Survivor Smogon Survivor: The Official (Started! Join server to spectate)

Congrats to all three of you for making it this far!!! You all deserve to be here for sure
I don’t really have any burning questions, just wanted to say congrats :)

I’ll ask an easy one just so this post isn’t empty (sorry if these have been asked already i mostly skimmed through this thread)
Clouds from my perspective your game involved telling just about everyone just about everything that’s going on in the game (except joe_durk ) would you say this is accurate, and if so, are there any regrets with being so open about idols, votes etc.
TheyCallMeJoshua Hello Joshua. How are you. Who would you say your closest ally was this game and how did your relationship with them help or hurt your game?
Drookez you were the only one of the remaining people not to tell me I was being voted out (even though I already knew before either clouds or josh said anything to me) I would say we were pretty close, is there any reason you didn’t extend your condolences/goodbyes to me before the vote?

Idc if you guys answer these or not lol I’m just here to say congratulations and I hope all three of u enjoyed the game regardless of what happens :)

I didn’t have the courage to do it. No other excuses. I knew I was horrible at letting people know they will be eliminated, which is one of the reason why I don’t “connect” as much to people that I knew I had to get rid of in the first place. I took the easy way out. Sorry hills, and after a lot of things we did together you deserve better. But know that I did value you as an important friend, and thank you for pairing up with me. You were fun to talk to and you were my go-to person when I want to rant about the game and votes. What I did was my fault, and out of the people I left in the dark (my biggest mistake this game), you deserve better.
Here's a fun one. Describe your gameplay in the form of a legal Pokemon moveset. If you want, feel free to get creative and discuss team options, checks, counters, etc. like a Smogon analysis. Mine would be something like

zoa (Nidoking) (M) @ Wide Lens
Ability: Sheer Force
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Quiet Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Substitute
- Sludge Wave
- Earth Power
- Blizzard

The premise behind zoa is to take advantage of his Sheer Force ability, which describes his strategy to win individual immunity as much as possible. He is equipped with a Wide Lens in order to more easily find any available idol or advantage, should he fail to win individual immunity. Substitute represents when he has to hide behind such idol or advantage. Quiet nature is chosen to coincide with his social game.

Decidueye @ Leftovers
Ability: Long Reach
EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Spirit Shackle
- Facade
- Laser Focus
- Leaf Blade

Hello I’m decidueeye. Im a grass type because grass is something that’s everywhere - but you dont usually notice it and it doesn’t stand out which fits my goal of being subtle. Im also a ghost type because I think I ghosted some of you... oops

My ability is long reach. This signifies that I was open to being allies with most people in the game and was friendly with most too! But if you look at its description, it says moves make no contact which can also represent how i dont make contact with some people if i think i will have to vote them.

Leftovers represent me being on the minority for the first 2 votes, and how i used it as an opportunity to “heal” my game up by getting closer with you, josh etc. Im max speed because im fast and flexible, while still being offensive.

my moves are spirit shackle - locking my allies so they cant escape from me!!! Facade means i only get stronger even if something doesnt go my way. Im laser focused on the game and always do my best no matter if im in a good position or not. Lastly, leaf blade is there because I need a STAB and stabbing is, unfortunately, what must be done sometimes.
Clouds from my perspective your game involved telling just about everyone just about everything that’s going on in the game (except joe_durk ) would you say this is accurate, and if so, are there any regrets with being so open about idols, votes etc

Joe knew everything I knew up until his vote, and then from there, keeping the knowledge of zoa's idols/advantage to myself didn't make any logistical sense because they'd always need to be factored in at each vote and added an additional target, as if the dude didn't have a big enough one on his back already (sorry zoa). In that sense I think openness was beneficial, and since there wasn't really any consideration that possible idols/advantages existed outside of what zoa had, I stand by my decision to be open with just about everyone. It was worth the risk if it meant that you didn't leave people in the dark, and felt more personable all around. The main reason I felt so bad about the Eli vote was because I had made transparency a goal of mine in the game, and then didn't stay true to it with him at F8. But yeah no regrets in terms of being too open, just regret in terms of not sticking to it with every single person that didn't have the strong possibility of having an idol/advantage.
Grats again to Drookez and thanks to everyone who made this game a good time, I'll take runner up to that loveable pink goon

