, Floette-Eternal will be allowed in both OU and VGC
- The Ubers Poufos, Balatadi, and Ultratom now have actual learnsets
- All new moves now have animations (except for Ball Up)
- PKMN YB VGC now autosets every Pokémon's level to Level 77
A number of new and edited moves have been added!

Bit Trip - 4 BP, 95% Acc Special Electric-type move that hits 4 times. Each hit can miss, but power rises exponentially
Don't let its miniscule base power fool power, Bit Trip is an extremely powerful move! While its base power is only 4, the equation that determines its actual power makes the power of its 4 hits 8, then 16, then 32, and then 64, for a grand total of 120 BP, which is stronger than Thunder with an effective accuracy of 81%, which isn't too shabby. Plus, with 4 hits came the ability to break substitutes and sashes and net multiple critical hits! Overall, a very fun high reward move with some risk, balanced by pretty low distribution
Rotom-Wash @ Life Orb
Ability: Levitate
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Bit Trip
- Hydro Pump
- Flash
- Nasty Plot
Rock Throw - 40 BP, 100% Acc Physical Rock move that removes hazards from the user's side of the field
With the new Rock Throw, you can literally pick up those pesky Stealth Rocks (and Spikes and Webs and Toxic Spikes and even Leech Seeds) and just chuck them somewhere else! This provides another measure of hazard control that some Pokémon, like Swampert and Landorus-T, can utilize very well since it can't be spinblocked or Taunted, at the caveat of otherwise being very weak and having no other utility like Rapid Spin's Speed Boost and not having Defog's high distribution
Swampert @ Leftovers
Ability: Damp
EVs: 252 HP / 4 Def / 252 SpD
IVs: 0 Spe
Sassy Nature
- Stealth Rock
- Flip Turn
- Earthquake
- Rock Throw
Web Sling & Flash - 40 BP, 100% Acc Physical Bug (Web Sling) / Special Electric (Flash) move that has +1 priority and hits all adjacent targets
Who doesn't like a little priority? Web Sling and the new Flash are your standard revenge killing and sweeping tools that all other priority moves are, but with an extra twist as both moves have a little utility in doubles as they hit both opponents. Thus, you can pick off an opponent at low HP while getting useful chip on the other Pokémon and even break a sash. Plus, Flash is a Special move and neither move makes contact, making that even more unique. Also, if you're wondering what Delcatty is doing there, believe me, I'll get to that later
Kricketune @ Life Orb
Ability: Technician
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Bug Bite
- Rock Smash
- Web Sling
- Return

Ampharos @ Ampharosite
Ability: Static
EVs: 248 HP / 252 SpA / 8 SpD
Modest Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Tail Glow
- Thunderbolt
- Flash
- Dragon Pulse
Rock Climb - 85 BP, 100% Acc Physical Ground move that puts the user under the effect of Magnet Rise
Not only does Rock Climb become a Ground-type move, giving a number of Pokemon like Lycanroc, Perrserker, and Durant useful Ground coverage, but this move also gives you the high ground, letting Ground-weak Pokemon like the aforementioned Lycanroc and Perrserker, as well as Excadrill, Bastiodon, Registeel, and Steelix ignore their Ground weakness for a few turns, which can help them wall opponsing Ground-types or net setup opportunities. And because I couldn't find a way to code it in another way, this move even gives your ally in doubles Magnet Rise, too, which can lead to some interesting combinations
Lycanroc-Dusk @ Lycanium Z
Ability: Tough Claws
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Accelerock
- Stone Edge
- Close Combat
- Rock Climb

Other new moves:
- :trevenant:Natural Gift - Now doesn't use up the user's berry
- :druddigon:Chip Away - Now a Dragon-type Darkest Lariat clone
- :metagross:Comet Punch - Now a Psychic-type Bullet Seed clone
- :stoutland:Strength - Now a Normal-type Freeze-Dry clone that hits Rock super effectively
- :kartana:Cut - Now a Steel-type Slash clone
- :medicham-mega:Meditate - Now boosts Attack and Special Defense by 1 stage
- :breloom:Rock Smash - Now 60 BP and always drops the opponent's Defense
- :cradily:Constrict - Now a Normal-type Icy Wind clone
- :swanna:Oxidation is a Flying-type Freeze-Dry clone that's super effective on Steel
A number of new abilities have been added too!
Seal Away - This Pokémon uses Imprison on switch-in
Imprison is a little used move, since you often won't find Pokémon that are using the same 3 moves that you are and plus you probably resist your own moves anyway, but as an ability, Imprison becomes a nice touch at worst and an essential asset at best. With Seal Away, Ghost-types like Cofagrigus, Hoopa, and Golurk can protect themselves from moves like Shadow Ball or Shadow Punch while still using them for themselves, likewise for Kyurem and Draco Meteor, and Seal Away users can even shut down the opponent's support options like Will-O-Wisp, Substitute, Spikes (Klefki), or in doubles, Trick Room and Protect.
For VGC (Dusclops) @ Eviolite
Ability: Seal Away
EVs: 252 HP / 4 Def / 252 SpD
Sassy Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Night Shade
- Will-O-Wisp
- Protect
- Trick Room

Hoopa @ Fightinium Z
Ability: Seal Away
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Modest Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Nasty Plot
- Shadow Ball
- Focus Blast
- Substitute
Pixie Power - This Pokémon's Special Attack is boosted 1.3x in Misty Terrain
Misty Terrain is the more defensive terrain, being the only one that doesn't give its corresponding type a power boost, so here's an ability that'll do just that and then some. With Pixie Power, Pokémon like Hatterene and Dedenne get a nice Life Orb boost to all their Special moves while being shielded from status thanks to the terrain and Pokémon like Bellossom and Manaphy are even more threatening after getting setup
Manaphy @ Waterium Z
Ability: Pixie Power
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Tail Glow
- Scald
- Psychic
- Rain Dance
Long Shot - This Pokémon's long distance moves have 1.3x power
If you don't know, which you probably don't since nobody played Triple Battles, long distance moves are single-target moves that could hit any target in Triples Battle regardless of where on the field the user was. These include every move boosted by Mega Launcher (except for Origin Pulse) and a number of Flying-type moves like Hurricane, Brave Bird, and Wing Attack. With a little Life Orb boost to them, this lets Salamence hit strong Dragon Pulses and Hurricanes, Lucario gets boosted Aura Spheres and Dark Pulses, Fearow (which learns Brave Bird here) gets a strong Brave Bird, and even Hawlucha's Flying Press is boosted if that's a move you want to use. Also, if you're curious, a Long Shot Heal Pulse heals the target by 65%
Salamence @ Choice Specs
Ability: Long Shot
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Dragon Pulse
- Hurricane
- Fire Blast
- Hydro Pump
Honey Gather - This Pokémon's heals 12.5% of its max HP at the end of every turn if it's holding Honey
Here's a use for all that Honey these Pokémon gather! 12.5% recovery per turn is actually insane, I mean just ask Gliscor, so it's no surprise that the Honey + Honey Gather combo gives these Pokémon outstanding stalling capabilities, like being able to completely heal off a Substitute after a Protect in the case of SubToxic Ribombee, or just have a nice big recovery for a wall like Dustox. Also, since Honey actually isn't a selectable item on Showdown, the Honey item has been added as well
Ribombee @ Honey
Ability: Honey Gather
EVs: 248 HP / 8 SpA / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Protect
- Substitute
- Moonblast
- Toxic
Illuminate - This Pokémon's moves have their accuracy boosted 1.3x (Compound Eyes clone)
You all know what Compound Eyes does and here, Illuminate gives Starmie and Lanturn high accuracy Hydro Pumps, Thunders, and Blizzards, it gives Latios a high accuracy Thunder and a Draco Meteor that never misses, and it gives Watchog a good 78% accurate Hypnosis and a high accuracy Focus Blast.
Starmie @ Heavy-Duty Boots
Ability: Illuminate
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Hydro Pump
- Blizzard / Thunder
- Teleport
- Rapid Spin
Normalize - This Pokémon's moves are all Normal-type and have their power doubled
Yeah you read that right. Everyone treats Delcatty like a joke (because it was) with its poor 65 Attack, 55 Special Attack, frail Defenses, and meh 90 Speed. People continued to laugh when they saw its signature ability, Normalize, that makes everything a Normal-type move, which leaves Delcatty walled by Ghosts, Rocks, and Steels and all it gives in return is a 1.2x power boost (and STAB I guess). Well, after Delcatty smacks you with a 420 BP Last Resort boosted by a Life Orb, who will be laughing now? With this buff, Delcatty is basically Dracovish but balanced. It'll still struggle to break through just about anything bulky, let alone any Rock, Ghost, or Steel-type, since 65/55 for offenses is atrocious and 90 Speed isn't great when it can hardly ever afford to run a Choice Scarf, but man it's fun to see even reasonably bulky offensive Pokémon crumble to Normalize-boosted Last Resorts, Full Moon Crashes (Fairy Double-Edge clone), and Ice Beams. Plus, Delcatty has some tricks up its sleeve, like a strong Fake Out, strong priority in Sucker Punch for the physical set and Flash for the Calm Mind set, Strength to break through Rock-types, Moonlight to stay healthy and net multiple Calm Minds, and by far the strongest Last Resort in the game. Overall, one of the most fun Pokémon to use in the game, highly recommend it
Delcatty @ Life Orb
Ability: Normalize
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Fake Out
- Full Moon Crash
- Sucker Punch
- Strength

Delcatty @ Life Orb
Ability: Normalize
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Calm Mind
- Ice Beam
- Flash
- Moonlight

Delcatty @ Life Orb
Ability: Normalize
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Fake Out
- Last Resort
Other new abilities:
- :zarude:Leaf Guard is now a Hydration clone for Sun
- :metagross:Optimize is a new ability that works as a Neuroforce clone
- :musharna:Mental Health is an Ice Body clone for Psychic Terrain
- :haxorus:Rivalry now has no downside. It still boosts the power of the user's move against targets of the same gender
- :skarmory:Light Metal, on top of its original effect, now makes the user take 50% damage from Rock-type moves
- :aggron:Heavy Metal, on top of its original effect, now boosts the power of the user's Rock-type moves by 1.3x
- :stonjourner:Power Spot now also grants a Life Orb boost to Stonjourner itself
- :latias:Chilling Presence is a new ability that makes the user use Mist on switch-in
- :pyroar:Due to coding limitations, Moxie is now unchanged and Overconfidence is a new ability that acts as a Moxie for Special Attack, given to the Special Attackers that used to have Moxie
There's also been a few Pokémon buffs:
- Fyrecho now has 113 Special Attack and learns Boomburst
- Jynx now has 123 Special Attack and 57 Defense to match Magmar and Electabuzz's BST (and it can use Eviolite)
- Yamaboucha, Jynx's evolution now has 143 Special Attack and 67 Defense to reflect Jynx's changes
- Unfezant now learns Slash and Cut
- Hoopa-Unbound now has Cursed Body as its Hidden Ability
- In addition to Heavy Metal, Bastiodon's Hidden Ability is now Bulletproof
- In the next server update, Rampardos will be a Rock/Fighting-type with 68 Speed and 50 Defense and a new secondary ability in Reckless

I hope that you'll try out PKMN YB and the other Solomods coded on Dragon Heaven!
Name of Mod: Assemble
Mascot: :mew:
Link to Changes:
Summary of the Mod: In this Solomod, Fakemons were created by mixing the attributes of 3 exisitng Pokémon. Those attributes being: Typing (all in one), Abilities (all in one), HP, Attack, Defense, Special Attack, Special Defense, Speed, Height, Weight, Movepool and Sprites. Those are 12 attributes in total and each Pokémon has to donate 4 of them.
There are some placeholders in the spreadsheet, so if anyone wants to submit an Assemble, let me know. Pick 3 Pokémon or generate them randomly, if you have any questions regarding form changes or whatever, do not hesitate to ask me.
Competitive Overview: Will come when all is coded.
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Name of Mod:The 3-3-1 Typechart
Link to Changes:
The Typechart
TypeWeaknessesResistancesImmunityHits SEHits NVEIs Immune
Water types are immune to Rock,so they are immune to Stealth Rocks
All status and misc. immunities stay the same,so Fire types still cannot be burned,Grass types are still immune to Powder moves,etc.
Self Destruct:140 BP
Explosion:160 BP
Boomburst:100 BP
Extreme Speed:60 BP
Added Move:Power Gem
Added Moves:Extreme Speed,Earthquake,Nasty Plot
Drives:Now give a 1.2* boost to the moves of the respective type
Snapped from existence(Galarian forms are still here)
Summary of the Mod:

In The 3-3-1 Typechart,all types hit 3 types Super-Effectively,3 Not Very Effectively,Not Affect 1,and are hit by 3 types SE,3 NVE,and are immune to 1.
I might buff some stuff in the future to show off cool typings.For example,I buffed Aurorus to show off the potential of the Rock/Ice type.
Competitive Overview:
Water/Flying:Since Water is now immune to SR,Water/Flying is HDB:The Typing.This is important as it allows Pelipper to hit the field multiple times per match to set rain without dying after 4 switch-ins.It also allows Gyarados to hit the field and sweep witout taking heavy chip in the process.
Dragon/Flying:Dragon/Flying is a powerful offensive type,with Dragon hitting ALL of the types that resist Flying SE.It's not too shabby defensively,either,with only 4 weaknesses.
Stealth Rock and Hazard Removal:With Rock having so many neutral targets,Stealth Rock will consistently be doing lots of damage throughout a match.This makes Hazard Setters and Hazard Removal much more important.
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Name of Mod:The 3-3-1 Typechart
Link to Changes:
The Typechart
TypeWeaknessesResistancesImmunityHits SEHits NVEIs Immune
Water types are immune to Rock,so they are immune to Stealth Rocks
All status and misc. immunities stay the same,so Fire types still cannot be burned,Grass types are still immune to Powder moves,etc.
Summary of the Mod:View attachment 363574
In The 3-3-1 Typechart,all types hit 3 types Super-Effectively,3 Not Very Effectively,Not Affect 1,and are hit by 3 types SE,3 NVE,and are immune to 1.
Competitive Overview:
That will lead to entirely different matchups. Just a few things to note in particular;
  • Self-Destruct, Explosion, Boomburst and Extreme Speed might need to be toned down as Normal-type hit things super effectively now. Otherwise, Water, Grass and Bug Pokémon might become crippled.
  • Thnigs will go more offensive as Steel is no more a defensive glue anymore. This means many Pokémon known for numerous resistances like Ferrothorn and Corviknight now have less safe switch-ins.
  • But on the other hand, the fact that every Types have an immunity to another type (or in Fire’s case, immune to itself) means each Pokémon can be used to safely switch-in a possible threat.
  • Ice having more than one resistance at all is a start, but the resistance to both Dragon and Dark proved important.
  • Fairy being useless against both Ice and Dark is very awkward, unless if this is an error.
  • Fire being immune to itself might make Flash Fire useless unless the Abillity takes priority.
  • Dragon hitting more than Dragon super effectively may be scary, while Bug may not hit back super effectively but Scizor can punch their face with Bullet Punch. This in turn encourages Dragon to Fire-type or Flying-type coverage against them.
    • Both Grass and Bug in general being resisted a lot less also welcomes better offensive presence, though Rillaboom might be a bigger threat than already is.
  • Fighting-type being immune to Dark means no worries of Knock Off, Sucker Punch and Foul Play. Assault Vest Fighting-type mons are gonna be lit!
Heads-Up: Mentioned match-ups above may be outdated.
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Self-Destruct, Explosion, Boomburst and Extreme Speed might need to be toned down as Normal-type hit things super effectively now. Otherwise, Water, Grass and Bug Pokémon might become crippled.
I have toned these down.
Fairy being useless against both Ice and Dark is very awkward, unless if this is an error.
though Rillaboom might be a bigger threat than already is.
A stat rework will be in order if it proves too powerful
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Leaving Assemble behind. (Note: This Mod was the idea of someone else, but they are unable to submit it, so I will do it for them.)

Name of Mod: Metagame Madness
Mascot: :politoed:
Link to Changes: Here is a Google Docs with all the information.
Summary of the Mod: Metagame Madness is a Solomod where Pokemon are buffed to an extreme while still providing a lot of diversity.
Competitive Overview: Here's a primarily Tier List.
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That looks really cool and the changes are mostly pretty sensible! I might elaborate more later but one I wanted to comment on at first is Psychic Surge G-Articuno - he wouldn't be affected by it due to being a Flying-type so it may be kind of pointless, right?
I have abandoned The PC Micrometa in exchange for this new mod...
CHAOS Incarnate
Mascot: :palpitoad:what did you expect
Decription: This is a mod where I have went back and looked at all my old submissions and compiled them into one metagame. This mod takes inspiration from Duomod. Each pokemon has only one ability, 600 BST (with a few exceptions) and six moves in their movepool in total. Also every ability is only portrayed one (with a few exception). Also due to the mons being based off of my old submissions, the amount of pokemon of each type is lopsided. Only pokemon from the spreadsheet are available to be used. Also I just buffed a bunch of items and nerfed HDB because it is WAY to splashable and fits on too many pokemon. The capitalization is necessary just like EXTREME ROULETTEMONS.
Overview: No Chansey/Blissey. Castform is one of the only methods of summoning weather. Aerilate Mega Aerodactyl. Psychic Surge Expanding Force Azelf. Physical Assault Vest. An item that makes the user absorb one Bug attack. Item buffs. Way too many Fire types. Speed Boost Deoxys-Speed. Eternatus-Eternamax is legal. Sanddern Sanddern Sanddern Sanddern Sanddern Sanddern Sanddern Sanddern Sanddern Sanddern Sanddern Sanddern Sanddern Sanddern Sanddern Sanddern Sanddern Sanddern Sanddern Sanddern Sanddern Sanddern Sanddern Sanddern Sanddern Sanddern Sanddern Sanddern Sanddern Sanddern Sanddern Sanddern Sanddern Sanddern Sanddern Sanddern Sanddern Sanddern Sanddern Sanddern Sanddern Sanddern Sanddern Sanddern.​
Name of Mod: Part by Part
Premise: Certain moves raise or lower base stats when put into a moveset, along with giving access to other abilities and changing typings.
Specific Details:
  • Each move can (but not necessarily has to) raise or lower any non-HP base stat by at most 20 points, override any of the user's abilities with a new one, or replace the secondary typing.
  • Added abilities act as if they were inserted during teambuilding (the base ability will never come into play).
  • Moves sooner in the moveset have priority over others. For example, if there are two ability-changing moves in the first and second slot, the user will gain the ability from the first slot.
  • Stats cannot go below 1 or above 255. All stats will cap at those numbers.
  • Base: NatDex OU
  • Clauses: Z-Move Clause: Z-Moves are banned.
  • Bans: :archeops::regigigas::slaking:
  • Unbans: :dracovish::dragapult:
If you have any ideas, please tell me. There are a lot of moves.
Absorb - Gives Regenerator. Sacrifice a moveslot for a super powerful ability.
Acid Armor - Gives the Poison-type. Give to a wall or setup sweeper to make it Toxic-immune.
Astonish - Gives Prankster. Sacrifice a moveslot for a super powerful ability.
Beat Up - Gives Merciless. Use on an offensive Dark-type with Toxic Spikes support.
Camoflague - Gives Protean. Sacrifice a moveslot for a super powerful ability.
Darkest Lariat - Gives the Fighting-type. Instant Dark-Fighting coverage.
Drain Punch - Gives the Ghost-type. Instant Ghost-Fighting coverage and a solid option for defensive Pokemon.
Fire/Thunder/Ice Punch - Give Iron Fist. Good STAB/coverage for anything not using its ability slot.
Fishious Rend - Gives Water Absorb. No more Dracovish.
Grassy Glide - Gives Grass Pelt. No more Rillaboom.
Hammer Arm - Gives the Rock-type. Instant Rock-Fighting coverage.
Knock Off - Sharp decrease in Defense. Use on walls wisely.
Magma Storm - Lowers Speed. Things can easily speedcreep Heatran a lot better.
Rock Polish - Gives Sand Rush. Not really for sweepers, more for speed control on Sand teams.
Roost - Lowers speed.
Scald - Lowers bulk.
Sky Uppercut - Gives the Flying-typing. Instant Flying-Fighting coverage.
Smart Strike - Gives Analytic.
Stealth Rock - Lowers Defense.
Swords Dance - Lowers Defense.
Teleport - Lowers Defense, but increases Special Defense.
Toxic - Lowers Defense.
U-turn - Lowers Attack, but increases Speed.
Volt Switch - Lowers Special Attack, but increases Speed.
Jirachi @ Choice Specs
Ability: Serene Grace
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
- Doom Desire (+0 / -5 / +20 / -5 /+0)
- Psychic (+0 / -5 / +5 / +10 / +0)
- Thunderbolt (+0 / -5 / +5 / -5 / +0)
- U-turn (-10 / +5 / -5 / +0 / +10 )
Stats: 100 / 90 / 90 / 130 / 100 / 110
Type: Steel / Psychic
Ability: Serene Grace
Weavile @ Heavy-Duty Boots
Ability: Pressure
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Swords Dance (+0 / -10 / -5 / +10 /+5)
- Ice Punch (+0 / +0 / +10 / +0 /+5; +Iron Fist)
- Ice Shard (+5 / +0 / +0 / +0 /+15)
- Knock Off (+0 / -10 / +10 / +0 /+0)
Stats: 70 / 125 / 45 / 60 / 95 / 140
Type: Dark / Ice
Ability: Iron Fist
Mew @ Leftovers
Ability: Synchronize
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Dragon Dance
- Poltergeist
- Drain Punch
- Ice Punch
Type: Dark / Ghost
Ability: Iron Fist
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New Competitive

What it aims for?

The goal would be to create a more balanced and truly competitive competitive. Since, due to both Game Freak's design choices, which probably focuses on in-game situations and the VGC scope only, and also due to the way Smogon operates, despite its merits, still leaves a lot to be desired.

Like the standard singles formats created by Smogon, this format would seek to provide a competitive enviroment for single battles. With the difference being of, despite still prioritizing simplicity, not avoiding to resort to complex modifications and or new modifications incapable of being reproduced on cartridge.

As this is just an old idea being pulled out of the drawer and nothing else for now, I still have no idea how this would work, but one more thing that would be different from Smogon would be the "issue" of bans. If this project ever got off the ground in the future, maybe for something more than a Pet Mod, I would like it to encompass all Pokémon and have them divided by tiers, just like the standard Smogon formats, with the difference that I would not like it to have a council deciding Suspects unilaterally. I still have no idea of a better system, though.

How would it work and what would it change?

Initially, the idea was that it would work similar to Smogon's most popular formats, but with a few modifications and a new addition. Starting with trying to drastically - but not completely - decrease the RNG factor of the game. Critical moves mechanic would be reimagined. Moves with probability side effects would have their effect either changed to 100% or completely removed, as well as their accuracies, which would also be reworked, both with trade-offs using an addition discussed further below.

Some movements, which Game Freak probably balances thinking of the in-game only, would have their PPs slightly reduced, so that they could still be used freely and optimizing, but without instigating antigame of any sorts, some of them would be: Protect and Recover.

Smogon clauses would be present.

Finally, in addition to these modifications, there would be a new addition.

Speed Modifiers

Similar to the Power and Accuracy modifiers, the idea is that a new modifier would also be added: a speed modifier. For the sake of simplicity, the idea is that it would work, however, differently from the first, and more similar to the later.

Unlike the Power modifier, which goes into a formula along with level and others, the speed modifier would work directly at the user's speed.

The ideia would be to add speed modifiers for each movement individually, as is already done in the case of Power and Accuracy. That means that some movements (generally the stronger ones) could be slower, while other movements (generally the weaker ones) could be faster.

The main difference between such a system from the Priority system is that, in addition to being able to present a much wider range of options to classifying movements, unlike the Priority system, it would still be directly tied to the speed of the Pokémon.

For example: Game Freak probably didn't want to give priority to many middle-power moves by thinking that players could ignore common movements and begn to use movesets based on those medium power moves with priority only, with all the EVs invested in defensive traits and attack only (completely ignoring the speed stat).

With this system, however, that would not happen, since the speed stat would still be directly important for the use of these moves. If you always wants to attack first, it would not be enough to your Pokémon to only be good defensively and offensively, you would still have to invest in speed, and that's what makes it all balanced. The player would still have to give up on another stat trait to be able to invest in speed, unlike priority moves, in which speed only matters in specific cases.


Merely illustrative image. The "high" and "low" rates are just an illustration of how Game Freak could illustrate rates in games in order it to be a little more friendly to some players.
In other words, this gif is old af and is just being reused here.

In the case of the Speed modifier, the modifier would use the number as a percentage use of the speed. That means that 20-speed moves would use only 20% of the Pokémon's stat speed when used.

Differences from the Priority system

Although the concept is similar to the priority system, as shown, the later should not be totally eliminated, they are two systems that should coexist in order to reach a better balanced situation.

Movements like Protect and Extreme Speed, and things like Mega Evolutions, should still have priority. That's why priority should never be totally replaced.

The difference is that the speed modifier sytem would allow a lot more options to classify movements. Since the priorities range goes from -7 to +5, while the possibilities with specific Speed modifiers would be almost infinite (there could be movements that would use only 10% of the speed level, as movements that would use 150%~300% of the user's speed).

Besides of that, as already mentioned, it is a much more balanced system to be used more frequently, since it would still depend on the speed stat, as opposed to the priority system, which generally ignores it completely. So, it would not be a problem adding higher speed values to a greater variety of attacks as Game Freak feel today to add higher priorities to them.

Some possible metagame changes

Some changes that could happen with the implementation of this system:

- The speed stat would be a little more balanced overall;

- Some movements, that could be a bit broken when combined with faster Pokémon now, like Outrage, could have their speed level setted to medium or even low, increasing the unpredictability and depth of battles;

- Pokémon with lower speed stats and bad defensively could find a better place in the meta using high-speed moves (like: Sawk
, Nidoking
, Clawitzer
, and Decidueye

- Some moves could have their speed level setted to high (but not to the point of being a priority move) in order to compensate for their low power level, so in that way they would become more used in metagame. So, attacks that are often useless to players now because of their low level of Power (like some Punch and Fang moves and others, like: Fire Punch, Fire Fang, Thunder Punch, Needle Arm, Ice Fang, Shadow Punch, and Poison Fang), could maybe begin to be used more competitively.

A little side note: in order to make life easier for the player, the interface should show something like this, right after the opponent reveals a move:


Well, these are just old ideas of how Game Freak and Smogon could "improve" the competitive, now unsheltered. I have neither the coding skills nor enough time to code this alone. For now, it's nothing more than an idea I'd like to share, so I'm sharing it here instead of the Workshop thread, as this thread feels more casual and unpretentious, while there seems to be a thread for something under construction...It is not under construction. Still, I wanted to share and post this as, among many other reasons, I would like to hear input from other players about it.

I hope it's okay not to have followed the initial template, I think it was just an example? It's just that I thought it's better to format it like this, and besides, there's no mascot or link with the changes neither, because they weren't even thought of.
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Super Triples, (vaguely based on Yung Drampa's concept) enjoy this terrible art

Welcome to Super Triples! As the name implies, this metagame will be designed around... Triple Battles!

Triples are at least somewhat understood as just battles where each trainer has 3 Pokemon on the field. However, in my opinion, vanilla triples would make a pretty awful metagame. This is for many reasons, including copious amounts of hidden information, lots of extreme potential for cheese, and a general lack of something to really distinguish itself from Doubles. As such, I've taken it upon myself to redesign much of what Triples is and how its played from the ground up.

Since it isn't in SwSh, (and because frankly nobody actually played it outside of some funny gimmicks) I'll do a rundown of a few important elements.

In Triples, Pokemon can have 3 positions; Left, Center, and Right. These three positions are determined by the order you choose pokemon; First pick takes (the player's) Left, Second takes Center, and Third takes Right. The biggest thing that Positions effect is targeting; Pokemon in Left Position generally cannot target Pokemon in the opponent's Left Position, and vice versa. Pokemon that can't target each other are said to be in Opposites, or are said to be in Opposite Positions. For the most part, Opposites cannot target each other with moves; this includes Spread Moves and Abilities which target foes; a Pokemon with Intimidate which enters the field from Left Position will not lower the attack of any Opposite opponents. The exception to this rule comes in the form of Flying Moves and Pulse Moves (moves boosted by Mega Launcher). This is a pretty important piece of power in this meta!
In addition to being able to Switch, Pokemon in Triples can Shift. Shifting allows a Pokemon in the Left Position or Right Position to expend their turn to move to Center Position. The single most important thing about Shifting is that it does NOT have priority. Unlike Switching, which has priority over every other action, Shifting has 0 priority, meaning it can occur after other moves. This makes it more akin to Ally Switch than Switching proper. This makes Speed Control and Priority very powerful tools, so keep them in mind!

From here on, described elements will be more specific to Super Triples

First, this format will be Bring 6, Pick 4. For the most part, this acts identically to VGC, except that pick order is crucial, as it determines Positions. First pick is Left, Second is Center, and Third is Right, incase you didn't read the above.

Next and absolutely hugely, (This is the meat of the changes!) Center Position gains passive properties that are new to Super Triples.

  • Pokemon in Center Position have a passive effect; they take 3/4ths damage from incoming attacks.

This is pretty straight-forward. The idea here is to lower the amount of offensive pressure Center Position Pokemon take, so they aren't as harshly pressured to use Protect or defensive moves every single turn.

  • If a Pokemon in Center Positon chooses a Status Move, incoming direct attacks will only deal 2/3rds damage that turn. (Exceptions to this include any Protect variant and Ally Switch)
This effect is to further allow Center Position Pokemon to do things that aren't Protect, but that don't directly contribute to offensive pressure. There are a few key interactions here. Importantly, this buff only applies as long as that Pokemon stays in Center Position; if they use a Status Move and an ally Shifts them out of Center Position, they won't carry that buff once they're in side position.

  • There's a new mechanic called Guard Break. If a Pokemon in Center Position uses Protect or any variants of it, and that protecting move blocks 3 separate attacks, the third attack will Guard Break. Attacks which Guard Break will ignore the first passive effect, and on top of that deal triple damage to all of their targets.

This is the big one. While the previous two mechanics focus on passively shifting weight away from Protect, this option aims to be a way to outright manually punish Center Position Protection moves. An important element of this wording is that it includes all protecting moves, including those like Wide Guard, Quick Guard, and Mat Block; it's simply that those moves have to themselves block three separate attacks in order to trigger. (ie, Quick Guard could be broken if Extremespeed, First Impression, and Ice Shard all successfully target the foe, and Ice Shard would deal triple damage to its target, as having lower priority, it would hit last.)

All bonuses involving the Center Position go away once a player is down to 2 or fewer pokemon. This means there can be a pretty big imbalance of power if you lose too much positioning too quickly. I might have to try and think of some kind of other supplementary mechanics for this space to offset that, or it could just be a part of the metagame. It's an element I'm open to change.

So that would be the base rules of a potential Super Triples gamemode. To be clear, this could exist as another OM, but I really don't think it would fit well in that role. Even with these proposed changes, and in a few cases because of them, I think this would make for a grossly unbalanced gamemode to play with the full pick of Pokemon. So, if I were to make a meta out of it, I'd want to do so manually, making an exclusive Whitelist rather than starting with everything and making bans. In addition, doing so would allow for Pokemon to be included with specifically designed niches in mind, and can even have new moves created around interactions with mechanics exclusive to Super Triples, such as moves with differing properties depending on the user's position. I've already created a few to potentially use, which will be listed below.

To be clear, I do not know how to edit mechanics in Showdown. If anyone interested would know how to code these concepts, pleaaaasseeee reach out.
OHKO Moves now are attacks which only work if the opponent uses a Protection move. They fail if they target a foe that isn't protecting. If the protecting foe is in the Left or Right positions, all that happens is that their Protection move's effects end; they take no damage. If it targets a foe in Center Position, it doesn't end the move's protection effects, but instead counts as 2 hits towards a Guard Break. If the moves Guard Break, they do as they were originally intended to, and inflict a 100% guaranteed 1HKO. This includes situations where the foe would be immune to the attack (Ghosts with Guillotine, Levitaters with Fissure, etc)
Basically Dig, Dive, Phantom Force, Fly, and Bounce. Although really, considering the typing mechanic listed earlier, it's just Dig, Dive, and Phantom Force.
These moves can target Opposites. This makes these moves reasonably strong if your opponent doesn't know where they're aimed.
Double Team no longer boosts evasion; the user becomes immune to all status moves targeting them for 1 turn, and in addition takes 1/3rd damage from incoming direct attacks. Notably, the move has Neutral Priority, so it is best used by very fast Pokemon. (and if this isn't a tight enough restriction... It's gonna be limited to fast and stealthy pokemon.)
Pokemon with Run Away have +1 Priority when they Shift. EZ :)
Lets the user target Opposites with contact moves. Which does include Grass Knot, but not Spirit Shackle.
You may have noticed that, out of a pool as small as 18, 3 Pokemon I picked have trapping abilities. This is because these abilities function slightly differently in practice.

Arena Trap and Shadow Tag have a small change to their effects.

First of all, they cannot trap Opposites; a Dugtrio on your left cannot trap an opposing pokemon on your opponent's left.

More importantly, Trapping Abilties now also prevent Shifting. Shifting is prevented regardless of adjacency. Basically, Opposites can choose to switch, but cannot chose to shift. This gives a trapping pokemon extra value in Center Position, as they completely lock all three positions on the field.

Then there's Magnet Pull.

While considered a fairly stable and healthy part of singles, in Doubles it is borderline useless due to its specificity. As a result, I wanted to make it's effects stronger in some significant way. Unlike Shadow Tag and Arena Trap, Magnet Pull traps all Steel Types opponents on the field, including Opposites. In addition, just to clarify a strictly stronger effect, as long as a Magnet Pull Pokemon is in play, all opposing Steel types have a functional -1 Evasion debuff. It's not much, but can make moves like Electroweb or Sleep Powder that little bit more consistent against them.
When used from the Left or Right positions, V-Create is reduced to 90 BP, regardless of it's target. However, when used from Center Position, it is restored to 180 BP, and on top of that becomes a spread move which all foes.

Victini might not be a good fit for the format as is, it's really strong already and this would be a huge buff. I might not even get to use this concept, but it's what I'm really thinking of when it comes to creating new mechanics tailor made for the format.

Finally, I'd want to make Pokemon a bit more simple in this metagame in terms of overall options. This is in order to limit the sheer variety of potential sets an opponent could have, and to push pokemon to pull from more obscure options to fulfill various options. Essentially, if a Pokemon would be OU or even UU in modern SwSh Singles, there's a good chance I'd want it nerfed in terms of stats or movepool.

  • Melmetal [-Ice Punch, -Ice Beam, -Darkest Lariat, -High Horsepower, -Acid Armor/Iron Defense, Iron Fist --> Heavy Metal]
  • Alcremie
  • Hitmontop
  • Tsareena
  • Accelgor
  • Greninja [-Battle Bond, -Gunk Shot, -Low Kick]
  • Turtonator
  • Dodrio
  • Golem-A
  • Dugtrio
  • Gothitelle
  • Ninetales-A
  • Toxicroak
  • Palossand
  • Kangaskhan
  • Manectric [Minus --> Intimidate]
  • Alomamola
  • Bisharp [-Knock Off, -Throat Chop]
  • Decidueye
  • Victini [-20 to all base stats besides HP, -Blue Flare, -Bolt Strike]
  • Frosmoth
  • Dragonite
My End Goal would be introducing something like 30-40 Pokemon total.

I do not have the programming chops to make these changes / implement this metagame and its' concepts right now, so if any of this is of interest to you and you know how to program, it'd be a huge help.

Overall, if you have thoughts on any part of this, I'm looking for feedback. This is super experimental, and while I have a good idea of what I'd like this kind of game to look like, I absolutely need help ironing out details.
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Welcome to my solomod, Pokémon North and South! This mod emulates what a new generation of Pokémon would look like with gen 8's regional lock pushed to its limit. As a matter of fact, this mod features a total of 189 playable pokemons (about 200 if you count alternate forms), including 69 original fakemons and 3 original regional variants. The other important addition is the democratization of Secret Abilities. Pretty much every pokemon bar legendaries and a few exceptional cases gets access to one. That means a huge amount of pokemon now have access to four abilities! Additionally, some moves and abilities have been slightly altered – for instance Hail now functions just like in Sylvemons and Unnerve now nullifies all item rather than only berries. There's also a complete movepool revamp planned for all pokemon, but it's still a WIP. For the moment, that just means some pokemon get access to some new moves and also that a bunch of them don't have access to Toxic anymore.


The meta has been engineered as not to have any Uber, so every mon on the spreadsheet are usable in the main metagame – that includes the box legendaries, Canscape and Caprialis! And I'm serious about the usable part – if some of the pre-existing mons are still PU material, most of the new blood were thought to have at least a niche! That means you could use one of the three starters, the bulky Hoobloom, the sweeper Quetsmoke or the hard-hitting Grizstrom. You could also try your hands at playing the regional variants with either the dark/ghost-type Belzecian Snorlax or the ice-type Belzecian Raichu. And that's just the tip of the iceberg – there's a Water/Fire sheer force abuser, a Draco Meteor contrary spammer, both a rain and a sun setting bug, a mon who got access to Ground Boombursts and a really, really fat capybara. And that's not counting modifications on current pokemons: Tinted Lens Ninjask, Poison Heal Donphan and even Protean Eelektross! There's a ton of stuff to explore.

:snorlax: Spreadsheet (WIP) :snorlax:
:munchlax: Discord Server :munchlax:
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Super Triples, (vaguely based on Yung Drampa's concept) enjoy this terrible artView attachment 372857

Welcome to Super Triples! As the name implies, this metagame will be designed around... Triple Battles!

Triples are at least somewhat understood as just battles where each trainer has 3 Pokemon on the field. However, in my opinion, vanilla triples would make a pretty awful metagame. This is for many reasons, including copious amounts of hidden information, lots of extreme potential for cheese, and a general lack of something to really distinguish itself from Doubles. As such, I've taken it upon myself to redesign much of what Triples is and how its played from the ground up.

Since it isn't in SwSh, (and because frankly nobody actually played it outside of some funny gimmicks) I'll do a rundown of a few important elements.

In Triples, Pokemon can have 3 positions; Left, Center, and Right. These three positions are determined by the order you choose pokemon; First pick takes (the player's) Left, Second takes Center, and Third takes Right. The biggest thing that Positions effect is targeting; Pokemon in Left Position generally cannot target Pokemon in the opponent's Left Position, and vice versa. Pokemon that can't target each other are said to be in Opposites, or are said to be in Opposite Positions. For the most part, Opposites cannot target each other with moves; this includes Spread Moves and Abilities which target foes; a Pokemon with Intimidate which enters the field from Left Position will not lower the attack of any Opposite opponents. The exception to this rule comes in the form of Flying Moves and Pulse Moves (moves boosted by Mega Launcher). This is a pretty important piece of power in this meta!
In addition to being able to Switch, Pokemon in Triples can Shift. Shifting allows a Pokemon in the Left Position or Right Position to expend their turn to move to Center Position. The single most important thing about Shifting is that it does NOT have priority. Unlike Switching, which has priority over every other action, Shifting has 0 priority, meaning it can occur after other moves. This makes it more akin to Ally Switch than Switching proper. This makes Speed Control and Priority very powerful tools, so keep them in mind!

From here on, described elements will be more specific to Super Triples

First, this format will be Bring 6, Pick 4. For the most part, this acts identically to VGC, except that pick order is crucial, as it determines Positions. First pick is Left, Second is Center, and Third is Right, incase you didn't read the above.

Next and absolutely hugely, (This is the meat of the changes!) Center Position gains passive properties that are new to Super Triples.

  • Pokemon in Center Position have a passive effect; they take 3/4ths damage from incoming attacks.

This is pretty straight-forward. The idea here is to lower the amount of offensive pressure Center Position Pokemon take, so they aren't as harshly pressured to use Protect or defensive moves every single turn.

  • If a Pokemon in Center Positon chooses a Status Move, incoming direct attacks will only deal 2/3rds damage that turn. (Exceptions to this include any Protect variant and Ally Switch)
This effect is to further allow Center Position Pokemon to do things that aren't Protect, but that don't directly contribute to offensive pressure. There are a few key interactions here. Importantly, this buff only applies as long as that Pokemon stays in Center Position; if they use a Status Move and an ally Shifts them out of Center Position, they won't carry that buff once they're in side position.

  • There's a new mechanic called Guard Break. If a Pokemon in Center Position uses Protect or any variants of it, and that protecting move blocks 3 separate attacks, the third attack will Guard Break. Attacks which Guard Break will ignore the first passive effect, and on top of that deal triple damage to all of their targets.

This is the big one. While the previous two mechanics focus on passively shifting weight away from Protect, this option aims to be a way to outright manually punish Center Position Protection moves. An important element of this wording is that it includes all protecting moves, including those like Wide Guard, Quick Guard, and Mat Block; it's simply that those moves have to themselves block three separate attacks in order to trigger. (ie, Quick Guard could be broken if Extremespeed, First Impression, and Ice Shard all successfully target the foe, and Ice Shard would deal triple damage to its target, as having lower priority it would hit last.)

All bonuses involving the Center Position go away once a player is down to 2 or fewer pokemon. This means there can be a pretty big imbalance of power if you lose too much positioning too quickly. I might have to try and think of some kind of other supplementary mechanics for this space to offset that, or it could just be a part of the metagame. It's an element I'm open to change.

So that would be the base rules of a potential Super Triples gamemode. To be clear, this could exist as another OM, but I really don't think it would fit well in that role. Even with these proposed changes, and in a few cases because of them, I think this would make for a grossly unbalanced gamemode to play with the full pick of Pokemon. So, if I were to make a meta out of it, I'd want to do so manually, making an exclusive Whitelist rather than starting with everything and making bans. In addition, doing so would allow for Pokemon to be included with specifically designed niches in mind, and can even have new moves created around interactions with mechanics exclusive to Super Triples, such as moves with differing properties depending on the user's position. I've already created a few to potentially use, which will be listed below.

To be clear, I do not know how to edit mechanics in Showdown. If anyone interested would know how to code these concepts, pleaaaasseeee reach out.
OHKO Moves now are attacks which only work if the opponent uses a Protection move. They fail if they target a foe that isn't protecting. If the protecting foe is in the Left or Right positions, all that happens is that their Protection move's effects end; they take no damage. If it targets a foe in Center Position, it doesn't end the move's protection effects, but instead counts as 2 hits towards a Guard Break. If the moves Guard Break, they do as they were originally intended to, and inflict a 100% guaranteed 1HKO. This includes situations where the foe would be immune to the attack (Ghosts with Guillotine, Levitaters with Fissure, etc)
Double Team no longer boosts evasion; the user becomes immune to all status moves targeting them for 1 turn, and in addition takes 1/3rd damage from incoming direct attacks. Notably, the move has Neutral Priority, so it is best used by very fast Pokemon. (and if this isn't a tight enough restriction... It's gonna be limited to fast and stealthy pokemon.)
Pokemon with Run Away have +1 Priority when they Shift. EZ :)
When used from the Left or Right positions, V-Create is reduced to 90 BP, regardless of it's target. However, when used from Center Position, it is restored to 180 BP, and on top of that becomes a spread move which all foes.

Victini might not be a good fit for the format as is, it's really strong already and this would be a huge buff. I might not even get to use this concept, but it's what I'm really thinking of when it comes to creating new mechanics tailor made for the format.

Finally, I'd want to make Pokemon a bit more simple in this metagame in terms of overall options. This is in order to limit the sheer variety of potential sets an opponent could have, and to push pokemon to pull from more obscure options to fulfill various options. Essentially, if a Pokemon would be OU or even UU in modern SwSh Singles, there's a good chance I'd want it nerfed in terms of stats or movepool.

  • Melmetal [-Ice Punch, -Ice Beam, -Darkest Lariat, -High Horsepower, -Acid Armor/Iron Defense(?)]
  • Alcremie
  • Hitmontop
  • Tsareena
  • Accelgor
  • Greninja [-Battle Bond, -Gunk Shot, -Low Kick]
  • Turtonator
  • Dodrio
  • Golem-A
  • Dugtrio
  • Gothitelle
  • Cryogonal
  • Toxicroak
  • Palossand
  • Stoutland
  • Rotom
  • Alomamola
  • Dragonite [-Dragon Dance(?)]
Pokemon I'm unsure about
  • A lot, but namely;
  • Tornadus-Therian
  • Lucario / Clawitzer
  • Gyarados
  • Luxray
  • Golisopod
  • Salazzle
  • Cacturne [+Jungle Healing, +Scorching Sands]
  • Slowking-G
  • Weezing
My End Goal would be introducing something like 40-50 Pokemon total.

I do not have the programming chops to make these changes / implement this metagame and its' concepts right now, so if any of this is of interest to you and you know how to program, it'd be a huge help.

Overall, if you have thoughts on any part of this, I'm looking for feedback. This is super experimental, and while I have a good idea of what I'd like this kind of game to look like, I absolutely need help ironing out details.
Ok yup this totally outclasses my attempt lol. Nobody ever bothered to play it anyway so I am hereby retiring Pokemon Triple Deluxe. Will be deleting the original post right away and this post in 24 hours.
Super Triples, (vaguely based on Yung Drampa's concept) enjoy this terrible artView attachment 372857

Welcome to Super Triples! As the name implies, this metagame will be designed around... Triple Battles!

Triples are at least somewhat understood as just battles where each trainer has 3 Pokemon on the field. However, in my opinion, vanilla triples would make a pretty awful metagame. This is for many reasons, including copious amounts of hidden information, lots of extreme potential for cheese, and a general lack of something to really distinguish itself from Doubles. As such, I've taken it upon myself to redesign much of what Triples is and how its played from the ground up.

Since it isn't in SwSh, (and because frankly nobody actually played it outside of some funny gimmicks) I'll do a rundown of a few important elements.

In Triples, Pokemon can have 3 positions; Left, Center, and Right. These three positions are determined by the order you choose pokemon; First pick takes (the player's) Left, Second takes Center, and Third takes Right. The biggest thing that Positions effect is targeting; Pokemon in Left Position generally cannot target Pokemon in the opponent's Left Position, and vice versa. Pokemon that can't target each other are said to be in Opposites, or are said to be in Opposite Positions. For the most part, Opposites cannot target each other with moves; this includes Spread Moves and Abilities which target foes; a Pokemon with Intimidate which enters the field from Left Position will not lower the attack of any Opposite opponents. The exception to this rule comes in the form of Flying Moves and Pulse Moves (moves boosted by Mega Launcher). This is a pretty important piece of power in this meta!
In addition to being able to Switch, Pokemon in Triples can Shift. Shifting allows a Pokemon in the Left Position or Right Position to expend their turn to move to Center Position. The single most important thing about Shifting is that it does NOT have priority. Unlike Switching, which has priority over every other action, Shifting has 0 priority, meaning it can occur after other moves. This makes it more akin to Ally Switch than Switching proper. This makes Speed Control and Priority very powerful tools, so keep them in mind!

From here on, described elements will be more specific to Super Triples

First, this format will be Bring 6, Pick 4. For the most part, this acts identically to VGC, except that pick order is crucial, as it determines Positions. First pick is Left, Second is Center, and Third is Right, incase you didn't read the above.

Next and absolutely hugely, (This is the meat of the changes!) Center Position gains passive properties that are new to Super Triples.

  • Pokemon in Center Position have a passive effect; they take 3/4ths damage from incoming attacks.

This is pretty straight-forward. The idea here is to lower the amount of offensive pressure Center Position Pokemon take, so they aren't as harshly pressured to use Protect or defensive moves every single turn.

  • If a Pokemon in Center Positon chooses a Status Move, incoming direct attacks will only deal 2/3rds damage that turn. (Exceptions to this include any Protect variant and Ally Switch)
This effect is to further allow Center Position Pokemon to do things that aren't Protect, but that don't directly contribute to offensive pressure. There are a few key interactions here. Importantly, this buff only applies as long as that Pokemon stays in Center Position; if they use a Status Move and an ally Shifts them out of Center Position, they won't carry that buff once they're in side position.

  • There's a new mechanic called Guard Break. If a Pokemon in Center Position uses Protect or any variants of it, and that protecting move blocks 3 separate attacks, the third attack will Guard Break. Attacks which Guard Break will ignore the first passive effect, and on top of that deal triple damage to all of their targets.

This is the big one. While the previous two mechanics focus on passively shifting weight away from Protect, this option aims to be a way to outright manually punish Center Position Protection moves. An important element of this wording is that it includes all protecting moves, including those like Wide Guard, Quick Guard, and Mat Block; it's simply that those moves have to themselves block three separate attacks in order to trigger. (ie, Quick Guard could be broken if Extremespeed, First Impression, and Ice Shard all successfully target the foe, and Ice Shard would deal triple damage to its target, as having lower priority it would hit last.)

All bonuses involving the Center Position go away once a player is down to 2 or fewer pokemon. This means there can be a pretty big imbalance of power if you lose too much positioning too quickly. I might have to try and think of some kind of other supplementary mechanics for this space to offset that, or it could just be a part of the metagame. It's an element I'm open to change.

So that would be the base rules of a potential Super Triples gamemode. To be clear, this could exist as another OM, but I really don't think it would fit well in that role. Even with these proposed changes, and in a few cases because of them, I think this would make for a grossly unbalanced gamemode to play with the full pick of Pokemon. So, if I were to make a meta out of it, I'd want to do so manually, making an exclusive Whitelist rather than starting with everything and making bans. In addition, doing so would allow for Pokemon to be included with specifically designed niches in mind, and can even have new moves created around interactions with mechanics exclusive to Super Triples, such as moves with differing properties depending on the user's position. I've already created a few to potentially use, which will be listed below.

To be clear, I do not know how to edit mechanics in Showdown. If anyone interested would know how to code these concepts, pleaaaasseeee reach out.
OHKO Moves now are attacks which only work if the opponent uses a Protection move. They fail if they target a foe that isn't protecting. If the protecting foe is in the Left or Right positions, all that happens is that their Protection move's effects end; they take no damage. If it targets a foe in Center Position, it doesn't end the move's protection effects, but instead counts as 2 hits towards a Guard Break. If the moves Guard Break, they do as they were originally intended to, and inflict a 100% guaranteed 1HKO. This includes situations where the foe would be immune to the attack (Ghosts with Guillotine, Levitaters with Fissure, etc)
Double Team no longer boosts evasion; the user becomes immune to all status moves targeting them for 1 turn, and in addition takes 1/3rd damage from incoming direct attacks. Notably, the move has Neutral Priority, so it is best used by very fast Pokemon. (and if this isn't a tight enough restriction... It's gonna be limited to fast and stealthy pokemon.)
Pokemon with Run Away have +1 Priority when they Shift. EZ :)
When used from the Left or Right positions, V-Create is reduced to 90 BP, regardless of it's target. However, when used from Center Position, it is restored to 180 BP, and on top of that becomes a spread move which all foes.

Victini might not be a good fit for the format as is, it's really strong already and this would be a huge buff. I might not even get to use this concept, but it's what I'm really thinking of when it comes to creating new mechanics tailor made for the format.

Finally, I'd want to make Pokemon a bit more simple in this metagame in terms of overall options. This is in order to limit the sheer variety of potential sets an opponent could have, and to push pokemon to pull from more obscure options to fulfill various options. Essentially, if a Pokemon would be OU or even UU in modern SwSh Singles, there's a good chance I'd want it nerfed in terms of stats or movepool.

  • Melmetal [-Ice Punch, -Ice Beam, -Darkest Lariat, -High Horsepower, -Acid Armor/Iron Defense(?)]
  • Alcremie
  • Hitmontop
  • Tsareena
  • Accelgor
  • Greninja [-Battle Bond, -Gunk Shot, -Low Kick]
  • Turtonator
  • Dodrio
  • Golem-A
  • Dugtrio
  • Gothitelle
  • Cryogonal
  • Toxicroak
  • Palossand
  • Stoutland
  • Rotom
  • Alomamola
  • Dragonite [-Dragon Dance(?)]
Pokemon I'm unsure about
  • A lot, but namely;
  • Tornadus-Therian
  • Lucario / Clawitzer
  • Gyarados
  • Luxray
  • Golisopod
  • Salazzle
  • Cacturne [+Jungle Healing, +Scorching Sands]
  • Slowking-G
  • Weezing
My End Goal would be introducing something like 40-50 Pokemon total.

I do not have the programming chops to make these changes / implement this metagame and its' concepts right now, so if any of this is of interest to you and you know how to program, it'd be a huge help.

Overall, if you have thoughts on any part of this, I'm looking for feedback. This is super experimental, and while I have a good idea of what I'd like this kind of game to look like, I absolutely need help ironing out details.
A change that could make sense is trapping preventing the trapped target from shifting.Just a thought.

Welcome to "my" solomod. This solomod based on the upcoming fangame, made by a small group of people named "Pokemon Legends Lotus" that will soon release its demo by the end of this September and chap one by the end of this year.
Mascot: Meganium :meganium:
Link to Changes
: (not done yet, will be finished in the future with megas added)
Summary of the Mod: Making a metagame based on an offline fangame
Competitive Overview Consists of 2 part, Standard and Uber. Uber consists of the four+1 legendaries and the existing Ubers(national dex). The standard metagame based on normal national dex.
Budhalus .png

(Disclaimer: I didn't made most of the mon here, it's a community project. In around 48 hours till now I will have the final change)


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I’m retiring Generation SD (it was previous gen anyways) as I made a new Solomod for Generation 8.

Credit for the MonoThreat council (Kev (Co-Leader), Ticken (Co-Leader), K3ppr, TonyFlygon and ToxaNex) for maintaining one of the official OM of Monotype, Monothreat, and Kev and especially Ticken specifically for the help with the metagame trends that need some fixes such as Dragon + Ghost, Fire, Bug. They appreciate to not get directly involved into the Solomod or similar Pet Mods, as the Solomod is my responsibility, not theirs’.

Name of Mod: MonoThreat ReBalanced
Mascot: :sableye-mega:
Link to Changes: All changes are in the spreadsheet!
Summary of the Mod: Basically, a Solomod based of one of the Other Metagames of Monotype, called Monothreat. For information about Monothreat, it is a good idea to take a read in here.

MonoThreat ReBalanced is my vision of how to improve the metagames, with some new additions and rebalance on existing moves and abilities, and also a few buffed Pokémon and many new Fakémon (all of which are either regional variants or new evolutions) to shake up the metagames. Most notably, Dragon and Ghost are now neutral against themselves to greatly ease up offensive pressures.

Unlike Gen 8 Monothreat, Mega Evolution are allowed, as well as “dexited” moves such as Pursuit and Heal Order. Z-Moves still cannot be used to discourage offensive pressure spiraling out of control and to not make coverage going absurd. Monotype ruleset applies here.

Official Monothreat now support NatDex format, but non-signature Z-Moves remained banned to avoid overwhelmingly unpredictable coverage.

Competitive Overview: This is more about Monothreat in general than the Solomod, but a few implementations and changes might be mentioned.

Monothreat plays similarly to Monotype, but with an important twist: While Monotype allows the two players to use their different shared type (i.e. Fairy vs Psychic, Steel vs Ghost), Monothreat strictly have both team share the same type for all Pokémon. That means it is Fire vs Fire, Steel vs Steel, Ice vs Ice, etc, and the opposing team cannot use a different shared type. This effectively make 18 different metagames, one for each type!

How things works depends on how the type interact with itself.
  • Neutral: STAB are usable, but Super Effective coverage is still preferred. STAB Super Effective, such as Ice STAB in a Flying Monothreat meta, works the best.
  • Not Very Effective: STAB on itself is not usable, thus other neutral and especially Super Effective STAB and coverage is the norm.
  • Immune (only Ice in this Pet Mod): STAB on itself is completely useless. Don’t use unless you are using Glastrier, whose Ability is modified to be more interesting with capability to attack fellow Ice with STAB Ice at cost of snowball effect.
  • Super Effective (Dragon and Ghost in vanilla): STAB Super Effective on itself puts too much fast offensive pressure to allow diversity, greatly hurting Dragon and Ghost Monothreat. This does not apply in MonoThreat ReBalanced for obvious reasons.
Notice a pattern? Even if technically, outside of vanilla Dragon and Ghost, the mirrored Type are even, Super Effective coverage and especially STAB Super Effective are the real deal of the game. As a result, Weakness Berries such as Rindo Berry and Roseli Berry are a viable option to avoid a full OHKO against an otherwise unfavorable match-up. Ability that also eliminate a common weakness such as Lightning Rod on Orlord (Seaking fan evolution) will also be very helpful, but beware of Mold Breaker and Neutralizing Gas users. Natural immunity or resistance through types is also helpful if the metagame type doesn’t resist itself.

Monothreat is also a highly experimental set of metagames, especially with the new additions. As such, thinking outside the box to take advantage of the type or other unorthodox but usable methods is also encouraged, due to a notably few threats to be prepared for per metagame.

The modified type chart, listed in the Overview page of the spreadsheet, will also make an impact on all 18 metagames. Ice being immune to itself (in addition to new resistances to Ground and Flying) is especially notable; this means Ice Pokémon taking neutral hit from Ice coverage in vanilla metagames can safely switch in on such coverage without any damage.
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