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Smogon VGC Winter League - Player Signups

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Name: PhiladelphiaVGC
Metagames Played: Series 9,10,11
Timezone: GMT-5
Potential Activity Issues: available in most of the weekends and sometime on weekdays
Bio: First time tournament player, want to make friends :)
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Name: realbmorebrass
Metagames Played: Series 9, Series 10, Series 11
US Eastern time (GMT-5)
Potential Activity Issues:
Going on vacation 12/22-1/1
I've been playing VGC on and off since SwSh came out, currently I'm on the Buzzwole Gains in the EGL. I also finished in the Top 16 of Wolfe and aDrive's Champions Cup with a team featuring Slurpuff back in April 2020. I qualified for Players Cup 2 and Players Cup 4, going 4-3 in Swiss in the latter. My all-time Showdown ladder peak came in Series 5 in the 1770s, and I reached the 1650s during S7 and S9.
Name: Maxijuegas
Metagames played: Series 10, Series 11, VGC 2019, BDSP battle festival Doubles
Timezone: GMT-4
Potential Activity Issues: Probably exams at the start of December but i think i can still play
Bio: I'm a senior from Chile, I played since VGC 2019 and i like so much the restricted format, i got top 4 on a Premier Challenge (i don't remember the name v:) in 2019, 2 times Top 4 on MT.Silver tours, and i got top 1 on a small bo3 tournament in Series 7
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Name: Alexo
Metagames Played: VGC 2020 and VGC 2021
Potential Activity Issues:
Only available after 5 PM.
Copa América Champion (with Argentina), top 16 VR World Cup (with Argentina)
Name: TTT
Metagames Played: i can play any old formats, and i can play the series with 1 legendary no dynamax but idk which one that is and i only have 1 team but its busted
Timezone: GMT-5
Inactivity: focusing on school but N/A commitments
Bio: my vgc career at this point could be described as "geriatric" but i cut a regional with jynx one time
Name: Lawrence
Formats Played: S11, S10, S9
Timezone: (GMT+8)
Potential Activity Issues: None
Bio: Fall Scramble! Top 28, 1800+ in series 8 ladder.
metagames played:vgc21
potential activity issues: Friday 9 pm-12 pm, Saturday Sunday 12 am to 10 pm
The bio: the last 4 of two Asian Cup (s9 and s10 rules), 20 Chinese national team players 20, s9 rules final season settlement 43 and 89
Name:Mkh Alvin (sd: EvelynnnVgc/ AnabelVg)
Metagames Played: VGC S9/10/11
Timezone: GMT+8
Potential Activity Issues: none
Bio: S11: AST Star Series 1st runner up
S9: AST Minor Series 1st runner up
Asia Player Cup Hong Kong Top8
Name: W3AV0
Metagames Played: All of them since 2013
Timezone: GMT +1
Potential Activity Issues: Unavailable after 23:00

Bio:I'm a polyvanlent player who can play every format but I would like to play 2014, 2015, 2017 or 2018.

I'm a team player who likes not only to win his match, but also to help my teammates to build and test their matchups.
Name: EternalSnowman
Metagames Played: S11/10/9 + 2019 (can't really play 18/17), best at S10
Timezone: PST (-8)
Potential Activity Issues: Family vacation during christmas time
Bio: Had some good results in regionals, player's cup, placed 2nd at a mt. silver and top 6 during fall scramble + lots of experience in team tours in both vgc and other formats.
Name: Radial
Metagames Played: VGC Series 9, VGC Series 10, VGC Series 11
Timezone: GMT -6
Potential Activity Issues: School (Monday-Friday) from 7am to 2:22pm. I get home at around 3:30pm.
I have been playing VGC Since VGC series 7 so I'm still pretty new to it with only about 6 months of experience. I have only done one official competition which was the Same Double Beat Competition
Name: Lily
Metagames Played:
Any SS metagames
GMT +0
Potential Activity Issues:
Full time student, part time worker, cannot build teams. Will not have any issues playing Pokemon games though.
Went 3-1 in the most recent VGC World Cup using teams I yoinked from my teammates in Season 10
Name: laurel
Metagames Played: 14/15/16 and 17/18/19
Timezone: EST
Potential Activity Issues: no
Bio: I am an old VGC player that lead Smogon VGC C&C back in 2014. I have played in a multitude of events including nationals in 16. In 17 and 18 I made top 16 of the official Smogon VGC tour.
Name: Machin
Metagames Played: VGC 2019, VGC 2020 series 9, VGC series 10, VGC series 11
Potential Activity Issues:
It could be school, but I'm still overly active and hardworking
Top 16 casino pokemon, Runner Up Pokemon Glacial Arena, Top 4 try outs Underdogs and i won more than 8 tournamentes with minimun 16 persons inscrpited
Name: Bluepanther512
Metagames Played:VGC Series 9,10,11, VGC 17-19
Timezone: Central Standard Time (CST) (GMT-6:00) Note: I'm not on discord, I would have to be contacted for matches through Smogon or PS
Potential Activity Issues: School, DnD
Bio: Local Best W/L, At 1404 (5:53 EST 17/11/21), but rapidly improving. Trick Room addict (No really), Top 64 Dallas Regionals (TCG though)
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Name: smogon account/mikey
Metagames Played: 2019+
Timezone: mountain
Potential Activity Issues: I sleep from like 4 pm to midnight
Bio: Well I play on ladder and wrote an analysis for Incineroar in S8.
Name: Mastrota89
Formats played: VGC19, VGC2020-21 series 1-11
Timezone: GMT +1
Potential Activity: None, but Offline during school
Name: Puggcraff
Metagames Played: S11, 10 and 9,
and in vgc 2017, 18 and 19 I am willing to learn how to play them if necessary in a day
Timezone: gmt -6
Potential Activity Issues: none at the time of this post, can update in the future (propably the internet and studies)
Bio: Vgc enthusiast who wants to improve and practice, lover of the evolutionary line of poliwag
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Format:ss series 11,10,9
Time zone:gmt -5
Potential activity:school and work
Bio: I have been playing vgc since gen5 and have done really well in online events and in person events(if need I can show my results I can fm you on discord)
Name: Domingo
Metagames played:
2016 Rotation
2017 Rotation
VGC Series 9
VGC Series 10
VGC Series 11

Time zone: GMT +1

Potential activity issues: Unavailable from late November till early December since Exams and Work

Bio: I'm a French VGC player and have been playing since September 2016 and have been to many IRL events. In more recent times I played in the VR World Cup for team France finishing at top 16 so I would say I'm somewhat decent at the game. In terms of personality, people say I'm quite stubborn and impatient (which is something I aim to change) but also hardworking and smart. More experienced in gen 6/7 but I can also play Series 9, 10 or 11 quite well if needed :)
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Name: ceree
Metagames Played: 17, 19 Ultra, S9/10 (+18, S11 if needed)
Timezone: GMT+2
Potential Activity Issues: virtually none till january
Bio: 17 turin spe champion+pc4 eu top6. don't really know what else to write here but i was also pretty good in ultra series
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