Smogon VGC 2021 Major - Confirmation Signups ($1150 in Prizing)

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Battlefy Username: Plumbrr
Pokemon Showdown Username: APlumberToThePast
Discord Username (include the numbers): Plumber#5960
Battlefy Username: Puncho
Pokemon Showdown Username: PunchoVGC
Discord Username (include the numbers):
Battlefy Username: crazymix (Carlos)
Pokemon Showdown Username: crazymix
Discord Username (include the numbers):
Battlefy Username: IceGuanes96
Pokemon Showdown Username: IceGuanes96
Discord Username (include the numbers): IceGuanes96#0666

I'm ready.
Battlefy Username: pharoahbrian
Pokemon Showdown Username: Kyubiki
Discord Username (include the numbers): Dynamo Pad/Kyubiki Tenchu#1632
[QUOTE = "Raineko, publicación: 8843006, miembro: 294287"]
Nombre de usuario de Battlefy : diegoalipioquispe007
Pokemon Showdown Nombre de usuario: DiplioPKMN
Nombre de usuario de Discord (incluya los números): DiplioPKMN # 4846

En para ir x-3
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