Because of the very likely chance that hanke and I don't get our battle done, I would just like to make it known that I did everything I could to get it done.
I contacted him on IRC the day that battling was allowed to be done, and he said he would be ready on the 17th last wednesday. I contacted him that day and he postponed our battle to Thursday, which never happened either because he wasn't ready. On Friday I told him I needed to battle because I was going to be gone visiting my grandfather all weekend, but he refused because he was "downloading something and talking to people on a forum, so his computer wouldn't be able to handle shoddy right now". And now he hasn't been on IRC for the last two days, and he won't respond to the PM I sent to him.
And unfortunately, tomorrow I will be unable to play nearly all day because I have class from 8-12 PM, then work at 12:30 PM until 10 PM (and at 10 PM it's already 2 AM in hanke's timezone).
So because of his timezone being GMT -2 (and what I think to be his sleep schedule), unless he gets on in the next 3 hours, this battle isn't going to be completed... but personally i feel like I've done everything I could to finish it. He took over a week to "get ready" for the battle, and then continuously put it off until I couldn't do it because of family business, and now during the last two days he's completely gone.