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Smogon Tournament #6: Predictions Tournament (round 1)

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batpig vs Stallion
Wombat Sky Forme vs The LegendKiller
Mekkah vs undisput3d
Subtle Enigma vs Kir
whistle vs TAY
Fear vs Dragonknight!
The Swamp vs G80
Felix91 vs Seven Deadly Sins
Alakapimp vs diinbong
Joel vs KingEmpoleon
Calum vs Giant Enemy Crab
Erebyssial vs Black Buddha
Zak91 vs Philip7086
Max vs Binabik
joshe vs Aeroblacktyl
The Shadow Knight vs Flamewheeler
alive vs matty
Chii vs eric the espeon
Limitless vs Itsuki
Class vs Crossfire
Sapientia vs _Rewer_
Beef 2.0 vs PowerToThePika
Optimusje vs Rotom
Broken Wing vs Diesel
wraith vs Justinawe
Nauar vs Metabou
skorpion123 vs ala
YTP vs Kyogre95
Mien. vs Chris is me
Sceats vs panamaxis
Hegna vs vashta
Scofield vs mohaji
DCJ vs august
Blue Kirby vs DarkLucario
Kinneas vs sasu
adub_banded vs kd24
minotaur vs Game
Sarenji vs Kaxtar
Krack vs Sudo
NC vs Pidge
Thursday vs iss
ZandgaiaX vs Malfunction
_Flygon_ vs lati0s
Disposable Puppets vs Loki
GoldenKnight vs xianglongfa
Snorlaxe vs Stathakis
Lord Blood vs Huntofthelion
Aeolus vs -Marcelll-
Unreality vs reachzero
Fireborn vs Evisu
Light-Kun vs Solstice
Ooka vs Hellriser
HD vs DDRMaster
IceBug vs TanzAufDemVulkan
Pride vs Ashley
Veteran In Love vs Agaki
Flashstorm1 vs Bogmire
PurpleWeezing vs Zorbees
Twist of Fate vs Blue_Tornado
Dachickens vs Spiritman
Bad Ass vs Phalnax
Atticus the Sniper vs Bojangles
supermarth64 vs tacho
Sharpedo1114 vs Blue_Blur
Ace Matador vs tito
ninjadead vs symphonyx64
Tyler422 vs Elevator Music
Mosh vs Minato.
Jimbo vs SilentEcho
Willis vs brksocsc
lizard vs zarator
UltimaLink007 vs hanke
Game Freak201 vs Rory
MetaNite vs replay
dragonfruit vs Hipmonlee
j. franky vs Articanus
DJXO9 vs TheFourthChaser
Havak vs Arin
imperfectluck vs drcossack
Afroninja22 vs Fuzznip
The Chaser vs bigfoots
billymills vs E.A.
Mister Militia vs -Mind-
capefeather vs ThePatriot
Teifu vs zerowing
Reverb vs Eo Ut Mortis
Deep Thought vs Dubulous
Rojo23 vs Polywrath
snorlax vs Thorns
Stone_Cold vs Kefka
goofball vs kuja20
reyscarface vs Setrack
Calciphoce vs MixMence
RB Golbat vs apologies
Intro1827 vs Gouki
Faze vs 031ap
Broth3r vs Maci12
Destiny100 vs B-Lulz
askaninjask vs Relient
Yondie vs zach the great
HSA vs Yehom
TVboyCanti vs Mizuno
Junior vs Nachos
tripe vs Sprinkles
LonelyNess vs Yagami Light
Seafunks vs Towelie
Kevin Garrett vs Tsunami
sixonesix vs Tenzuku
DarkLynx vs Dan Dan
Jun. vs obi
Super vs Lakers
Fabbles vs JabbaTheGriffin
Taylor vs Phyres
AshPe vs tennisace
Jackal vs Coronis
DaPlayaFlow vs gingbino11
macle vs romeojustdie
Megadeth90 vs Tsubasa-kun
Bobtheball4 vs Blackhawk11
fuzzy vs Keelhauled
moi vs muramasaw8
dragon9owns vs Sparko
Takua vs moot
DawnBringer vs M Dragon
Atticus vs locopoke
Zero vs Earthworm
Sent in my predictions, most of them were guesses, so I can't really remember to post here.
Screw you guys predicting against me D:<
I omitted my own battle.

batpig vs Stallion
Mekkah vs undisput3d
Subtle Enigma vs Kir
whistle vs TAY
Fear vs Dragonknight!
The Swamp vs G80
Felix91 vs Seven Deadly Sins
Alakapimp vs diinbong
Joel vs KingEmpoleon
Calum vs Giant Enemy Crab
Erebyssial vs Black Buddha
Zak91 vs Philip7086
Max vs Binabik
joshe vs Aeroblacktyl
The Shadow Knight vs Flamewheeler
alive vs matty
Chii vs eric the espeon
Limitless vs Itsuki
Class vs Crossfire
Sapientia vs _Rewer_
Beef 2.0 vs PowerToThePika
Optimusje vs Rotom
Broken Wing vs Diesel
wraith vs Justinawe
Nauar vs Metabou
skorpion123 vs ala
TYP vs Kyogre95
Mien. vs Chris is me
Sceats vs panamaxis
Hegna vs vashta
Scofield vs mohaji
DCJ vs august
Blue Kirby vs DarkLucario
Kinneas vs sasu
adub_banded vs kd24
minotaur vs Game
Sarenji vs Kaxtar
Krack vs Sudo
NC vs Pidge
Thursday vs iss
ZandgaiaX vs Malfunction
_Flygon_ vs lati0s
Disposable Puppets vs Loki
GoldenKnight vs xianglongfa
Snorlaxe vs Stathakis
Lord Blood vs Huntofthelion
Aeolus vs -Marcel-
Unreality vs reachzero
Fireborn vs Evisu
Light-Kun vs Solstice
Ooka vs Hellriser
HD vs DDRMaster
IceBug vs TanzAufDemVulkan
Pride vs Ashley
Veteran In Love vs Agaki
Flashstorm1 vs Bogmire
PurpleWeezing vs Zorbees
Twist of Fate vs Blue_Tornado
Dachickens vs Spiritman
Bad Ass vs Phalnax
Atticus the Sniper vs Bojangles
supermarth64 vs tacho
Sharpedo1114 vs Blue_Blur
Ace Matador vs tito
ninjadead vs symphonyx64
Tyler422 vs Elevator Music
Mosh vs Minato.
vs SilentEcho
Willis vs brksocsc
lizard vs zarator
UltimaLink007 vs hanke
Game Freak201 vs Rory
MetaNite vs replay
dragonfruit vs Hipmonlee
j. franky vs Articanus
DJXO9 vs TheFourthChaser
Havak vs Arin
imperfectluck vs drcossack
Afroninja22 vs Fuzznip
The Chaser vs bigfoots
billymills vs E.A.
Mister Militia vs -Mind-
capefeather vs ThePatriot
Teifu vs zerowing
Reverb vs Eo Ut Mortis
Deep Thought vs Dubulous
Rojo23 vs Polywrath
snorlax vs Thorns
Stone_Cold vs Kefka
goofball vs kuja20
reyscarface vs Setrack
Calciphoce vs MixMence
RB Golbat vs apologies
Intro1827 vs Gouki
Faze vs 031ap
Broth3r vs Maci12
Destiny100 vs B-Lulz
askaninjask vs Relient
Yondie vs zach the great
HSA vs Yehom
TVboyCanti vs Mizuno
Junior vs Nachos
tripe vs Sprinkles
LonelyNess vs Yagami Light
Seafunks vs Towelie
Kevin Garrett vs Tsunami
sixonesix vs Tenzuku
DarkLynx vs Dan Dan
Jun. vs obi
Super vs Lakers
Fabbles vs JabbaTheGriffin
Taylor vs Phyres
AshPe vs tennisace
Jackal vs Coronis
DaPlayaFlow vs gingbino11
macle vs romeojustdie
Megadeth90 vs Tsubasa-kun
Bobtheball4 vs Blackhawk11
fuzzy vs Keelhauled
moi vs muramasaw8
dragon9owns vs Sparko
Takua vs moot
DawnBringer vs M Dragon
Atticus vs locopoke
Zero vs Earthworm

I think I've got a pretty good shot at this.

vs Stallion
Wombat Sky Forme vs The LegendKiller
Mekkah vs undisput3d
Subtle Enigma vs Kir
whistle vs TAY
Fear vs Dragonknight!
The Swamp vs G80
Felix91 vs Seven Deadly Sins
Alakapimp vs diinbong
Joel vs KingEmpoleon
Calum vs Giant Enemy Crab
Erebyssial vs Black Buddha
Zak91 vs Philip7086
Max vs Binabik
joshe vs Aeroblacktyl
The Shadow Knight vs Flamewheeler
alive vs matty
Chii vs eric the espeon
Limitless vs Itsuki
Class vs Crossfire
Sapientia vs _Rewer_
Beef 2.0 vs PowerToThePika
Optimusje vs Rotom-Good Luck
Broken Wing vs Diesel
wraith vs Justinawe
Nauar vs Metabou
skorpion123 vs ala
TYP vs Kyogre95
Mien. vs Chris is me
Sceats vs panamaxis
Hegna vs vashta
Scofield vs mohaji
DCJ vs august
Blue Kirby vs DarkLucario
Kinneas vs sasu
adub_banded vs kd24
minotaur vs Game
Sarenji vs Kaxtar
Krack vs Sudo
NC vs Pidge
Thursday vs iss
ZandgaiaX vs Malfunction
_Flygon_ vs lati0s
Disposable Puppets vs Loki
GoldenKnight vs xianglongfa
Snorlaxe vs Stathakis
Lord Blood vs Huntofthelion
Aeolus vs -Marcelll-
Unreality vs reachzero
Fireborn vs Evisu
Light-Kun vs Solstice
Ooka vs Hellriser
HD vs DDRMaster
IceBug vs TanzAufDemVulkan
Pride vs Ashley
Veteran In Love vs Agaki
Flashstorm1 vs Bogmire
PurpleWeezing vs Zorbees
Twist of Fate vs Blue_Tornado
Dachickens vs Spiritman
Bad Ass vs Phalnax
Atticus the Sniper vs Bojangles
supermarth64 vs tacho
Sharpedo1114 vs Blue_Blur
Ace Matador vs tito
ninjadead vs symphonyx64
Tyler422 vs Elevator Music
Mosh vs Minato.
Jimbo vs SilentEcho
Willis vs brksocsc
lizard vs zarator
UltimaLink007 vs hanke
Game Freak201 vs Rory
MetaNite vs replay
dragonfruit vs Hipmonlee
j. franky vs Articanus
DJXO9 vs TheFourthChaser
Havak vs Arin
imperfectluck vs drcossack
Afroninja22 vs Fuzznip
The Chaser vs bigfoots
billymills vs E.A.
Mister Militia vs -Mind-
capefeather vs ThePatriot
Teifu vs zerowing
Reverb vs Eo Ut Mortis
Deep Thought vs Dubulous
Rojo23 vs Polywrath
snorlax vs Thorns
Stone_Cold vs Kefka
goofball vs kuja20
reyscarface vs Setrack
Calciphoce vs MixMence
RB Golbat vs apologies
Intro1827 vs Gouki
Faze vs 031ap
Broth3r vs Maci12
Destiny100 vs B-Lulz
askaninjask vs Relient
Yondie vs zach the great
HSA vs Yehom
TVboyCanti vs Mizuno
Junior vs Nachos
tripe vs Sprinkles
LonelyNess vs Yagami Light
Seafunks vs Towelie
Kevin Garrett vs Tsunami
sixonesix vs Tenzuku
DarkLynx vs Dan Dan
Jun. vs obi
Super vs Lakers
Fabbles vs JabbaTheGriffin
Taylor vs Phyres
AshPe vs tennisace
Jackal vs Coronis
DaPlayaFlow vs gingbino11
macle vs romeojustdie
Megadeth90 vs Tsubasa-kun
Bobtheball4 vs Blackhawk11
fuzzy vs Keelhauled
moi vs muramasaw8
dragon9owns vs Sparko
Takua vs moot
DawnBringer vs M Dragon
Atticus vs locopoke
Zero vs Earthworm
Mine are in. Its going to be crazy. No real wild cards but I think that Kevin Garret could take it away ,but heck I'm just guessing.
The pro predicts are in!
*=I flipped a coin
Sometimes I had to refrain from commenting...
MWK-More well known, if I don't explain it, could just be this!
batpig vs Stallion-He plays more
Wombat Sky Forme vs The LegendKiller *
Mekkah vs undisput3d-He's still got it!
Subtle Enigma vs Kir-I like him better
whistle vs TAY-Whistle would have a chance if TAY weren't on team west
.Baris. vs TONY MONTANA-Uhhh
Fear vs Dragonknight!*
The Swamp vs G80*
Felix91 vs Seven Deadly Sins-More well known to me
Alakapimp vs diinbong-Same as above
Joel vs KingEmpoleon-^
Calum vs Giant Enemy Crab-^
Erebyssial vs Black Buddha*
Zak91 vs Philip7086-Great match, but phil is too strong
Max vs Binabik-more well known
joshe vs Aeroblacktyl-mop is p good
The Shadow Knight vs Flamewheeler-MWK
alive vs matty -I like him better
Chii vs eric the espeon mwk
Limitless vs Itsuki mwk
Class vs Crossfire *
Sapientia vs _Rewer_
Beef 2.0 vs PowerToThePika
Optimusje vs Rotom
Broken Wing vs Diesel
wraith vs Justinawe uhhhh
Nauar vs Metabou*
skorpion123 vs ala
TYP vs Kyogre95
Mien. vs Chris is me- uhhh
Sceats vs panamaxis -good chance to win it all
Hegna vs vashta mwk
Scofield vs mohaji
DCJ vs august the defender has to make it to at least R2 right?
Blue Kirby vs DarkLucario good match, i like bk more
Kinneas vs sasu
adub_banded vs kd24
minotaur vs Game
Sarenji vs Kaxtar
Krack vs Sudo
NC vs Pidge
Thursday vs iss
ZandgaiaX vs Malfunction
_Flygon_ vs lati0s
Disposable Puppets vs Loki
GoldenKnight vs xianglongfa
Snorlaxe vs Stathakis
Lord Blood vs Huntofthelion
Aeolus vs -Marcel-
Unreality vs reachzero
Fireborn vs Evisu
Light-Kun vs Solstice
Ooka vs Hellriser
HD vs DDRMaster
IceBug vs TanzAufDemVulkan
Pride vs Ashley
Veteran In Love vs Agaki
Flashstorm1 vs Bogmire
PurpleWeezing vs Zorbees
Twist of Fate vs Blue_Tornado Just like last year, TOF is my dark horse to win it all
Dachickens vs Spiritman
Bad Ass vs Phalnax
Atticus the Sniper vs Bojangles Who is atticus the sniper?
supermarth64 vs tacho my former pupil's got it
Sharpedo1114 vs Blue_Blur
Ace Matador vs tito ehhhh
ninjadead vs symphonyx64
Tyler422 vs Elevator Music
Mosh vs Minato. Just because he made me change my username I wouldn't vote for him
Jimbo vs SilentEcho had to flip a coin =(
Willis vs brksocsc
lizard vs zarator
UltimaLink007 vs hanke
Game Freak201 vs Rory
MetaNite vs replay
dragonfruit vs Hipmonlee ooh good match
j. franky vs Articanus
DJXO9 vs TheFourthChaser
Havak vs Arin Havak's the man
imperfectluck vs drcossack
Afroninja22 vs Fuzznip
The Chaser vs bigfoots
billymills vs E.A. my current tuttee!
Mister Militia vs -Mind-
capefeather vs ThePatriot
Teifu vs zerowing West!
Reverb vs Eo Ut Mortis
Deep Thought vs Dubulous
Rojo23 vs Polywrath
snorlax vs Thorns West!
Stone_Cold vs Kefka
goofball vs kuja20
reyscarface vs Setrack uuhhh
Calciphoce vs MixMence
RB Golbat vs apologies
Intro1827 vs Gouki big gouki
Faze vs 031ap
Broth3r vs Maci12
Destiny100 vs B-Lulz
askaninjask vs Relient
Yondie vs zach the great
HSA vs Yehom
TVboyCanti vs Mizuno
Junior vs Nachos
tripe vs Sprinkles uhhhh
LonelyNess vs Yagami Light
Seafunks vs Towelie
Kevin Garrett vs Tsunami
sixonesix vs Tenzuku
DarkLynx vs Dan Dan
Jun. vs obi
Super vs Lakers
Fabbles vs JabbaTheGriffin big jabba
Taylor vs Phyres
AshPe vs tennisace
Jackal vs Coronis good match
DaPlayaFlow vs gingbino11
macle vs romeojustdie West!
Megadeth90 vs Tsubasa-kun
Bobtheball4 vs Blackhawk11
fuzzy vs Keelhauled
moi vs muramasaw8
dragon9owns vs Sparko
Takua vs moot
DawnBringer vs M Dragon hmmm
Atticus vs locopoke good match, i want atticus to win
Zero vs Earthworm mmm, my pick to win it all
First time doing one of these. Half of these are randoms so... =/

batpig vs Stallion
Wombat Sky Forme vs The LegendKiller
Mekkah vs undisput3d
Subtle Enigma vs Kir
whistle vs TAY
Fear vs Dragonknight!
The Swamp vs G80
Felix91 vs Seven Deadly Sins
Alakapimp vs diinbong
Joel vs KingEmpoleon
Calum vs Giant Enemy Crab
Erebyssial vs Black Buddha
Zak91 vs Philip7086
Max vs Binabik
joshe vs Aeroblacktyl
The Shadow Knight vs Flamewheeler
alive vs matty
Chii vs eric the espeon
Limitless vs Itsuki
Class vs Crossfire
Sapientia vs _Rewer_
Beef 2.0 vs PowerToThePika
Optimusje vs Rotom
Broken Wing vs Diesel
wraith vs Justinawe
Nauar vs Metabou
skorpion123 vs ala
YTP vs Kyogre95
Mien. vs Chris is me
Sceats vs panamaxis
Hegna vs vashta
Scofield vs mohaji
DCJ vs august
Blue Kirby vs DarkLucario
Kinneas vs sasu
adub_banded vs kd24
minotaur vs Game
Sarenji vs Kaxtar
Krack vs Sudo
NC vs Pidge
Thursday vs iss
ZandgaiaX vs Malfunction
_Flygon_ vs lati0s
Disposable Puppets vs Loki
GoldenKnight vs xianglongfa
Snorlaxe vs Stathakis
Lord Blood vs Huntofthelion
Aeolus vs -Marcel-
Unreality vs reachzero
Fireburn vs Evisu
Light-Kun vs Solstice
Ooka vs Hellriser
HD vs DDRMaster
IceBug vs TanzAufDemVulkan
Pride vs Ashley
Veteran In Love vs Agaki
Flashstorm1 vs Bogmire
PurpleWeezing vs Zorbees
Twist of Fate vs Blue_Tornado
Dachickens vs Spiritman
Bad Ass vs Phalnax
Atticus the Sniper vs Bojangles
supermarth64 vs tacho - GL, though we both know I'm going to win.
Sharpedo1114 vs Blue_Blur
Ace Matador vs tito
ninjadead vs symphonyx64
Tyler422 vs Elevator Music
Mosh vs Minato.
Jimbo vs SilentEcho
Willis vs brksocsc
lizard vs zarator
UltimaLink007 vs hanke
Game Freak201 vs Rory
MetaNite vs replay
dragonfruit vs Hipmonlee
j. franky vs Articanus
DJXO9 vs TheFourthChaser
Havak vs Arin
imperfectluck vs drcossack
Afroninja22 vs Fuzznip
The Chaser vs bigfoots
billymills vs E.A.
Mister Militia vs -Mind-
capefeather vs ThePatriot
Teifu vs zerowing
Reverb vs Eo Ut Mortis
Deep Thought vs Dubulous
Rojo23 vs Polywrath
snorlax vs Thorns
Stone_Cold vs Kefka
goofball vs kuja20
reyscarface vs Setrack
Calciphoce vs MixMence
RB Golbat vs apologies
Intro1827 vs Gouki
Faze vs 031ap
Broth3r vs Maci12
Destiny100 vs B-Lulz
askaninjask vs Relient
Yondie vs zach the great
HSA vs Yehom
TVboyCanti vs Mizuno
Junior vs Nachos
tripe vs Sprinkles
LonelyNess vs Yagami Light
Seafunks vs Towelie
Kevin Garrett vs Tsunami
sixonesix vs Tenzuku
DarkLynx vs Dan Dan
Jun. vs obi
Super vs Lakers
Fabbles vs JabbaTheGriffin
Taylor vs Phyres
AshPe vs tennisace
Jackal vs Coronis
DaPlayaFlow vs gingbino11
macle vs romeojustdie
Megadeth90 vs Tsubasa-kun
Bobtheball4 vs Blackhawk11
fuzzy vs Keelhauled
moi vs muramasaw8
dragon9owns vs Sparko
Takua vs moot
DawnBringer vs M Dragon
Atticus vs locopoke
Zero vs Earthworm
batpig vs Stallion
Wombat Sky Forme vs The LegendKiller
Mekkah vs undisput3d
Subtle Enigma vs Kir
whistle vs TAY
Fear vs Dragonknight!
The Swamp vs G80
Felix91 vs Seven Deadly Sins
Alakapimp vs diinbong
Joel vs KingEmpoleon
Calum vs Giant Enemy Crab
Erebyssial vs Black Buddha
Zak91 vs Philip7086
Max vs Binabik
joshe vs Aeroblacktyl
The Shadow Knight vs Flamewheeler
alive vs matty
Chii vs eric the espeon
Limitless vs Itsuki
Class vs Crossfire
Sapientia vs _Rewer_
Beef 2.0 vs PowerToThePika
Optimusje vs Rotom
Broken Wing vs Diesel
wraith vs Justinawe
Nauar vs Metabou
skorpion123 vs ala
TYP vs Kyogre95
Mien. vs Chris is me
Sceats vs panamaxis
Hegna vs vashta
Scofield vs mohaji
DCJ vs august
Blue Kirby vs DarkLucario
Kinneas vs sasu
adub_banded vs kd24
minotaur vs Game
Sarenji vs Kaxtar
Krack vs Sudo
NC vs Pidge
Thursday vs iss
ZandgaiaX vs Malfunction
_Flygon_ vs lati0s
Disposable Puppets vs Loki
GoldenKnight vs xianglongfa
Snorlaxe vs Stathakis
Lord Blood vs Huntofthelion
Aeolus vs -Marcelll-
Unreality vs reachzero
Fireborn vs Evisu
Light-Kun vs Solstice
Ooka vs Hellriser
HD vs DDRMaster
IceBug vs TanzAufDemVulkan
Pride vs Ashley
Veteran In Love vs Agaki
Flashstorm1 vs Bogmire
PurpleWeezing vs Zorbees
Twist of Fate vs Blue_Tornado
Dachickens vs Spiritman
Bad Ass vs Phalnax
Atticus the Sniper vs Bojangles
supermarth64 vs tacho
Sharpedo1114 vs Blue_Blur
Ace Matador vs tito
ninjadead vs symphonyx64
Tyler422 vs Elevator Music
Mosh vs Minato.
Jimbo vs SilentEcho
Willis vs brksocsc
lizard vs zarator
UltimaLink007 vs hanke
Game Freak201 vs Rory
MetaNite vs replay
dragonfruit vs Hipmonlee
j. franky vs Articanus
DJXO9 vs TheFourthChaser
Havak vs Arin
imperfectluck vs drcossack
Afroninja22 vs Fuzznip
The Chaser vs bigfoots
billymills vs E.A.
Mister Militia vs -Mind-
capefeather vs ThePatriot
Teifu vs zerowing
Reverb vs Eo Ut Mortis
Deep Thought vs Dubulous
Rojo23 vs Polywrath
snorlax vs Thorns
Stone_Cold vs Kefka
goofball vs kuja20
reyscarface vs Setrack
Calciphoce vs MixMence
RB Golbat vs apologies
Intro1827 vs Gouki
Faze vs 031ap
Broth3r vs Maci12
Destiny100 vs B-Lulz
askaninjask vs Relient
Yondie vs zach the great
HSA vs Yehom
TVboyCanti vs Mizuno
Junior vs Nachos
tripe vs Sprinkles
LonelyNess vs Yagami Light
Seafunks vs Towelie
Kevin Garrett vs Tsunami
sixonesix vs Tenzuku
DarkLynx vs Dan Dan
Jun. vs obi
Super vs Lakers
Fabbles vs JabbaTheGriffin
Taylor vs Phyres
AshPe vs tennisace
Jackal vs Coronis
DaPlayaFlow vs gingbino11
macle vs romeojustdie
Megadeth90 vs Tsubasa-kun
Bobtheball4 vs Blackhawk11
fuzzy vs Keelhauled
moi vs muramasaw8
dragon9owns vs Sparko
Takua vs moot
DawnBringer vs M Dragon
Atticus vs locopoke
Zero vs Earthworm
random user v unknown user
random user v unknown user
random user v unknown user
random user v unknown user
random user v unknown user
random user v unknown user
random user v unknown user
random user v unknown user
random user v unknown user
random user v unknown user
random user v unknown user
random user v unknown user
random user v unknown user
random user v unknown user
random user v unknown user
random user v unknown user
random user v unknown user
random user v unknown user
random user v unknown user
random user v unknown user
random user v unknown user

pretty much sums it up, hoping to get lucky here. I gotta say the name-changes are annoying, I would've predicted B-lulz but i didn't know he was JACKY LEGS.
Sent my predictions in, pretty much 1/4 of the matchups included 2 unknown people to me and I flipped a coin.
submitted this a few days ago on the spreadsheet, so I may as well share my thoughts here, too.

batpig vs Stallion—ocn
Wombat Sky Forme vs The LegendKiller—coin toss
Mekkah vs undisput3d—coin toss
Subtle Enigma vs Kir—coin toss
whistle vs TAY—I don't know how good whistle is at OU :(
.Baris. vs TONY MONTANA—German upset gonna win
Fear vs Dragonknight!—coin toss
The Swamp vs G80—coin toss
Felix91 vs Seven Deadly Sins—yeah...
Alakapimp vs diinbong—don't know them; coin toss
Joel vs KingEmpoleon—rain dance
Calum vs Giant Enemy Crab—GEC :D
Erebyssial vs Black Buddha—coin toss
Zak91 vs Philip7086—the vintage user (literally) has this
Max vs Binabik—coin toss
joshe vs Aeroblacktyl—heh
The Shadow Knight vs Flamewheeler—don't know; coin toss
alive vs matty—guess.
Chii vs eric the espeon—chii's got this tourney, second to myself, that is. ;)
Limitless vs Itsuki—I guess..
Class vs Crossfire
Sapientia vs _Rewer_
Beef 2.0 vs PowerToThePika
Optimusje vs Rotom
Broken Wing vs Diesel
wraith vs Justinawe
Nauar vs Metabou
skorpion123 vs ala
YTP vs Kyogre95
Mien. vs Chris is me
Sceats vs panamaxis
Hegna vs vashta—good luck
Scofield vs mohaji
DCJ vs august—I guess...
Blue Kirby vs DarkLucario—ye-ya
Kinneas vs sasu
adub_banded vs kd24
minotaur vs Game
Sarenji vs Kaxtar
Krack vs Sudo
NC vs Pidge
Thursday vs iss
ZandgaiaX vs Malfunction
_Flygon_ vs lati0s
Disposable Puppets vs Loki
GoldenKnight vs xianglongfa
Snorlaxe vs Stathakis
Lord Blood vs Huntofthelion
Aeolus vs -Marcelll-
Unreality vs reachzero
Fireborn vs Evisu
Light-Kun vs Solstice
Ooka vs Hellriser
HD vs DDRMaster
IceBug vs TanzAufDemVulkan
Pride vs Ashley
Veteran In Love vs Agaki
Flashstorm1 vs Bogmire
PurpleWeezing vs Zorbees
Twist of Fate vs Blue_Tornado
Dachickens vs Spiritman
Bad Ass vs Phalnax
Atticus the Sniper vs Bojangles
supermarth64 vs tacho
Sharpedo1114 vs Blue_Blur
Ace Matador vs tito
ninjadead vs symphonyx64
Tyler422 vs Elevator Music
Mosh vs Minato.
Jimbo vs SilentEcho
Willis vs brksocsc
lizard vs zarator
UltimaLink007 vs hanke
Game Freak201 vs Rory
MetaNite vs replay
dragonfruit vs Hipmonlee
j. franky vs Articanus
DJXO9 vs TheFourthChaser
Havak vs Arin—round two..
imperfectluck vs drcossack
Afroninja22 vs Fuzznip
The Chaser vs bigfoots
billymills vs E.A.
Mister Militia vs -Mind-
capefeather vs ThePatriot
Teifu vs zerowing
Reverb vs Eo Ut Mortis
Deep Thought vs Dubulous
Rojo23 vs Polywrath
snorlax vs Thorns
vs Kefka
vs kuja20
reyscarface vs Setrack
Calciphoce vs MixMence
RB Golbat vs apologies
Intro1827 vs Gouki
Faze vs 031ap
Broth3r vs Maci12
Destiny100 vs B-Lulz
askaninjask vs Relient
Yondie vs zach the great
HSA vs Yehom
TVboyCanti vs Mizuno
Junior vs Nachos
tripe vs Sprinkles
LonelyNess vs Yagami Light
Seafunks vs Towelie
Kevin Garrett vs Tsunami
sixonesix vs Tenzuku
DarkLynx vs Dan Dan
Jun. vs obi
Super vs Lakers
Fabbles vs JabbaTheGriffin
Taylor vs Phyres
AshPe vs tennisace
Jackal vs Coronis
DaPlayaFlow vs gingbino11
macle vs romeojustdie
Megadeth90 vs Tsubasa-kun
Bobtheball4 vs Blackhawk11
fuzzy vs Keelhauled
moi vs muramasaw8
dragon9owns vs Sparko
Takua vs moot
DawnBringer vs M Dragon
Atticus vs locopoke
Zero vs Earthworm
Round1 has some pretty good matches to start with already. A lot of good players will be seeing round1 exits sadly :[ Good luck to everybody even tho its quite pointless because I'll be winning the tourney and the prediction tourney once again.
batpig vs Stallion
Wombat Sky Forme vs The LegendKiller
Mekkah vs undisput3d
Subtle Enigma vs Kir
whistle vs TAY
Fear vs Dragonknight!
The Swamp vs G80
Felix91 vs Seven Deadly Sins
Alakapimp vs diinbong
Joel vs KingEmpoleon
Calum vs Giant Enemy Crab
Erebyssial vs Black Buddha
Zak91 vs Philip7086
Max vs Binabik
joshe vs Aeroblacktyl
The Shadow Knight vs Flamewheeler
alive vs matty
Chii vs eric the espeon
Limitless vs Itsuki
Class vs Crossfire
Sapientia vs _Rewer_
Beef 2.0 vs PowerToThePika
Optimusje vs Rotom
Broken Wing vs Diesel
wraith vs Justinawe
Nauar vs Metabou
skorpion123 vs ala
TYP vs Kyogre95
Mien. vs Chris is me
Sceats vs panamaxis
Hegna vs vashta
Scofield vs mohaji
DCJ vs august
Blue Kirby vs DarkLucario
Kinneas vs sasu
adub_banded vs kd24
minotaur vs Game
Sarenji vs Kaxtar
Krack vs Sudo
NC vs Pidge
Thursday vs iss
ZandgaiaX vs Malfunction
_Flygon_ vs lati0s
Disposable Puppets vs Loki
GoldenKnight vs xianglongfa
Snorlaxe vs Stathakis
Lord Blood vs Huntofthelion
Aeolus vs -Marcelll-
Unreality vs reachzero
Fireburn vs Evisu
Light-Kun vs Solstice
Ooka vs Hellriser
HD vs DDRMaster
IceBug vs TanzAufDemVulkan
Pride vs Ashley
Veteran In Love vs Agaki
Flashstorm1 vs Bogmire
PurpleWeezing vs Zorbees
Twist of Fate vs Blue_Tornado
Dachickens vs Spiritman
Bad Ass vs Phalnax
Atticus the Sniper vs Bojangles
supermarth64 vs tacho
Sharpedo1114 vs Blue_Blur
Ace Matador vs tito
ninjadead vs symphonyx64
Tyler422 vs Elevator Music
Mosh vs Minato.
Jimbo vs SilentEcho
Willis vs brksocsc
lizard vs zarator
UltimaLink007 vs hanke
Game Freak201 vs Rory
MetaNite vs replay
dragonfruit vs Hipmonlee
j. franky vs Articanus
DJXO9 vs TheFourthChaser
Havak vs Arin
imperfectluck vs drcossack
Afroninja22 vs Fuzznip
The Chaser vs bigfoots
billymills vs E.A.
Mister Militia vs -Mind-
capefeather vs ThePatriot
Teifu vs zerowing
Reverb vs Eo Ut Mortis
Deep Thought vs Dubulous
Rojo23 vs Polywrath
snorlax vs Thorns
Stone_Cold vs Kefka
goofball vs Kuja20
reyscarface vs Setrack
Calciphoce vs MixMence
RB Golbat vs apologies
Intro1827 vs Gouki
Faze vs 031ap
Broth3r vs Maci12
Destiny100 vs B-Lulz
askaninjask vs Relient
Yondie vs zach the great
HSA vs Yehom
TVboyCanti vs Mizuno
Junior vs Nachos
tripe vs Sprinkles
LonelyNess vs Yagami Light
Seafunks vs Towelie
Kevin Garrett vs Tsunami
sixonesix vs Tenzuku
DarkLynx vs Dan Dan
Jun. vs obi
Super vs Lakers
Fabbles vs JabbaTheGriffin
Taylor vs Phyres
AshPe vs tennisace
Jackalvs Coronis
DaPlayaFlow vs gingbino11
macle vs romeojustdie
Megadeth90 vs Tsubasa-kun
Bobtheball4 vs Blackhawk11
fuzzy vs Keelhauled
moi vs muramasaw8
dragon9owns vs Sparko
Takua vs moot
DawnBringer vs M Dragon
Atticus vs locopoke
Zero vs Earthworm
** Blue denotes who I predict to make it to the finals one way or another and possibly win it all. Best of luck to everyone. **
pana..fun fun.....the only guy i test with everyday and have an even record with..this is gonna be so fun!
The Predictions stuff will be updated once Hipmonlee and/or Gouki come online. Don't fret!
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