Smogon Tournament #8 - Signups

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Signups are now officially closed.

Thank you to everyone that signed up. It is thanks to you that not only will the finals not have a round robin, but this tournament will also be the biggest Smogon has ever held in its history at 512 participants.

Regarding rejected entrants...

Some of those who signed up were not permitted to enter, but I was very lax on taking out players this year because I wanted to reach 512 participants. The approximate criteria I used was: if you have five or fewer posts, I then checked your join date and investigated whether you have browsed the Smogon forums while being logged in during the last few days. If you had not logged in to check the forums, in most cases you were removed from the tournament. In a couple of cases, I removed a player that had browsed in the last few days. A few players were allowed in because they had been registered on the forums for longer than most of the others. These decisions were made subjectively by me.

If you were denied entry to the tournament, you may PM me to request to be a substitute. I know this is directly contrary to what was in the Q&A section a while ago, but if I don't accept substitutes from this pool of players, I will probably not have enough people to replace the group of players that will inevitably be inactive.

Regarding the current situation with the Black/White OU tier...

You may or may not be familiar with the current situation regarding Deoxys-S' tier. In a nutshell, the fate of Deoxys-S will be determined within the next couple of weeks by Aldaron, JabbaTheGriffin, and myself. This affects Smogon Tournament 8 (ST8) because if Deoxys-S is banned and ST8 continues with Deoxys-S allowed, players may find themselves struggling to test their tournament teams once the Smogon ladder adapts the new ban. I am announcing now that if the tier list does change during the tournament, Smogon Tournament 8 will adopt the new tier list from the beginning of the next round. It will be made very clear in the new round's thread if there are any changes to the tiers or other rules.

Regarding substitute players...

As I mentioned earlier, there will inevitably be players who go inactive during Round 1 or drop out due to personal reasons. If your opponent is inactive during the first round, post in the thread or PM me telling me this and I will endeavour to find a replacement player after a reasonable length of time has passed. To avoid replacing players who go missing but still intend to play, if you know you will be missing for a part of Round 1, please let me know. Substitutes will only be implemented during the first round, and since there will be no extensions given, they will be implemented with about one week remaining in the round to give ample time to play. If someone is clearly inactive then I may replace them sooner, but it is unlikely I will replace them later than that.

That should be everything, so without further ado, it is time to let the tournament begin!
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