Smogon Tournament #7 - Round 4

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1-1 vs Tito

He new I had time constraints and was time stalling for ages. So I told him that he wud have to wait till 2moz. So we will battle 2moz, because Tito tried to get an easy win because I would have to leave. He also had the cheek for complaining about me taking long on 1 turn, which is ironic because the spectators (who were his friends) were asking him to hurry up pretty much every other turn.

Tito (or "Senior" as you refereed to yourself) don't try stuff like that, it is not kwl.

also @ Blazin Kicken chicken, your comment made me lol

ok you told me about you had to leave soon after game 2, so i didnt know in the first two games so i just thought everything out and took my time. also i wasnt time stalling i was making my third team as i previously said, and you left 10 minutes early which is plenty of time to get the match done and youre still on so we had 20 minutes to get it done

also the people talking were jackal and the people he told
1-1 vs Tito

He new I had time constraints and was time stalling for ages. So I told him that he wud have to wait till 2moz. So we will battle 2moz, because Tito tried to get an easy win because I would have to leave. He also had the cheek for complaining about me taking long on 1 turn, which is ironic because the spectators (who were his friends) were asking him to hurry up pretty much every other turn.

also, contacted M_Dragon
george I was watching the battle, you have a week+ to complete the last one. He didn't call you junior, he was quoting a very popular move, now calm down and play pokemon
I wouldn't have been annoyed if you hadn't refereed to me as "Junior" and then accused me of time-stalling when you yourself were even worse.

2ndly, Jackal himself said
"As for taking long between moves, if your opponent asks you to hurry up, please oblige. If you are doing a damage calc for a key turn that is one thing, but prolonging every move is suspicious and annoying. Don't do it. It does not matter what your opponent says. Do not battle if you think you will have to leave mid battle, and instead reschedule for a better time."

1) You were being suspiciously long every single turn, and even your friends were getting annoyed at you.
2) I didn't want to risk there being a disconnect and loosing this round because of it.
3) Who goes into a best of 3 match, round 4 in the biggest tourney of the year with only 2 teams made and then decides to make the 3rd one on the spot?

We didn't have 20 minutes because you hadn't made your team. At 10:58 we finished game 2. We spoke at 11:08 and you still hadn't made it. Then at 11:12 I said there isn't enough time and at 11:19 I left. I told you I had to leave at 11:20, so in actual fact there was only 1 minute left to battle, not 20 and you still hadn't made your team. Why wud I have any reason to leave if there was enough time to battle? your excuses are illogical. If anything battling 2day helps you because it gives you time to prepare your 3rd team, although due to your previous responses I am doubtful of the legitimacy of this excuse as well.
I have absolutely nothing to do with this thing, but why are you flooding this thread with "he called me names and said my mom does ugly things" complaints, especially when you still have a whole week to play...
had the match won 50 times over but Delta got everything he needed at exactly the time he needed it. Probably the worst match of pokemon I've ever been a part of (but it's not his fault x_x). Down 1-0

Just did my first battle with StevenSnype. I won 2-0, gg. We are going to do the other battle(s) soon.

Thanks, bye!
Chronicles is gone on holiday for one and a half weeks and doesn't have internet access, so getting this done might be a problem.
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