NU Snorlax


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LCPL Champion
Snorlax @ Leftovers
Ability: Immunity / Thick Fat
EVs: 76 HP / 8 Atk / 252 Def / 172 SpD
Careful Nature
- Body Slam
- Earthquake / Fire Punch
- Curse
- Rest

Snorlax can be a huge obstacle for its opponent, Poké Flute or not! With immense natural bulk and amazing coverage, Snorlax finds many chances to set up and sweep against even a well-prepared opponent, and Body Slam's paralysis chance can swing the match further in Snorlax's favor. Earthquake and Fire Punch mainly hit Steel-types; Earthquake hits Stakataka harder, although Fire Punch hits Escavalier and Ghost-types like Decidueye and Dhelmise. When Snorlax cannot reliably set up with Curse, its special bulk still allows it to take on powerful special attackers such as Salazzle and Starmie. Passimian and Machamp threaten Snorlax but may struggle to actually OHKO it if it sets up a Curse or two. Thick Fat lets Snorlax take on Vanilluxe and Salazzle more easily; however, Immunity grants Snorlax a free turn if the foe tries to poison. Fast wallbreakers like Indeedee-F and Starmie pair well with Snorlax, as they beat anti-setup Pokemon like Weezing, Quagsire, and Vileplume and also offensively check the Fighting-types that threaten Snorlax. Heal Bell clerics such as Sylveon and Vaporeon can wake Snorlax up from a Rest early, and Sylveon also defensively checks opposing Fighting-types.
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Snorlax @ Leftovers
Ability: Immunity (See below)
EVs: 76 HP / 8 Atk / 252 Def / 172 SpD
Careful Nature
- Body Slam
- Earthquake / Fire Punch
- Curse
- Rest

Snorlax can be a huge obstacle for its opponent, Pokeflute or not! With its immense natural bulk and amazing coverage, Snorlax finds many opportunities to set up and sweep even a well-prepped opponent. Body Slam is Snorlax's most reliable STAB move and the paralysis chance can even swing things further in Snorlax's favor. Earthquake and Fire Punch mainly target Steel-types; Earthquake hits Stakataka harder, although Fire Punch hits Escavalier and hits Ghost-types like Decidueye and Dhelmise. In battles where Snorlax cannot reliably set up with Curse, its great special bulk allows it to take on powerful special attackers such as Salazzle and Starmie. Fighting-types like Passimian and Machamp threaten Snorlax but may struggle to actually OHKO it if it sets up a Curse or two. Snorlax also fears stallbreakers like Vileplume, Weezing, or Trick Choice Scarf Rotom-Mow. (This point is already covered by the next so no need to reiterate / add Weezing to the Quagsire list) (If you have room, try to justify Immunity somewhere, probably in the second sentence. Also, to your discrestion, does Thick Fat deserve a slash? If so, mention it somewhere here) Fast wallbreakers such as Indeedee-F and Starmie pair well with Snorlax as they beat passive anti-setup Pokemon that beat Snorlax such as Quagsire and Vileplume, and also offensively checking the Fighting-types that threaten Snorlax. Heal Bell clerics such as Sylveon and Vaporeon can wake Snorlax up from a Rest early, Sylveon also defensively checks opposing Fighting-types.

QC 1/1 Great work!
this came off as very analysis-like; for future reference, spotlights arent about writing what sets _can_ do in a metagame, they're writing about what the set DOES in a spotlight.

Snorlax @ Leftovers
Ability: Immunity / Thick Fat
EVs: 76 HP / 8 Atk / 252 Def / 172 SpD
Careful Nature
- Body Slam
- Earthquake / Fire Punch
- Curse
- Rest

Snorlax can be a huge obstacle for its opponent, Pokefé Flute or not! With its immense natural bulk and amazing coverage, Snorlax finds many chances to set up and sweep against even a well-prepped opponent. Body Slam is Snorlax's best STAB move and the paralysis chance can even swing thingsared opponent, and Body Slam's paralysis chance can swing the match further in Snorlax's favor. Earthquake and Fire Punch mainly hit Steel-types; Earthquake hits Stakataka harder, although Fire Punch hits Escavalier and Ghost-types like Decidueye and Dhelmise. In battles whereWhen Snorlax cannot reliably set up with Curse, its special bulk still allows it to take on powerful special attackers such as Salazzle and Starmie. Fighting-types like Passimian and Machamp threaten Snorlax but may struggle to actually OHKO it if it sets up a Curse or two. Thick Fat can be used over Immunity to better take on Pokemon such as Vanilluxe and Salazzle, although Snorlax can often beat them regardless and Immunity can grant a free turn if the opponentlets Snorlax take on Vanilluxe and Salazzle more easily; however, Immunity grants Snorlax a free turn if the foe tries to poison you, which would force Snorlax to Rest earlier and leave it vulnerable. Fast wallbreakers such aslike Indeedee-F and Starmie pair well with Snorlax, as they beat anti-setup Pokemon that beat Snorlax such aslike Weezing, Quagsire, and Vileplume, and also offensively checking the Fighting-types that threaten Snorlax. Heal Bell clerics such as Sylveon and Vaporeon can wake Snorlax up from a Rest early, and Sylveon also defensively checks opposing Fighting-types.
GP 1/1

GP Team done