This is the player signups thread for VGCPL. We decided to open player signups early in order to best gauge if we are going to need to bump the tournament up to 8 teams. Please remember that this tournament will be a 7-9 week commitment and will end towards the end of August if you chose to signup, so we request that you signup only if you can be active for a reasonable amount of time, or otherwise state any activity issues when signing up. You can see the
introduction thread and
manager signups if you're interested in those.
Please only post player signups in this thread.
If you'd like to join the discussion, check out our VGC-PL-Central channel in the Smogon VGC Discord.
The metagames that will be featured this year are:
- VGC 2021
- VGC 2019
- VGC 2018
- VGC 2017
To be considered at auction, you will need to post with the following format:
Metagames Played:
Bio (optional):
You must signup with exactly this format. We ask for your name (username, not your real name) for organizational reasons and for the auction. The metagames played are those that you have experience in and are capable of playing in a tournament setting.
Do not post a metagame that is not one of the featured tiers. Timezone is your local time relative to GMT which helps tell managers how it will be like to coordinate. Inactivity is simply if you have any extensive period of time where you will be unavailable, (for example, gone on vacation for a week) this is incredibly important for the managers to know so that they can do their best to make sure the team doesn't suffer from inactivity. Lastly, we have allowed players the option to include a short bio about themselves. We anticipate that many players signing up don't have much Smogon presence, so this is a fair way for everyone to give a fair impression. Smogon players are more than welcome to use Smogon tournament placements in their bio.
An example sign-up:
Name: zeefable
Metagames Played: VGC 2019, VGC 2021
Timezone: GMT -4
Inactivity: Tuesdays, vacation in mid June
Bio (optional): Top cut 3x regionals, Knoxville regional finalist, 30th Worlds 2016, I also was part of the winning team for Doubles Premier League on Smogon.
Player signups will be open for at least a week, and will be closed 24 hours prior to the auction.
once again, credits to Ubers because I stole most of this OP from their UPL thread